

【作者】 郑继江

【导师】 陈答才;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文率先提出了“中国的马克思主义情结”问题,并形成了一个相对完整的研究框架,为进一步的研究作了奠基工作,为马克思主义中国化问题的研究开拓了一个新的视野。绪论部分主要对中国的马克思主义情结问题的提出、研究现状及写作思路作了说明。明确了对这一问题的研究具有的开创性意义和必要性,提出了制定理论框架的依据:一是内涵要求,即根据相关概念的含义;二是目标要求,即有利于在思想上信仰马克思主义,在实践上运用马克思主义。全文按照马克思主义与中国“血脉相通”“历史相联”“现实需要”“前景透视”的总逻辑进行构思。第一章主要是解决中国的马克思主义情结研究的基本概念问题。包括破题和对“中国的马克思主义情结”进行多层次的透视和解读。逻辑呈现为情结——马克思主义情结——中国的马克思主义情结的递进运动。尤其是对情结的本原问题、情结的泛化和中国的马克思主义情结的客观存在及其形式进行了探讨,为以后的研究奠定了基础。第二章是对研究的逻辑起点进行论证。本章论证了中华民族的“大国情结”是研究的逻辑起点;理论与实践是这一逻辑起点的内在矛盾。中华民族伟大复兴过程中所产生的一切矛盾和问题,最终都可归结为理论和实践的关系问题。同时具体分析了“中国情结”、“反中国情结”以及中华民族“强国富民情结”的由来和发展,合乎逻辑地考察了马克思主义的精神力量,正是马克思主义的思想特点符合了中国的“特殊需要”。第三章集中考察了马克思主义在中国传播、扎根、开花和结果的社会历史文化背景。全篇从中华民族选择马克思主义的时代背景,马克思主义在中国的确立,马克思主义产生的中国背景,马克思主义与中国传统文化的契合,马克思主义对中国传统文化的提升等多角度对这一背景进行了透视。指出正是马克思主义促进了中国文化传统的创造性转换,把中国传统文化提升到了现代文化高度,帮助中国步入现代社会。第四章是对中国的马克思主义情结的生成和演变过程进行考察。首先对中国马克思主义情结的形成进行了理论和实践的证明。随着国家政治生活主题的转变,“强国富民情结”也转化成“社会主义现代化情结”,同时马克思主义情结中非理性因素也开始膨胀,以致发生了“文化大革命”的错误。本章对这种变异的表现和理论背景,以及非理性因素在主体实践活动中的作用,特别是对毛泽东人生事业的影响进行了讨论。第五章通过考察关于真理标准问题的大讨论,科学地评价毛泽东,恢复了马克思主义情结的理性本质。回答了“什么是马克思主义,如何对待马克思主义”“什么是社会主义,“如何建设社会主义”这些首要的基本的理论问题。这是中国马克思主义情结理性回归的“逻辑发展”。指出苏东剧变的终极原因,是对马克思主义的背弃,而不是马克思主义的失败。第六章根据中国社会历史发展和逻辑进程的需要,探讨了马克思主义的生命力和时代价值问题。生命力侧重于理论层面,当代价值则从理论与实践相结合的角度进行了论证。本章从马克思主义的东方社会理论和所具有的丰富的现代化思想两个方面具体地论证了马克思主义对中国问题的解决。第七章把新世纪之初中国共产党人作出的几项重大决定,概括为四句话:“巩固马克思主义指导地位”;“推进马克思主义理论研究和建设工程”;“推动当代中国马克思主义大众化”;“培养造就一批马克思主义理论家特别是中青年理论家”。这是对“中国的马克思主义情结”的最好注解。指出“马克思主义大众化”就是要培养和激活人民大众的马克思主义情结。第八章从五个方面对马克思主义的当代主题和当代视野进行了初步探讨。五个方面反映了当今中国社会最突出的矛盾和问题。本章旨在说明只要我们把握住马克思主义的精髓,再复杂的矛盾和问题也能被认识,进而得到解决。这是对上文马克思主义生命力和当代价值的一种补充和强化证明,体现了理论与实践的统一。最后一章是考察马克思主义的历史命运问题。首先论证了马克思主义具有的自我更新的理论品质,这是确保马克思主义长盛不衰的内在原因;其次重新梳理了中国共产党人对发展马克思主义作出的历史性贡献与所承担的历史使命,这是确保马克思主义长盛不衰的外在条件。为了对此进一步佐证,又从西方社会对马克思主义回归的角度进行了说明。本章是对中国的马克思主义情结进行研究的合乎逻辑的延伸,体现了马克思主义情结的一种“自我关怀”。

