

Study on Criminal Reconciliation System

【作者】 邓建辉

【导师】 刘宪权;

【作者基本信息】 华东政法大学 , 刑法学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 如何在刑事司法中实现被害人利益保护与犯罪人回归社会两大目标的平衡是当今世界各国刑事政策面临的一项重大而又无法回避的课题。基于对现行刑事司法诸多问题的切身体会与深切忧虑,笔者选择了刑事和解制度这一具有很强理论价值和现实意义的课题作为博士学位论文,旨在探求刑事和解制度的理念追求、价值蕴涵及适用条件,以论证其理论上的正当性与实践上的可行性,从而在我国实现刑事立法化,以使得两大目标在我国司法实践得以平衡实现。不可否认,目前我国刑事法领域也正处于对刑事和解制度的研究热潮,实践探索也呈现出星星之火的燎原之势。但笔者发现,由于没有确立刑事和解制度在刑法上的基本定位,使得对刑事和解制度的概念内涵、价值蕴涵、适用条件等基本问题缺乏整齐划一的认识,以至于呈现无序零乱的混乱状态。本论文关于刑事和解制度的研究,正是以刑事和解制度的刑事立法构建为目标,通过采用文献研究法、历史研究法、比较研究法、案例实证研究法等多种方法,对刑事和解制度与现行刑事司法的相关理论问题做了详实而深入的探究,初步形成了一个从概念界定到制度构建的完整知识体系,以期对我国建立刑事和解制度提供智力支持。本论文除前言和结语外,共分为六章。在此,作以下摘要性说明。一、刑事和解制度的一般理论研究第一,刑事和解制度的概念与内涵。刑事和解制度存在理念层面和现实制度层面两种解读方式。(一)理念层面的刑事和解概念。通过考察和比较,笔者认为刑事和解的基本理念是,司法应以被害人利益保护为导向,其目标应该是修复伤害与重建平等和谐的人际关系,而和解是实现这一目标的最好手段。以被害人利益为导向的理念强调,必须将被害人的利益和需要作为司法活动的出发点,在此基础上实现被害人、犯罪人和社区利益平衡的保护。刑事和解的正义观是无害的正义和所有人的正义;刑事和解的犯罪观是犯罪伤害了被害者个人、整个社区与犯罪人之间所处原有的和平关系,强制与惩罚并非是改造加害人的恰当手段,理解、宽容和帮助才是最佳的途径;刑事和解的责任观将“责任”视为“做对的事”和“纠正错误的责任”。司法应以被害人和犯罪人等利害关系方的和解形式进行,修复最好以和解方式进行,和解并不是无条件的反对惩罚,适用刑罚是不得已的选择;修复与重建需要争取利害关系方的尽可能参与,利害关系方参与的越多,参与程度越高,所达成的和解协议就越能对人际关系的修复发生作用,取得的效果就越有持久性保障。笔者认为,社区司法化不是刑事和解制度的必然要求。在刑事和解制度中,司法权最终处理原则可以作为刑事和解的第四个理念存在。(二)制度层面的刑事和解概念。笔者认为,刑事和解制度是指犯罪发生后,犯罪人以认罪悔过、赔偿损失等形式取得被害人的谅解,由被害人建议而由司法机关确认给予犯罪人宽缓化刑事处遇的一种制度。刑事和解制度应该是一种刑事处遇制度或刑事诉讼制度;犯罪人刑事处遇的最终决定权应该属于代表国家的司法机关,而不是作为当事人的被害人;刑事和解制度的结果是犯罪人得以较为宽缓的刑事实体处遇或刑事程序处遇,不一定发生刑事追究程序的终止;刑事和解协议的达成,只要求合法、自愿,形式上应允许灵活选择;刑事和解制度主体范围目前应当只限于刑事犯罪人与被害人之间,而不包括个人与国家之间。第二,刑事和解制度的历史演变。通过探寻历史资料,笔者发现,在人类历史发展过程中,无论是西方还是中国,尽管国家使用刑法进行干涉的范围逐步地在扩大,但是刑事和解因子却从未从人类的视野中消失过,一直是作为刑事和解制度的萌芽或不完备形态而存在。现代意义的刑事和解制度已成世界性趋势,而为许多国家立法所确认。根据西方国家对刑事和解制度的当事人满意度、和解协议执行率、心理治疗效果、再犯率和诉讼效益等五个方面的实际效果进行的调查分析,说明刑事和解制度相对于传统司法具有明显的优越之处。第三,刑事和解制度复兴的社会背景和实践渊源。(一)西方国家刑事和解复兴的社会背景:监禁、矫正政策的失败,司法资源的严重浪费;少年司法的理论和实践的发展;被害人犯罪学和被害人保护运动的推动;调解制度的兴起;社区矫正理论的勃兴;西方国家刑事和解复兴的实践渊源与三个传统有关。(二)我国刑事和解制度复兴的社会背景:构建社会主义和谐社会的大背景;刑事被害人权利意识的觉醒;宽严相济刑事政策的深入发展;微罪不起诉制度的司法实践是我国刑事和解的制度渊源。第四,刑事和解制度及其关系论。为了进一步明确刑事和解制度的内涵,笔者将刑事和解制度与几个关联概念“私了”、刑事契约一体化、辩诉交易、中国传统调解制度略作了比较。二、刑事和解制度的价值蕴涵研究笔者简要介绍了西方学界关于刑事和解的理论渊源,并从哲学、政治学、经济学、社会学和伦理学等不同角度,详细探究刑事和解制度的价值蕴涵和理论支撑。第一,西方学界刑事和解制度的理论渊源。西方学界对刑事和解理论基础的解说,主要有“恢复正义理论”、“平衡理论”与“叙说理论”。第二,刑事和解制度的哲学基础。刑事和解运动是西方后现代主义思潮在刑事司法领域的反映。刑事和解制度从根本上体现了以人为本的理念,有利于保护加害人与被害人的合法权益,体现了现代刑事法律对当事人主体地位的认同和保障。刑事和解的理念要求刑事法律保持对个人自决和社会自治的尊重和保障,从而对自生自发秩序保持必要的发展空间,与进化论理性主义的立场更为接近。第三,刑事和解制度的政治学分析。社会契约理论为刑事和解制度中个人自决权和社会自治权的存在,提供了理论根基,同时也为刑事和解制度中当事人的处分权限定了范围。市民社会理论主张实现国家和社会之间实现良性互动,与刑事和解制度在公力救济的视野内尽可能多地允许个人救济和社会救济发挥自己的作用的理念相契合。刑事和解制度主张应当吸纳社会公众共同参与到犯罪案件的处理过程中来,是参与制民主在刑事法领域的具体体现。辅助性原则在刑事法治领域最直接要求就是尊重当事人间刑事和解的效力。第四,刑事和解制度的社会学分析。利益兼得机制构成了刑事和解制度发展的原动力。社会修复能力是刑事和解制度化的启动力:最好的犯罪控制方式是社会的自我控制,而刑事和解制度充分发挥了社会自我控制的功能;刑事和解制度采用社会救济的方式,充分发挥私立救济与公力救济的互补性;刑事和解制度坚持在法治的框架内运行,但又不限于利用法律之外的一切方式解决纠纷实现社会和谐;刑事和解制度以合作、共赢的和谐方式解决纠纷,实现了社会治理方式由旧式现代性向新式现代性的转变。第五,刑事和解制度的经济学分析。帕累托最优原理、经济学的公正观念与刑事和解制度主张的所有人的正义和无害正义相一致。刑罚确定性的边际递减效应决定了有罪必罚的传统刑事司法的非经济性。在刑事和解制度中,经济抚慰金具有良好的威慑效益。刑事和解制度比传统司法更符合“效益-成本与收益”原理。第六,刑事和解制度的伦理学分析。通过系统地批驳质疑,论证了刑事和解制度有利于保护社会利益,体现了当事人自愿意志,并非“花钱买刑”,有利于维系社会道德水平,并有利于抑制司法腐败三、刑事和解制度与刑事法基本理论的契合。第一,刑事和解制度与刑法基本原则的契合。(一)刑事和解制度与罪刑法定原则的契合。刑事和解制度能与相对罪刑法定原则相契合,因为相对罪刑法定原则在保障国民法益的同时,还通过排除无目的地处罚罪犯,以保障国民的人权,这就与刑事和解制度具有相同的价值取向——限制刑罚权、保障人权。我国罪刑法定原则不包含所谓的“积极的罪刑法定原则”的内容,我国刑法第3条规定“法律明文规定为犯罪的,依照法律定罪处刑”,并非指只要行为构成犯罪时就必须依据法律的规定定罪处罚,否则与刑法第13条中的“但书”条款等规定矛盾。罪刑法定原则只是消极的罪刑法定,在此意义上刑事和解制度与罪刑法定原则不相冲突。(二)刑事和解制度与平等适用刑法原则的契合。平等适用刑法原则的含义:刑法适用平等原则追求的是对于犯罪人适用法律时的平等,而非适用法律后的平等,或制定刑法上一律平等;这种平等也是相对的平等、有限的平等,而非是绝对的平等。从以下角度看,刑事和解制度不违反平等适用刑法原则:刑事和解制度在法律的范围内提供了平等保护被害人和犯罪人利益的机制;犯罪人达成刑事和解的能力差别是刑事和解制度以外的不平等原因所致,而非刑事和解制度本身不平等;刑法适用的平等只能是一种相对的平等;刑事和解制度不存在违反法律对犯罪人不公平对待问题;刑事和解制度是为有认罪悔罪及改过愿望的犯罪人而设,相应配套措施的完善可以使获得刑事和解机会的硬条件不仅仅是经济条件(赔偿);在实质意义上,任何刑事纠纷都存在刑事和解的余地;传统刑事司法中也不能实现同罪同罚。(三)刑事和解制度与罪刑相适应原则的契合。刑事和解制度之所以给犯罪人从轻或减轻处罚,在于犯罪的人身危险性和犯罪的危害程度减小了。刑事和解制度不是“赔钱减刑”或“财刑相当”,赔钱并非刑事责任和刑罚减免的唯一依据,支付赔偿金实质具有财产刑的效果,赔钱不一定就减刑。第二,刑事和解制度能实现刑法(罚)之目的。刑事和解制度能实现刑罚特殊预防之目的,因为刑事和解制度具有财产刑的特殊预防作用,并能激发犯罪人的道德感以抑制犯罪。刑事和解制度符合消极一般预防和特别一般预防的要求。刑事和解制度通过有效缓和人际关系,使冲突得以彻底解决,其比传统司法更能实现社会预防之功能。刑事和解制度仍然体现了对犯罪分子惩罚功能,具备刑罚社会防卫和社会整合的效果。第三,刑事和解制度能贯彻刑事政策的需要。刑事和解制度本事就是一种理智的刑事政策;刑事和解制度能体现人本主义刑事政策之精神;刑事和解制度能全面贯彻宽严相济刑事政策;刑事和解制度能最大程度地体现轻缓刑事政策;刑事和解制度能体现刑法第三元制度之观念;刑事和解制度能全面落实坦白从宽刑事政策。第四,刑事和解制度与刑事诉讼法基本理论的契合。