

【作者】 葛付柳

【导师】 马歌东;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 第1章绪论新喻刘氏家族在宋朝(960—1279)的320年间,有进士及第者17人,其家族成员刘敞、刘攽、刘靖之和刘清之等人在经学、史学和理学上都有很高的造诣,在宋代文化史上有重要的地位。新喻刘氏家族作为研究对象,此前已经得到研究者的重视。笔者在整理前人研究成果后发现,刘氏家族的研究还有待深入,其中文学研究就是一个方面。我们在研究刘氏家族的基础上,切入该家族的文学研究。第2章宋前的家族形态回顾。众所周知,事物皆有一先后发展的过程,家族之演进也是如此。宋前的家族经历了母系氏族和父系氏族社会,然后才形成稳定的氏族集团或民族国家。我国多民族的形成开启于秦汉,发展于魏晋和六朝,繁盛于李唐。与国之发展相应,家和家族也实现了较快的发展,由秦汉之一族到魏晋之巨家大族,再到唐之豪强士族。这个过程都为宋代家族(如新喻刘氏家族)的发展作了很好的准备,于是刘氏家族具有形成期家族共性的同时,亦具有其作为宋之当代家族的独特性。第3章对宋代新喻刘氏家族之形成和发展作探讨。新喻刘氏在先祖刘式藏书的基础上,式妻陈氏督促子弟诗书耕读,从事举业,奠定了刘氏家族发展和繁衍的基础。在科举进阶和仕宦成功的基础上,刘氏子弟中刘敞、刘攽、刘奉世和刘清之等人在经学、史学和理学等方面取得了很大的成就,为新喻刘氏家族之闻名士林奠定了良好的基础。本章梳理刘氏家族世系后,进而分析刘氏仕宦和家风,以全面认识刘氏家族。第4章“独学则无友,孤陋则寡闻”。刘氏子弟取得的成绩,并非个人的独特创造,这些成绩的取得与其家族成员和友朋、学侣之间的切磋有密切的关系,因此我们对刘氏家族成员与其学侣交往进行研究,就具有了“知人论世”的价值。刘敞与当时学人欧阳修的诗文往还和切磋学问,都为我们的研究提供了很好的启示。刘敞与江休复和王回兄弟的交往,让我们看到了学者之间的兴趣爱好以及互相赞许的文人情怀。对刘敞业师黄晞的研究,可以发现刘氏在《春秋学》上的成就,受到其师接续前人经典原旨之追求的影响。第5章对新喻刘氏家族成员的学术进行分析。作为研究对象的家族必须具有其独特的价值,新喻刘氏的学术在当时和后代都产生了深远的影响。刘敞的解经方式为宋儒“以义理解经”作出前期的学术性尝试,并推进汉唐“注疏式”经学向纵深化的发展,为经学之合理性和创新性作出了贡献。刘敞之考古实践和刘攽之编史工作都为文化资源的保存与整理作了一项有意义的工作,并为后来史学整理者的工作提供便利。第6章和第7章刘敞和刘攽的诗歌研究。宋人在文学、事功和学术上的成绩,是此前汉唐士人无法望其项背的。宋人集学者、官僚和艺术家于一身。体现了宋型文化的“兼容并包”和“内向精深”的特性。新喻刘氏家族成员也是如此,刘敞以“文思敏赡”著称,凭借“立马草制九通”享誉当朝;刘攽以“文有师法,才力通敏”(苏辙《栾城集》卷三十七《乞擢任刘攽状》),为同僚所激赏。刘敞的诗歌具有木直的特性,是宋代学者之诗,好以学问为诗的典型。刘攽诗歌不甚以学问入诗,具有平淡的特色。他们都是欧阳修的同调。结论新喻刘氏家族得以延续数百年的历史表明:一家族诗书耕读的传统,探求学术的态度、仕宦显达的事功和文学立言的成绩,都为该家族的延续奠定了坚实的基础。只有注重物质持家和精神立家,才能保证家族之繁衍和昌盛。

