

【作者】 牛秋实

【导师】 王先明;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本论文吸收艾尔曼研究学术史的旨在打通思想史与社会史的方法,但为了弥补其“思想”缺位的弱点,特以刘师培在近代转型期的经学为题,将他放在仪征刘氏宗族关于左传学的研究环境中,分析刘师培经学转变的内在原因和契机。如果说在刘氏前三代代表了朴学的研究成果,这些成果出现的根本原因,在于儒家智识主义的兴起。这一时期儒学内部关于经书的研究集中在企图恢复汉代旧疏,表面上只是旧疏的恢复与研究,实际上儒家历来对现实的不满,促使他们以复古为号召,复兴原来已有的传统,这对儒家士大夫具有莫名的号召力,因为在他们看来,儒家的风俗和教化在儒学的盛世——两汉时期处于最为辉煌的时期,而返观现实,人心不古,儒家的教化地位世风日下。恢复汉世旧疏具有非凡的魅力,也是他们的使命,以礼代理是汉学家们再使风俗淳的法宝。而汉学如日中天的社会原因是由于江南地区的出版业、藏书楼、书院、商业的发展、官方与商人的学术赞助、学人之间的交流等因素。而到了刘师培和王国维所处的时代,江浙朴学发达的因素已不复存在,晚清之内忧外患,不仅使儒学地位一落千丈。虽然统治阶级这时仍然强调尊孔崇儒,坚持中体西用,但在实践中,则是对“用”日益重视,其内容也逐渐丰富,从实用技术到兼顾学理,由西艺发展到西政,甚至出现了以“用”压“体”的趋势,在学校中,讲授西学的课程则有大幅度增加。教育、考试体制的变革,对于人们知识结构的调整产生了很强的导向作用。从学术史的角度来看,传统学术特别是一家独尊的儒学,自道咸以来渐成衰象。刘师培引入西方哲学、社会学以重新研究中学,开创了中西学互补、贯通的趋向,但他反对鄙视中学的浅薄之见。刘师培阐述古学时,更注重与西理会通,借“西学以证明中学”。刘师培出身于江苏经学世家,中国传统学术自小对其影响极大。正因为他从经学入门,所以才有可能在近代西学大举进入中国以后,使他视野为之一新,在创立新的学术体系方面收获巨大。刘师培使“新史学”在继承章学诚的史学思想的继承上,又融合中西学术于一体,创立了近代史学的学术规范。王国维则不仅继承了国粹学派刘师培等人所开创的对中学的观念,而且通过王国维本人的学术成就,我们可以接触清学乃至整个传统学术,其成就已构成了现代学术的重要组成部分。一方面,他借鉴西方现代学术理念,从一定程度上重塑和改造了中国固有之学,在学术现代化过程中是一个重要的环节。他以治经的方法以治史兼考订文献,虽继承了刘师培等人的成就而又能成其大,主张在未能对古代传说证伪以前,必先信其为真,表面上看来,这与顾颉刚提出的未能对传说证伪以前,不能信其为真的观点似乎完全相对,但二者所表现出来的认知理性则一。王国维信古的学术渊源来自清学正统派。刘师培和王国维对清代考据学既继承而又借鉴西方学术的规范对现代学术有开创之功却不能抹杀,中西学术规范的融合创造性地把清代考据学转换成现代学术之规范,其后胡适等人的学术研究都是在这一理路基础上的继续。

【Abstract】 The article uses the ways of combining the history of thinking with the history of society by Alman, but the topic selects the classic school of Liu-shih-pei by his changes in modern times and places it in the background of Zuanzhuan school of his family in order to make up for Alman’ s Shortcoming for being absent of thinking , so does can explore the inherient reasons and motives of Liu-shih-pei’ s classica. If the three generations before Liu’ s family was good at the traditional sinology, but these achievements was being owing to the rise of Confuscian intellectualism. During this period the study for the Confucian centered on the restoration to the old annotation of Han dynasty, why they did this? In fact , because schloars was not pleased to the reality, so they ran for ancient styles and tradition, especially Han Dynasty ,at that time the tradition of Confucian was prosperous , whereas the reality was bad and the customs got declined. Why the Sionology came into its prevailing lied to the development of publishing, private schooling, trades ,academic patronage of officals and trademen and communication among Scholars.But during the period of Liu-shih-pei and Wangguowei, the elements that Sinology of Jiangzhe come on to no longer existed by the inner disorder and invasion , so Confucian got declined. Although the ruler paid much attention to Confucian and adhered to the Chinese learning and western learing for use, but in reality they gradually attached importance to the use, such as applied technology, the theories, Western arts and western politics, so the texts of Western learning added to more in school. The reforms of education and testing systems changed the peoples’ structure of their Knowledge. The Confucian of alone gradually declined.Liu-shih-pei restudied the Chinese learing by the western philosphy, soicology and leaded into an incliantion of transfixion and give-and-take between the Chinese learning and western ones. When he explained the Chinese ancient learning, he paid much attention to the western theories and made assertions by the western learning.Liu-shih-pei was born the family of Classics scolarship in Jiangsu, the tradional learning gave his instructions, and when the western learning came into China , he often undestood the new meaning and set up a series new systems of learning.Liu-shih-pei made New Hisyory based on Zhangxuecheng’ s history and combined with the western academic into the modern paradigium of modern . Wangguowei not only continued the tradition of Liu-shih-pei but also the scolars of Qing dynasty. His academic concentrated the real and true meaning of Academic minds, that is , made reforms of the Chinese Academic and became the components of the modern ones and he states that when we asserted that old statements of old were not fase we only thought it truly and this viewpoint was not same as Guxiegang’ s but the one their logic being. Wang’s being believing in the old ones came from the true school of Qing school.The inventing minds of what Liu-shih-pei and Wangguowei inherited Qing’s testaments and drawing in the western learing was not neglected. Their thinkings of changing the traditional teataments into the modern paradigium of academic made much effect to Hushi and the others.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期