刑事和解制度体现了“自由选择与合意”的契约观念,是诉讼民主化的体现;刑事和解制度符合程序公正的要求;刑事和解制度能体现诉讼效益;刑事和解制度能彰显诉讼和谐价值;程序主体性理论支持刑事和解制度;刑事和解制度不违反正当程序原则。第五,刑事和解模式与传统司法模式的契合。刑事和解制度只是现行刑事司法框架内的一种新型纠纷解决机制,只是在现行刑事司法体制的体系内对其进行局部修正,并不是对现行刑事司法模式的根本性的否定。现行的刑事司法模式可以接纳刑事和解模式。四、刑事和解制度化构建之条件第一,刑事和解制度化构建的观念条件。中国传统的文化观为刑事和解制度化提供了文化根基:和合文化成为构建刑事和解制度的民族文化底蕴;“无讼”观念成为刑事和解制度有效运行的观念支撑;中国传统法律文化中的“仁道”精神支持刑事和解制度中的宽容理念;中国传统文化中的与民妥协精神支持刑事和解制度中的社区治理理念;中国传统文化实用理性支持刑事和解制度中的尊重个人权益理念;中国传统的诉讼价值观为刑事和解制度化提供了观念支持。普通民众情结为刑事和解制度化提供了社会心理条件:熟人情结为刑事和解制度的构建提供了必要的心理接受条件;市场经济观念为刑事和解制度倡导了诉讼交易意识;民事调解制度的实践效果为刑事和解制度赢得了社会心理认可;“自诉”和“私了”大量存在为刑事和解制度化的构建具备了社会心理期待。第二,刑事和解制度化构建的制度条件。刑事和解制度化构建的政治条件:构建和谐社会与刑事和解制度有着共同的人本主义基础;和谐正义是构建和谐社会和刑事和解制度的共同理想;刑事和解制度是践行构建和谐社会理念的具体路径之一;现行的刑事司法体制为刑事和解制度化的构建提供了政治保证。刑事和解制度化构建的法律条件:我国现行的法律制度存在刑事和解的因子;司法实践中已经出现了刑事和解的萌芽;刑事司法较强的回应功能为刑事和解制度化提供了足够的法律空间。第三,刑事和解制度化构建的实践条件。刑事和解制度为自身提供了利益驱动力;我国社会具有构建刑事和解的物质技术条件,我国传统的调节机制与遍布全国的调解网络为刑事和解制度化奠定了组织基础。五、刑事和解制度适用研究第一,刑事和解制度的适用原则。包括平等自愿原则、合法原则、司法确认原则和不得妨害国家的司法权原则、以刑事被害人利益保护为导向原则、平等保护原则、正当程序原则和和解宽缓原则。第二,刑事和解制度的适用条件。本部分根据刑事和解理念和司法实践做法,总结刑事和解制度适用的主体条件、行为条件、刑度条件、主观条件、证据条件,提出刑事和解制度的适用不限于侵犯个人法益的犯罪,刑事和解制度的启动也并不以加害方和受害方都同意调解为必要等观点。第三,刑事和解制度的适用阶段和调解人。本部分通过借鉴西方刑事和解制度的适用阶段和调解人制度,认为我国刑事和解制度可以适用于从立案阶段到执行的每一阶段,认为刑事和解制度以中立的社会组织充当调解人最为合适,但是考虑到尊重当事人自治和我国目前的实际情况,应当允许自行和解,允许包括司法机关在内的其他个人和单位充当调解人。第四,刑事和解程序的当事人和其他和解参与人。本部分通过借鉴西方国家的实践情况,认为我国应当根据实际情况,在以被害人和加害人和解模式为主体的情况下,根据案件具体情况,选择适用各种和解模式,灵活确定具体和解程序的当事人和其他和解参与人范围。第五,刑事和解协议的效力和后果。本部分具体探讨了刑事和解协议的民事法律后果和效力、刑事和解协议的刑事法效力和后果以及当事人反悔对和解协议和案件法律后果的影响。六、刑事和解制度化之构想第一,刑事和解制度化的刑事法立法构想。我国刑法中关于刑事和解制度的具体构建,建议在刑法典中增加刑事和解制度的一般规定、刑事和解制度在定罪量刑、刑罚执行、死刑限制等条款中的规定,还应增设非监禁刑,并加强非监禁刑罚的执行和监督。我国刑事诉讼法中关于刑事和解制度的具体构建,建议在第一编第七章“附带民事诉讼”后增设一章“刑事和解制度”作为第八章,对刑事和解的一些共同的、基本的内容作统一规定。对于个别无法统一规定的内容,在在刑事诉讼各个诉讼环节补充相应的刑事和解规定。第二,刑事和解制度的相关配套措施之构建。其一是刑法配套措施,具体为:建立人格调查制度、增加非监禁刑之种类、建立刑事和解担保基金制度、改变司法机关不合理的考核机制、扩大检察机关对刑事和解制度的检察监督权等。其二是刑事诉讼法配套措施,应建立被害人权利保障制度。如加强被害人诉讼地位和诉讼权利保障、建立被害人保护的社会保障体系,提出完善刑事附带民事诉讼的财产保全制度、完善刑事附带民事诉讼的财产保全制度等建议。其三是行政配套措施,如加快培育各种非政府组织和调解组织,加快社区建设。建议放宽对各种非政府组织的制度限制,加强政府资助和扶持力度;积极培育调解组织、规范调解程序;加快社区建设,完善社区矫正工作等。

【Abstract】 How to balance the major two objectives of protecting victim’s interests and making the offender back to the society is a significant yet unavoidable task with respect to the criminal policies in each country of the present world. Based on the personal awareness of and sincere anxiety about various issues concerning the current criminal and Judicial, the author selected the criminal reconciliation system which boasts theory value and realistic meaning as the topic for the doctor’s degree thesis to explore the idea pursuing, value implication and applicable terms of criminal reconciliation system and testify its validity and feasibility in terms of theory and practice respectively with a view to realizing criminal legislation and the balance between the aforesaid two major objectives in the judicial practice of our country as well. Undoubtedly, there is a growing interest in studying on criminal reconciliation and the exploration made in practice also increased a lot in the field of criminal law. However, the author found that studies on these aspects seemingly tend to be in the situation of disorder resulted from the lack of basic location of the criminal reconciliation in terms of criminal law, which leads to the absence of uniform common grounds about such basic issues as concept connotation, value meaning, applicable terms of criminal reconciliation system. With respect to the study on the criminal reconciliation system, this thesis aims to establishing the criminal legislation of criminal reconciliation system, employs literature research method, historical research method, comparison research method and case study method etc., conducts a detailed yet in-dept study on relevant theory of criminal reconciliation system and the present criminal Judicial, and forms a preliminary complete knowledge system ranging from conception defining and system setting up in order to provide intellectual support for the establishment of criminal reconciliation system in our country. Apart from introduction and conclusion, this thesis consists of six chapters. The explanation for the content is hereby given.