

【作者】 魏冬

【导师】 刘学智;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国哲学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 成玄英是初唐著名道教学者,他的《庄子疏》在道教思想史和庄学思想史上具有重要的地位,但目前仍缺乏系统性的研究。本文以经典诠释学为出发点,并立足于文献的系统整理和义理发掘,考察了成玄英对《庄子》的经典认同意识和诠释特色,展现了成玄英庄学建构的思想进路,并探讨了成玄英庄学思想体系内在的哲学意蕴。成玄英认同庄子是“道冠重玄”的圣人,认同《庄子》是“钳揵九流,括囊百氏”、“谅区中之至教,实象外之微言”的经典文本。“理身理国”是成玄英诠释《庄子》的现实主题,而追求圆满的生命境界,向往超越的理想人格,是其思想的价值归宿。基于对生命的现实关怀和对《庄子》的经典认同,成玄英以郭象《庄子注》为主,广泛地吸收各种思想资源,以疏解的方式来重构庄学的思想体系。他不仅对《庄子》作了整体的把握,认为《庄子》具有明确的思想主旨和严整的思想结构;而且在具体的疏解中借用道家、道教、玄学、佛学等大量的思想资源,对郭象《庄子注》作了有所区别的吸收认同和有效处理,充分显示了其思想渊源的多元性和义理取向的自主性。同时运用重玄双遣、自身否定、并照双非的思维方法和大言若反、浑化一体的言说方式,对《庄子》思想作了创造性的经典诠释。事实充分表明,成玄英的《庄子疏》并不仅仅是字词训诂和章句串讲,而是具有强烈的、自觉的思想创新意识的经典诠释文献。成玄英认为《庄子》内、外、杂三篇是一个统一的意义文本,其中内七篇意义贯联,集中表现了成玄英庄学的思想主题。通过对成玄英庄学思想理路的考察可以看出,成玄英的庄学本质是以“逍遥”为内涵标致境界之学。在成玄英看来,人生的境界是不断层层推进的重玄妙境,而智慧转化和道德圆满是通达于最高人生境界的两块基石,人只有首先在智慧上实现心灵的两度转化,即心灵主体由分别是非的“妄心”转向澄明自彻的“道智”,心灵对象由追逐外在事物转向关注自我生命,并进而将生命的最高智慧落实于现实的人生处境,超越于肉体生死,投企于心灵安宁,才可谓是“内德充实”,精神圆满。这样的精神境界的道德圣人,具有内在之美和外化之功,所以堪为宇宙万物的宗师,应为世间社会的帝王,是“内圣”、“外王”和谐统一的臻善臻美的理想人格。成玄英庄学中的哲学宗趣,以“道德”、“重玄”、“无为”、“独化”为基本标志。所谓的“道德”,是从存在与价值的双重维度对一切存在者的本体性规定;“重玄”,是从智慧与道德的双重维度对人的境界层次的规定;“无为”,揭示了宇宙存在“自然而然”的属性,是修道主体在认识和实践方面的基本原则;“独化”,则反映了一切存在者的存在都是依据于自我本性的存在,彼此之间不存在相互依赖的本体性关系。“道德”、“重玄”、“无为”、“独化”四个概念分别标致着成玄英庄学的哲学特征和意蕴趋向,又相互涵摄,相映成趣,共同体现着成玄英庄学的思想旨趣。从现代哲学的体系来看,“道德”、“重玄”、“无为”、“独化”四个哲学范畴体现于境界论、道体论、心性论、修养论、圣人论五个哲学主题,构成了一个相对完整的哲学体系。在这个哲学体系中,以生命为本位的境界追求是现实关怀和理论起点,以虚通为内涵的道体是本体根据和终极解释,而以心性为核心的主体精神是贯通天人的桥梁。按照成玄英的诠释思路,就是由于有对生命的现实关怀,所以有境界内容的展示;有境界内容的展示,所以有对道体的认同;有对道体的认同,所以有道体与心性的贯通;有心性作为体道证道的内在根据,所以有修养工夫的说明;有修养工夫,而有理想的人格。境界论、道体论、心性论、修养论和圣人论彼此之间的相互支撑,共同体现了成玄英哲学的体系完整性和内容丰富性。

【Abstract】 Cheng Xuan-ying,a renowned Taoist scholar in the early Tang dynasty,achieved fame for his paraphrases to Lao Zhuang’s thinkings which proved important in the history of both Taoism and Lao Zhuang’s thinkings.However,a systematic study to his thinkings is not fully done yet.This article,outlined on the basic conceptions in Cheng Xuan-ying’ article Preface To The Interpretations Of Zhuang Zi,centered on his Paraphrases To Zhuang’s "Inherence",and guided by his train of thoughts in the study of Zhuang’s thinkings,is to reveal Fang’s understandings to Lao Zhuang’s thinkings and his philosophical implications.Cheng Xuan-ying’s work took The Annotation of Zhuang of Guo Xiang as the main ideas and also widely absorbed other thought resources.However,he did not simply explain the meaning of words and sentences,but consciously constructed a new thinking system.This kind of conscious was embodied Cheng Xuan-ying thought the book of Zhuang Zi has a clear and definite gist.and has a complete structure.Besides,he used a lot of technical terms and thinking of Taoist school,Taoism, metaphysics of Wei and Jin period and Buddhism.Cheng Xuan-ying thought that the three different volumes in Zhuang Zi was a complete and meaningful whole,especially the seven essays in the INHERENCE,which reflected his thoughts on Zhuang’s thinkings.After a careful study on Cheng Xuan-ying’s Paraphrases To Zhuang’s"Inherence",it is clear that the essence of his study is based on the connotation—peripateticism.He thought that the state of human life consisted of layers of forward-movingstages,and the two footstones which contributed to the landing of the highest state were the transformation of wisdom and moral perfection.A man can be "Be rich in inner morality" only through the bi-transformation in wisdom,that is,the principle part of the psychic should transform from presumptuousness of classifying true and false to daozhi of self-knowledge,the subject the psychic chase after transform from outer matter to inner self—the real state of life,and eventually transcend the physical mortality towards the final peaceful mind.This state of psychic possesses many benefits,and a perfect stage of life can be attained,too.Philosophically,Cheng’s principle aims are based on four concepts:moral,bi-dimensional transformation of inner life,inaction and the favor of naturalness,and separateness.Each has its own independent conception and reflects different philosophical implications.And they share certain similarities and express Chuang Xuanying’s principle aims.Cheng Xuan-ying’s philosophy shows deeply his concern about the ideal state of human’s life and society and it is the heart of his thought.Besides this,his philosophy takes Tao as the noumenon and the final explanation for the things,and takes the subject of the mind and human nature as link up the Heaven and the Human.The theories about ideal state,Tao,the mind and human nature, self-cultivation and the Sage adequately embody the systematic and the varied of Cheng Xuan-ying’s philosophy.

【关键词】 诠释道体心性境界圣人
【Key words】 InterpretationTaothe-mind-and-human-naturethe-state-of-mindthe Sage