

【作者】 张建军

【导师】 邢向东;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 河州是甘肃临夏的古称,地处黄河上游,包括甘肃省6市县:临夏市、临夏县、积石山县、广河县、和政县、永靖县;青海省六县:循化县、同仁县、尖扎县、贵德县、乐都县、民和县。河州是多民族地区,处于兰银官话金城片和中原官话秦陇片的过渡地带,各方言之间相互接触相互影响,语言混合色彩明显。本文选取了历史上河州管辖的12个县市21个方言点进行了全面深入的考察。力求展现河州方言语音的整体面貌,揭示其共同的语音特征和内部差异。对一些重要的语言现象进行横向的比较和纵向的观照。全文共分为八章:第一章简要介绍了河州的历史地理及语言概况,对国内外关于河州方言研究状况做了介绍;同时还介绍了本文的研究内容、方法、价值以及方言代表点和发音合作人的情况。第二章描写了河州方言12个代表点的音系。第三章比较了河州方言音系与中古音系。第四章考察了河州方言声母的历史演变,诸如全浊声母的演变;知庄章组声母的演变;端精见组声母在齐齿呼韵母前的演变;疑母与泥微影喻母的演变。主要观点有:古全浊声母原貌是不论平仄都送气,今全浊仄声读不送气音,很可能是被自东而来的中原官话以及兰银官话强大的冲击波或推力的影响的结果。知系合口呼字声母的读音处于t(?)u->t(?)v->t(?)f->tf->pf-演变过程的早期阶段,如果没有外部因素的干扰,河州方言中[t(?)]最终会发展到[pf]的。齐齿呼前端精见组声母先是颚化为[t(?) t(?)~h(?)]。然后[i]韵母前舌尖化为[ts ts~h s].就乐都话精组不颚化的情况来看,认为这是一种“回头演变”。第五章考察了河州方言韵母的历史演变,诸如高元音的摩擦化;临夏方言的变韵现象;德陌(麦)三韵字带-i-介音现象。主要观点:高元音[i]、[y]舌尖化的原因是推链的结果;高元音[u]随着摩擦程度的加强,最终会前化为唇音。临夏方言变韵现象是儿化的一种方式,这种儿化变韵只集中于阳声韵,是由于临夏方言“表小指爱”手段的多样化.抑制了儿化的功能。德陌(麦)三韵字带-i-介音这一特征同山西、内蒙古、宁夏等地相似。通过比较,发现这一特征是山西方言影响的产物,属于外源性层次。第六章考察了河州方言声调的演变,重点分析了轻重音。考察的结论是:轻重音产生是由于民族语言的影响,淡化了声调功能。第七章通过河州方言语音特点的整理和归纳以及与周边汉语方言的比较,发现河州方言与兰银官话金城片兰州方言的语音特点最为接近,与中原官话秦陇片西宁方言的语音特点相差较大。认为把河州方言视为兰银官话金城片和中原官话秦陇片之间的过渡区更切合实际,应该把河州——兰州这个以黄河为连接线的东西向区域作为一个语言或文化区域来考虑。第八章通过对河州汉语方言成因分析。认为河州汉语方言并不是由某个地域汉语方言或某个民族语言影响的产物,而是由迁入河州的各地汉语方言和生活在该地的各少数民族语言的共同影响下形成的,是“历史上汉人移民周边化和民族语言汉语化的产物”。

【Abstract】 Hezhou is ancient name of Linxia in Gansu province,lies in the upper reaches of the Yellow river,including 6 countries:Linxia Town,Linxia Country,Jishishan Country,Guanghe Country, Hezheng Country,Yongiing Country attached to Gansu province,and 6 countries:Xunhua Country,Tongren Country,Jianzha Country,Guide Country,Ledu Country,Minhe Country attached to Qinghai province.Hezhou which is a multiracial region is in the transition zone of the Jincheng cluster of Lanyin Mandarin and the Qinlong cluster of Zhongyuan Mandarin which are the state of mutual contact and influence,so the mixed-color of language is obvious.This paper selects 21 dialects of 12 countries which had been governed by Hezhou and goes into comprehensive and deep investigation in order to show the whole phonetic visage,and reveal their common phonetic features and internal differences.Based on horizontal comparison and vertical care for some important linguistic phenomenon.Chaper One briefly produces gographical environment,historical origin and development, language general situation of Hezhou dialects,and give a brief comment on dialectology situation of the cluster since the 20th century;at the same time it also introduces the book’s research contents,method,value as well as representative points of dialect and pronunciation partner of this paper.Chaper Two describes phonological system of 21 dialects of Hezhou.Chaper Tree compares phonological system of Hezhou and mediaeval phonological system.Chaper Four investigates the history evolvements for initial in Hezhou dialects,e.g.the archaic evolvements of the Voiced initials;the voice of evolvements of "Zhi-Zhang-Zhuang" groups;the evolvements of "Duan-Jing-Jian"groups before "Qi-Chi-Hu" compound vowels;the evolvements of "Yi-mu" and "Ni-mu,Wei-mu,Ying-mu,Yu-mu".The main viewpoints:The Ancient Voiced initials first are Aspirated,but the reason of the Ancient Voiced initials Ze tonal are Unaspirated in Hezhou dialects most probably is under massive wave or thrust of fluence from Zhongyuan Mandarin to the east and neighboring Lanyin Mandarin.Round-mouth characters of "Zhi" groups is in the the early stage of the evolvements of "tsu->tsv->tsf->tf->pf-".If is not the extraneous factor interference,"ts" final wound evolve into "pf".The evolvements of "Duan-Jing-Jian" groups first palatalized into "tc tch c" before "Qi-Chi-Hu" compound vowels,and then evolve into the dental initials "ts,tsh,s" before[i]vowel.The initial about Jin groups of Ledu still can be read "ts,tsh,s",and this phenomena is called re-evolvement.Chaper Five investigates the history evolvements for vowel in Hezhou dialects,e.g.the strong fiction of high vowels;the phenomena of De Mo(Mai) with[i]glide.The main viewpoints:The reason that the high vowel "i" "y" evolves into apical vowel is push chain.Along with the strong fiction,the high "u" final can evolve into labial.The phenomena of sound changes is a kind of pattern of "Er"(儿) Suffix,and the sound changes is only lies in yangsheng rhymes.The diversification pattern of the diminutive throttles the function of "Er"(儿) Suffix.De Mo(Mai) have an[i]glide is hut in Shanxi,Neimenggu,Ningxia province.Through the comparison with entering tones in these dialects,it is concluded,that[i]glide,is an influence outcome of Shanxi dialect.Chaper Six investigates the history evolvements for tone in Hezhou dialects,focusing on the analyzation of stress.The study concludes that the reason of the cause of stress is the function of tone is gradually desalting.Chaper Seven finds The phonetic visage of Hezhou dialects approaches with Jincheng cluster in Lanyin Mandarin,but it is very different from the near Qinlong cluster in Zhongyuan Mandarin through reorganization and induction of Hezhou dialects’ features.It is practicably that Hezhou dialects is regarded as a transition zone of the Jincheng cluster of Lanyin Mandarin and the Qiniong cluster of Zhongyuan Mandarin,so we should consider Hezhou and Lanzhou as an language or cultural zone which is linked with Yellow River.Chaper Eight finds The form of Hezhou dialects are not under the influence of some one Chinese dialects or some one ethnic group languages,but are under the commonly influence of Chinese dialects and ethnic group languages,"the result of ethnic Han settlers and ethnic group languages Chinese localinzation".

【关键词】 河州方言语音演变比较成因
【Key words】 Hezhou dialectphoneticevolutioncompariationcause