

【作者】 郄军红

【导师】 张分田;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 专门史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 丘濬是明代中期著名的思想家、政治家。他一生著述甚富,其中影响最大的莫过于《大学衍义补》。这部百科全书式的洋洋巨著以“资出治者以御世抚民之具”和“广正君者以辅世泽民之术”为宗旨,是其经世思想的集中体现。本文尝试运用理想政治模式理论,通过对《大学衍义补》思想体系的梳理,全面、系统地研究丘溶的治民思想。丘濬从先秦儒、道、法对理想政治模式的论述中吸取精华,描摹了一幅“天下和平”的理想蓝图,并将“治民”视为实现这一蓝图的重要途径,在政治、经济、文化、教育等诸方面提出了一系列具体的施政主张。“立君为民”在丘濬治民思想中占据着极其重要的理论地位。他以“天立君为民”论证君权的合法性,从而为其治民思想提供本体依据。在此基础上,他阐述了君权的基本特征,提出了内容极为丰富的理想为君之道,并从各种政治关系的角度探究君主驭臣、治民的方略和对策,试图构建一整套以“民为国本”为核心理念和基本特征的理想君臣民关系。在丘濬的治民思想体系中,“政在养民”是“立君为民”思路发展的结果,是将“立君为民”、“民为国本”落到实处的重要途径。他以传统的“絮矩之道”为理论依据,充分阐述了听民自为、各得分愿的养民思想总纲,并提出各种具体政策主张,譬如提出配丁田法,试图对当时的兼并之风予以限制;主张藏富于民,反对与民争利;反对君主操纵利权;提倡生财有道,取财有义,用财以礼,先理民财,希望以君主为首的统治阶层能够量入为出,崇本节用。在丘濬看来,教化也是治民的重要途径。他认为,教化是基于人性而发生的,目的在于变化人的气质,而学校则是贯彻这一宗旨的最好场所。针对明代教育体系中存在的问题,他提出整顿监生历事制度,对纳粟监生区别培养。为了端学术,正士习,他努力扭转险怪的科举文风,与当时刚刚兴起的心学作了初步的对抗。丘溶认为,师儒之官为育才之本,他们的地位和素质直接影响了太学的教育质量。因此,他建议对摧抑教官的提学制度进行改革,从而适当提高教官的地位。丘濬看到刑罚也有辅助教化的作用,可以弥补德治的缺陷。他通过对德礼政刑的重新解读,论证了“明刑弼教”的时代必然性。明代司法腐败而黑暗,君主过度干预司法程序,不受成文法和常规司法机构的限制。丘濬指出,法是君主制定与天下公共的集体意志的产物,每个人都应该遵守,君主也不例外。他尤其反对惨无人道的酷刑和酷吏,谆谆告诫统治者要慎刑恤狱,并把刑罚中道与否与国家的命运联系在一起。综上所述,传统理想政治模式理论在丘濬思想体系中具有极其重要的地位,既是其治民思想的重要组成部分,也是论证其治民思想的终极依据,并对他提出的一系列施政原则、具体政策、操作艺术产生了深刻影响,充分体现了“立君为民”、“以民为本”的政治价值取向。

【Abstract】 Ch’iu chun was a famous thinker and statesman. There are abundance of his writings through all his life,among which Ta-hsueh yen-i pu was the most effect.The great book what was called encyclopedia of ancient China, that was centralized reflection of his practical thought,took the providing a comprehensive system of governing Strategy and operating skill to the emperor and the bureaucracy as its aim and purpose.Through Studying the Ideology of supplement to the exposition of the great learning, This thesis attempted to utilize ideal political pattern to explore Ch’iu chun’s thinking of ruling people entirely and systematically. Ch’iu chun absorbed essence from the Confucian, taoism and legalists of political pattern,and depicted an ideal blueprint of world peace.He regarded ruling people as a important way to realize the blueprint, and put forward a series of concrete administrative policies.Establishing a monarchy for the people occupied an extremely important theor theoretical position in Ch’iu chun’s thinking of ruling people. He demonstrated legitimacy of monarchical power by god establishing a monarchy for the people. On this basis, Ch’iu chun expounded basic characteristics of monarchical power, presented very rich ideal monarch standard , and inquiried strategy and policy for the monarch to rein the bureaucracy and to ruling the people. He tried to constitute an ideal political relationship among the emperor, the bureaucracy and the people,in which the people are the essential the country was its core idea.In Ch’iu chun’s thinking system of ruling people ,the purpose of administration being for the people was the theoretical development of establishing a monarchy for the people. Accord with the traditional evenness, he put forward his ideology system of fostering the people, that is, let the people be what he want to be and gaining what he should to be gained. On the question of the land, he tried to restrict the trend of annexing. He considered possession of wealth by the people, and objects to the public for profit. He wanted to restrict the luxury consumption from the emperor and the bureaucracy. He viewed that the financing of the people is a top priority, so wealth production in ordinary, figure for interests in righteousness, and expenditure in abstinence is his principle to finance. The ruling class must cut its coat according to its cloth.In addition to foster people, they also should be educated. For Ch’iu chun, education is also a important way to rule people.He believed that education, based on the occurrence of human nature and is order to change people’s temperament, and the implementation of the school is the best place for this purpose. There are plenty of shortcomings in the education system of the Ming Dynasty .He tried his best to rectify the institution of excise, and distinguish the pupil apart? He worked hard to change the style of writing in imperial examinations. He encountered the impulsion from the learning mind-and-heart, that is why he must correct the style of study and habits. For the tutor, Ch’iu chun wish improving their status, so the institution of the supervises must be reformed.Ch’iu chun point out that penalty contributes to the role of education, and it can make up the deficiencies in the rule of virtue. He demonstrated the need of epoch that penalty can contribute to the education through illuminating the connection about morality, ceremony, administration and penalty. Ch’iu chun insisted that the law was made by the monarch, so everyone must obey the common volition, nor the emperor. He opposed excruciation and cruelty of the bands. The ruling class was admonished to be cautious to the penalty and adjudge. The fate of the country was contacted with the mean of the penalty.Above all,traditional ideal political pattern occupied a very essensial role in Ch’iu chun’s thinking systems,not only a indispensable component of ruling people thoughts,but also an ultimate existence to demonstrate his ruling people thoughts. Ch’iu chun’s ideal political pattern brought profound influence for his management principle and specific policies,and fully reflected political value orientation of establishing a monarchy for the people and administration for the people.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 11期