

Study on the Development of China’s Green Industry

【作者】 陈健

【导师】 雷海章;

【作者基本信息】 华中农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 进入二十一世纪之后,在社会经济快速发展的同时,资源短缺、环境污染等问题更加突出。恩格斯指出:“到目前为止存在过的一切方式,都只在于取得劳动的最近的、最直接的有益效果。那些只是在以后才显现出来的、由于逐渐的重复和累积才发生作用的进一步的结果,是完全被忽视的”。这种急功近利的生产方式完全是现代产业生产的真实写照。它建立在对自然界的单方面索取和掠夺上,因而生产越发展,对自然界的破坏也越严重。科学技术的片面发展和应用,使这种破坏变本加厉。发展绿色产业就是对人类自身以牺牲自然环境为代价产生的严重后果的深刻反思结果。我国绿色产业不仅肩负着确保现代农业、工业、服务业可持续发展等经济重任,更承载着改善生态环境、实现人与自然和谐发展等非经济重任。自然资源禀赋及新时期经济社会的发展,决定了我国必须走绿色产业发展的道路。绿色产业的提出是为解决我国产业发展中面临的自然资源短缺、产业污染严重、食品安全问题频发、生态环境恶化等突出问题而提出的新的发展模式,是以科技创新、制度创新为核心,以适应社会经济持续发展目标要求的产业生产方式的变革,其目标体现了国家经济与社会发展的战略取向,是时代的选择,是符合我国国情的发展模式。本文阐述共分七章,除了第一章导论和第七章结论之外,第二、三、四章着重理论研究,第五、六章着重现实分析。内容具体安排如下:第一章为导论,阐述课题研究背景,分析国内外绿色产业相关理论,在疏理已有研究成果的基础上,界定绿色产业的内涵,为论文进一步实证及提出我国绿色产业的发展战略和政策建议提供理论基础和分析角度;第二章绿色贸易壁垒成为我国对外贸易的“双刃剑”为切入点,分析绿色壁垒产生的背景原因,国际发展趋势以及对我国经济发展造成的影响,得出绿色产业是我国应对壁垒的必然选择,也是唯一的出路的结论;第三章系统阐述了绿色产业发展的基本理论:产业代谢理论、物质平衡理论和物质循环理论;第四章立足于绿色产业的划分,阐述绿色产业链的内涵、耦合关系、运行机制和监控体系建设;第五章阐述我国绿色产业,包括绿色工业、农业和服务业的发展,并评价各产业在我国的发展情况。第六章以珠三角地区为实例,通过对珠三角地区的绿色产业发展进行具体分析,并运用MATLAB程序计算珠三角地区2001年-2005年的生态足迹与生态承载力状况,得出珠三角在五年间生态赤字稍有好转,并有良性发展的趋势,但目前仍处于“低承载、低足迹、高赤字”的不可持续状态。提出建议如下:(1)继续控制人口的增长;(2)减少经济开发过程中对耕地的占用,合理开发未利用土地:(3)采用生物高新技术,提高自然资源单位面积的生物产量;(4)继续调整能源结构,大力开发太阳能、风能、天然气等清洁能源,高效利用现有资源存量;(5)改变人们的生产和生活消费方式,建立资源节约型的社会生产和消费体系的建议:第七章为全文的总结和展望。本文可能的创新主要是:1、系统地构建了我国绿色产业的研究框架。本文以经济学、管理学和生态学等学科的相关理论为指导,借鉴前人的研究成果,在总体描述绿色产业链运作机理的基础上,分别从绿色工业、绿色农业和绿色服务业研究了我国绿色产业的发展,并结合实证分析提出了推进我国绿色产业发展的具体构想,从而系统地构建了我国绿色产业的研究框架;2、运用定量分析方法对我国绿色产业的发展进行了实证研究。本文以珠江三角洲的个案资料为例,运用生态足迹等理论和方法,对我国绿色产业的发展进行了实证研究,使研究结论更具科学性和说服力:3、注重应用研究,有针对性地提出了发展我国绿色产业的对策建议和政策选择。本文在理论研究和实证分析的基础上,有针对性地提出了促进我国绿色工业、绿色农业和绿色服务业发展的对策建议,并从总体上提出了发展我国绿色产业的政策选择,试图提升本研究成果的应用价值。

