

【作者】 刘伟

【导师】 阎孟伟;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本论文致力于对马克思的自由理论进行系统地阐释。马克思的自由观以人的自由全面发展为根本原则,人、主体的自我实现是马克思自由理论的基本命题。本论文着重阐释了马克思自由概念的形成过程、逻辑结构以及理论再生长点。在马克思的原著中对他的自由思想进行系统地梳理是本论文最重要的研究路径,解读文本是本论文最基本的研究方法。在文本解读过程中,本论文十分注意在马克思的文本中发现理论批判与自我批判的运动轨迹。本论文确认唯物主义历史辩证法是马克思自由理论的科学方法论,在对马克思自由概念的阐释中本文也尝试着运用了历史辩证法。本文对马克思自由概念的形成过程进行了考察。本文首先考察了马克思自由概念产生的历史条件。马克思批判继承了西方自由理论的优秀传统,本文对西方自由观念史进行了简要的阐释。在对自由观念史的阐述中,本文贯彻了观念的历史与现实的历史相统一的原则,探讨了自由观念与时代主题的辩证统一关系。在对自由观念史的阐释中,本文着重研究了德国古典哲学的自由理论。德国古典哲学在历史辩证法的视野中研究自由,确立了自由即是主体的自我实现的基本观点,成为马克思自由概念诞生的理论前奏。本文研究了马克思的自由观与时代精神的关系,在详细的文本解读中,梳理出马克思自由观发展的四个阶段,即作为道德原则的自由、作为理性本质的自由、作为人的生命活动本质的自由以及包容了社会历史必然的自由。本文考察了实践概念在马克思自由观形成过程中的革命作用,并对马克思自由概念与实践概念的理论联系进行了阐释:马克思的自由概念建立在实践概念的基础之上,马克思的自由概念与实践概念同时形成。本论文对马克思自由概念的逻辑结构进行了阐释。自由作为人、主体的自我实现建立在主体与客体辩证统一的基础之上。马克思从实践概念的逻辑运动中揭示出历史运动中主体与客体的辩证关系,他在自由概念的逻辑运动中揭示出自由主体生成的历史过程。本论文从马克思哲学的发展史中梳理出马克思确证自由主体、揭示自由主体历史生成的理论内容,并对之进行了阐释。本论文对马克思确证自由主体的理论基础和科学方法论进行了考察。本文认为,马克思在《德意志意识形态》中,确立了“物质生产力的发展与人自身的发展是同一个历史过程”这一重要的历史唯物主义命题,这一命题成为揭示自由主体历史生成的理论基石。然而在《德意志意识形态》中,马克思对以上命题的论证中还存在着价值判断与事实判断不相一致的理论困难。马克思在其后的文本中不断地对以上命题加以充实、发展,在《1857—1858年经济学手稿》中,马克思将“物质生产力的发展与人自身的发展是同一个历史过程”这一命题进一步深化和系统化,他指出历史唯物主义归根到底研究的是主观与客观、主体与客体相统一的历史,并提出要在必然与偶然、自由与必然、历史条件的先在性与历史主体的能动性等诸多范畴中展开对主体与客体辩证关系的研究。并且,在这里马克思还确定了研究历史运动中主体与客体辩证统一关系的科学方法论——历史辩证法。从而奠定了揭示自由主体历史生成的科学理论基础。本论文阐述了马克思确证自由主体的逻辑过程,论述了马克思确证自由主体生成之历史必然性的三个理论步骤:以实践概念的诞生为标志马克思发现了可能意义上的自由主体;以发现历史运动的内在动力——生产力与生产关系的矛盾为标志,马克思发现了现实意义上的自由主体;以历史唯物主义原理的深化——马克思深刻阐释历史运动中主体与客体的矛盾为标志,马克思发现了自由主体生成的历史必然性。本论文还阐述了马克思对自由主体历史生成之具体历史的揭示,马克思将历史辩证法运用到对自由史的考察中去,通过解读资本主义的特殊规律性而发现解读总体历史运动规律的钥匙:通过对资本主义社会中主体与客体相异化、相对立的状况的揭示,发现了资本主义相对于前资本主义时代的解放作用,同时发现资本主义的自我否定性为扬弃主体与客体的异化状态创造着条件。本论文在对马克思自由概念发展史进行了总体理解之后,对马克思的“自由王国”思想提出了新的见解。本文认为,“自由王国”思想是马克思进一步贯彻历史辩证法的理论成果。马克思在对资本主义社会作出全面批判之后指出了自由的未来发展趋势:随着物质生产力的发展超越资本主义阶段,主体与客体相对立、相异化的状况将得以消除,一切人作为自由的主体将获得全面的发展。通过详细的文本解读,本文提出如下观点:“自由王国”不仅仅是马克思对作为目的本身的人类能力不断得以发展的生活领域的概括,同时也是他对未来新社会中经济基础和上层建筑新型关系的展望。本论文的结论是:只有在历史辩证法的视野中,认识到物质生产力发展的历史与人自身发展的历史辩证统一的关系,才能发现人作为主体自我实现的历史过程。马克思对自由主体历史生成的揭示依然具有现实的意义,马克思的自由思想依然适应于我们的时代主题。马克思的“自由王国”思想是我们继承和发展马克思自由思想的理论生长点。

