

【作者】 石晓烽

【导师】 王述英;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 产业经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 为了适应经济开放要求,各国金融管制不断放松,银行业竞争程度也逐步提高,但无论是发达的欧美国家,还是新兴市场国家的银行业在激烈的竞争中并非一帆风顺,甚至发生了银行危机、货币危机等金融危机事件。特别是2007年8月以来美国次贷危机引发了新一轮的全球金融动荡,一些综合化的大型银行机构,如花旗集团、瑞银集团和汇丰集团都损失惨重,随着次贷危机进一步演变为全球性金融危机,市场悲观气氛愈加浓厚,世界各国的银行业也都陷入恐慌和动荡之中,给整个世界的经济发展造成了严重的损失。因此,如何实现银行业有效竞争正成为学者关注的热点。银行业一直是我国金融体系的主体,中国政府已经于2006年12月按照加入WTO的承诺全面开放国内银行业市场。但是,银行业蕴藏的系统性风险依然不可低估,竞争水平与发达国家仍然有一定差距。为了应对日益复杂的金融创新和激烈的竞争环境,特别是此次金融风暴对我国银行业的不利影响,加强银行业有效竞争,提高银行业国际竞争力和抵御系统性金融风险的能力,对于确保我国金融安全,实现经济持续、稳定发展具有重要意义。基于上述国际和国内银行业发展的现实需要和研究的重要性,以及本人长期关注和研究的积累,我选择“银行业有效竞争研究”作为博士论文研究论题。本文以产业组织理论和微观银行理论为基础,构建了银行业有效竞争的研究框架,对银行业有效竞争问题进行了系统的理论研究。全文共分七章。其中第一章为导论,主要对银行业有效竞争研究的研究背景、研究意义及创新等进行概括说明;第二章对银行业有效竞争的基本理论进行解析,对银行业有效竞争的内涵和判断标准等关键问题做出详细的论述,并从银行内在脆弱性和外部市场的信息不对称性对银行业有效竞争的特殊性进行分析;第三章从绩效提升的视角对银行业有效竞争问题进行研究,发现具有比较高集中度的“垄断竞争”型市场结构或“寡头竞争”型市场结构是比较合理的银行业市场结构,一些规模较大、市场支配能力较强的银行能够更好的发挥竞争优势;第四章从风险防范的视角对银行业有效竞争问题进行研究,发现由于银行自身存在的脆弱性,决定了在提升银行业竞争效率的同时,完善的风险管理制度对于银行业稳健发展至关重要;第五章从融资效率的视角对银行业有效竞争问题进行研究,发现发展关系型融资和信息共享机制能够缓解信贷市场失灵,提高银行在信贷市场上资金融通的使用效率和配置效率;第六章对近期德国、美国和墨西哥三国银行业竞争作实证研究,发现德国银行业在市场竞争中存在重稳定、轻竞争的现象,其整体绩效已经被发达国家甩在后面;而美国和墨西哥银行业在发展中也遇到过度竞争和如何正确对待外资银行等问题,这对中国银行业实现有效竞争具有重要的借鉴意义;第七章对中国银行业有效竞争进行研究,分析当前我国银行业市场结构的基本类型并探讨其背后形成原因,进而在对我国银行业有效竞争进行实证研究的基础上,有针对性提出一些加强市场竞争的措施,以确保实现银行业稳健而有竞争性。本文的创新主要体现在以下四个方面:第一,银行业有效竞争研究基本理论的分析。本文从公众利益的角度对银行业有效竞争进行解析,对银行业有效竞争的内涵和前提假设进行明确阐述,并从改善竞争绩效、防范市场风险和增强融资效率等多维角度综合研究了银行业有效竞争的判断标准,为银行业有效竞争理论的系统化研究奠定了基础;第二,突出了银行业有效竞争特殊性的分析。本文运用银行挤兑与系统性风险等微观银行行为理论,从银行内在脆弱性和外部市场的信息不对称性对银行业有效竞争的特殊性进行分析;第三,对德国、美国和墨西哥三国银行业在近期发展中所面临效率与风险等问题进行研究。通过研究发现如何恰当的权衡银行业竞争、稳定与融资之间的关系非常复杂,如何适度恰当的保持银行业稳健发展,成为摆在它们面前的一个重要挑战;第四,关于中国银行业有效竞争的一系列观点。本文在对建国后中国银行业的发展进行阐述分析的基础上,利用非结构方法对我国银行业有效竞争进行实证研究,以进一步增强对银行业有效竞争政策框架的理解,并有针对性的提出了改革措施,以促进我国银行业的高效稳健发展。