Ⅰ. General Theory Studies on Criminal Reconciliation SystemFirst, the concept and connotation of criminal reconciliation system. There are two methods to understand the criminal reconciliation system i.e. from the concept level and from the system in reality. (Ⅰ) Concept of criminal reconciliation from the concept level. By inspection and comparison, the author considers the basic concept of criminal reconciliation shall be that the Judicial shall be oriented for protecting the victim’s interests with the goal of restoring the damaged and reconstructing harmonious interpersonal relations, and reconciliation may serve as the best means to realize this goal. Victim’s interests-oriented concept stresses that the Judicial activity shall take the victim’s interests and need as the basis to protect the balance between interests of the victim, that of the offender as well as the interests of community on this basis. The justice outlook of the criminal reconciliation shall be unoffending and enjoyed by all human beings; view of criminality of the criminal reconciliation refers to the fact that the crime damages the original harmonious relations between the individual victim, the whole community and the offender, and understanding, tolerance and assistance are appropriate solutions to reform the offender instead of compulsory punishment; view of responsibility of the criminal reconciliation defines the responsibility as to do the right things and rectify errors. Judicial law shall re-conciliate interest relations between the victim and the offender, and it’s better to restore the relation in way of reconciliation. While reconciliation does not mean the unconditional objection to the punishment, and the applicable punishment shall be the last method. Restoration and reconstruction requires more participation of interested member. More interested members means greater attendance, and the achieved reconciliation agreement will play better part in restoring interpersonal relation with the more permanent guarantee for the result.The author views that community judicial is the necessary requirement of the criminal reconciliation system. As to this system, the final settlement principle of jurisdiction shall be existed as the fourth concept of criminal reconciliation. (Ⅱ) Concept of criminal reconciliation from the system level. The author holds the view that the criminal reconciliation system refers to a system in which after a crime is committed, the inure person gets the forgiveness from the victim by means of confession of the guilt and resipiscence as well as compensation for the incurred loss, and the victim suggests to grant a lenient criminal treatment which shall be confirmed by the judicial organ. The criminal reconciliation system shall be the criminal treatment system or criminal lawsuit system; The final power of decision about the offender’s criminal treatment shall be reserved by the judicial organ which represents the state, instead of the victim involved; the result of the criminal reconciliation system shall be that the offender gets a more lenient criminal substantive treatment or criminal procedure treatment, not necessarily the termination of the criminal liability procedure; Criminal reconciliation agreement allows flexibility to be reached in terms of from on the basis of being legal and voluntary; The subject scope of the criminal reconciliation system is only restricted among the criminal injure person and the victim at the present, excluding that among the individual and the state.Second, historical evolution of the criminal reconciliation system. The author finds out that in the process of historical development, west countries or our country expand their use of criminal law to interfere with things, but the criminal reconciliation factor has never disappeared in our horizon and been existing in the bud or in uncompleted state of criminal reconciliation system. Modern criminal reconciliation system has become the world trend and is confirmed by legislation in many countries. A survey conducted by western countries on the actual effect on the following five aspects i.e. the