

Research on the Commenting and Selecting of the Notes of Classical Chinese

【作者】 武汉强

【导师】 伏俊琏;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 《古文观止》是清代康熙年间由私塾先生选编的教科书,也是至今影响最大、流传最广的古文选本。学术界对其研究,多着眼于选篇优劣、评点得失、注释短长等常规方面的论述,而对其为科举考试服务的选编目的和性质多持否定和批判态度,或者避而不谈。本文从选和评两个方面对《古文观止》的教科书性质和为科举考试服务的目的以及与八股文写作的关系进行了初步研究。全文分四章:第一章主要讨论了中国古代古文选本的类型和选本中古文概念的演变。按照选本的选编目的、作用和功能,古文选本大致可分为重文类、尚道类、辑佚类和科举教科书类四种基本类型,而不同时期和不同类型的古文选本中“古文”的内涵和外延都有区别。《古文观止》科举教科书的性质决定了其所选之文为“载道之文”,与八股文在精神实质上具有同一性。第二章论述了《古文观止》成书的背景。首先,清初“崇儒尊孔”的文化政策和理学的官化所形成的“醇雅”文风限定了《古文观止》选编文章内容的“雅正”特点;其次,自南宋以来“以古文为时文”的实践使得古文和时文既双向互动又互相交融和渗透,而二者的这种关系是通过古文选本的选评实现的,《古文观止》正是古文和时文这种关系的体现;再次,南宋以来的古文选本对古文的选评积淀下来的经验和评点成果为《古文观止》的选评提供了大量可资借鉴的优秀古文篇目和评点理论及术语。清代初年调和“秦汉派”和“唐宋派”的文学思潮倾向也是影响《古文观止》选文的一个重要因素。第三章通过对《古文观止》选文特点的考察,从选编思想、选编体例、选文类型等方面论述了其为科举考试服务的实用性特点。《古文观止》所构建的古文体系是在适应了清初文化政策的基础之上又与八股文写作密切相关的历代“载道之文”。这个体系不以古文的文学性为旨归,而是靠古文的“义理”来维系的。因此,它所选的古文并不是我们平常所说的“古代的文章”,是统治者的政统和道统相结合而形成的新统系。第四章主要研究《古文观止》的评点与八股文写作的关系。《古文观止》的评点充分吸收了前人及同时代人的评点成果,但不是全部承袭,而是有鉴别地采纳,并融入自己的见解。具体地说,就是吸收了前人对“文法”的评点成果而加大了对文章义理的阐发。《古文观止》对古文的评点与清初八股文理、法、辞、气的衡文标准完全一致,充分说明了其为科举服务的性质。《古文观止》评点所构筑的文章学理论既不是纯粹的古文理论,也不是纯粹的时文理论,而是古文与时文融合下的产物,是一种新的文章学理论,对我们今天的文章学观念产生了深远的影响。

【Abstract】 The Notes of Classical Chinese was not only a kind of teaching material which was adapted by Private tutor in the period of Kangxi, in Qing Dynasty, but also the most influent ancient writing which spread most extensively until now. It is studied by scholars from the general perspective of whether the adapted material inferior or the superior, the remark proper or not, and the long or short notation, while for its purpose and property of service for the Imperial Examination is often denied and criticized even not mentioned. From the two aspects of selecting and valuing, the teaching material characters of the Notes of Classical Chinese, the purpose for the Imperial Examination System and the relation with the writing of Eight-Part Essay will be discussed slightly in this paper in four parts.In chapter one, the types of extracted ancient writing in ancient China and the evolvement of concept of it will be analyzed. According to the purpose, effect and function of the extracted writing, it can be divided into four types: the type of Redundant Chinese, high-Taoism, the Gathering Together of Scattered Writings, and teaching material for the Imperial Examination, while the denotation and connotation of ancient writing are different in different periods and extracted ancient writings. As the teaching material for Imperial Examination, the Notes of Classical Chinese is decided that the extracted writings are conveying truth which identifies with the Eight-Part Essay in term of spirit.In chapter two, the background of the Notes of Classical Chinese is demonstrated. First, at the beginning of Qing Dynasty, the cultural policy of Homage to Confucius and Confucianism and the elegant style of writing made by the officialization of neo-Confucianism have limited the elegant legitimism of the selected part in The Notes of Classical Chinese;Second, since the Nan Song Dynasty, the practice of“the ancient radicals are for the present ones”makes the two kinds of articles exchange and blend mutually. And the relationship between the two is realized by assessing the ancient writings. And the Notes of Classical Chinese is the embodiment of this relationship. Third, the experience and the evaluating results from the ancient prose from Nan Song Dynasty provide lots of excellent ancient articles and evaluating theory and terms. The trend of literatural thought of accommodating the Qin-Han school to the Tang-Song school in the early Qing Dynasty is also an important element in influencing the choice of the articles of the Notes of Classical Chinese.In chapter three, the practicability characters that the Notes of Classical Chinese service for Imperial Examinations is discussed by studying on its material characters from some aspects such as the selecting principle, geners and styles. The system of ancient writing,constructed by he Finest of Ancient Prose,is of conveying truth writings, which is closely related to the writing of Eight-Part Essay based on the adaptation of cultural policy in the early Qing Dynasty. This system does not aim to the Literariness of ancient articles, but to the Moral principle to maintain. Therefore, the ancient articles in it do not mean the common essays as what we call in ancient times.In chapter four, the relationship between the criticizing and selecting of the Notes of Classical Chinese and the writings of Eight-Part Essay is mainly studied. The remark on The Notes of Classical Chinese has fully absorbed the remark work of ancestors and contemporary. However, it didn’t carry on all of it, only partly, and added there own standpoint. Specifically, it absorbed the forefathers’remark work on grammar, and enhanced the explanation on meaning and logic of articles. The remark on ancient article by the Notes of Classical Chinese is totally similar to the marking criterion of the Eight-Part Essay in the early Qing Dynasty: theory, principle, rhtoric, mood,which proves completely the property of service for the Eight-Part Essay. The theories prose constructed by the remarks on the Notes of Classical Chinese is neither the sheer theories for ancient writings, nor for the nowadays ones, but a mixture of the two. It is a new theories of prose which has deep influence on the current theories of prose.

  • 【分类号】I206.2
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