

Conflict Control in Visual Images Scanning

【作者】 梁三才

【导师】 游旭群;

【作者基本信息】 陕西师范大学 , 基础心理学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 视觉空间认知功能是人类智能结构中的重要组成部分,它在航空航天、机械、建筑设计、测绘技术作业以及在人们的日常生活中都占有极为重要的地位。空间认知活动是围绕着视觉表象为核心对各种视觉空间信息的加工和处理过程。许多学者把视觉表象视为空间智能的核心,认为它的非逻辑性与知觉特性在创造性思维中有着重要作用,视觉表象的功能和性质在很大程度上制约着人类空间智能的水平,也制约着整个智能的发展水平。对视觉表象及其认知加工性质的研究,不仅对理解人类空间认知行为具有重要的理论意义,而且还具有重要的应用价值。本文以Kosslyn(1994)的视觉表象加工子系统模型为主要理论框架,融合当代执行功能和认知控制理论,采用行为实验和ERP技术相结合的研究方法,在五项研究中对视觉表象扫描加工中多种冲突控制机制及其相互关系,以及相应的神经基础进行系统考察,在扩展Kosslyn(1994)视觉表象加工子系统模型的基础上,提出了视觉表象加工的冲突控制模型,为揭示视觉表象的本质,进而探索人类空间智能的本质及其开发利用奠定理论和实验基础。第一项研究(第三章)在三个实验中考察了视觉表象扫描加工中的参照系冲突效应。实验1发现,方位汉字提示下出现了参照轴效应,这一结果支持概念框架假设,表明被试将自己的参照系投射到方位汉字上,并以此确定表象扫描方向;方位箭头提示下没有出现参照轴效应。实验2通过要求被试想像改变身体姿势,从而将概念参照系和环境参照系(主要是重力参照系)分离开来,使它们处于竞争和冲突状态,结果仍然支持概念框架假设,说明概念参照系可以被灵活地加以转换,并且概念参照系优先于环境参照系。为了揭示方位汉字本身内在参照系对参照系冲突的影响,实验3通过将方位汉字加以旋转,使其与概念参照系对正,从而消除二者之间的冲突。结果仍然支持概念框架假设,但解决参照系冲突的代价明显降低。第二项研究(第四章)在四个实验中探讨视觉表象扫描不同加工阶段的冲突效应以及认知控制对这些冲突效应的调节作用。实验4通过序列呈现方位汉字和方位箭头形成线索冲突,发现了表象扫描中基于刺激编码的冲突效应。实验5通过操作冲突测试的比例而提高表象扫描任务的认知控制水平,结果发现认知控制的增强对表象扫描加工中线索冲突效应没有调节作用。实验6通过控制被试参加实验的经验而形成具有不同熟悉性的刺激-反应映射规则,发现了表象扫描加工中的刺激-反应映射冲突效应。实验7通过操纵不熟悉的刺激-反应映射测试的比例而提高相应任务的认知控制水平,结果发现,认知控制水平的改变对表象扫描加工中刺激-反应映射冲突具有调节作用。本章实验结果表明,人的认知控制系统能够实时监控各个信息加工阶段的冲突,并通过动态地调整和分配各个加工阶段的认知资源,实时解决在任何时间点上可能出现的冲突。第三项研究(第五章)在两个实验中探讨了视觉表象扫描加工中认知控制水平改变的效应以及任务冲突解决机制。实验8要求被试沿着方位箭头的相反方向进行表象扫描,完成此反向扫描任务需要抑制沿着箭头指向进行扫描加工的心理定势。结果发现,这种抑制过程导致认知控制水平提高,但提高的认知控制主要用来抑制自动化加工。实验9通过任务提示进一步提高认知控制水平,结果发现,认知控制的增强既促进了对自动化扫描加工心理定势的抑制,也进一步提高了表象扫描效率。本章结果表明,视觉表象扫描加工中有两种冲突解决机制:一种是通过增强对目标刺激执行性注意来解决冲突:另一种是通过阻断干扰任务的自动化加工来解决冲突。可见,表象扫描加工中不同冲突解决机制之间是可以互相包容的。第四项研究(第六章)以两个实验考察视觉表象扫描加工中不同冲突之间的关系,以便对这些冲突的控制机制之间是否相互对立做出初步推论。实验10将实验4的线索冲突和实验6的刺激-反应映射冲突整合在一个实验范式中,发现线索冲突和刺激-反应映射冲突是相互独立的;实验11将实验8的正反向扫描任务冲突和实验4的线索冲突整合在一个实验范式中,结果发现这两种冲突不是相互独立的。根据这些结果可知,视觉表象扫描加工中存在多个相对独立的冲突控制机制,同时这些冲突控制机制也受一个更一般控制系统的调控。第五项研究(第七章)采用实验4的任务范式,运用ERP研究技术比较了不同线索冲突条件下视觉表象扫描加工的ERP波形以及相应脑地形图。结果发现。P1波和P2波的波幅受表象扫描距离大小的调节,因而可能是表象扫描加工的生理指标;N2波和晚期持续正波受冲突效应大小的调节,因而可能是视觉表象扫描加工中冲突控制的生理指标。可见,本研究为视觉表象加工的冲突控制模型提供了初步的认知神经科学依据。基于以上5项研究,本文得出以下结论:(1)视觉表象扫描加工中存在参照系冲突效应,这种冲突的解决是在人的认知控制系统的调控下,通过自上而下加工与自下而上加工的交互作用实现的。(2)冲突可以出现在视觉表象扫描加工的刺激编码阶段和反应选择阶段;认知控制水平的改变对基于刺激编码的冲突没有调节作用,但对刺激-反应映射冲突具有显著的调节作用,表明人的认知控制系统能够实时监控和解决各个信息加工阶段的冲突。(3)视觉表象扫描加工中的任务冲突解决是通过两种互相包容的机制实现的:一种是通过增强对目标刺激的执行性注意来解决冲突;另一种是通过阻断不相关刺激的自动化加工来解决冲突。(4)人的认知系统中可能存在多个相对独立的冲突控制模块,分别用来解决不同种类的冲突;同时,这些冲突控制模块可能还要受一个更一般控制系统的调控。(5)视觉表象扫描加工中冲突控制有其神经基础,N2波和晚期持续正波可能是视觉表象扫描加工中冲突控制的生理指标。

