

【作者】 钱晓燕

【导师】 谭琳;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 人口学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 本文从社会学和人口学的不同视角分析了全球化背景下影响世界劳动力跨境就业和中国劳动力跨境就业的因素、劳动力跨境就业的经济与社会意义、跨境就业中存在的问题和发展趋势,对劳动力迁出与迁入国家或地区的劳动力跨境就业法律政策进行了比较,同时分析了中国劳动力跨境就业法律政策的特点及其实施中存在的问题。在此基础上提出中国应建立以人为本的劳动力跨境就业管理服务模式,该模式的根本目标是通过完善法律政策、实施有效管理和提供高效服务,以促进劳动力跨境就业的规范化、有序化,促进跨境就业者的权益保护,促进跨境就业者的社会融合。为实现这一目标任务,本文结合劳动力跨境就业管理实践提出了六项措施建议。第一,加快劳动力跨境就业立法,提高立法层次,完善相关政策;第二,加强统筹协调,明确劳动力跨境就业的管理服务主体;第三,严格跨境就业中介市场监管,加强职业培训,提高跨境就业者的维权意识与能力;第四,加强多双边就业、社会保障和服务贸易协议谈判,将跨境就业者权益保护和社会融合纳入迁入地法律政策框架;第五,在中国驻外使领馆设立劳动事务官,为跨境就业者的权益保护和社会融合提供更多支持;第六,完善就业促进措施,促进跨境就业者的回国融合。本文采用的主要研究方法是比较分析法和案例分析法,通过理论联系实际,有针对性地剖析了劳动力跨境就业中存在的主要问题,在理论和实践上提出了创新性的见解和建议:一是在理论上从社会学的角度提出跨境就业的概念,指出跨境就业是劳动力作为人的一种社会活动,是以就业为目的的跨境迁移行为,而不是简单的活劳动出口,阐明跨境就业与劳务出口、劳务输出的本质不同;二是提出劳动力跨境就业中最关键、最突出的问题是劳动者的权益保护和劳动者的社会融合问题;三是提出服务贸易谈判、和谐社会的建立是影响劳动力跨境就业的中间因素;四是提出应建立以人为本的中国劳动力跨境就业管理服务体系,并紧密围绕促进跨境就业者权益保护和社会融合的目标,提出操作性的措施建议。全文共分八章,第一章绪论中介绍了本文选题的背景与意义,对国内外以往在此领域的研究进行了回顾和综述,指出了以往研究主要关注劳动力跨境就业的经济意义,而对跨境就业者权益维护和社会融合的研究不够,从而引出本文的主要研究内容、研究方法和创新之处。第二章阐述了经济全球化与劳动力跨境就业的基本概念和理论,分析了劳动力跨境就业的发展趋势和其中存在的突出问题,指出劳动力跨境就业随着经济全球化的不断深入而呈现新的特点,总体规模扩大,女性比例增加,但长期以来存在的权益保护和社会融合问题依旧突出,没有得到明显改善。第三章着重分析了影响劳动力跨境就业的因素,在评述劳动力跨境就业基本理论的基础上,分析了经济发展、人口结构、社会制度文化和服务贸易等四个影响劳动力跨境就业的因素,验证了人口迁移推拉理论、移民网络理论等跨境就业基本理论的某些观点。第四章对当前主要劳动力迁出地、迁入地的劳动力跨境就业法律政策进行了比较,考虑到中国内地与港、澳、台地区劳动力跨境就业人数的增多,同时分析了港澳台地区外籍劳工管理服务政策。在国际状况分析与法律政策比较的基础上,第五、第六章着重分析中国劳动力跨境就业特点,第五章归纳了中国劳动力跨境就业的地区与行业分布特征、性别与年龄结构特征和受教育结构特征,分析了影响中国劳动力跨境就业的推力因素、拉力因素和中间因素,阐述了中国劳动力跨境就业的经济与社会意义,分析了中国劳动力跨境就业中存在的突出问题和发展趋势。第六章重点从中国劳动力跨境就业法律政策的角度分析中国劳动力跨境就业管理服务中存在的问题。在上述分析的基础上,第七章提出构建以人为本的劳动力跨境就业管理服务模式的设想,指出要坚持以人为本和统筹协调的基本原则,从法律政策、实施机制和服务体系三个方面来完善中国的劳动力跨境就业管理服务,并提出了实现该模式的六项措施建议。第八章是本文的结论,概述起来有四方面:第一,劳动力跨境就业不等于劳务输出、劳务出口,是指劳动者到境外提供劳动并获得报酬的就业行为,是一种人口迁移行为,是一种社会活动;既是经济行为,也是社会行为;有被动行为,更有主动行为;第二,劳动力跨境就业中最突出的问题表现在两方面:一是跨境就业者权益得不到妥善保护,二是跨境就业者难以融入社会,特别是在迁入地的社会融合难;第三,影响中国劳动力跨境就业的因素很多,包括推力因素、拉力因素和中间因素,而服务贸易谈判、和谐社会的建立可以算作中间因素,因为很难判定这两个因素是增加劳动力跨境就业还是减少跨境劳动力劳动;第四,解决劳动力跨境就业中存在的突出问题,关键要从跨境就业管理服务各个环节入手手,通过完善法律政策、健全实施机制和提供高效服务,建立以人为本的跨境就业管理服务模式,才能真正促进跨境就业者的权益保护和社会融合。

