

【作者】 王英

【导师】 谭琳;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 人口学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 老年教育是人口老龄化社会背景下,提高老年人口生活质量,促进社会持续发展的重要应对战略。社区老年教育是契合中国老年人口特点和教育需求,具有便利性和可及性,能够有效保障老年人口受教育权利,改善老年人口生存发展现状的教育形式。国内外的相关研究从不同的层面对社区教育和老年教育进行了研究,但系统全面地分析社区老年教育的研究成果还十分欠缺。文章以中国社区老年教育理论及实践路径为重点研究问题,从理论和实践两个层面对中国社区老年教育的发展进行了深入、全面的分析,力图为提高我国老年人口的生活质量,促进社区社会的持续发展提供参考依据。在理论研究中,文章依据2005年全国1%人口抽样调查数据和全国老龄委2006年中国城乡老年人口状况追踪调查数据,深入分析了我国老年人口的特点、老年人的需求和教育需求,进而梳理了社区教育和老年教育的概念、特点和发展历程,界定了社区老年教育的概念,并建立了以“赋权增能”为核心的社区老年教育理论框架。在实践研究中,文章在赋权增能的理论框架下,使用2008年北京、山西、陕西、甘肃和四川五省区市“老年教育活动状况调查”的数据和访谈资料,全面分析了社区老年教育的发展现状及其存在的问题,并以此为依据提出了社区老年教育赋权增能的实施策略。通过上述研究和分析,文章得到以下主要研究结论:第一,中国社区老年教育应以赋权增能为核心理念和发展目标。第二,中国社区老年教育的实践必须增进制度、机制、环境和心理赋权,提升老年人和准老年人的生活掌控能力、变化适应能力和社会参与能力。文章创新主要体现在以下三个方面:第一,深入研究了社区老年教育的理论问题,界定了社区老年教育的概念,明确提出了“赋权增能”的社区老年教育发展理念。第二,全面系统地分析了中国社区老年教育的赋权增能状况。从制度、资源、环境、心理四个层面研究了社区老年教育的赋权状况;从生活掌控能力、变化适应能力、社会参与能力三个层面研究了社区老年教育的增能状况。第三,首次提出了社区老年教育赋权增能的实践路径。从完善社区老年教育制度保障、构筑社区老年教育机制保障、优化社区老年教育环境,增进社区老年教育心理赋权四个方面提出赋权实现策略;从培养社区老年教育对象的生活掌控能力、增强社区老年教育对象的变化适应能力,提升社区老年教育对象的社会参与能力三个方面提出增能的实施策略。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of population aging , the elderly education is an important strategic choice to improve the life of the elderly and promote socioeconomic continual development. The elderly education in communities is an ideal access which suits population characteristics and educational needs of the elderly in China and can efficiently improve the elderly living quality.Most studies at home and abroad have been done from different perspectives in the community education and the elderly education. While fewer researches have been done to find the elderly education in communities in China. This paper analyses theory orientation and implementation strategies of the elderly education in communities in China from theoretical and practice aspects to give an reference for improving the life quality of the elderly and promoting development of community in China.In theoretical research aspects, this paper conducts a systematic research into theory orientation of the elderly education in communities in China. Firstly, the population status, needs and education needs of the Chinese elderly is studied. Secondly, conception, characteristics and development of the community education and the elderly education is analyzed. Thirdly, the elderly education in communities is defined and an empower-oriented theoretical framework is established.In practice research aspects, this paper offers a comprehensive analysis of implementation strategies of the elderly education in communities in China. Firstly, based on the empower-oriented theoretical framework, studies of investitive right and enhancing power of the elderly education in communities in China have been done, Then the implementation strategies of the empower-oriented elderly community education in China is proposed.Through the analysis above, the paper obtains following conclusions: Firstly, the empower-oriented elderly community education is aim and theory orientation of the elderly education in communities in China. Secondly, investitiving right of education and enhancing power of the elderly is implementation strategies of the elderly education in communities in China.The paper has following innovations in three aspects:First, This chapter offers a lucubrate research of theory orientation of the elderly education in communities in China, An defines of the elderly education in communities is expounded, and an empower-oriented theoretical framework is established.Second, This chapter offers a comprehensive analysis of the elderly of the current situation and existing problems of the elderly education in communities in China. Studies of investitive right of education have been done from system, mechanism, circumstance, psychology right of the elderly education in communities in China; Studies of enhancing power of the elderly have been done from control life ability, change adaptive capacity, social participant competence of the elderly education in communities in China.Third, This chapter proposes the implementation strategies of the empower-oriented elderly community education in China for the first time, which has investitive right of education including institutional safeguard, implement mechanism, the optimization of circumstance, efficiency of psychology, and enhancing power of the elderly including life control ability, adaptive change capacity, social participant competence.

【关键词】 社区老年教育赋权增能权利能力
【Key words】 the communitythe elderly educationempowerrightpower
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期