

【作者】 张峰

【导师】 吴晓云;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 近30年来,全球化一直是世界经济发展的核心主题,尽管当前由于受到经济危机的影响,全球化进程有所放缓,但历史经验和经济发展规律揭示,全球化仍然是世界经济目前以及未来发展的必然和主流趋势。全球化背景下,随着国家市场间的相互开放和依赖,涌现出大批以国际市场乃至全球市场为战略目标的跨国公司,它们逐渐成为市场竞争的主角。企业实施跨国营销,首要面临和解决的一项关键战略问题就是营销模式的跨国转变,即标准化与适应性的问题:是采取寻求不同国家顾客价值的一致性、追求规模经济以及形象一致性的标准化营销,还是采取最大限度关注和满足不同国家差异的适应性营销?在日趋激烈的跨国界竞争环境下这一问题的正确解决更直接关系到企业在国际市场的整体战略导向及其能否在国际市场获得成功。选择标准化或者适应性营销的根本评判依据在于该战略能否获得积极的企业绩效,尤其是能否获得目标顾客的心理认同、情感偏好、行为忠诚等这些从根本上决定企业长期利润的顾客绩效(Customer Performance)。鉴于此,考虑到当今品牌在形成跨国公司差异化竞争优势中扮演的愈发重要的战略角色,以及品牌资产在衡量顾客绩效方面的代表性,在当前的现实背景下,本研究提出如下研究主题:通过引入基于顾客的品牌资产(CBBE)概念作为绩效评价标准,从营销标准化产生机制的两类不同视角:母国-东道国(以母国市场为比较基准产生的营销标准化行为)和东道国-东道国(以东道国市场为比较基准产生的营销标准化行为),应用权变理论的观点探讨在不同的情境中营销标准化对顾客品牌认知、情感反应和行为忠诚等顾客绩效产生的差异影响,从顾客认知的基础层面为企业选择营销标准化这一新型的跨国营销模式提供理论和实证依据。在全球化背景下,伴随着互联网以及各种通讯技术的广泛应用,不同国家顾客之间的交融愈发紧密,居住在世界各国的顾客能够更多地接触和吸取异国文化,需求特征呈现出更高的同质化倾向,并开始崇尚具有全球一致性诉求的产品或服务。基于该目标顾客特征的显著变化,在营销模式的跨国转变方面,国际营销学术界提出了营销标准化的观点,区别于传统的多国适应性观点,该观点倡导在不同国家市场推行一致性的营销要素组合和管理程序,由于其理论上具有的规模经济、一致性形象、管理控制的便利性等经济和管理利益,作为一种更具效率的全球市场扩张战略选择和全球营销理论的核心立论,越来越多的学者、企业开始关注标准化的营销战略。在全面综述该领域的代表性文献之后,我们发现,有关营销标准化绩效这一关键问题的研究探讨才刚刚步入定量研究的阶段,并且存在着研究结论不一致、理论和实证设计不完善、忽视对顾客绩效的讨论等诸多缺陷,而这也直接影响了现有营销标准化研究的根本存在意义和现实推广价值,以及对上述提到的企业跨国营销模式转变问题的有效解决,同时该问题也是导致标准化与适应性倾向之间争论不休的根源所在。由此,现有营销标准化绩效问题研究存在的主要局限进一步凸显了本研究主题的理论价值。围绕研究主题,本文主要展开了以下几项研究工作:(1)全面、系统梳理了全球营销标准化战略领域、品牌资产构成研究以及企业营销行为与品牌资产关系研究领域的代表性文献。(2)在文献回顾的基础上,通过广泛搜集和整理心理学、信息经济学以及战略管理理论等学科领域的相关理论依据,从顾客认知的视角建立了基于市场相似性调节的营销标准化战略与品牌资产权变关系模型,在详细理论阐释和论证的基础上系统提出了营销标准化和CBBE各构成维度以及各构成维度之间的路径关系假设。(3)在对以往实证文献梳理的基础上,通过倒译、营销专家小组访谈、被调查者访谈、预测试等一系列步骤,开发出了基于顾客认知的营销标准化战略各项维度、CBBE各项维度以及市场相似性的测量量表。(4)本研究选择来源于美国的相关测试品牌分别在中国(包括台湾地区)、加拿大、日本、韩国等若干国家或地区的营销活动作为研究对象,以美国和中国作为营销标准化的比较基准国,借助不同国家顾客的实地感知分别从母国-东道国和东道国-东道国两类研究视角进行了规模性问卷调研和实证检验。通过上述研究工作,本研究得出了以下六点研究结论:(1)营销标准化战略的实施能够直接提升品牌的知名度以及顾客对品牌相关属性的正面认知。(2)营销标准化战略的实施能够间接激发顾客对品牌的正面情感反应,进而提升顾客对品牌的溢价支付意愿以及重复购买行为。(3)营销标准化战略能否取得更优异的顾客绩效,根本上取决于该战略模式与市场相似性情境之间的匹配程度,在市场相似性较高的国家市场间实施营销标准化,能够获得更为显著的品牌资产价值的提升。(4)不同营销要素的标准化对品牌资产均具有显著的提升效应,但在标准化的程度以及产生的影响效应方面存在些许差异。(5)营销标准化战略的计划和执行程度,受制于企业组织特征和管理态度等因素的影响。(6)基于认知论构建的CBBE各项维度存在着“品牌知名度->品牌联想、感知质量->品牌情感->品牌忠诚(态度忠诚和行为忠诚)”的基本逻辑关系。本研究的理论贡献主要表现在:(1)系统梳理了全球营销标准化战略领域的相关文献研究,并作了全面、客观的归纳和评价。(2)区别于以往研究的企业视角以及对顾客绩效研究的缺失,首次从顾客视角分析和检验了营销标准化对顾客认知、情感反应和忠诚倾向等顾客绩效的影响机制及其结果,从顾客认知的基础层面检验了营销标准化战略的有效性。(3)区别于以往的简单关系研究,基于战略权变理论,通过创新性的在营销标准化与绩效之间的关系中加入“市场相似性”调节变量,分析和检验了两者之间的权变关系。(4)在实证设计方面,鉴于以往营销标准化及其与绩效关系研究方面存在的缺陷,本研究在研究层面的界定、研究视角的选择、量表开发等三个方面做出了如下创新之处:区别以往的公司-市场整体层面研究,本研究将研究层面聚焦在单一的产品品牌-市场层面,有效地避免了由于模糊、混淆不同品牌或不同市场之间的差异(环境、战略、绩效)造成的数据获取的不准确性和研究结论的过度泛化;区别于以往的单一视角研究,基于营销标准化产生机制的不同,提出了母国-东道国和东道国-东道国两类研究视角,分别检验了营销标准化战略的绩效问题;系统性开发了营销标准化和CBBE的测量量表,并进行了跨产品类别、跨国家顾客样本的合理性和普适性检验。(5)基于心理学相关理论,提出了CBBE的构成要素,并厘清和检验了相互之间的逻辑关系。基于本研究的基本结论,我们针对跨国公司尤其中国企业的实践,结合相关典型事例,在选择和实施相对更加快速、更具效率的营销标准化以及国际化扩张路径选择方面给出了具体的管理建议,以指导中国企业的跨国营销实践,帮助其避免一些不必要的弯路,实现国际化的高效率、良性、稳定发展和经营绩效的有效提升。

【Abstract】 During the last three decades, globalization has been the core topic in the world economic development. Nowadays, the current economic crisis makes the process of globalization slow down, however, the historical experiences and the law of economic development has told us that globalization is still the necessary trend now and in the future. Under the background of globalization, along with the mutual opening and more interdependence among nations, more and more enterprises are expanding into global market and become the main competitors. Under such background, the foremost strategic