

Study on the Near-natural Configuration Models of Plant Community in Chengdu City

【作者】 曾晓阳

【导师】 陈其兵;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 森林培育学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 21世纪.中国城市化进程日益加快。城市发展与生态之间的矛盾也日益突出。在城市发展中,怎样注重生态安全,强调生态文明,搞好生态建设。深入贯彻落实科学发展观,构建和谐社会成为全社会日益关注的重大问题。人们迫切希望寻找到能够科学、合理、正确处理这些问题的途径和方法。在此背景下,研究组成合理、结构科学、功能显著的城市森林体系建设的途径与方法,建立适宜的城市森林的近自然植物群落配置模式具有重要的现实意义。城市森林的近自然植物群落配置模式研究,是基于国内城市森林建设中缺乏对近自然经营理论的系统运用和具体实践的情况下展开的。本文主要运用森林学、生态学、园林学、美学相关理论原理,依据近自然森林经营和植物群落演替学说中的项极植物群落理论,采用群落聚类分析、种间关系分析、层次分析等方法,使用WinScanopy2005a For Hemispherical Image Analysis等先进仪器及分析软件进行数据处理,以成都市为例,对其城市森林的近自然植物群落配置模式的科学构建进行了深入系统的分析研究,得出了城市森林的近自然植物群落评价模型、成都市城市森林近自然植物群落配置的基本模式和多种优化模式以及相应的营建技术等研究结论。论文的逻辑结构和主要内容如下:1.提出城市森林的“近自然植物群落配置”的概念,构建城市森林的近自然植物群落配置的基础理论体系框架。该理论体系主要由森林学、生态学、园林学、美学相关理论原理和近自然森林经营、植物群落演替学说中的顶极植物群落理论组成。2.对城市森林的近自然植物群落配置的物种选择进行系统研究。通过对青城山典型植物群落和成都市区现有典型园林植物群落植物的物种组成的调查,分别对两类研究对象进行群落聚类分析,对比研究物种组成特征及其物种多样性,分析青城山样地的植被区系和群落建群种和优势种,明确顶极植物群落物种的特征:分别建立《青城山典型植物群落的植物名录》和《成都市区现有典型园林植物群落的植物名录》;在明确成都市城市森林的近自然植物群落配置物种选择原则的基础上。归纳总结出《成都市城市森林近自然植物群落构建供选物种编目》,为成都市近自然的植物群落配置模式的构建提供充足的植物材料。3.系统比较青城山典型植物群落和市区现有典型园林植物群落的群落结构特征。通过野外调查,分别采集样地的土样、拍摄半球影像照片和绘制植物群落投影盖度图、垂直剖面图,对群落的生境条件(土壤理化性质和小气候条件)、结构特征(林冠结构、镶嵌结构、成层结构等)、群落外貌、生长状况等进行定量分析和实证研究,为城市森林的近自然植物群落评价模型的建立奠定基础:根据对青城山栲树群落种间关系的分析,确定具有显著正相关或正相关的物种对,为近自然的植物群落物种组合提供科学依据。4.建立城市森林的近自然植物群落评价模型,研究其在成都市的应用。运用AHP法,确定城市森林的近自然植物群落评价指标,即目标层下分4个准则层,共设计23个准则层指标和44个基本指标。如物种组成指标、空间结构指标、生态服务功能指标、景观美学指标。物种组成指标包括物种多样性、常绿种和落叶种的比例、针叶种和阔叶种的比例,空间结构指标包括郁闭度、层次丰富度、水平镶嵌结构等9个指标:生态服务功能指标包括固碳释氧、降温增湿、涵养水源等6个指标:景观美学指标包括冠形、干形、叶、花等的5个美学指标;确定各指标的评分标准、指标权重,建立评价模型。其中,将青城山低山常绿阔叶林栲树群落的各调查指标值作为评分标准划分的基准,研究近自然的植物群落的定量综合评价,得出成都市区调查样地群落中10个人工植物群落的定量综合评价结果:其综合得分值在1.9224-2.9575之间,得分不高,等级多集中在第Ⅲ等,总体评价等级较低,表明成都市城市森林现有典型的人工植物群落人为干扰过度、物种组成和空间结构科学性合理性不足、生态服务功能不强,需要进行近自然化改造的人工植物群落数量较多,因而对其进行近自然化改造具有必要性和现实性。通过系统地比较研究,进一步发展和完善了城市森林的概念。5.探讨城市森林的近自然植物群落营建技术及其应用。首先阐述城市森林植物群落配置中存在的问题:明确城市森林的近自然植物群落配置模式构建的指导思想和原则,并以成都市为例。选取青城山低山常绿阔叶林的栲树群落作为人工近自然植物群落营建的参考体系,构建城市森林的近自然植物群落的基本模式及其演绎的多种优化模式,如公园绿地、附属绿地、防护绿地以及竹林和针叶林等的优化模式;初建城市森林的近自然植物群落营建的技术规范要点;明确近自然化改造的指导思想和主要内容,按照城市森林的近自然植物群落配置的基本模式、优化模式和技术规范要点,对城市森林的近自然植物群落的发展类型进行设计,确定近自然化改造的目标和指标,包括植物群落功能和功能类型、立地条件、物种组成和空间结构等,具体以成都市区现有园林植物群落中评价等级低的人工植物群落为例,进行近自然化改造发展类型的典型设计。

