

【作者】 李鹏

【导师】 魏耕原;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 鲍照作为刘宋时期一位在文学创作上取得突出成就的作家,在整个南朝乃至中国文学史上,都具有十分重要的地位。本文从多个角度对其作品,特别是诗歌作品进行分析。在论述时注意勾勒其与整个时代的社会思想、美学及文学发展等之间的关系,力图对其创作及成就进行一个较为深入的把握。全篇由引言、正文及结论三部分组成。引言主要是对二十世纪以来关于鲍照的研究情况的介绍,论文研究的重点与方法,研究的思路以及需要解决的问题。文章的主体部分共设五童。第一章主要讨论鲍照诗文创作中所反映的心路历程,以及其思想与时代精神之间的离合关系。主要从其人生困局的超越、侠义思想及忠孝观念等方面展开论述。首先,出身寒微的鲍照始终面对着人生与时代的各种困局,这使他以各种方式寻求生命的解脱。其次,南朝侠文化逐渐由历史记载转向文学创作,文人在虚构中承传侠义精神并实现自我观照。鲍照的侠义思想,主要表现为传统的恩报观念及时代的功业意识。这种寄寓身世之感的歌咏,在士风日益卑弱的时代唱响了慷慨之音,并为作者提供了别样的精神补偿。再次,在“重孝轻忠”的观念依然占主导地位的刘宋社会,鲍照的诗文却非常明显地表现出“忠”的意识,这是他将成功的希望寄托在“忠”的表达上,以及把光耀宗族作为孝的最高表现形式。第二章在辨析鲍照思想的基础上,继续探讨社会政治对其创作的影响。刘宋时期政治与文学的密切关系,主要由诗文作者大多兼具文人与政治人物的双重身份,文人以创作涉入政治、寄寓政治目的,以及儒学思想的复兴造成了文学创作目的与功能的变化等,三个方面的原因决定的。政治因素对当时文学作品的创作风貌产生了重要的影响。本章主要从鲍诗的博学倾向,以及歌颂与讽刺入手探讨探讨政治因素对其创作的影响。鲍照借助文学表现才华与学识,在这种创作风格的背后,还内蕴着他作为寒士的独特心理。其歌颂与讽刺之作,也是如此。第三章则论述鲍照诗歌的艺术风貌与刘宋时期的审美风尚之间的联系。主要从诗、书、画三种艺术融合的角度来讨论。中国各门传统艺术“往往互相影响,甚至互相包含”(宗白华先生语)。就刘宋时期而言,此时艺术的实践与自觉,以及各种艺术形式之间共同具有的情感内核等,都为它们的融合提供了必要的前提。刘宋时期,山水诗创作与山水画理论也多有契合之处。这表现在以山水明道的创作功能论、尚“形似”的艺术表现方式,以及取景方式的相类等三个方面。而在诗歌创作与绘画理论的发展演进中,鲍照的诗歌作品除了“巧似”之外,又实现了从“畅神”到“畅情”的发展,成为山水诗演进中的关键一环。同时,书风与文风在审美上也是同步共进的关系。刘宋时期崇尚大令书法,表现为劲丽的审美倾向,而鲍诗“道丽”的风格正表现出了与时代书风的审美共性。故知鲍照创作从未脱离过他的时代。第四章主要谈学古风气下的鲍诗创作。学古风气与博学之风有一定的联系,但更重要的是作为对东晋玄言诗风的反动而出现的。其最明显地表现就是大量拟古诗的出现,以及对“感物缘情”的创作方式的重视。鲍照的“学古”具有鲜明地主体性倾向。这表现为其拟古方式的多样性,对汉魏乐府传统的回归,以及在对前代诗歌艺术的借鉴中形成自己的创作风格等方面。总之,鲍照是“以我运古”者。第五章主要以七言诗为中心,从文体发展的角度来探讨鲍照的创作。刘宋时期文学的发展与文体融合之间的关系紧密。以七言诗的发展来看,其受到了赋体文学,以及诗歌内部如三言诗、五言诗、民歌等诸多文体样式的影响。这在鲍照的七言作品中都有表现。本章又从鲍诗的声韵体系、七言的风格特征等方面,具体分析了鲍照对七言诗的贡献以及对七言歌行的影响。鲍照以其诗歌的创造性及影响力,成为七言诗演进中的关键作家。总之,鲍照是一个创造力极强的诗人:他的作品众体皆备,风格多变,涵盖万方,是一个独特的存在。然而从其思想表现及诗歌创作来看,又与他的时代有着不可分割的联系.他是独特的,但他首先属于他的时代。

