

Models and Techniques for Ecological Restoration of Abandoned Mine Land in Urban and Mountain Regions

【作者】 王煜琴

【导师】 胡振琪;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 环境科学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 废弃煤矿区的生态修复是当前生态环境保护的重要工作之一,位于大都市郊区的山区型煤矿废弃地的生态修复方式方法与我国大部分平原地区的煤矿所在地的修复技术大有不同,在深入分析此类煤矿废弃地特点的基础上认为生态旅游的修复方向是符合该类区域自然特点和经济发展实际的。本文分析了城郊山区型煤矿废弃地在区位、资源及政策方面的优势、劣势以及煤矿废弃地发展生态旅游的潜力,在此基础上,总结和提出了生态旅游的创意模式。进而在生态旅游空间重构理论和原则支持下诊断了废弃矿区生态旅游格局的问题所在,进行了研究区旅游资源的空间重构,提出了废弃煤矿区生态旅游重构的基本策略,确定了研究区生态旅游总体空间布局和重点项目分析。城郊山区的煤矿废弃地的开发利用,首先要以环境整治和生态修复为先导,本文基于城郊山区煤矿废弃地的主要破坏形式和区域生态旅游的修复目标,提出了基于地形的山区型采煤塌陷地修复技术、煤矸石山的污染治理和景观再造技术、矿业遗迹的保护和再利用技术为主要内容的修复技术体系。为弥补传统采煤塌陷地治理技术主要适宜平原区的缺陷,开发出山顶园地型、沟壑水保型、山坡林地型和凹坑充填型的山区采煤塌陷地修复技术模式。通过在北京市门头沟废弃矿区对本研究开发的生态修复技术模式的实例验证,取得了很好的效果。

【Abstract】 Ecological restoration of abandoned mine land is important to the whole eco-environment protection. But the restoration technique and model of abandoned mine land in urban and mountain regions are different from which in other area. This paper analyzed the characters for them. On such basis, ecological tourism originality models were preferred. Supported by spatial restructure theory of tourism resources, this paper diagnosed the main problems of tourism spatial redistribution in abandoned mine land, statemented the reconfigure strategy, the general Layout and main engineering projects of study area were formed also. In the process of development and utilization of abandoned mine land, ecological restoration was the first step. So the ecological restoration techniques and models are necessity. This paper preferred one comprehensive restoration technical system for abandoned mine land in urban and mountain regions and for the ecological tourism target. It comprise of restoration technique of collapse areas based on topography characters, integrated technique of pollution control and landscape design for coal waste piles and the protection and reutilization technique for mining Heritage. To remedy the defect that the past restoration technique for collapse mainly suitable to plain areas, this paper developed some techniques mainly suitable to the collapse areas in mountain region. Developed mountain top orchard restoration model, gully water conservation restoration model, hillside forest restoration model and collapse filling restoration model. And by test in study areas, these restoration models all can play perfect effect.

  • 【分类号】X171.4;TD88
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1303
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