【Abstract】 ContentThis paper consists of three parts:part one is on the Liu Family,part two is on literature and part three comes conclusions.Part one has three chapters:introduction,chapter 2 and chapter 3; part three has three chapters:chapter 4,5 and 6.Introduction:At the time of the Song Dynasty(960-1279),within those 320 years or so, seventeen members of Xinyu新喻Liu family had passed the examination and been Jinshi进士as top elites.Among them,Liu Chang刘敞,Liu Ban刘攽,Liu Jing-zhi刘靖之and Liu Qing-zhi刘清之had made great progress in academics,such as Jingxue经学,history and Li’xue理学. Previous experts have made great progresses when it comes to chose Xinyu Liu family as a topic of research.After I collated the results of previous studies,I found out that Liu Family haven’t been thoroughly studied,particularly,the literary studies of this family haven’t attracted enough attentions from the researchers.My literature study is on the basis of the study of Liu family.Chapter 2 gives an overview of Liu Family Forms in Song.As we all known,things have the process of development,so does a family.Liu Family in Song has been the male line of matriarchal clan society and was before the formation of a stable nation-state groups and clans. The multi-ethnic country was formed in the Qin and Han dynasties,developed in the Wei,Jin and Six Dynasties,and prospered in the Tang.Corresponding with the national development,home and families have also achieved rapid development,from the Qin and Han’s group at the time of the Wei,Jin,Han Large-home,to the Tang Dynasty super gentry.This process is for the Song family(such as this Xinyu Liu family) to get a good preparation for development,so Liu’s family has a pre-general of the family,it also plays its role as the Song of the uniqueness of the contemporary family.Chapter 3 is about the formation and development of Xinyu Liu family.Xinyu Liu’s ancestor Liu Shi left his collections of books behind,his wife was stricted with the children during their reading and culturing,which maintained the basis of Liu’s development and reproduction.Liu family gained official candidates and did an excellent job,which made them gain good reputation on intellects.This chapter we discussed Liu’s generation cores and his characteristics,in order to fully understand the Liu family.Chapter 4 To be alone,none can make progress独学无友.Liu got achievements in various aspects,which were not his individual creations,but due to the companion’s study and closely related to exchanging.Only for their exchanging,it has the "knowing of the World" value.Liu Chang and Ouyang Xiu’s poetry as well as the knowledge exchanging between the two places, both provides a good insight for our research.Liu Chang and Jiang Liu-fu and Wang Hui brother involved in the exchanges,so that we can see that the interests between academics and mutual expectations of the writers feelings.Liu Chang’s tutor Huang Xi’s research about Chunqiu春秋(Spring and Autumn Annals),make us to found Liu’s in the achievements,the number of follow-up to their predecessors by their classical division of the original purpose of the impact of the pursuit.Chapter 5 is about the Xinyu Liu family’s academic analysis.To study the family,we should know its own unique value,Xinyu Liu at the time of academic and in future generations have had a far-reaching consequence.Liu Chang,as the solution for Song "in order to understand justice as" the pilot made a scholarly attempt to model and promote the Han and Tang Dynasties "words-style" in school to the depth of development,and reasonable as learning and innovating to a very big contribution.Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 are about Liu Chang and Liu Ban’s literature.Experts of Song achieved a lot of progresses in literature,politics and academics,none is able to match this after the Han and Tang Dynasty.Experts of Song were academics,bureaucrats and artists at the same time,it reflects the culture of the Song’s "inclusive" properties.Xinyu Liu family is also true.They were admired by colleagues.Conclusions:Xinyu Liu family had last for hundreds of years,which showed culture of a family’s tradition.The attitudes of academic excellence,the practices in official experiences, writing works and literary achievements,are continuations of the family,and have made a solid foundation.The famous family of Song in Jiangxi and the family history are the same.Only focus on the material and spiritual housekeeping legislation,in order to guarantee the reproductive and prosperous family.One family’s experiences,in a rural one country have this effect.Therefore, Xinyu Liu family and literature studies could be of benefit to the contemporary study of literature and history.

【关键词】 北宋新喻刘氏家族文学刘敞刘攽
【Key words】 North Song DynastyXinyuLiu FamilyPeomLiu ChangLiu Ban