

Research on Strata Pressure Laws Working Face Lapped Each Other of the Stagger Arrangement Roadway Layouts in Thick Coal Seams

【作者】 王志强

【导师】 赵景礼;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 采矿工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 论文的研究是以为解决西山矿区典型条件的5m厚度煤层,以及放顶煤开采本身存在的工作面端头不放煤,丢煤增加自燃隐患,回风平巷沿底板布置不利排放瓦斯;巷道在煤顶下掘进与维护困难等问题的厚煤层高效全厚开采新技术开发项目作为研究背景的。论文通过理论分析、实验室相似模拟、计算机数值模拟以及现场应用等方法相结合,系统的研究了错层位巷道布置采全厚采煤法矿压显现情况,论文中获得了以下成果:(1)以关键层作为主要研究对象,建立关键层的弹性薄板力学模型并结合梁的破断理论,对相邻关键层之间进行强度判定,得出了由下向上的两相邻关键层之间的强度条件;(2)以弹性薄板理论为基础,确定首采工作面基本顶初次断裂前、基本顶初次断裂后,接续工作面基本顶初次断裂前、基本顶初次断裂后的弹性薄板边界条件,利用功的互等定理,推导不同回采时期基本顶的挠度和弯矩解析解,得到煤壁上方基本顶的弯矩分布状况;(3)在基本顶以弹性薄板理论研究的基础上,借鉴梁理论在煤壁上方弯矩峰值处沿推进方向分析其断裂步距,考虑到弹性薄板的几何比修正后,得出断裂步距计算公式;(4)分析了区段之间有无护巷煤柱对上方关键层的稳定影响,并给出以弹性薄板为基础的关键层稳定条件;(5)建立了关键层与采空区的几何力学模型,并给出垮落带高度的确定方法。

【Abstract】 This paper takes the new technology development project of full-seam mining in thick coal seam, which can solve the 5m seam in typical condition of Xishan coal section and the problems that appeared in top coal caving, as the background. These problems include:the coal on the top of the face end and the mining roadway is not caved out, losing coal and increasing the potential danger of self-ignition; the section coal pillar for protecting the roadway; the gas can’t be drawn out easily for the layout of the tailgate along the floor; the difficult in driving and maintain the gateway under the top coal seam; etc. Be combined closely with the theoretical analysis, the analogous simulation experiment, the computer simulation and field application, the paper studies systemic on the strata pressure behavior when using roadway layout of stagger arrangement in thick coal seam. Some results are obtained as follows:(1) By taking the key stratum as the research object, the paper builds the key stratum’s elastic-thin-slab mechanics model and being combined with the theory of the broken of beam, takes Strength decision of adjacent key stratums, then get the strength condition between adjacent key stratums from lower layer to upper layer. (2) Based on the theory of elastic thin plate, the boundary conditions of the elastic thin plate before and after the main roof fracture of the first coal mining face and the connection working face are determined. Through the reciprocal theorem, the deflection and bending-moment analytical solution of the main roof are deduced, the conclusion of the main roof moment distribution on the top of the coal wall is reached; (3) The main roof researched on the basis of the elastic thin plate theory, combined with the beam theory, the fracture length is analyzed from the peak spot on the top of the coal wall to the advance direction. Considered the ratio of the geometrical modification of elastic thin plate, the fracture length is determine; (4) The paper has analyzed the Stability Influence of upper key stratum if there is chain Pillar or not between the sections, and gets the stability condition of upper key stratums based on elastic thin plate. (5) Geometric mechanic modal of the key stratum and mined-out area is constituted, and the measure to confirm the height of caving zone is given.

【关键词】 错层位基本顶关键层断裂
【Key words】 Stagger arrangementMain roofKey stratumFracture