degree of being satisfactory about the criminal reconciliation system which is showed by the party involved, execution ratio of reconciliation agreement, psychological treatment result, and re-committing crime and lawsuit effect explains that the criminal reconciliation system is superior obviously to the traditional judicial. Third, social background and source of practice. (Ⅰ) Social background of criminal reconciliation restoration in western countries:failure of imprisonment and policy for correction, terrible waste of judicial resource; development of juvenile judicial theory and practice; promotion of victimology and movement for protecting the victim; upsurge of the reconciliation system; Emergence of community correction theory. The source of practice of restoration the criminal reconciliation in western countries has connection with three traditions. (Ⅱ) Social background of restoring the criminal reconciliation in our country:great background of building up socialism harmonious society; awakening of criminal victim’s awareness of rights; In-depth development of criminal policy of being justice with mercy. The justice practice in which petty crime shall not be taken to the law is the source of criminal reconciliation system in our country.Fourth, criminal reconciliation system and its relation theory. To further clarify the connotation of the criminal reconciliation system, the author made a trivial comparison between the criminal reconciliation system and related concepts such as "solving in private", integration of criminal contract, defending proceeding transaction and Chinese traditional reconciliation system.II. Study on Value Connotation of Criminal Reconciliation SystemThe author made a brief introduction to the theory source of criminal reconciliation in western academic community, and explored in detail the value connotation and theory foundation of criminal reconciliation system from different perspectives of philosophy, politics, economics, sociology and ethnics.First, theory source of criminal reconciliation in western academic community. In the western academic community, there are "restorative justice thoery", "balance theory" and "narrative theory" to explain the basis of criminal reconciliation theory.Second, philosophy basis of criminal reconciliation system. Criminal reconciliation movement is the reflection of post-modernism thoughts in the field of criminal judicial in the west. Criminal reconciliation system represents fundamentally the human-centered idea and shows the recognition and guarantee of the subjective position of the party involved in the modern criminal law, and is conducive to the protection of legal interests of the offender as well as the victim. The concept of criminal reconciliation requires that criminal law shall insist on the respect and guarantee of individual self-determination and social autonomy in order to maintain necessary space for development in terms of order that is created automatically, which is even closer to the stand of rationalism of evolution theory.Third, political analysis of criminal reconciliation system. Social contract theory provides theory foundation for the existence of individual determination rights and social autonym rights in the criminal reconciliation system, and defines the scope for the punishment rights of party involved in this system. Theory of citizen society proposes to realize the good interaction between the country and the society, which is consistent with the idea in which the criminal reconciliation system shall allow the individual relief and social relief to play their part as much as possible in the witness of public force relief. The criminal reconciliation system maintains to attract social pubic people to participate in the settling process of crime cases, which is the concert reflection of participation system applied to the field of criminal law. The most direct requirement of principle of subsidiary applied to the field of criminal law is to respect the effective force of criminal reconciliation among parties involved.Fourth, sociology analysis of criminal reconciliation