problem for those enterprises that are expanding in the global market is the cross-national transfer of original marketing mode, i.e., to adopt the standardized marketing in different countries to pursue the scale economy, consistent image, or adopt adapted marketing to satisfy different countries’ special demands furthest? The solving of this question would determine whether the enterprises could succeed in the international market with fierce competitions.The appropriateness of the selected level of strategy standardization/adaptation should be evaluated on the basis of its impact on company performance (customers, strategic and financial performance, et al.) in international markets. Thus, considering the strategic role of brand in multinational marketing and the importance of brand equity in measuring customers performance, this study adopts contingency theory to analyze the impact of marketing standardization on customer performance: via the concept of customer-based brand equity (CBBE), this study explores the contingent relationships between marketing standardization and customer performance (brand perception, emotional response, and loyalty, et al.) in different contexts, from the two different perspectives (home-host scenario and host-host scenario) which are classified according to the marketing standardization formation mechanism.Along with the development of internet and other communication techniques, the communications among customers from different nations are closer, and almost everyone everywhere could perceive other countries’ culture and life style. Thus, there have existed more homogeneous characteristics among the different countries’ customers, and more and more customers become admiring the goods or services with the label of "globalization". According to the significant changes in the customers’ demands characteristics under the background of globalization, international marketing scholars brought forward the opinion of marketing standardization, which proposed to adopt uniform marketing programs and management process in the world. As a more efficient global expanding strategy choice and as the core opinion of global marketing theory, more and more scholars and enterprises become paying more attentions on standardized strategy and adopt it because of its scale economy, consistent image, and managerial convenience in theory. After reviewing the relevant literatures about marketing standardization, we find that quantitative research about the impact of standardization on performance has just begun, and there exist many limitations, such as confounded findings, imperfect research design, and ignoring customer performance, which threatens the fundamental tenet of the marketing standardization literatures, restricts the application in practice, and results in the continual debates between standardization and adaptation.In summary, according to the above theme these research works are included as follows: (1) this study reviews the classic literatures in three topics, such as global marketing standardization, brand equity, and relationships between marketing behaviors and brand equity. (2) Based on the literature review, via the theory of psychology, information economics, and strategy management, this study constructs the contingency model among marketing standardization, brand equity, and market similarity. (3) This study develops measurement scale of marketing