【Abstract】 This text puts forward the problem ofthe Marxist complex of China" for the first time, and forms a research frame of opposite integrity, expands a new visual field for study on Maxism in China and makes to lay a foundation stone for further research.Introduction part mainly mades elucidation for putting forward the problem of the Marxist complex of China, present condition of research and writing ways of thinking, clarifies initiate meaning and necessity on the research of this problem, puts forward the basis of establishing theoritical frame: first being contents’request, namely according to the meaning of related concepts; second being targets’request, then being advantageous to believing in Marxism at idea, making use of Marxism in practice. Full text, according to the total logic of "blood communicated""the history mutually allied""the reality needs""the foreground’s perspective" of Marxism in China, carry on conceiving outline.Chapter 1 is mainly to solve the basic concept problems of the Marxist complex of China, including to break topic and carry on multi-layer perspective and unscrambler to"the Marxistcomplex of China. " The logic is Complex------Marxist complex------Marxist complex of China,particularly discussing the origin problem, extenion of complex and objective existence and its forms of the Marxist complex of China, and laid foundation for later research.Chapter 2 carries on argument to the logic point of departure of research. This chapter arguments"the nation complex of big state"of the Chinese nation to be the logic point of departure of research; Theories and fulfillment are the inside contradiction of this logic point of depart ure. All the contradictions and problems are from it in the Chinese nation’s great renew process. Concretely analyzes the development of "Chinese complex", "anti-Chinese complex" and the Chinese nation’s "complex of the big country rich people"in the meantime, logically investigats Marxist spirit strength, and carryies on a testification to inevitability of establishment of the historic position of the Marxism in China.Chapter 3 concentratly investigates the social history cultural background Marxism spread, took root, blossomed and got result in the China. Whole article took it in the right perspective that the ages’background the Chinese nation choosed Marxism, the Marxist establishment in China, the Chinese background of Marxist creation, Marxist agreement with traditional culture of China, the Marxist promotion to Chinese traditional culture. Pointed out to be exactly Marxist to help Chinese traditional culture creatly convert, promot traditional culture in China to modern cultural height, help China go to a modern society.Chapter 4 is to investigate the process of occurrence and evolvement of Marxist complex of China. Carries on a testification of theories and fulfillment to the formation of China Marxist complex first. Along with the change of national political life topic, "the complex of the big country rich people" were also converted into "the complex of socialist modernization", the not-rational factor in the Marxist complex also started to inflate in the meantime, with the result that the mistake of "Cultural Revolution" happened. This chapter made a discussion on the performance and theoritical background of this kind of variation, and the not- rational factor’s function in the practical activity and especially to the influence of the Mao Zedong in all his life.Chapter 5 through an investigation of big discussion on the truth standard problem, scientificly evaluating Mao Zedong, recoveres the rational essence of Marxist complex. Scientificly answeres the initial basic theoritical questions of what is Marxist""what is socialism"and"how to constuct socialism". This is a logic development of the rational regression of Chinese Marxist complex. Point out the ultimate reason of Sudong’s upheaval, is to abandon Marxism, not Marxist failure.Chapter 6 inquiries into Marxist vitality and its problem of ages’worth according to the demand of social history development in China and the logic progress. The vitality lays particular emphasis on to a theoritical level, the contemporary worth is argumented from the angle of integrating the theory and fulfillment. This chapter concretely argumented Marxist solution to Chinese problem from the Marxist eastern social theories and its abundant of the modernization thoughts.Chapter 7 generalizes a few important decisions of the Communist Party of China in the beginning of new century to four words: "Make stronger a Marxist instruction position"; "Push forward Marxist theoritical research and construction engineering"; "Push contemporary Chinese Marxist popularize"; "Develop and accomplish a passel of Marxist theoretician and especially middle age and youthful theoretician". This is the best comment on"the Marxist complex of China". Point out "Marxist popularize"is to develop and activate Marxist complex of people’s public.Chapter 8 carried on an initial study on the Marxist contemporary topic and the theoritical visual fields from 5 ways. These 5 aspects reflect the most outstanding antinomies and problems in Chinese society nowadays. This chapter aims to explain as long as we grasp Marxist essence, then more complicated antinomies and problems can be known as well and then get a solution. This is to a complementarity and intensified testify to the Marxist vitality of the preceding context and the contemporary value. The last chapte is to investigate Marxist historical destiny problem. First argumentes the Marxist self- renewal theory-quality, this is an internal factor Marxism grows prosperous for ever; Secondly re-combed the historic contributions of Communist Party of China in developing Marxism and its historic missions undertaken, this is the outside condition Marxism grows prosperous for ever. For the further substantial evidence, carrying on an elucidation from the angle of the western society to Marxist regression again. This chapter is a logical extension of research on Marxist complex of China and embodies a kind of self-care"of Marxist complex.