system. Profit gaining mechanism becomes the driver of the development of criminal reconciliation system. Society restoration capability is the tripping force for the criminal reconciliation system:the best method of controlling crimes is the self-control of society, while the criminal reconciliation system gives the function of self-control of society to its fullest; the criminal reconciliation system exercises the form of society relief and plays its full part for the complimentarily of private relief and public relief; the criminal reconciliation system insists on the execution within the framework of law, but not limited to employing all means beyond the law field to settle disputes and conflicts to realize the harmony in the society; the criminal reconciliation system settles disputes in a harmonious way of cooperation and win-win strategy and realizes the transformation of social governing method from the old modernity to the new one.Fifth, economic analysis of criminal reconciliation system. Pareto Optimality Principle and the justice idea of economics is consistent with the justice enjoyed by and unoffending justice proposed by the criminal reconciliation system. The marginal reduction effect of criminal punishment determines the non-economy of the traditional criminal judicial in which any crime must be punished. As to the criminal reconciliation system, economic solarium boasts good deterrent benefit. The criminal reconciliation system matches the principle of "benefit-cost and profit" better than the traditional judicial.Sixth, ethnics analysis of criminal reconciliation system. Through systematic criticizing and questioning, it proves that the criminal reconciliation system is conducive to protecting social profits, reflects the voluntary will of the party involved instead of "reducing the punishment with money", and will help to maintain social moral level and inhibit judicial corruption.Ⅲ. Criminal Reconciliation Corresponds to Basic Theory of Criminal LawFirst, criminal reconciliation corresponds to the basic principle of criminal law. (Ⅰ) Criminal reconciliation system corresponds to principle of the legally prescribed punishment for a special crime. The criminal reconciliation system is able to correspond to the principle of relatively legally prescribed punishment for a special crime, because the relatively legally prescribed punishment for a special crime rules out the punishment to the criminal without purposes apart from protecting the legal interests of national citizens with a view to safeguarding the human rights of national people, which is inconformity with the value orientation of the criminal reconciliation system i.e. restricting criminal punishment rights and safeguarding human rights. Principle of the legally prescribed punishment for a special crime in our country does no include the so-called "active principle of the legally prescribed punishment for a special crime". The third provision of criminal law in our country stipulates that "Any crime stipulated by the legal documents must be convicted and sentenced according to the law", but it does not means that in case the action may be called a crime, the criminal must be convicted and sentenced according to the law which violates the stipulation of "proviso" clause in No.13 of the criminal law. Principle of the legally prescribed punishment for a special crime is just a passive method of convicting and sentencing, to such degree, the criminal reconciliation system does not violate the principle of the legally prescribed punishment for a special crime. (Ⅱ) Criminal reconciliation system is able to corresponds to the equal and applicable principle of criminal law. Meaning of the equal and applicable principle of criminal law:The equal and applicable principle of criminal law aims to pursue the equality of law in which the criminal is applied to, not the equality after the application of law or the uniform equality when formulating the criminal law; Such equality is relative and limited instead of absolute equality. From the following perspective, the criminal reconciliation system does not violate