

【作者】 占升平

【导师】 张洪明; 曾晓渝;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 语言学和应用语言学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 贵州省安顺市镇宁县布依语因地理、行政等方面的原因划分为三个不同的土语区,三个土语呈连续带分布。镇宁布依语三个土语在分化后又有不同程度的接触,与汉语的接触历史也非常悠久,是一个观察语言分化与语言接触的理想地区。本文主要从两个方面对镇宁布依语语音进行研究。一是对镇宁布依语音系自身演变的研究。这方面的研究从两个角度进行:一是从共时角度进行探讨。通过对六马、马厂、镇宁城关三个布依语土语音系的声、韵、调的描写与比较,揭示了三个土语之间语音的异同。为了更好地把握三个土语音系的面貌,我们还把标准点望谟布依语和贵阳布依语音系作为参照,与镇宁的三个土语进行横向比较,以突出镇宁布依语的语音特点。第二是从历时角度进行研究。通过对镇宁布依语的历时音变考察,我们对布依语语音系统的演变轨迹以及布依语与同语支、语族的其他语言的关系的认识进一步深化。布依语历时语音演变考察也从声母、韵母、声调三个角度进行。通过共时与历时的交叉考察,可以使我们从纵横两方面整体上把握布依语语音的发展概梗。二是语言接触演变的研究。主要通过考察布依语中不同层次的汉语借词来观察布依语的历时音变,并通过对历史上不同时期汉借词语音的考察来观察布依语周边地区汉语方言的语音流变。布依语与周边汉语方言的接触自秦汉以来就没有中断过,明清以后更加频繁。由于汉族在经济、文化方面的强势地位,中原汉语及西南地区的汉语方言一直向包括布依语在内的周边少数民族语言输出文化词,布依语在各个不同的历史时期吸收了大量的汉语借词。这些借词层层累积,老借词已经经过布依语音系的调适共同参与布依语的音变历程,有些“关系词”语音信息较模糊,要理清这些词是布依语的汉借词还是布汉同源词已经比较困难。本文根据汉语和布依语音系发展特点的对比,把布依语中的汉语借词分为上古、中古、近代、现代四个个层次,每个层次下面根据需要再作进一步的区分。对于一些不能确定是同源还是借词的“关系词”予以存疑,留给将来作进一步研究。本文采用历史比较法和内部构拟法研究布依语语音的历时演变并对原始布依音系进行了构拟,力图解释布依语语音演变的轨迹;通过共时、历时比较相结合的方法探讨布依语的方言特点:利用层次分析法研究布依语中汉语借词的历史层次;采用试验语音学的研究方法力图真实、客观地再现布依语的语音面貌。本文研究努力做到点与面相结合、共时与历时相结合、方言地理学与试验语音学相结合、描写与解释相结合等方面多层次、多角度地揭示布依语的特点和发展概貌。在探寻布依语中固有词送气音产生的原因、舌边清擦音(?)-的来历、布依语中汉语借词的历史层次等方面进行了初步探索。本文的结构安排:本文共分为七章。第一章是布依语研究文献综述;第二章是镇宁布依语三个土语音系的对比研究;第三章是镇宁布依语三个土语音系格局的描写;第四章主要描写布依语语音的历时演变轨迹;第五章对布依语中的汉语借词层次进行了探讨;第六章是专题研究,对布依语第三土语中的送气音来源进行了初步研究,同时对布依语第三土语中的舌边清擦音来源以及布依语中塞音韵尾的演变进行考证;本章最后是镇宁汉语音系描写。第七章是本文的结语。

【Abstract】 The Pu(?)ji Language in Zhenning ,Guizhou,a branch of North Tai,splits into three different dialectal areas due to geographical and administrative reasons, these three vernaculars spread continuously from southeast to northwest in the county. While diverting from the proto Pu(?)ji language ,they also present various levels of contact with one another in addition to a strong historical contact with the Chinese .Therefore, this is an ideal region for observation of language contact as well as language divergence .In this paper, This thesis studies Pu(?)ji Language mainly from two aspects.Firstly, our study centering on the evolution of phonemic system of Pu(?)ji language in Zhenning . our Research is carried out from two perspectives: on one hand, from a synchronic point of view. we compare three dialectal points, Liuma, Machang and the County Town of Zhenning,representing the three vernaculars in Zhenning County , so as to thoroughly describe the initial consonants, vowels and tones,three sub-systems of the phonemic systems of the three vernarculars in Zhenning County. leading to the reveal of the similarities and differences between the three vernaculars . In order to better grasp the similarities and differences between the three vernaculars, we also refer to the standard dialectal point of Pu(?)ji,Wangmo, and Guiyang a dialectal point of the Second vernacular. on the other hand, our study pushes forward along the route of diachronic route. After separating from the Common Prote Language ,the dialects in Pu(?)ji have been contacting with each other without disruption,while keeping a close relationship with the Zhuang Language. Therefore theis linguistic area presents us a more obvious picture of dialect differentiation. The diachronic research of Pu(?)ji language allows us to track the evolution of this language, as well as have a better understanding of the relationship with other languages in the same subgroup and the languages in the same family .Also our study is conducted from the evolution of consonants, vowels and tones repectively. To study these issues synchronically and diachronically enables us to grasp the overall development of the phonemic system of Pu(?)ji language.Secondly, Our attention focous on the evolution of language contact. By primarily probing into the phonetic systems of different levels of loanwords from Chinese language we have observed the phonemic evolution of Pu(?)ji language , and the sound change of Chinese and the Chinese dialects in surrounding areas of Pu(?)ji language. Pu(?)ji language and the Chinese dialects have kept in contact with no interruption since the Qin and Han dynasties, the ties between the two languages have been tightening since the Ming and Qing dynasties ,leading to the loan words flooding into Pu(?)ji language , accumulating layers of loan words from different periods, among them, some words are easy to determine their source ,however,some small parts of them are hard to be identified, which we have to label these words as"relation word"for future study. In this paper, we divide the load words from Chinese into four levels: ancient, medieval,near past, modern. each of them may be sub divided if necessary. leaving the hard- to -detemine"relation word" for further study.In this paper, by taking the methods of historical comparision, internal reconstruction,hierarchical analysis,experimental phonetics ,geographic dialect ,we try to reveal the route of the eolution of Pu(?)ji phonemic system and reconstruct the phonemic system of the prote Pu(?)ji ,and more ,to describe the characterics of the vonarculars of Pu(?)ji,reveal the layers of loanwords from Chinese,present the real sound characteristics of Pu(?)ji Language.This thesis is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter is a literature review of Pu(?)ji studies; chapter II discripts the profile of the three vernaculars of Pu(?)ji in Zhenning County. Chapter III compares the three phonemic systems of the three vernaculars; Chapter IV describes the evolution of Pu(?)ji phonemic system; Chapter V tries to stratify the layers of Chinese loanwords; Chapter VI is a thematic study on the source of aspirated sounds in Pu(?)ji, the origin of (?)-, a voiceless fricative of tongue edge, as well as the evolution of the stop finals in Pu(?)ji language. Chapter VII contains the conclusion of this article.

【关键词】 贵州镇宁布依语语音
【Key words】 Pu(?)ji LanguageZhenning GuizhouPhonemic system
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期