

【作者】 张伟丽

【导师】 陈洪;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 《阅微草堂笔记(五种)》是清代中后期一部很独特的文言志怪小说,创作于乾隆五十四年(1789年),终于嘉庆三年(1798年),前后延续十年之久。作者纪昀(字晓岚)乃是乾隆、嘉庆两朝的重要文臣和文化名人。《阅微草堂笔记》是他生前著录的唯一一部文学作品集,期间谈狐说鬼、间杂考辩,多有真知灼见、解颐妙语,形成了写实、诙谐、深刻的特点,成为我国清代文言小说史上的代表之作。20世纪80年代以来,学界逐渐认识到《阅微草堂笔记》的价值,研究成果亦不少,但总体来看,研究内容鲜少涉及《阅微草堂笔记》中的宗教文化内容描写和纪昀的宗教观念等,本论文对此拟作初探。作为一部志怪小说,宗教文化内容在《阅微草堂笔记》中的作用和地位很独特也很重要,具有一定的研究价值。就故事文本来看,《阅微草堂笔记》篇篇不离佛道、章章皆有鬼怪,或寓指世事,或抒发感慨,其中不仅有纪昀等中高层文人对于佛、道二教的认识,也有乡野百姓眼中仙佛的存在状态,还有很多宗教文化内容都折射出当时的宗教环境和学术环境。纪昀将这些内容融入到小说作品中,使之成为实现儒家传统道德和规范的重要手段,也是他“以儒为本,释道补之”宗教观念的体现。纪昀一生,仕途波折,经历过荣枯咫尺间的生活,洞察世事、世故老道。他将自己的人生经验之谈,世态感悟之语,假狐、鬼、僧、道之口,都写入了故事中,使得《阅微草堂笔记》的宗教文化内容描写别有风味。《阅微草堂笔记》宗教文化内容主要包括佛教仪轨、果报轮回观念、禅僧形象、道教法术、成仙故事的变异、道士形象等。纪昀对佛教仪轨的关注,其实寄托的是“慎终追远”的愿望,他希望借此用儒家之“礼”来规范社会秩序、重整世道人心。果报轮回故事中的“夙怨”故事明显受到佛经故事的影响,也表达了纪昀等人对客观世界朴素的认知方式。《阅微草堂笔记》中塑造的两类禅僧形象,曲折地表达了纪昀对禅宗的认识。对于道教法术“牒”和民间法术“扶乩”的记录是《阅微草堂笔记》中很有特色的故事,纪昀在创作中继承了这些法术原有的神奇作用,还增加了时代因素,深入挖掘了其文化内涵,突出劝导惩戒功能。此外,《阅微草常笔记》的成仙故事与前代相比,发生了一定变异,透露出了18世纪中后期中国经济生活的变化,以及百姓生活重点的变化。纪昀追求“实录”的创作风格,《阅微草堂笔记》从故事内容到写作风格都显示出鲜明的“求实”的审美品格,故事内容多取材于实际生活、语言简洁、文风平实。这种审美品格与当时“实学”大盛的学术氛围有很大关系,纪昀一直强调“实心励实行,实学求实用。”在宗教文化的题材选择上,尽量选择那些符合儒家传统道德标准,能够对社会有所裨益的内容;语言追求省净、简洁;文风平实,这些都是清代实学美学的具体体现。《阅微草堂笔记》不少故事颇富讽刺意味,纪昀借助宗教文化的力量辛辣地讽刺了道学家、儒林、官吏。留下了许多文学色彩突出、思想深刻、见解独到的优秀讽刺故事,形成了《阅微草堂笔记》天趣盎然,妙语解颐的风格。与《儒林外史》有很大可比性。特别是对那些道貌岸然的讲学家的讽刺,纪昀和吴敬梓都采取了言行相悖的讽刺手法,令人忍俊不禁。当然,二人所站的立场是不同的,纪昀并不反对科举考试,也并不反对理学,他只是希望修正其中不合理的部分。相较而言,就反对封建科举制度来说,吴敬梓更彻底、更深刻一些。最后,《阅微草堂笔记》与《聊斋志异》宗教文化内容描写的比较研究,也是目前学界鲜少涉及的一个角度。《阅微草堂笔记》与《聊斋志异》同为志怪小说翘楚之作,两者采用了很多相同、相似的宗教文化内容,表现手法却不尽相同,如“画壁”故事和冥诉故事等。从中亦可看出纪昀、蒲松龄二人不同的小说观和写作手法。纪昀还专门针对《聊斋志异》创作了一些情节相似,结局却迥然有异的狐鬼故事,这表明《阅微草堂笔记》创作受到了《聊斋志异》的影响,但是两者重点却截然相反,显示出不同的创作动机和创作目的。

【Abstract】 "Yue Wei Cao Tang Notes " is one of the most popular fantastic fiction wrote in Classical Chinese during late Qing Dynasty. Author Ji Yun, another name Ji Xiaolan remembered by most Chinese person, was major minister and culture celebrity in that age. "Yue Wei Cao Tang Notes" was written from 1789 to 1798, lasted almost 10 years and it was the only published writing by Ji Yun. This writing is good at explaining philosophic theory in entertaining stories and religions stories, which made it became magnum opus in China culture history.Buddnism and Taosim are the most important content of "Yue Wei Cao Tang Notes" Ji Yun’s novel ontology was mainly inherited from ancient Chinese traditional novels, that was, for a long time, people’s understanding of novels in themselves were always confused with their function values. He believed that novels should be defined as admonishment, wide range of knowledge, historical records and supplement to history. Besides admonishment, the most important role novels played was the supplement to novels. Ji Yun traveled a lot during his lifetime and his family enjoyed a high level of reputation. With the attitude of supplementing historical record, he recorded a lot of rare treasures, customs and habits in different places, and historical anecdotes, which could not be seen in the novels of the same category. He was opposed to lengthy writing, thinking that novels should be short stories. Based on this, most of stories in "Yue Wei Cao Tang Notes" were limited in one thousand Chinese characters. Lu Xun ever praised his easy manner and brevity shown in his style of writing.Through research, one of Ji Yun’s narrative viewpoints was about narrative perspective. Ancient Chinese novels were mostly written in the third person, with a well-informed narrator reminding readers of his existence all the time. He already thought of something in more depth in his narrative technique. He indicated the source at the beginning of each of his stories, showing that he persisted in narration in certain perspectives. In his stories, Ji Yun applied cause-and-effect circular narrative structures many times, which was closely related with traditional Chinese ideology of " All knows perspective". Ji Yun was opposed to fictions, which was a fatal defect in his novel theory. In stubborn pursuit of reality, he ignored the literate characteristics in his novels. Consequently, Ji Yun’s novels were honest and serious but a bit devoid of vigor.The stories ridicule bureaucracy, hypocritical phenomena from an original view, and formed its particular style. Another analogical writing is "Ru Lin Wai Shi" made by Wu Jinzi. Ji Yun didn’t oppose imperial examination, he just wanted to improve the old system. Wu Jinzi attacked imperial examination a lot in his stories, which makes different between the two outstanding writings."Yue Wei Cao Tang Notes" was composed of many fantastic stories which most likely as "Liao Zhai Zhi Yi". Author did one charter state her study on comparing the two writings, including different opinions, artifice and religions thoughts. This part starts new study field of Classical Chinese fiction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期