【Abstract】 Bao Zhao, a writer of outstanding achievements in literature in Liusong period, and also in the entire history of the Southern Dynasties and the Chinese literature, play an very important role. In this paper, from various angles, trying to analyze it, in particular his poetry. When discussing it with the entire outline of the social thinking of the times, aesthetic and literary development of the relationship between the creation and success of its attempt to conduct a more thorough grasp of it.It includes introduction, main body and conclusions. The introduction of the twentieth century mainly on Bao Zhao’s research situation,the focus of research papers and methods to study the idea and questions that need to be addressed. The main part includes five chapters.Chapter one focused on Bao Zhao’s writing poetry, as reflected in the mentality and the thinking and spirit of the times relations between the clutch. Mainly from the life beyond the impasse, chivalrous ideas and concepts of loyalty and fidelity. First of all, Bao Zhao was born poor, has always been faced with various difficulties in life. "Lide, Li Gong Iiyan",these values of life, are the root causes of his suffering.Then he attributed his life to fate or heaven’s will , or towards retirement, as well as in the dreamy world of the gods placed his intense feelings. Secondly, the Southern Dynasties period, the’ Xia’culture gradually shifted from the historical records of literature, to fiction writing in the chivalrous spirit of heritage and self-reflection, the shape of the ideal personality model Xia culture. And Bao Zhao’s chivalrous ideas, mainly conveying traditional values and Ideas of his times. It provides the spirit of the compensation for the writer. Third, the "Valuing filial piety and disregard loyalty" concept is still the dominant one in Liusong society, Bao Zhao’s poetry is very clear to show "loyalty", which he is successful in the expression of it, as well as the honor of the clan as the highest form of filial piety. We can see from it relationship between Bao Zhao’s writing and his timesChapter two in the analysis of Bao Zhao based on the ideas, continue to explore the social and political impact of its creation. Liusong period close political relations with the literature, mainly by the author of most of both poetry writers and political figures of the double identity, scholars involved in creating political purposes, as well as the revival of Confucianism led to the purpose and function of literature in changes in three areas of the reasons for the decision. This makes political factors, then the style of creative literary works had a significant impact. this chapter depicts The rise and fall of social classes ,learned the context of culture, as well as start joking atmosphere to explore the works of Bao Zhao. And like writers of his times, Bao Zhao with literary talent and knowledge to perform it. But more importantly, the writing style in this behind, but also as intrinsic to his unique psychological Poor Scholar. Liusong banter and atmosphere during the background is more complex, both the Wei and Jin Dynasties its famous freedom style as the impact of its wind, pressure and under the authority of the imperial act of last resort. The impact of this trend, it is for a large number of the emergence of joking. That is disseminated by the wind of Bao Zhao, showing a side of their banter. However, frustrated life for himself, to the irony and injustice of society, thus creating both the connotation of a deep and rich color of Romanticism.The third chapter discusses the art of poetry of Bao Zhao between aesthetic ideas of liusong period. From poetry, books, arts integration of the three paintings to explore the point of view. China’s traditional arts "are often inter-related, or even contain each other " (Zong Baihua said ), on the Liusong period, the time and consciously practice the art, as well as between the various art forms together with the emotional core, etc. for their integration to provide the necessary premise. Liusong period, landscape poetry and landscape paintings created many theories of the fit. This is manifested in the creation of a landscape feature of Ming is still "like" the way of artistic expression, as well as the viewfinder similar manner the three aspects. And poetry and painting in the development of the theory of evolution, the work of Bao Zhao’s Poetry In addition to "one may", it had also taken from "Cheong God" to "smooth the situation," the development of the evolution of landscape poems become a key element in . At the same time, style and aesthetic style of writing is also in the relationship between synchronized together. Liusong large period of time advocating the calligraphy for the strong performance of the aesthetic tendency Li, and Bao poem "Li Qiu" style is shown with the era of common aesthetic style. Bao Zhao has never been away from his timesChapter four mainly discuss about Bao’s poetry under the impact of studying ancient culture. study of ancient culture and have a wide range of knowledge is connected , but more importantly, as a statement of reactionary poetry. Its most obvious manifestation is the emergence of a large number of ancient poetry following ancient poetry, as well as the "sense of complex geo-intelligence" of the importance of creative ways. Bao Zhao’s style is mainly of distinctive self orientation, the performance of the diversity of its archaism, Folk Songs and Ballads of Han, Wei and the return of the traditional, as well as the poetry of the previous generation to form the art of drawing on their own styles and so on. In short, Bao Zhao is "transported himself in old styles" persons.Chapter five mainly discusses about ’qiyan poem’, from the stylistic point of view to explore the development of Bao Zhao’s writing. Qiyan Poems in the development, has been given the body of literature, and poetry such as the three poems, Five Characters poetry, folk songs such as the impact of cultural style. In the works of Bao Zhao has shown it. This chapter from the phonological system of his poetry, ’Qiyan poem style characteristics, the specific analysis of Bao Zhao’s contribution to poetry qiyan poems, as well as the impact of qiyan Ge Xing. In short, from Bao Zhao’s poetry and the creative influence on the evolution of poetry, he is a key writer.

【关键词】 鲍照政治艺术融合学古风尚文体
【Key words】 BaozhaoPoliticsArts Integrationstudying Ancient Stylestyle