

The Transduction Mechanism in Analogical Reasoning

【作者】 邱琴

【导师】 胡竹菁;

【作者基本信息】 江西师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在以往的研究中,类比推理时而是一种逻辑意义上的比较类推法;时而是一种推理心理的加工过程;时而是一种问题解决和学习的迁移过程。这使得该领域的研究呈现纷繁复杂的状态。然而,心理学界研究类比推理的初衷是想弄清楚科学发现和创造性思维活动所依托的核心认知机制——类比推理的心理加工机制。尽管国内外关于类比推理的研究成果已经颇为丰富,但大部分研究仍然是建立在对类比推理的传统理解之上,这种传统的理解是不利于了解这种独特的思维机制。研究将类比推理的概念区分为广义类比推理和狭义类比推理。并认为,狭义类比推理所具有的特点,与这种创造性思维更加相符。所谓狭义类比推理(analogical reasoning, reason by analogy),是指通过类比比较发现两个不同事物间共有的本质关系,并通过比较之后的科学思维活动,产生出创新意义的成果。狭义类比推理侧重于相当难度的科学发现和创新活动,是更高层次的认知能力,是一种需要更多认知努力的由已知推导未知的心智活动。它认为发现关系固然重要,但使本质关系得以正确的运用和转换,保证创新成果的实现则更重要。我们知道,科学发现和创新活动中遇到的问题大多是复杂而模糊界定的。即便是发现了本质关系,但是要想正确的运用相似关系,得出创新成果,仍然需要具备特定的能力。这其中就包含了研究所要关注的类比推理的转换能力。根据上述理论构想,研究对类比推理过程中涉及到的转换过程进行分类,并在分类的基础上,对与狭义类比推理关系密切的:映射转换、推理过程转换、关系结构转换这三类转换进行实验研究。映射转换的研究结果表明:1)瑞文高级推理测验的第二组题确实要难于第一组题;被试在转换题上的得分低于非转换题上的得分,转换题的设计效果明显,且表明是否需要进行心理上的转换确实影响了被试的解题成绩;不论题目难度的高低都不影响转换与非转换之间的差异。2)存在着基于能力的映射转换,并且映射转换能力与析出关系能力之间呈中等程度的线性相关。实验可以区分出析出关系能力高、低的被试和转换能力高、低的被试。推理过程转换的研究结果表明:1)以四卡问题为代表的假设检验的推理过程在特定的实验条件下,表现出推理过程转换的心理加工过程。2)改善问题的陈述形式,使之和样例问题一样,能够降低推理过程转换的难度,促进推理过程转换的成绩。3)多个样例归纳的图式促进同形同型或异形同型的解答,却对推理转换过程有抑制作用。关系结构转换的研究结果表明:1)日常生活中,人们更多地使用关系结构进行检索,但表面相似性的作用仍然比较重要。2)立场偏好的情感因素影响了类比源的产生。观点立场一致的条件比观点立场不一致的条件,产生更多数量的类比源和共同的关系结构。两种条件在语义相似程度、结构转换的清楚度这两方面没有显著差异;在语义范畴类别上存在差异。3)反对与支持两种条件,在不同的实验情境下表现不同。4)结构转换模糊的被试,其产生无效类比源的可能性越大。这也意味着,这类被试关系结构的转换能力更低些。而结构转换清楚的被试,其产生有效类比源的可能性更大,这类被试关系结构的转换能力更高些。研究的意义在于:1)提出狭义类比推理的概念,将科学发现和创造性思维当中的类比推理与其它广义意义上的类比推理概念,比如:类比迁移、类推,相区分。2)首次对类比推理加工机制中的转换过程进行分类。并对与狭义类比推理密切相关的三类转换过程进行实验研究。3)通过实验研究发现映射转换能力的存在,并将这一能力与基于知识经验的转换相区分。4)一系列的实验研究对教育和创新思维的培养有实践指导意义。

【Abstract】 In the past study, analogy somehow be a comparative analogism, or be a machining process of reasoning psychology, or even be a transfer process of problem solving and learning. All these made the study of analogy stay in various kinds. However, psychological process mechanism of analogical reasoning, which is the core of creativity thinking, is the original intention of investigating analogical in psychology. Although the achievement of analogy reasoning both in home and abroad were abundant, a traditional understanding of analogy fails to understand this unique thinking mechanism.This study differs analogy from a narrow sense analogy a broad sense analogy. We think the characteristics of the narrow sense analogy will be in accord with creativity thinking. The meaning of the narrow sense analogy is the reason by analogy. It is a course that to discover the mutual essence relationship between two dissimilarity things by analogical compare, and producing innovative content fruit by the activity of science thinking after comparison. The narrow sense analogy emphasizes particularly on quite difficulty science discover and innovative activity. That is a further high level cognitive capability and the thinker’s activity from known to unknown requiring more cognitive endeavor. The problems of science discovery and innovative activity were complicated and illegibility. Even we can discover the core relation, specific ability still needed. Such ability will include the analogical transduction ability that we should pay more attention.According to the above theory assumption, this research classifies the transduction process involving in the course of analogical reasoning. Upon classification, we did the experimental investigation of three type of transduction including mapping transduction, reasoning process transduction, and relational structure transductionThe result of mapping transduction shows:1) the second group problem is more difficult than the first group problem in Reven advanced reasoning exam. The score of the transduction problem is lower than the score of the nontransduction problem. The design effect of transduction problem is obvious, the difficulty of the problem will not influence the transduction process.2)mapping transduction based on the capability is existed. It is related with the ability of the analysis induce in middling degree.The result of reasoning process transduction shows:1) the reasoning process of the hypothesis inspection puts up the process of reasoning process.2) the statement form of the problem is the same as the statement form of the exemplar problem that can reduce the difficulty of the reasoning process and facilitate the performance of the reasoning process.3) the schema induction of many exemplar problems can facilitate the performance of the isomorphism problems, but will restrain the performance of the hetero-morphism problems.The result of the transduction relational structure shows:1) people can retrieve by the relational structure in ordinary life, but the function of the superficial similarity is still important.2) the affective factors of standpoint preference will influence the analogy production.3) the two conditions of opposition and approval will have a different performance in different experimental state.4) the subject of fuzzy structure transduction has more chance producing the nullity analog, but the subject of clear structure transduction has more chance producing effective analog.The meaning of the study is:1) We put forward the concept of the narrow sense analogy and distinguish the analogical reasoning in science discovery and innovation thinking from the other concept of the broad sense of analogy, such as:analogical transfer, analogism.2) We classify the transduction process in analogical reasoning process mechanism.3) We find the capability of the mapping transduction through the experimental study.4) A series of the experimental results will have practical instructive sense in the education and the cultivation of innovative thinking.