【Abstract】 As the wave of global economic integration rises, almost each nation is trying their best to enhance the degree of openness and better off its national welfare. In order to adapt the economical openness requirements, financial regulation is relaxed unceasingly and the competition in the banking industry becomes intense gradually. However, the competition in banking industry of both developed western countries and the emerging market countries has not always been smooth, even suffered financial crisis, such as bank crisis and money crisis and so on. Especially since August 2007, the United States sub-prime crisis triggered a new round of global financial turmoil and a number of large-scale integrated banking institutions, such as Citigroup, UBS and HSBC Group have suffered serious losses. With the further evolution of the sub-prime crisis for the global financial turmoil, market pessimism have been more and more intense and the world’s banking industry have plunged into panic and turmoil, which has caused the serious losses for the entire world’s economic development. Therefore, how to achieve effective competition in the banking industry is becoming the focus of study at present.The banking industry has been the important component of our financial system. On December 11, 2006, China opened the domestic banking market completely complying with the commitment to the WTO. Facing the integration of international finance, Chinese banking and the related regulatory reform have been progressing actively during the five years’ transitional stage. While the systematic risk of banking still can not be underestimated, and there is still a certain gap between China and the developed countries in the banking competition. In order to deal with the complex financial innovation as well as the intense competition environment, especially the adverse impact of this financial turmoil, we should strengthen the effective competition and enhance the banking international competitiveness, which has great significance to ensure Chinese financial security and sustained developmentBased on the research importance of the above-mentioned international and domestic developments in the banking industry, as well as the long-term study accumulation, I choose "the research on the effective competition in the banking industry" as the research thesis of the doctoral dissertation. This dissertation takes the industrial organization theory as well as the financial contract theory as the foundation and designs the research framework of effective competition in the banking industry for systematic study.This dissertation includes seven chapters. Chapter One is the introduction, which contains research background, the research significance and the innovative points. Chapter Two carries on the effective competition in the banking industry, elaborates on its connotation and the judgment criteria and discusses the particularity in the effective competition of the banking from the intrinsic vulnerability of the banking and the external information asymmetry. Chapter Three conducts the research on the effective competition in the banking industry from the perspective of performance promotion. This dissertation finds that "monopolistic competition" or "competitive oligopoly" with a relatively high concentration is the more reasonable banking market structure. The large-scale banks or the banks with the market dominance have the ability to exert competitive advantage. Chapter Four conducts the research on the effective competition in the banking industry from the perspective of risk prevention. This dissertation finds that establishing proper risk management system is essential for the stability of the banking industry development in enhancing competition efficiency because of the bank’s own vulnerabilities Chapter Five conducts the research on the effective competition in the banking industry from the perspective of financing efficiency. This dissertation finds the development of relationship financing and information-sharing mechanisms can alleviate the credit market failure and enhance the intermediation efficiency as well as allocative efficiency in the credit markets. Chapter Six makes empirical studies on the banking competition of Germany, the United States and Mexico. This dissertation finds that in German banking industry steady operation is stressed more than competition, which results in the fact that its overall performance has been lain behind the developed countries; and the banking industry of the United States have encountered on the excessive competition and one of the big problem in the banking industry of Mexico is how to correctly deal with foreign banks. All of this supplies important reference for achieving effective competition in Chinese banking industry. Chapter Seven conducts the research on the effective competition in Chinese banking industry. This dissertation analyzes the current market structure of Chinese banking industry, explores the basic types and the reasons for its formation, makes further empirical study on the effective competition in Chinese banking industry and proposes measures to strengthen the banking competition to ensure the stability of the banking industry and achieve the competitive.In this dissertation, the innovative points are mainly embodied in the following four aspects: First, this dissertation elaborates on the connotation and the premise supposition of the effective competition in banking industry and carries on the judgment criteria of effective competition in the banking from the multi-dimensional perspective of performance promotion, risk prevention and financing efficiency, which has laid the foundation on the theory of the effective competition of banking industry. Second, the paper highlights that the effective competition in the banking industry has some distinctive characteristics, and dwells on it relatively deeply. Thirdly, this dissertation conducts the research on the efficiency and risk the banking industry of Germany, the United States and Mexico. This dissertation finds that the relations among competition, stability and financing are complex, and how to maintain a appropriate relationship of stability and healthy of the banking industry becomes a major challenge for them. Fourth, this dissertation proposes a series of opinion on the effective competition in Chinese banking industry based on the empirical research. This dissertation investigates empirically the competitive conditions for China’s banking industry on the basis of nonstructural estimation to further elaborate on the understanding of the policy framework of effective competition in Chinese banking and proposes the measures to promote Chinese banking industry healthy and efficiency.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期