【Abstract】 This articile is committed to grasp completly Marx’s concept of freedom. Base on the fundamental principle of human all-round free development, Marx’s concept of freedom can be summed up as: people, and the self-realization of subject. Therefore, this paper focuses on the formation, the logical structure, and the redevelopment of Marx’s concept of freedom.The most important study approach of this paper is to systematically understand the throughts of freedom through reading Marx’s original text. During this process, the paper has paid much attention to Marx’s criticism, self-criticism, and historical dialectics, as a scientific method when reaserching the Marx’s freedom theory.The paper mainly includes following contents:First, it investigates the formation of Marx’s concept of freedom. The formation of Marx’s concept of freedom has its own historical conditions, i.e., Marx has critically succeeded good traditions of western freedom theory. German classic phyolosiphy plays an important role in the west concept of the history of freedom, among which the idea of "freedom is the self-realization of subject" is the preclude of birth of Marx’s concept of freedom.Second, this article studies the inter-relation between Marx’s concept of freedom and the spirit of the times. Marx’s concept of freedom can be divided into four stages, i.e., freedom as moral principle, freedom as the nature of reason, freedom of the nature of human beings, and freedom as the inevitability of history. The concept of practice plays the role of revolution in the formation of Marx’s concept of freedom. There is a very close relation between the concept of practice and Marx’s concept of freedom: the concept of practice is the foundation of Marx’s concept of freedom, and this two concepts came into being simultaneously.Third, the paper explains the logical structure of Marx’s concept of freedom. Freedom, as self-realization of subject, whose basis is the dialectical unity of the subject and object. Starts with the concept of practice, Marx has posted the dialectical relationship between the subject and object, and has explored the historical process of the formation of free subject.Fourth, the thesis reviews the theoretical foundation and technical methods with which Marx has identified the free subject. In the work of The German Ideology, Marx has established a very important proposition in historical materialism "the development of material productive forces and the people’s own development is a same historical process." This proposition has later become a theoretical footstone of the historical formation of the free subject. However, in the argumention of this proposition, Marx has faces a theoretical difficulty, that is the non-consistent connotation of value judgments and fact judgments. Thereafter, Marx has constantly enriched and developed this proposition. In another work of the 1857-1858 Manuscript of Economics, Marx has settled the groundwork to disclose the historical formation of a free subject, that is, the scientific methodology to research into the dialectical unity between the subject of object in historical movements, historical dialectics.Fifth, the article expounds the three theoretical steps how Marx has identified a free subject: to use the birth of the concept of practice as a mark, Marx has found a possible and potential free subject; to use the inner motive of historical movements, i.e. conflicts between productive forces and production relations, as a mark, Mark has found a practical free subject; and to use contradictions between the subject and object in historical movements, Mars has found a inevitable free subject.Sixth, this paper makes a new explanation of Marx’s "realm of freedom". "Realm of freedom" is a theoretical result of historical dialectics. On the one hand, Marx points out the development trends of "freedom": when the development of material productive forces goes beyond the stage of capitalism, the situation in which subject and object are opposing and alienating to each other has between changed gradually, and the subject gains an all-round free development. In this process, Marx prospects the new relation between economic base and superstructure in the future society. On the other hand, "realm of freedom" is a epitome of the incessantly development of human capacity. In general, the conclusion of this paper is that only in the view of historical dialectics, can one discover the process of self-realization of human beings. Marx’sconcept of freedom still has realistic significance. It still applies to the theme of our times. Marx’s "realm of freedom"’ is the start for us to succeed and develop Marx’s theory of freedom.

【关键词】 自由主体历史辩证法自由王国
【Key words】 freedomsubjecthistorical dialecticsrealm of freedom
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期