【Abstract】 Visuospatial ability is the part and parcel of intelligence structure.It plays a major role in various technical operations,such as flight in aviation and space,machine work,architectural design, and survey-cartography.It also takes an important part in everyday life.As the core of visuospatial cognition,mental imagery is closely related with various high-level visuospatial processes. Moreover,it plays an important role in creative thinking and restricts the development of spatial intelligence.In this dissertation,guided by Kosslyn’s Visual Imagery Subsystem Model as well as the theory of conflict control,we conducted 5 studies by using behavioral experimentation and event-related brain potentials(ERPs).We aimed at exploring the mechanisms of multiple conflict-induced control as well as the relationships between them.Based on these studies,we constructed the Conflict Control Model for Visual Images Processing in order to improve our understanding of mental imagery as well as human’s visuospatial ability.In the first study,the effect of conflicting reference frames(RF) on mental scanning process was explored.When cued by directional Chinese characters,conceptual framework effect was found, which suggested that a conceptual RF was projected onto the Chinese character.When this conceptual RF was dissociated from the environmental RF,a conflict between them was induced. The conflict caused slow reaction and more errors.Further,when the orientation of Chinese character’s intrinsic RF was rotated so as to make it aligned with the conceptual RF,the cost of solving these RF conflicts decreased accordinglyIn the second study,conflicts occurred during encoding and response selection.The cost of solving these conflicts also varied.In order to reveal how the resolution of these conflicts was regulated by level of cognitive control,we increased incongruent trials in one block,so as to improve the level of cognitive control.It was found that conflict during encoding was immune to the level of cognitive control,whereas the effect of conflict in response selection was modulated by cognitive control.The results suggested that cognitive control system can regulate the resolution of conflicts in various information processing stages in a real time manner.In the third study,we investigated how resolution of conflicts was modulated by level of cognitive control.We used a reversed scanning task,in which subjects had to inhibit mental set of scanning along direction of arrow cues.The inhibition process enhanced level of cognitive control.It was found that the enhanced cognitive control was mainly used to inhibit mental set of automatic scanning,but not to improve efficiency of mental scanning.However,when level of cognitive control was further improved through task cuing,both the inhibition process and the efficiency of mental scanning were promoted.The results indicated that conflict resolution was realized through blocking automatic processing as well as enhancing attention to relevant task.The aim of the fourth study was to examine relationships between various conflicts in order to deduce whether mechanisms of conflict resolution were independent to each other.It was found that effect of conflicting cues was independent to effect of conflict between distinct stimulus-response mappings.On the contrary,effect of conflicting cues was dependent to effect of conflicting tasks. It suggested that mechanisms of conflict control were both domain-general and domain-specific.In the fifth study,ERPs were used to reveal the neural correlate of conflict control.The results indicated that the amplitude of P1 and P2 was modulated by scanning distance,whereas the amplitude of N2 and the average amplitude of late sustained positivity were modulated by level of conflict.These results suggested that N2 and the late sustained positivity acted as the neural basis for conflict control.The results of the studies mensioned above supported the following conclusions:First,resolution of conflicts among distinct reference frames was realized through interaction between top-down and bottom-up processing.Second,conflicts can occur at various stages of mental scanning process.The level of cognitive control did not influence conflicts at the encoding stage,but it did regulate conflicts during response selection.Third,conflict between distinct tasks during mental scanning was resolved through enhancing executive attention to relevant attributes of task.It was also realized through blocking automatic processing.Fourth,multiple conflict control mechanisms existed in the brain.At the same time,these mechanisms were monitored by a domain-general control system.Fifth,N2 and the sustained positivity were the neural substrates of conflict control during mental scanning.
