

Research on Inhibition Technology of the Coal and Gas Outburst Accident during the Coal Lane Tunneling

【作者】 单智勇

【导师】 郭德勇;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 安全技术与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 煤与瓦斯突出严重影响着煤矿的正常生产和职工人身安全,在突出机理研究未取得重大突破,煤与瓦斯突出不能完全杜绝时,研究针对性地煤与瓦斯突出灾害事故抑制技术重要而实用。在煤矿采掘生产过程中发生的煤与瓦斯突出事故,以煤巷掘进工作面发生的频率最高、危害最大,并极易导致风流逆风等灾变事故的发生。本文以煤与瓦斯突出灾害发生与破坏运动机理为基础,科学地分析瓦斯灾害发生的原因与规律,试验研究适合于掘进巷道的煤与瓦斯突出抑制技术,降低突出煤体对掘进巷道的破坏程度,抑制突出瓦斯流和冲击波对采区通风系统的影响,达到提高采区生产、通风系统抗灾变能力的目的。通过数值模拟与实际检验,起到了降低煤与瓦斯突出破坏强度、抑制灾害事故发生的效果。

【Abstract】 Coal and gas outburst in coal mines have seriously affected the normal production and the personal safety of workers. When coal and gas outburst can not be totally eliminated because the mechanism of outburst has not achieved major breakthrough, the researching of suppression technique in coal and gas outburst accident is important and useful. Among the coal and gas outburst accidents occurred in the coal mining production process, driving face has the highest frequency of occurrence and the largest damages, and is easily leading to catastrophe accidents such as adverse wind and so on. Based on the mechanism of coal and gas outburst disaster and destruction, the article scientifically analyzes the causes of the gas disaster and the law. The research designed for coal and gas outburst suppression technology in driving workings, can reduce the damage on the driving workings and restrain the effect of gas flow and the shock wave on the ventilation system, so as to enhance production and the ability of the ventilation system against catastrophe. Numerical simulation and the actual test play a good effect on lowering coal and gas outburst damage intensity and suppressing the occurrence of catastrophe.

【关键词】 掘进煤与瓦斯突出灾变抑制防逆风
【Key words】 tunnellingcoal and gas outburstcatastrophesuppressionanti-wind