

A Research on the Social Economy of Ili in Qing Dynasty

【作者】 张文亚

【导师】 李并成;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 专门史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 清政府统一新疆后,伊犁成为全疆政治、军事、经济、文化的中心。后沙俄侵占大片土地,伊犁遂为边城,首府也迁往乌鲁木齐。新疆建省后设立府县制,伊犁九城中的绥定成为伊犁府的治所,中心城市由惠远转为宁远城。清代伊犁在整个新疆以至在我国西北边疆中具有极其重要战略地位,其社会经济发展的整体水平有很大的提高,为其以后更大的发展奠定了较好的基础。该文以科学发展观为指导,运用专门史、历史地理学中有关区域开发的基本原理,系统地、深入地研究有清一代伊犁社会经济发展的历史过程,着重对其在清代各个不同时段的经略思想、经济政策的制定和实施、民族和人口的迁移分布、农业屯垦及水利建设的兴衰、农作物的种植与分布、开垦范围的消长和移动、畜牧业的发展以及工矿铸造业、商业贸易和城镇交通的发展状况等,进行全方位、多层次的考察,力求真实地反映其变化过程,总结其发展的经验教训,找出其中若干带有规律性的东西;并对在人类的开发活动影响下伊犁河谷的生态环境的演变及其机制进行研究,以期以伊犁河谷的研究为典型“个案”,为专门史、区域历史地理的学科建设作出贡献,为今天西部大开发中伊犁地区的经济建设及经济社会的可持续发展提供切实的有益的历史借鉴。

【Abstract】 After unifying Xinjiang, Qing dynasty established General governance system to govern Xinjiang on the foundation of early Qing dynasty. Ili became the political, economic, military and cultural center and it began to develop itself in several aspects .With the Tsar of Russia’s invasion and occupation of large tracts of land , Ili was turned into a frontier city and Urumqi was the capital city of Xinjiang. After the establishment of Xinjiang province, Suiding city among nine cities in Ili was the capital of Ili Fu, meantime, Ningyuan city developed fast and was the economic center. Ili had extremely important strategic position in Northwest borderlands in Qing dynasty and laid a foundation for future.By using the theory of the specialized history and historical geography , this dissertation analyzes systematically and profoundly the process of economic development of Ili in Qing dynasty under the scientific development views, and summarizes its characteristics. It focuses on the the economic strategies and management, the development of policy formulation and implementation, national migration and population distribution, agricultural settlement, and the rise and fall of the water conservation construction, crop cultivation and distribution, the scope of the rise and fall of land and movement, the development of the livestock as well as the industry and mining, commercial trade and the development of urban transport during different periods of the Qing Dynasty .Through a comprehensive survey , this dissertation tries to truly reflect the changes in the process of restoration of historical features in Ili, and sum up experiences and lessons to find regularity; it analyzes the evolution and mechanism of Ili under the influence of the development activities of the local people. This dissertation contributes to the development of the specialized history and historical geography, and it provides useful historical reference for economic construction and sustainable development of Ili in the western development.

【关键词】 清代伊犁社会经济
【Key words】 Qing dynastyIlithe social economic development?
  • 【分类号】K249
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1135