

【作者】 张世轶

【导师】 王晓德;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 世界史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要利用美国的外交档案资料,采用历史研究的材料分析法,从美国政策层面对庇隆时期的美国对阿根廷政策进行研究。本文试图全面展现这一时期美国对阿根廷政策的多次转变和美阿双方在多次转变中的态度,探究在美国对阿根廷政策转变的原因、实质及其影响。研究庇隆时期的美国对阿根廷政策,有助于深入理解美国从区域政策走向冷战全球战略的转变,有助于深入理解实现进口替代工业化战略的边缘国家与内源性现代化的中心国家在民族经济发展道路上的对抗与冲突。全文分为八个部分。绪论部分主要介绍了研究目的和选题意义、国内外学术研究综述、研究方法和思路等。第一章:美国与阿根廷关系溯源。美国和阿根廷的关系最早可以追溯到18世纪,双方都还处在英国或西班牙的殖民统治之下。本章回顾了从阿根廷争取独立以来美国与阿根廷的关系,认为美国与阿根廷之间的矛盾起源在于:美国在拉美地区进行扩张,而门罗宣言并没有给阿根廷带来实际的利益;随着双方出口经济的快速发展,美国拓展西半球市场与阿根廷的欧洲情结之间产生矛盾冲突;美国时常借助民主原则干涉甚至是压制阿根廷;市场是阿根廷初级产品出口经济的关键,因此,阿根廷不会因为美国的政治倾向而放弃任何市场。第二章:阿根廷的中立态度与美国对阿根廷政策(1939-1943)。出于国内政治经济形势和传统反美情结,阿根廷决定在美国放弃中立之后坚守中立主张。美国尝试通过加强美洲国家与美国之间的经济合作、帮助阿根廷解决出口剩余问题以及进出口银行提供贷款等经济手段,来改变阿根廷的中立态度。也希望借此改善美阿关系,促进阿根廷国内政治向民主转型,但是由于阿根廷的国内复杂多变的政治形势,最终未能如愿。在美国看来,卡斯蒂略政权受法西斯主义影响在阿根廷实行独裁统治,对西半球的共同安全造成威胁,因此,美国对卡斯蒂略政权实行高压制裁,鼓励支持政府的反对派,控制武器等物资出口。第三章:打压与制裁:1943-1946年美国对阿根廷政策。在美国高压制裁的影响下,1943年阿根廷发生军事政变,但是军政权并没有如美国所愿放弃中立,在获得武器援助和玻利维亚政变等问题上与美国多次发生摩擦,最终屈从于美国与轴心国断交,却引发了国内的又一次政治变革。庇隆曾为了后一任军政府的核心人物,倡导民族主义。美国恐怕阿根廷给西半球带来法西斯威胁,对法雷尔-庇隆政权进行打压和制裁。此后,虽然美阿关系经历短暂的春天,但是随着布莱敦的上任和《蓝皮书》的问世,美国与阿根廷的冲突逐渐达到顶峰。《蓝皮书》没能发挥阻碍庇隆成为阿根廷总统的作用,相反成就了庇隆成为民选总统。第四章:恢复合作的努力:1946-1947年美国对阿根廷政策。战后初期,美国的区域政策逐渐转向美苏对抗的全球冷战战略。由于阿根廷在美国安全战略中的重要地位和阿根廷农牧产品对欧洲复兴的重要意义,美国对阿根廷政策改变了从前的高压政策,放弃了民主原则,试图与“独裁者”庇隆合作。在麦塞斯密斯等外交人员的曲折努力下,美国与阿根廷关系在1947年6月,恢复了正常关系。阿根廷签订了《美洲国家间互助条约》,美国将阿根廷纳入了西半球安全防卫体系,成功促成了阿根廷农牧产品用于重振英国。美国不赞同庇隆实行民族主义工业化和阿根廷第一个五年计划的发展方向,希望通过打击激进派扶植温和派等做法,控制阿根廷工业化发展的道路和方向。第五章:强大经济攻势瓦解“第三种立场”:1947-1953年美国对阿根廷政策。庇隆的“政治主权、经济独立、社会正义”思想发展成为“第三种立场”。由于“第三种立场”表现出的投机性和不确定性,美国希望加强经济合作,将阿根廷牢牢所在美洲国家组织中。然而由于美国自由主义经济与阿根廷中央统制经济格格不入,因此,美国对第三种立场深恶痛绝,如鲠在喉,欲除之而后快。经济合作署对阿根廷的歧视政策,加深了由英镑不可兑换美元给阿根廷带来的“美元短缺”。为了解决美元短缺问题,以保证从美国获得工业设备,阿根廷付出种种努力均遭失败,最终求助于美国。美国希望借此瓦解第三种立场,但是朝鲜战争爆发后,庇隆重新回到了第三种立场上。对此,美国极为不满,对阿根廷实行“冷处理”的政策。第六章:全面合作:1953-1955年美国对阿根廷的政策。出于国内的经济形势,庇隆向美国提出和解,由于庇隆的和解主张符合美国艾森豪威尔政府的拉美政策,收到了美国的积极回应。终于,在1953年,双方又一次实现了和解。庇隆希望美国私人资本能够进入阿根廷的重点建设领域,出于安全战略的考虑,美国国务院作出了积极反应。但是由于此前,阿根廷新宪法与私人公司的利益纠缠和进出口银行的不作为,私人资本没能顺利进入阿根廷电力、钢铁和石油领域。而庇隆的行为被阿根廷国内视为“投降主义”,为此,庇隆自己付出沉重的代价。结语。这部分重在从美国外交政策的角度分析美国对阿根廷政策转变调整的原因,以及美国与阿根廷关系不断经历冲突并能够实现和解的原因和对双方造成的影响。