standardization and CBBE dimensions after a series of works, such as back translation, groups’ interviews, and pilot test. (4) This study chooses the marketing activities of 6 American brands in China, Canada, Japan, and Taiwan, et al. as the research objects, and carries through the scale investigation and empirical analysis via the customers’ perceptions both in the home-host scenario (America as the comparing benchmark) and host-host scenario (China as the comparing benchmark).The main findings are summarized as follows: (1) the implementation of marketing standardization could directly improve the brand awareness and customers’ positive perceptions about relevant brand attributes. (2) Standardized marketing could indirectly invoke the positive emotional response of customers, acquire price premium, and promote customers’ repeated buying behaviors. (3) The extent of fit between marketing standardization and market similarity determines whether this strategy could acquire more excellent customer performance. (4) Results tell us that standardization of six marketing programs impact positively brand equity respectively. However, there exist some minor differences in the standardization extent and effects on brand equity among these six programs. (5) Organizational characteristics and managerial attitudes would influence the planning and implementation of marketing standardization. (6) There exists the basic relationship among CBBE dimensions as follows: brand awareness→brand association, perceived quality→brand affect→attitude loyalty, behavior loyalty.Theory contributions are manifested as follows: (1) this study gives an overall look at the relevant researches about global marketing standardization. (2) Distinct from others’ enterprises’ perspective, this study firstly chooses customers’ perspective, and analyzes the mechanism of marketing standardization impact on customers’ brand perception, emotional response, and loyalty. (3) This study adds in market similarity as a moderator between marketing standardization and performance via theory of strategic contingency, and validates the contingent relationships. (4) This study makes three contributions in empirical design: firstly, distinct from others’ headquarters’ perspective implicitly involving the MNCs’ overall marketing operations, this study focused on MNCs’ operations for a particular brand in a specific host market, which could obtain a more accurate assessment of international marketing practices, environmental influences, and performance; distinct from others’ single perspective, this study brings forward two perspectives (home-host scenario and host-host scenario) according to the formation mechanism of marketing standardization, and validates the conceptual model respectively; this study develops a series of measurement scale about marketing standardization and CBBE based on customers’ perceptions, and carries through cross-product categories, cross-national validations. (5) Via psychology theory, CBBE dimensions and internal relationships are constructed and validated.Based on the findings and some classic MNC cases, we give detailed managerial suggestions about how to choose and implement more efficient marketing standardization and international expanding paths, to help MNC, especially Chinese enterprises, expanding in the global market and acquiring high performance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期