

【作者】 李芳田

【导师】 蔡拓;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 政治学理论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在全球化的今天,跨国人口迁移已越来越成为一个引人注目的问题。据国际移民组织(IOM)2008年发布的国际移民报告称,截至2007年,全球国际移民人数已达2亿,其中4000万为非法移民。最近35年来,国际移民人数增加了一倍,特别是国际非法移民人数迅猛增长。国际移民问题对国家的政治、经济、文化等方面造成了难以估量的影响。在过去二十年中,移民成为西方社会文化冲突,由单一社会向多元文化社会转型的重要原因。无论美国还是欧洲的政策制定者,无不把国际移民问题当作其国内最大的政治问题及国家面临的最大挑战之一。国家的移民政策是决定国际移民发生、发展、模式及治理的至关重要的因素。如果说由于经济或政治方面的原因导致个人的移民愿望,那么,是国家的国际移民政策最终决定这种迁移能否实现,以何种方式实现,以及国际移民的规模。同时,国际移民政策又受到诸多因素的影响。在全球化时代,各国相互依存不断加深,以前属于一国主权范围内的事情,现在可能变为国际化的事情了。一个国家的移民政策往往不再是该国的内政问题,因为它同时会对其他的相关国家造成影响,对国际关系造成影响,所以绝对的、排它的主权观念亦应作适当的调整。本文主要探讨了国际移民及其政策的影响因素,分析了国际移民及其政策与国际关系的互动。本文首先梳理和评价了国际移民及其政策的相关理论,进而勾勒出国际移民政策分析的框架和本研究的主要问题。继而,在第三章分析了国际移民政策的制定理论。通过对国家移民政策的考察,从国际体系与国际机制、国家对外关系、国内政治、国内经济以及国内社会文化等五个方面提出了影响国际移民政策制定的因素,勾画出国际移民政策影响国际移民的理论解释框架。在厘清了决定国际移民及其政策的主要因素之后,对美国、英国和法国在19世纪晚期到21世纪早期的移民政策的演进和发展进行分析,提供社会经济和外交政策塑造移民政策的案例分析,进而深入探究影响不同类型国际移民政策的具体变量是什么,决定不同类型的国际移民政策的具体因素有哪些。在本文的最后部分,探讨了国际移民政策与国际关系的互动,认为在国际移民系统中,国际移民及其政策影响国家安全、国家对外政策以及国际安全,而反过来国际关系也制约着移民政策的制定。

【Abstract】 Today in the context of globalization, transnational migration has increasingly become a high-profile issues. According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) 2008 was published the report of the International Organization for Migration, as of 2007, the number of international migrants worldwide has reached 200 million, of which 40 million for illegal immigrants. Recently, the past 35 years, the number of international migrants has doubled, in particular, the rapid international growth in the number of illegal immigrants. The issue of international migration on the country’s political, economic, and cultural causing inestimable impact. In the past two decades, immigration has become the Western socio-cultural conflict, by a single multi-cultural society to an important reason for social transformation. Whether the United States or the European policy-makers, all to the issue of international migration as the largest of its domestic political issues and the State one of the greatest challenges.Country’s immigration policy is to determine the occurrence of international migration, development, and patterns and the critical importance of governance factors. If we say that as a result of economic or political reasons led to the aspirations of individual immigrants, then, is the country’s final decision on the international migration policy can achieve this migration, the manner in which to achieve, as well as the scale of international migration. At the same time, international migration policy is determined by many factors.In the era of globalization, the increasing interdependence, in the past belongs to the sovereignty of a State within the scope of things, and now may become a thing of the International. A country’s immigration policy is often no longer the country’s internal affair, because it at the same time other countries will be affected, the impact on international relations, so the absolute and exclusive sovereignty over its concept should also make appropriate adjustments. This article discusses the policies of international migration and its impact factors, an analysis of international migration policy and international relations and their interaction.In this paper, sort out and evaluate the policies of international migration and its related theories, and outlines the analysis of international migration policy framework and the main problem of this study. Then, in Chapter III analyzes the policies of international migration theory. Through the study of national immigration policy, from the international system and international mechanisms, the state foreign relations, domestic politics, the domestic economy and domestic social and cultural aspects of the impact of the five international migration policy-making factors, outlined the policy implications of international migration international migration theoretical framework to explain. Clarify the decision in international migration and its policy after a major factor in the United States, Britain and France in the late 18th century to the early 21st century, the evolution of immigration policy analysis and development, to provide socio-economic and foreign policy, immigration policy to shape the case studies , and then go into details about the impact of different types of international migration policy What is the specific variables to determine the different types of international migration policy, which specific factors. In this last part of the international migration policy and international relations, the interaction that the system of international migration, international migration and its impact on national security policy, national foreign policy and international security, international relations, in turn restricting the immigration policy formulation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期
  • 【分类号】D523.8
  • 【被引频次】26
  • 【下载频次】1965