

【作者】 邹国防

【导师】 李建民;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 劳动经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 人力资本投资是唯经济目的的吗?这是本文所研究的问题的起始。这个问题的背后有一个强烈的意识在始终抗拒着对人力资本投资唯经济论的解释。人们在一种力的差异性关系中真切体会到的对比感受,不能随意抹掉或轻易地被归纳进单一目的。这种感受反射着一种人力资本投资的非经济目的存在。在力的差异性关系中人们的现实努力,不再被称作人力资本投资,而是称作对自我的力的“苦行锻造”。但是,无论怎样称谓,投资也好,苦行锻造也好,如果它们的目的和对象可以统一在同一种形式或事物上,如何称谓就变得无关重要,对问题的回答就可以在一个全新的视角里被展开。法国哲学家、社会学家福柯认为,从17世纪开始,在现代社会中发展出一种新的权力形式,这种权力是传统权力的下位权力形式,它对个体和人口进行着一种隐匿的权力的控制,福柯称它为微观权力。微观权力被进一步分为另外两种权力形式,一是个体层面对身体实行改造旨在提高身体生产能力的规训权力(disciplinary power);二是在人口层面上控制出生、死亡、疾病旨在提高社会生产的生命权力(bio-power)。这两种权力都围绕身体以身体为支点展开权力机制设计,在改造身体的同时也建构了现代社会主体的人的形象,因此,福柯总结现代社会实际上是被规训机制覆盖着的“规训社会”。这个新的权力形式从根本上颠覆传统的权力是压抑的本质,宣告了权力的生产性实质。规训权力广布于生活世界的各个重要环节上——在学校、工厂、兵营、家庭都进行机制设计,将身体深深的卷入到权力设计的程序之中,它通过建构身体而建构社会主体的人。人力资本投资的目的是在未来获得经济收益。它的过程同样是通过改造和控制身体使身体变得更为有用和有效,因而,微观权力的目的与对象与人力资本的目的与对象就统一在人的身体上。这样一来,本研究立意要回答的问题就在微观权力与人力资本投资对象和目的统一中找到了研究的控制点。微观权力的目的起始于经济社会的生产力目标,然而它并不止于经济目标。在与人力资本分享了身体这个统一体之后,它从另外一个出口与人力资本分离,这个出口就是对现代人标准和规范的制定与建构。“现代”这一概念始于西方世界的宗教改革之后的启蒙时期,从那个时期开始,人从宗教的、神的世界中脱离出来,寻求自我的世界,理性主义从那里开始就成为了现代人自己的立法根本,生命权力即是理性主义的产物。微观权力的设计在完成对身体的改造的同时,建立了一个总体性的现代人标准,这个“现代人”具有基本整齐的生产能力和交往能力,这种整齐的能力保证了自由、平等的原则在社会所有层面上的有效实践。因此,对人力资本的投资不仅是经济目的的,它还是权力目的的。人力资本投资与微观权力在同一个平台——身体上实现机制运作,它们又分别在经济和权力不同的目标里分道扬镳,因而,它们共同地构建了现代社会人的经济能力与政治权力,即构建了主体的现代人的最为重要的两个部分。

【Abstract】 Is it an unitary goal of economy for investment of human capital? The study starts from a self-question of this. There is a quite strong intuition to support about that could have some other explanations for investment of human capital hiding in somewhere. What about the power? The differentiation of power between or among people causes some strong feelings when people encounter in a compare to the power of them. This kind of feelings cannot just be erasered or being implied into a pure motivation of economy to explain. This could be an answer to enlarge a view to see how people invest in themselves. From this point of view to see investment of human capital, people would not call it as a human capital investment, it would rather be called "body-empower". However, what it be called is not that important, the importance lies in that could I really find a link between investment in people and empower in body? Finally, the study came into a point that we have get both investment of human capital and "body-empower" in an unify which they share the same research object and the same research intention in human body. That would be meaningful to the research to reach this point.Michel Foufault(a philosopher and socialist in France) argued that is power repressive? He pointed out that a new form of power which called micro-power was developed. it is a technology which appeared from 17-18 century to manage individuals and population. The one for individuals was named further as disciplinary power, which is about training the action of body to strengthen functions and efficiencies of the body, the other for population was named as bio-power, which is about managing the births, deaths, reproduction and illnesses of a population. Therefore, the new forms of power is not a repressive power, it is the power to focus on the productivity of human body. Disciplinary power and bio-power circled body and take body as a point which the power intervene of body. Foucault concluded that the modern society is a disciplinary society, discipline turned all places such as schools, prisons, hospital, army barracks and even families into a disciplinary institution. The power built the modern society as well as modern humans at the same time by discipline their body.The purpose of investment of human capital is to reach a better income level in the future. The way of investment is to intervene body to get it more useful and more efficient as well. So the investment of human capital and micro-power was unified in human body, accordingly, the study have reached a point to unveil the question which is asked by myself at the very beginning.The original goal of micro-power is to built up productivity of the society, however, it is not stopped on this, after it share the same track of human body with human capital. They get off the track differently. It is off from the trace to the criterion of modern people.Modernity is a concept came up from the western society after religious revolution and the time during the age of enlightenment. After that, human beings get away from God’s world and take the rationalism as a foundation to set all laws for themselves, and bio-power is the production of rationalism. Micro-power set the criterions for how to produce the modern people and popularize it in the whole society, which create a population of collectivity and they camp up with regular and orderly abilities. This is the way how modern people were created. Whereas, this also brings people a fundamental and regular capabilities to practice ideals such as freedom, democracy in the whole society.Investment of human capital is not only the purpose of economy, but also the purpose of power. Both Investment of human capital and micro-power together have finished the creation of modern people in the way of economy and the way of modern power.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期