【Abstract】 When the world entered into the 21st century, the economy of the society develops fast still, but at the same time the issue of tackling resource pressure and environmental pollution becomes more and more urgent. The world’s previous model of production was proved to be very short-sighted, since it was built upon the selfish and relentless intake and exploitation of our mother earth. Thus, the development of the human industry goes alongside with the destroying of the world’s nature. If this way goes on without any effective readjustment, the situation will fall from bad to worst. The call of developing green industry (namely environmental-friendly industry) is the result of human being’s reflection of their acts on the price of sacrificing the environment.Green industry not only shoulders the economic responsibility of ensuring a healthy development of modern agriculture, industry and business services, but bears the non-economic responsibility of ameliorating our eco-environment, realizing a harmonious development between man and nature. The situation of resource scarcity and the need of economic healthy development have decided that China must step on the road of developing green industry as soon as possible. A brand-new model of industrial development which is founded on greening the industrial facility, perspectives, and approaches is badly needed to set target on the reform which endeavors to maintain a sustainable development of the society. The development of green industry reflects the strategic orientation of China’s economic and social development, suites the nowadays situation of China, thus becomes the choice of time.Generally, this paper will be divided into seven parts. Along with the first part of introduction and the last part of conclusion, the 2nd, 3rd, and the 4th part of the paper are the theory parts, the 5th part and the 6th part are the empirical parts of the research. The arrangement of the paper goes as the following:The first chapter is the introduction. The paper begins with the research background, analyses its relevant theories studied by scholars from home and abroad. Based on the available references, then the paper defines the definition of "green industry", thus provides a theoretical basis and analytic viewpoint for the follow-up research.The second part of the paper takes the green trade barriers as the lead-in of the whole research, further explains its formation, international trend, and its "two-edged" impact on China’s foreign trade after entering into the World Trade Organization (WTO). This chapter concludes to the statement that developing green industry is the only and effective way for China to tackle the green trade barriers.In the third part, this paper presents the basic theories of green industry, including industrial metabolism theory, material balance, and material recycling theory. They are the research foundation of the whole paper.The fourth part tries to build up a green industrial chain, setting effort to analyze its structure, mechanism and supervision system.In the fifth chapter, the paper focuses on the development of China’s green fanufacturing industry, green agriculture, and green service industry on the whole, each followed by its development description and evaluation.The sixth chapter takes the Pearl River Delta as an example. Having calculated its ecological footprint with MATLAB program from 2001 to 2005, the author of the paper sums up to the conlcusion that the Pearl River Delta is in a state of "low capacity, low footprint, but high deficit" unsustainable development situation, measures should be taken immediately. Then the paper presents some valuable suggestions as: (1) continue the policy of birth control; (2) reduce the occupation of cultivated land for the economic use, and develop un-cultivated land with causion and reasonably;(3) adopt the high bio-techniques to improve the bio-productivity of the land resources per capita;(4) continue to adjust the energy consumption structure, carry out research and development of clean power, such as solar enery, wind power, and natural gas etc.;(5) Try to change the way of the present consumption style both in production and life, build up a more frugal society which is friendly to the environment.The seventh part of the paper, namely, the last part, lays down suggestions and conclusion for the whole research.Probable innovations of the paper can be summarized to the following three aspects:First, the paper builds up a systematically framework for China’s green industry research. Utilized the theories from the fields of economics, management, and ecology etc., the author of the paper tries to describe the development of China’s green industry from a lager and higher point of view, thus push the research of China’s green industry a step forward.Second, the paper chooses the Pearl River Delta as specific example, with the data collected from trusted references, programmed by Ecological Footprint Analysis Approach, the result of the research becomes more scientific and persuasive.Third, this paper pays much attention to applying research to reality. Its realistic and applicable suggestions put forward will be valued by policy makers.

  • 【分类号】F279.2
  • 【被引频次】7
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