

Research on the International Law of Protection of Children’s Rights

【作者】 王勇民

【导师】 曹建明;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 国际法, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 儿童是民族的未来与希望,是国家人口安全和社会家庭幸福的关键所在,也是国际社会可持续发展的中心环节。因此,加强儿童教育,完善儿童权利保护,使之健康发展和茁壮成长,正逐渐成为各国政府和国际社会全局和战略性的工作之一。但是,长期以来,受历史文化因素的影响,以及经济、社会发展水平的限制,儿童权利保护工作一直未得到应有的重视。为了真实掌握儿童权利保护的国际法现状,更好地为我国儿童权利保护法律制度的完善提供依据和建议,对儿童权利保护的国际法律制度进行全面、深入地研究,无疑具有重大的理论价值和现实意义。本文分为前言、正文和尾论三个部分,其中正文共有六章。第一章是“儿童权利保护概述”,对儿童权利保护的一些基本性问题进行了简要说明。本章首先对一些概念进行阐述与分析,包括儿童权利的概念及其特征,认为儿童权利是一种特殊性质的人权,是随着文化发展与社会进步而逐渐形成的特殊权利。本章还对儿童权利法律保护的历史变迁与发展进行了阐述,认为儿童权利并非天生的权利,而是时代、历史、经济、社会共同发展和相互作用的产物,并伴随着国际人权法的不断发展,逐渐形成了儿童权利保护的国际法架构。第二章“儿童权利保护的国际法架构与特征研究”主要探讨了儿童权利保护的国际法律文件的基本概况与主要特征。本章对儿童权利保护国际公约的主要内容进行了简要分析,其中涉及全球性公约以及有关区域性公约,然后探讨了上述公约的主要特征。由于1989年《儿童权利公约》在国际儿童权利保护方面所具有的特殊重要意义,即该公约不仅是目前缔约国最多的儿童权利保护公约,具有极大的普遍性价值,而且其中的许多规定还代表了儿童权利保护的最高标准,因而本章对该公约的缔约情况、主要内容进行了比较详尽的阐述。本章还对其他全球性公约以及国际性文件进行了分析,然后对儿童权利保护的区域性公约进行了阐述。这些区域性公约是对《儿童权利公约》的深化与补充,一些权利规定对儿童权利的保护更加全面。对这些儿童权利保护国际公约进行分析,主要目的是对目前国际社会在儿童权利保护的状况有较为全面的认识,这是本文研究的现实基础,进而对国际儿童权利保护的发展趋势进行展望,并为第六章有关我国儿童权利保护所存在的不足以及相应的完善措施的阐述提供依据。第三章“国际儿童保护的基本法律原则”主要探讨了儿童权利保护的四个基本法律原则,即儿童最大利益原则、平等保护原则、尊重儿童原则和多重责任原则。儿童最大利益原则在诸多儿童权利国际法律文件中得到了肯定,并获得了《儿童权利公约》的确认。儿童最大利益原则已经成为各国儿童立法、司法与行政保护措施的纲领性基础以及处理儿童事务的基本准则。平等保护原则也在《儿童权利公约》中获得了肯定,该原则要求对所有儿童实行不歧视的保护,不得基于民族、种族、性别、语言、宗教等因素而加以不同的对待。本文认为,儿童权利的平等保护原则在适用上会涉及年龄方面的歧视,以及基于特殊身份而导致的歧视问题,因而需要在该原则的适用上加以适当的注意。尊重儿童原则也是儿童权利保护的重要原则,虽然从本质上看尊重儿童原则是从儿童最大利益原则延伸出来的,但把该原则作为儿童权利保护的一项基本原则单独加以规定,是必要的:方面是因为儿童最大利益原则作为儿童权利保护的一项基本原则,其所涉及的范围相当广泛,尊重儿童只是该原则适用中的一个重要因素,而非全部;另一方面也表明了尊重儿童在儿童权利保护领域的重要性,需要把它单独加以明确规定。所以,把尊重儿童作为儿童权利保护的一个基本原则,强调了对儿童生存和发展权、以及对儿童观点和意见的尊重,这使儿童权利的保护更加符合儿童的真正利益。多重责任原则也被儿童权利保护国际公约所确认,要求在儿童权利保护方面,国家、社会、家庭等都应当承担相应的责任。本章对上述基本原则的内涵以及它们的适用问题进行了详细的分析。第四章“国际法框架下的儿童基本权利研究”主要阐述了为国际法所承认的儿童享有的基本权利。这些基本权利涉及儿童的生存权、发展权以及特殊状态下的儿童权利。生存权是儿童生存与发展的基础,主要包括基本的健康与福利权、以及生活的幸福与尊严权;发展权体现为机会平等和分配正义,主要包括受教育权与休息、娱乐权,基本自由获得保障权,劳动权等。而特殊状态下的儿童权利则主要涉及处于特殊困境儿童的受救济权、受剥削儿童获得社会保护权、少年司法中儿童的特殊保护权。这种特殊儿童权利体现了对这些儿童的特殊保护,是平等保护原则的现实要求。本章对这些基本权利进行了阐述,并对它们在儿童权利保护国际公约中的地位予以论证。第五章“儿童权利保护国际条约的实施研究”主要对儿童权利保护国际条约在各国国内实施的问题进行了分析。国际条约要产生现实的规范作用,存在一个国际条约在各缔约国国内实施的问题。对于儿童权利保护条约在国内的实施问题,本章从以下三个方面加以了阐述,一是国际条约国内实施概述;二是儿童权利保护条约的国内实施;三是儿童权利保护条约自身的实施机制。这三方面内容存在着内在联系,国际条约国内实施概述是总体性地探讨缔约国如何在国内实施条约的一些基本理论问题、主要学术观点、实践模式等,是后两个问题的铺垫和基础。而儿童权利保护条约的国内实施部分则主要论述了缔约国所承担的具体义务的实施,即程序性义务和实体性义务的实施。第三个方面是有关儿童权利保护条约自身实施机制的阐述与分析,其中涉及条约的实施机构,以及条约的实施方式等。联合国主要机关在儿童权利保护方面起着较为重要作用的是经社理事会,其所发挥的作用一方面体现在经社理事会所具有的职权方面,另一方面则是经社理事会所设立的各种委员会,这些委员会通过其职能的行使而实现儿童权利的保护功能。在实施方式上,目前大致已经形成了五种促进和保护人权的方式,这些方式在人权保护、监督人权公约实施等方面都有着重要的作用。第六章“我国儿童权利保护法律制度完善研究”对我国儿童权利保护法律制度的不足与完善问题进行论述。客观地说,我国儿童权利保护已经取得了较大的成就,先后通过与修订了一系列儿童权利保护的法律,在司法、行政方面也加强了保护的力度;但同时,我国的儿童权利保护还存在着许多不足之处,需要进一步加以完善。有关儿童权利保护立法存在的不足主要集中在以下三点:立法系统性差;立法可操作性差;专门性立法缺失或严重不足。而司法保护方面的不足则主要体现为缺乏专门的少年司法机构、缺乏专门的少年司法程序、少年法庭受案范围过窄、少年案件审判人员专业化程度不够、未成年人法律援助制度不完善等。在行政保护方面也有许多亟待加强的问题。本文最后主要从以下四个方面阐述了完善措施,即儿童权利保护观念的更新、儿童权利保护立法体系的完善、儿童权利保护司法制度的健全、儿童权利行政保护的加强。