【Abstract】 Since entering the 21st century, China’s urban development and urbanization process have been accelerating, which obviously has increased the contradiction with urban ecology and environment at the same time. During urban development, how to lay stress on ecological safety, to emphasize ecological civilization, to do well in ecological construction, to thoroughly implement the scientific concept of development, to construct ecological civilization and to build a harmonious society, which have became the major issues of growing concern by the whole society. People urgently need to find a scientific, reasonable and correct way to address these issues and methods. In this context, study on the building ways and means of urban forest system with rational composition, scientific structure and remarkable function and establishing the near-natural configuration models of plant communities in urban forest have important realistic meanings.The study of the near-natural configuration models of plant community was carried out under the background of the lacking of the systematic application of near-natural theory in the building of the urban forest. In this paper, taking Chengdu city as an example, a study on the near-natural configuration models of plant community in urban forest has been conducted systematically and deeply, based on the application of the principle of the Forestry, Ecology, Landscape Architecture and Aesthetics and the theory of the near-natural forest management and the climax community of Vegetation Succession. The method of clustering analysis, interspecific association analysis and hierarchy analysis were used in this paper. Mean while, the advanced instruments, such as WinScanopy2005a, were used for hemispherical image analysis. As a result, the evolution models of near-natural plant community in urban forest, the basic configuration model, several optimized models and the related building technique for near-natural plant community in Chengdu urban forest were obtained.The logical structure and main contents of this paper were as follows:1. This paper put forward the concept of configuration of near-natural plant communities and the basic theoretical framework for the configuration of near-natural plant communities, which was consisted of the principle of the Forestry, Ecology, Landscape Architecture and Aesthetics and the theory of the near-natural forest management and the climax community of Vegetation Succession.2. A study on the seed selection in the configuration of near-natural plant communities was carried out. The community cluster analysis was conducted based on the species composition investigation on the typical plant communities in Qingcheng Mountain and the existing garden plant communities in Chengdu city. Then the compared study on the characteristics of species composition and species diversity was carried out. The top-level community characteristics were clearies through the analysis of plant flora and community superior stand and dominant species. The plant list of typical community in Qingcheng Mountain and the existing garden plant list in Chengdu city were established. The selectable plant list for the construction of near-closed natural community of urban forest in Chengdu city was concluded and summarized based on the definitude of the selection principle and basis for the configuration of near-natural plant communities in urban forest of Chengdu city, which provided plant materials for the construction of near-natural plant communities in Chengdu city.3. A systematic comparison on plant community structure between Qingcheng Mountain and Chengdu city was made in this paper. Based on the field investigation and laboratory testing analysis, the quantitative study of the biotope, including soil physical and chemical properties and microclimate condition, plant community structural characteristics, including canopy structure, mosaic structure and stratified structure, physiognomy, growth status was made, which established the foundation for the building of evaluation model. According to the analysis of interspecific relationship of Castanopsis fargesii community in Qingcheng Mountain, the positively correlated species couples were det, which proved the scientific basis for the configuration of the near-natural plant community.4. This paper built the evolution models of near-natural plant community in urban forest. Its application in Chengdu urban forest was also studied. The evaluation indexes, i.e. 4 rule layers under target layer, 23 indexes of target layer, 44 basic indexes, such as index of species composition, spatial structure, ecological service function and landscape aesthetics, were determined by using the method of AHP. The species composition indexes included species diversity, the proportion of evergreen species to deciduous species, the proportion of needle species to broad-leaved species; the spatial structure indexes included canopy density, level richness, horizontal mosaic structure, etc; the indexes of ecological service function included carbon fixation and oxygen release, cooling and humidification, water conservation, etc. Landscape aesthetics indexes consist of crown form, stem form, leaf and flower, etc. The evaluation model was constructed based on these indexes and their marking standard and index weight. A quantitative study on the comprehensive evaluation of near-natural plant community was carried out based on the marking standard from the investigation indexes of climax community in evergreen broad-leaved forest of Qingcheng Mountain. The evolution results from the plots of Chengdu city showed that comprehensive score was low, arranged from 1.9224-2.9575. The scoring level was mostly centralized in the grade III. The evolution score and level suggested that it was not high level in the rationality of existing and typical plant communities’ structure and their play of ecological service function in Chengdu urban forest. It was necessary and reality for the near-natural reconstruction on the most existing plant communities in Chengdu urban forest. Based on the comparison of the plant community between Qingcheng Mountain and Chengdu city and the establishment and application of evolution models of near-natural plant community, the concept of urban forest was further perfected. The urban forest located in and around human inhabited areas gave priority to tree and had plant community with better stand structure, which could also give full play to ecological service function, improve the urban ecology, beautify urban landscape and provide the better place of leisure and entertainment for people.5. The investigation on establishment technique of the near-natural plant community in urban forest was conducted. The existing problems in the configuration of near-natural plant communities in urban forest were described. The guiding ideology and principle of the configuration of near-natural plant community in urban forest was also clarified. The Castanopsis fargesii community with the evergreen broad-leaved forest of low mountain in Qingcheng Mountain was selected to as a reference system of artificial near-natural plant community to construct the basic model of near-natural plant community and its deductive optimization models, such as park green land, attached green land, protective green block, bamboo forest and coniferous forest in urban forest of Chengdu city. The main technical specification for the establishment of near-natural plant community in urban forest was preliminarily established. The development types of near-natural plant community in urban forest were designed based on the construction and technical specification for the optimized models of near-natural plant community in urban forest. The target and indexes for near-natural modification, including plant community function and type, cite condition, species composition and special structure, were also determined. Taking the existing garden plant community in Chengdu city as an example, the artificial plant community with low evaluation grade was selected to be reconstructed.