the equal and applicable principle of criminal law:the criminal reconciliation system provides the mechanism to protect on the basis of equality the interests of the victim and the offender within the scope of law; capability difference with which the offender forms the criminal reconciliation results from the non-equal issues beyond the criminal reconciliation system, not the non-equality of such system; equality applicable to the criminal law is a relatively one; criminal reconciliation system does not exist the unequal treatment to the offender when he or she violates the law; criminal reconciliation system is established for the offender who convicted the crime and had a wish to make correction, and the improvement of the corresponding supplementary facilities makes the strict term for getting criminal reconciliation surpass the economic terms (compensation); with respect to the substantive meaning, there is room for criminal reconciliation for any criminal disputes; the traditional criminal judicial is not able to realize "identical crime and identical punishment". (Ⅲ) Criminal reconciliation system is able to correspond to the principle of crime and punishment accordance. The reason that criminal reconciliation system could reduce the punishment committed to the actor lies in the reduction of bodily dangerous of actor and damaging scope of the crime. The criminal reconciliation system does not refer to "reducing punishment for the sake of money" or "equal money with equal punishment". Compensation with money is not the sole foundation for reducing the criminal liability and criminal punishment, and to pay the compensation is of property punishment content and compensation with money does not necessarily mean the reduction of punishment.Second, criminal reconciliation is able to achieve the goal of specially protecting the criminal punishment, because this system boasts the function of specially protecting the property punishment and is able to stimulate the moral sense of the offender so as to inhibit crimes. Criminal reconciliation system is in conformity with the requirement of passive general precaution and special general precaution. Criminal reconciliation system solves disputes and conflicts completely by effectively easing interpersonal relations, which is better for realizing the function of social precaution than traditional judicial. Criminal reconciliation system reflects the function of punishment made to the criminal and boasts the effect of criminal punishment social protection and social integration.Third, criminal reconciliation can meet the need of criminal policy. criminal reconciliation system is a reasonable criminal policy in itself; criminal reconciliation system can represent the spirit of criminal policy i.e. humanism; criminal reconciliation system is able to implement all round the criminal policy of being justice with mercy; criminal reconciliation system can reflect the criminal policy of probation to the maximum; criminal reconciliation system can represent the concept of Criminal Tri-tiered System; criminal reconciliation system can implement completely the criminal policy of getting lighter sentence by telling the truth.Fourth, criminal reconciliation system can correspond to the basic theory of criminal procedure law. Criminal reconciliation system represents the contract idea of "free selection and consensus " which is the reflection of procedure democracy; criminal reconciliation system corresponds to the requirement of procedure justice; criminal reconciliation system can reflect the procedure benefits; criminal reconciliation system can stand for the harmonious value of procedure; theory of procedure subjectivity supports the criminal reconciliation system; Criminal reconciliation system does not violate the principle of normal procedure.Fifth, criminal reconciliation mode can correspond to the traditional judicial form Criminal reconciliation system is a new solving mechanism within the present criminal judicial framework and makes correction to the part of the system of current criminal judicial, which is not the fundamental negation to the present criminal judicial mode. The current criminal judicial mode can accept the criminal reconciliation format.