【Abstract】 Children are the future, the hope of the world, the critical thing of national population security and social family welfare and the center of the sustainable development of international society. So strengthening children education and perfecting protection of children’s rights to make them grow healthily are becoming one of the overall and strategetic job of every country’s government and international society. However, the job of protection children’s rights has not been emphasized for a long time as restricted by social or economic development level. In order to understand the current situation on international law of protection of children’s rights completely and provide basis and suggestions to the perfection of our country legal system of protection of children’s rights further, our overall and deep research on international legal system of protection of children’s rights has important theoretic value and realistic meaning undoubtedly.This dissertation is divided into three parts:preface, body and conclusion. The body has six chapters.Chapter One is introduction of the international protection of children’s rights. It states some basic questions of international protection of children’s rights simply. Firstly, this chapter states and analyzes some conceptions and explores the nature and characteristics of children’s rights. It concludes that children’s rights are one kind of special human rights, which are special rights that were formed gradually as the culture developed and society progressed. Moreover, this chapter analyzes the history of the development of children’s rights and concludes that children’s rights are the products of times and the results of development of economy and society instead of being natural rights. With the continuous development of international human rights law, the international law protection of children’s rights formed gradually.Chapter Two is research on international law structure and characteristics of protection of children’s rights. It mainly explores the basic situation and main characteristic of the international legal documents of the protection of children’s rights. This chapter makes a simple analysis to the main contents of the international conventions of protection of children’s rights which include the global conventions and some related regional conventions, then it researches the main characteristics of these conventions. This chapter researches contracting situations, main contents detailedly as the convention on rights of the child has very specially important meanings in the field of the international protection of children’s rights. That is because not only this convention has the most contracting parties and extremely popular value, but also some rules of it represents the highest standard of the protection of children’s rights. Moreover, this chapter analyzes some other global conventions and international documents, then states some regional conventions on the protection of children’s rights which are the deepening and supplement of the convention on the rights of the child and have some more comprehensive rules on the protection of children’s rights. The main purpose to analyze these conventions on the protection of children’s rights is to have comparatively comprehensive knowledge of the international situation of the protection of children’s rights which is the realistic basis of this dissertation’s research and to make an expectation toward the developing trends of the international protection of children’s rights further and to provide related basis for chapter six which states the shortcomings and perfections on the protection of children’s rights in our country.Chapter Three is the basic legal principles of international protection of children. It mainly discusses four basic legal principles of the international protection of children, which are the principle of the best interests of children, the principle of equal protection, the principle of respecting children and the principle of multi-responsibilities. The principle of the best interests of children is confirmed by many international legal documents of children’s rights and recognized by the convention on the rights of the child. The principle of the best interests of children has become the leading basis of every country’s children legislative, judicial and administrative measures and the basic principle of handling children affairs. However, there are not generally agreed opinions on the basic content and the applying aspect of it in international society. The principle of equal protection is also confirmed by the convention on the rights of the child. This principle requires that all children should be protected indiscriminately and should not be treated differently as ethnic groups, races, genders, languages, religions, etc. This dissertation believes that the application of the principle of equal protection should be emphasized properly as the application of it relates the discrimination between ages and the discrimination caused by special status. The principle of respecting children is an important principle of protection children’s right too, which is confirmed by international conventions. Although from the essence, this principle is the extension of the principle of the best interests of children, setting this principle as one basic principle of protection children’s rights independently is necessary, as on the one hand, the principle of the best interests of children relates widely as being one basic principle of protection of children’s rights, respecting children is just an important factor of the application of this principle instead of the whole of it; on the other hand, it needs to be established independently in order to show the importance of respecting of