

The Research on Surface Subsidence Due to Mining Horizontal Slice of Extra-thick and Steep Coal Seam

【作者】 易四海

【导师】 戴华阳;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 矿山空间信息学与沉陷控制工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文针对特厚急倾斜煤层水平分层“三下”开采的实际需要,通过现场观测和实测资料分析,研究揭示了特厚急倾斜煤层水平分层开采地表沉陷规律,提出了水平分层开采地表移动角量参数的计算方法;借助模型实验和数值计算等研究手段,揭示了特厚急倾斜煤层水平分层开采岩层移动机理,针对开采过程中岩层移动表现出来的阶段性特征,将开采过程划分为浅部和深部二个开采阶段,总结出了岩层移动浅部拱结构和深部铰接岩梁结构的特征,分析了这两种结构控制下的岩层与地表移动规律及岩移参数的变化规律;揭示了岩层移动方向随倾向位置不同而变化的传播特征,及特厚急倾斜煤层水平分层开采条件下的移动形式。据岩层移动机理和开采空间与地层产状不一致特征,以随机介质理论为基础,建立了基于开采影响传播角变化的沉陷预计模型和特厚急倾斜煤层水平分层开采地表移动预测方法。最后结合实例进行了工程应用研究。

【Abstract】 Based on the actual needs of the extra-thick and steep coal seam due to mining horizontal slice under buildings, railways and waterbodies, the surface subsidence rules is revealed and the angle parameters calculation method is presented by analyzing the observed data and field exploration. A study is made on the law of the strata movement due to horizontal slice mining extra-thick and steep coal using the research means of model experiment and numerial simulation. Mining process is divided into shallow and deep mining phase because the strata movement in the process of mining showed the phased character. Each mining phase shows a movement structure model, such as arch structrue in shallow mining phase, and hinged rock beam in deep mining phase. The law of strata and surface movement and the change law of strata movement parameters is summarized in the control of the two phase. The mechanism character of the strata movement propagation path is reavled, as well as the forms of the strata movement. According to the strata movement mechanism and the different characteristics between mining space and attitude of stratum, propagation angle of extration change based subsidence prediction model and surface movement prediction method is built in the basis the random medium theory. Other extensive work is also made on the application.