Ⅳ. Terms for Establishment of Criminal Reconciliation SystemFirst, concept terms for the establishment of criminal reconciliation system. Chinese traditional culture outlook provides cultural base for the criminal reconciliation system:harmonious culture becomes the national culture meanings for the establishment of criminal reconciliation system;" no-lawsuit" concept is the concept support for the effective operation of criminal reconciliation system; the spirit of benevolence of Chinese traditional law culture supports the tolerant philosophy of criminal reconciliation system; the spirit of compromise to citizens of Chinese traditional culture supports the philosophy of community governing of criminal reconciliation system; the practical rationality of Chinese traditional culture supports the philosophy of respecting individual interests of criminal reconciliation system; Chinese traditional value outlook on lawsuit provides idea support for the criminal reconciliation system. General people’s idea provides social psychological terms for the criminal reconciliation system:consideration of acquaintance provides necessary psychological terms for accepting for the establishment of criminal reconciliation system; market economic idea publishes the awareness of lawsuit transaction for criminal reconciliation system; the practice result of civil reconciliation system wins social psychology recognition for the criminal reconciliation system; many phenomena of "one-self action" and "settlement in private" provide social and psychological expectation for the establishment of criminal reconciliation system.Second, system terms for the establishment of criminal reconciliation system. Political terms for the establishment of criminal reconciliation system:establishing the common basis of humanism shared by the harmonious society and criminal reconciliation system; harmony and justice are the common ideals for establishing harmonious society and criminal reconciliation system; criminal reconciliation system is one of the specific method of practicing and establishing the philosophy of harmonious society; the current criminal judicial system provides political guarantee for the establishment of criminal reconciliation system. The law terms for the establishment of criminal reconciliation system:the current law system in our country shows sign of criminal reconciliation in itself; criminal reconciliation gets buds in the judicial practice; the relatively response capability of the criminal judicial provides enough law space for the criminal reconciliation system.Third, practice terms for the establishment of criminal reconciliation system. The criminal reconciliation system provides interests driver for itself; society in our country boasts the material and technological terms for establishing the criminal reconciliation, and our traditional regulatory mechanism and the mediation network spreading in our country provides organization base for the criminal reconciliation system.V. Applicable Study on Criminal Reconciliation SystemFirst, applicable principle of criminal reconciliation system. including the principle of equality and voluntariness, legal principle, principle of judicial confirmation and principle of non-damaging state judicial rights, the principle of orienting the protection of interests of the criminal victim, principle of equal protection, principle of justifiable procedure and principle of reconciliation and tolerance.Second, applicable terms of criminal reconciliation system. This part summarizes the subject terms, action terms, criminal system terms, subjective terms, evidence terms that are applicable to the criminal reconciliation and proposes that the applicability of criminal reconciliation system is not confined to crime that offends individual legal interests and the launch of criminal reconciliation system is not necessarily accepted by the offender and the victim with their consent to the mediation.Third, applicable stage of criminal reconciliation