【Abstract】 This dissertation consists of eight parts.The Introduction indicates the purposes of the research, summarizes of literatures both home and abroad on this subject, as well as the research approaches and the ideas.The first chapter traces of the Relations between U.S. and Argentina from the Independence of Argentina to Eve of World War II. This chapter reviews the U.S.-Argentina relations from the fight for freedom in Argentina and projects the four elements that made infection to the relations: the expansion of the U.S. and the Monroe Declaration, the economic conflicts, the democratic ideals, as well as the export-oriented economy of Argentina.The second chapter: The Neutral Attitude of Argentina and the U.S. Foreign Policy towards Argentina (1939-1943). Proceeding from the domestic political and economic circumstances and the traditional anti-U.S. complex, Argentina decided to stick to the neutral stand when U.S. abandoned neutrality. The U.S. attempted to make changes to the neutral stand of Argentina by strengthening the economic cooperation with the American countries, helping Argentina to solve its export surpluses and to providing loan from the Export-Import Bank. The U.S. also intended to improve the relations with Argentina and accelerated the democratic proceeding of the Argentine politics by the above methods. Finally, it failed by the complex political situation in Argentina. It seems to the U.S. that Castillo’s regime was leading a dictatorial rule under the influence of the Fascism and constituted a menace to the collective security of the western hemisphere. Therefore, the U.S. cracked down on the Castillo’s regime, encouraged the opposition to the government and controlled the export of the armament.The third chapter: The Beat and Punishment: the U.S. foreign policy to Argentina in 1943-1946. Under the punishment of the U.S., there’s a military coupe happened in Argentina in 1943, but the military government didn’t abandon the neutral stand as the U.S. wish, it conflicted with the U.S. several times on acquiring weapons and the Bolivian coup. At last it resigned to U.S. and broke off its relations with the Axis, but another reform broke out soon in Argentina. Peron, who advocated nationalism, became the new key-man of the new military government. Being afraid of the fascist threat to the western hemisphere, the U.S. beat up Farrell-Peron’s regime. Henceforth, in spite that a substantial connection was constituted between the U.S and Argentina, the appointment of Braden and the Blue Book lead to the climax of the conflicts. The Blue Book didn’t afford to serve the prevention of Peron to be the president but made him to achieve the post of a popular vote president.The forth chapter: the Effort to Resume Cooperation: the U.S. Foreign Policy to Argentina in 1946-1947. The U.S region policy gradually transformed to the launching of the Cold War to USSR after World War II. Since Argentina’s vital position in the U.S. security strategy and its agriculture and pasture products to the recovery of Europe. The U.S abandoned the democratic principal and attempted to cooperate with Peron, the "Dictator". With the twisting efforts by Messersmith and other diplomats, the U.S-Argentina relations resumed to normal in June, 1947. Argentina subscribed the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance and it was brought into the western hemisphere security defense system by the U.S. The U.S successfully promoted the Argentine agriculture and pasture products to revive the Great Britain. The U.S did not agree Peron to execute the nationalism industrial project and the developing direction of his first five-year plan, it intended to control the road and the direction of the Argentine industrial development by beating up the Radicals and fostering the Moderates.The fifth chapter: Disintegrating "the Third Position" with Strong Economic Offense: the U.S Foreign Policy to Argentina in 1947-1953. Peron had developed his "Political Sovereignty", "Economic Independence" and "Social Justice" to "the Third Position". The U.S intended to strengthen to economic cooperation, in order that Argentina would be firmly fixed into the Organization of American States, since "the Third Position" seemed to be speculating and indeterminate. Nevertheless, the liberal economy in U.S. and the center-controlled economy in Argentina was against the grain, the U.S detested "the Third Position" like the bone in the throat and tried to remove it. The discrimination of ECA to Argentina deepened the "Dollar Shortage" in Argentina, because it was not able to exchange its GB pounds to U.S dollars. The Argentines devoted a lot to solve this problem in order to obtain the industrial equipments from the U.S, but it failed and turned to appeal the U.S. The U.S. had wished that will collapse "the Third Position", but Peron returned to his decision after the breaking out of the Korean War. The U.S was so discontent that it started the "cold correctness"policy to Argentina.The sixth chapter: All-round Cooperation, the U.S Foreign Policy to Argentina, 1953-1955. Peron raised a conciliatory attitude to the U.S for the sake of Argentina’s economic situation. He was responded actively, because his ideas were in accordance with Eisenhower’s policy to Latin America. The two countries came to a compromise again in 1953. Peron hoped that the American private capital to enter into the construction of key project in Argentina. The Department of U.S. made an active response for its security strategy. Nevertheless, because of the entanglement between the New Argentine Constitution and the American private companies, as well as the omission of the EXIM Bank, the private capital wasn’t able to enter the field of Argentina’s electric power, steel industry and oil production successfully. Peron also paid dearly for his decision being considered as capitulationism in Argentina.Epilogue: the Conflicts and Compromises between the U.S. and Argentina. This part mainly analyses the reason for the change in the U.S. foreign policy to Argentina from the angel of the U.S. It also analyses the reason why the two countries was able to reach compromises by experiencing several conflicts and how this was infected on each of them.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期