children in the field of protection of children’s rights. So making it as one basic principle of protection of children’s rights, emphasizing the right of existence and development and respecting children’s viewpoints and opinions make the protection of children’s rights be better to the children’s real interests. The principle of multi-responsibilities is confirmed by international conventions of the protection of children’s rights too, which requires nations, societies and families to take corresponding responsibilities in the field of the protection of children’s rights. This chapter analyzes the basic contents and the applications of these principles detailedly.Chapter Four is research on children’s basic rights under the structure of international law. It mainly states the children’s basic rights recognized by international law. These basic rights relate to the children’s rights of existence, the children’s rights of development and the children’s rights in special circumstances. The rights of existence which include the basic right of health and welfare, happiness of life and the right of dignity are the basis of children’s existence and development.The rights of development which mainly include the right to education, the right to rest and entertainment, the right of acquiring basic freedom, the right of labor, etc are the rights of children’s normal socialization and embodied as the equality of opportunities and distribution justice. The children’s rights in special circumstances which include the right of relief of children in special circumstances, the right to social protection of exploited children and the children’s right of special protection in juvenile judicial system show the special protection of these children and are the realistic requirement of the principle of equal protection. This chapter illuminates these basic rights and explains their status in international conventions of the protection of children’s rights. Chapter Five is research on implementation of international treaties of the protection of children’s rights. It mainly analyzes the implementation of international treaties of protection of children’s rights in different countries. International treaties’real regulative role in different contracting countries relies on its implementation in different contracting countries. As to the implementation of treaties of the protection of children’s rights, this dissertation states from the following three aspects:(1)introduction on international treaties’ domestic implementation, (2)domestic implementation of treaties of protection of children’s rights, (3) implementation mechanism of treaties of protection of children’s rights. These three aspects have intrinsic relations. Introduction on international treaties’domestic implementation generally discusses some basic theoretic problems, main academic viewpoints, practice mode, etc. about how to implement treaties domestically, which is the preparation and basis of the following two questions. Domestic implementation of treaties of protection of children’s rights mainly discusses the implementation of concrete obligations, which include procedural obligations and substantial obligations, by contracting parties. The third aspect states and analyzes the implementation mechanism of treaties of protection of children’s rights, which relates to the implementing bodies and modes of treaties. It believes that Economic and Social Council plays a comparative important role in the field of the protection of children’s rights in UN’s main organs. Its role shows in two aspects, one is the power owned by the economic and social council, the other is every kind of committees which realize protecting functions through using their power. Until now, around five modes of encouraging and protecting human rights have forme. These mothods play an important role in protecting human rights and supervising implementation of human rights conventions.Chapter Six is research on the perfection of our countries’legal system of the protection of children’s rights. It discusses the defects and perfection of our countries’legal system on the protection of children’s rights. Objectively, protection of children’s rights in our country has achieved a lot, a series of statutes on the protection of children’s rights have been enacted and revised successively and the judicial and the administrative protection have been strengthened. However, it is undeniable that protection of children’s rights in our country has many defects and needs to be improved. The defects of legislations on protection of children’s rights focus on three points: (1)the related legislations are not systemic, (2)the feasibility of the related legislations is bad, (3) the specialized legislations are missing and the specialized legislations in many fields are inadequate. The defects of judicial protection are the lacking specialized juvenile judicial bodied and specialized juvenile procedure, the very narrow scope of accepting cases of juvenile courts, inadequate professional level of the judges of juvenile courts and inadequacy of system of legal aid of juvenile are the main defects of judicial protection. There are also many problems that need to be improved in administrative protection. Finally this dissertation states the perfecting measures from the following four aspects:(1) the updating of the idea of the protection of children’s rights, (2)the perfecting of legislation system of the protection of children’s rights, (3)the completing of judicial system of the protection of children’s rights, (4) the strengthening of administrative protection of children’s rights.

【关键词】 儿童权利保护国际法
【Key words】 Children’s RightsProtectionInternational Law
  • 【分类号】D99
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