system and mediator. by learning from the applicable stage of western criminal reconciliation system and the mediator system, this part holds the view that the criminal reconciliation system in our country can be applied to each stage ranging from case-filing to execution and that the neutral social organization determined as the mediator by the criminal reconciliation system is most appropriate. However, in consideration of respecting the autonomy of the party involved and current actual situation of our country, it views that self-reconciliation shall be allowed, and other individuals and units including judicial organ are allowed to be mediators.Fourth, party involved in criminal reconciliation and other people participating in the mediation. On the basis of learning the practice of western countries and occasion of taking the mediation mode of the victim and the injured person as the subjects, this part holds the view that our country shall adopt suitable applicable mediation mode, flexibly determine scope for the party involved in specific mediation procedure and other people participating in the mediation in accordance with specific information about the case.Fifth, effective force and result of criminal reconciliation agreement. This part discusses in detail the civil legal result and effective force of criminal reconciliation agreement, criminal law effect and result of criminal reconciliation agreement as well as the influence of the involved party’s regret on the reconciliation agreement and the legal consequence of the case.Ⅵ. Conceiving Establishment of Criminal Reconciliation SystemFirst, criminal legislative conception of criminal reconciliation system. With respect to the specific establishment of criminal reconciliation system, the criminal law in our country proposes that general stipulation of criminal reconciliation system shall be added to, and apart from provisions of conviction and punishment, execution of criminal punishment and death penalty limitation, non-imprisonment shall be set up and the execution and supervision of non-imprisonment of criminal punishment shall be reinforced. The specific establishment of criminal reconciliation system in our country suggests that " Criminal Reconciliation System" shall be added to the first compilation as chapter 8, following chapter 7 "Incidental Civil to Criminal Proceeding" and that the general stipulation about common and basic content of criminal reconciliation shall be made. In terms of those special contents that are not able to be uniformly stipulated, corresponding stipulation of criminal reconciliation shall be supplemented in each lawsuit stage of criminal procedure.Second, establishment of relevant supporting measures of criminal reconciliation system. The first measure is the supporting measures of criminal law, to be specific, to establish personality investigation system, to add types of non-imprisonment, to set up guarantee fund system of criminal reconciliation, to change unreasonable evaluation mechanism of judicial organs, and to expand the prosecution and supervision power of procuratorial authority in the criminal reconciliation system etc.The second is the supporting measures of criminal procedure law, and the safeguarding system of victim’s rights shall be established. For instance, to strengthen the procedure position of the victim and safeguard his or her procedure rights, to establish the social security system to protect the victim, to propose to improve the property preservation system of criminal action combined civil action and so on.The third is the administrative supporting measures, for example, to speed up the cultivation of various non-governmental organizations and mediation organizations, and to accelerate the construction of communities. It is advised to loosen the limitation to the system of various non-governmental organizations, to promote the degree of government assistance and support; to actively foster mediation organizations, to standardize mediation procedure; to accelerate the construction of communities, and to improve the cause of correction in communities.