【Abstract】 This paper analyses the factors that affect the transnational employment in the world and China under the globalization, the economical and social significance of labor migration, the issues and development trend of transnational employment from the point of both sociology and demology. Meanwhile, the paper compares the law and policy framework on international migration in original and destination countries or areas and also explores the characteristics and limitation of law enforcement and policy implementation in China. Based on the analysis, the paper puts forward to setting up a human-centered administration and service mode on transnational employment in China. The main aim of the mode is to facilitate the regular and orderly overseas employment, to protect the rights of migrant workers and help the migrants integrate into the society. To achieve the goal, the paper brings forward six pieces of suggestions. First, to speed up the lawmaking process on transnational employment and improve relevant policies. Second, to clarify a proper governing organ as the administration unit in charge of transnational employment and strengthen and coordination. Third, to strengthen the supervision of transnational employment agencies and improve vocational training so that the transnational migrants have more awareness and ability to protect their rights. Fourth, to reinforce bilateral and multilateral negotiation on employment, social security and free trade agreement, make efforts to combining the protection and integration of transnational migrants into national law framework of the destination countries. Fifth, to appoint labor diplomats in China foreign mission in certain countries or districts, which can help transnational migrants for their rights protection and social integration. Sixth, to improve employment promotion policy and help the transnational migrants to reintegrate into the society when they come back to China from other countries.The paper adopts the comparative study and case study as the main methodology, which refers to a lot of cases based on the daily work combining theory and practice. After pertinent analysis on the main issues and difficulties during the transnational employment, the paper raises innovative point of view and suggestion which includes four elements: i Clarifying the definition of transnational employment in theory from the point of sociology, i.e., transnational employment is a kind of migration behavior, social activity and employment instead of simple active labor export. Therefore, the transnational employment is essentially different from the labor export. ii Pointing out that rights protection and social integration of transnational migrants are the key and main issues that should be paid attention to. iii Regading the service trade negotiation and building of harmonious society as the media factor that affects transnational employment. iv Putting forward the idea on building up a human-centered transnational employment administration and service system, making suggestions on measures that should be taken to facilitate rights protection and social integration of transnational migrants.The paper includes eight chapters. The first chapter is an introduction on the background and significance of choosing the topic. This chapter also reviews what other experts and scholars have achieved on transnational employment study. According to review, the chapter points out that migrants protection and integration has not been given enough attention during the past research. Therefore, this paper will put focus on it and put forward creative ideas. The second chapter analyses the trends and problems existed during transnational employment based on the description of the concept and theories of economic globalization and transnational employment. This chapter points that migrants’ protection and integration are still serious problems to be improved although the scale and the portion of women migrant workers has been enlarged during the past few years with the stepped-up globalization. The third chapter analyses the main factors that affect the transnational employment, which include economy development, population structure, social systems and culture and service trade. During the factors analysis, some viewpoints of pull-push theory on migration and migration network theory are tested. The fourth chapter focuses on comparing the law and policies in sending and receiving countries. Considering quite a number of migrants between China main land and Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, the law and policies on foreign labor administration in these districts are also under analysis. Then the chapter five and six are closely related with the situation in China, which includes the character of Chinese working in other countries and districts, the factors that affect Chinese working abroad, the sense of Chinese working abroad and problems during the migration. Chapter six finds that the poor administration and service is the main reason that causes poor migrant protection and integration. Therefore, chapter seven puts forward to setting up the human-centered administration and service mode on transnational employment, which should insist on the rule of human centered and comprehensive coordination.Chapter eight goes the conclusion of the paper. Generally speaking, there are three points: First, transnational employment is different from the labor export, which means the labor gets paid by supplying hard work overseas. It’s not simply economic behavior, but also social behavior. Sometimes they go actively, but sometimes passively. Second, there are two serious problems to be solved during transnational employment, i.e., migrants’ rights protection and migrants’ integration into the society. Third, there are lots of factors that affect transnational employment, which include pull factors, push factors and media factors. Service trade negotiation and harmonious society building should belong to media factors. Fourth, the key to solve the above two problems is to set up a human-centered administration and service mode of transnational employment through improving law and policy, solidifying enforcement mechanism and supplying efficient service.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期