

Resistance and Survival

【作者】 袁霞

【导师】 王腊宝;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 玛格丽特·阿特伍德是当今世界文坛具有重要影响的作家之一,其作品类型丰富多彩,包括小说、诗歌、散文、儿童文学和批评,它们绝大多数都以当代社会和政治事件为背景,阿特伍德在《使女的故事》出版后的一次访谈中说起了到底什么是“政治”:“我们的意思是人如何与权力结构联系起来,以及权力结构如何与人发生关系。”这种对“政治”的宽泛定义涵盖了阿特伍德对社会现实问题的广泛关注:对男性和女性之间关系的考察,对加拿大民族身份问题的探讨,对人权问题的关心,以及对生态环境的关怀。本文围绕这四个方面对阿特伍德的作品进行了梳理和分析,继而指出:贯穿于阿特伍德创作中的一个不变主题是“反抗与生存”。论文共分为六个部分:“前言”部分首先介绍了“反抗”作为后殖民理论核心的表现方式和手段,探讨了阿特伍德的“反抗与生存”观;通过梳理国内外阿特伍德研究现状,指出现有阿特伍德批评中存在的问题;最后结合女性主义和生态批评等视角,分析了阿特伍德作品中不同形式的“反抗与生存”主题之间的契合。第一章从女性主义的视角出发分析阿特伍德作品中的女性如何为了生存反抗男权社会的压迫,指出阿特伍德解构男性话语霸权的两大策略:一、通过颠覆经典文本中的传统女性形象,让女性以重述故事的方式打破男性的叙事神话;二、通过大量运用“百衲被”意象探讨女性如何坚持女性主体性、创建自己的话语、从而建立女性同盟的方法。第二章围绕加拿大在全球化语境中的弱势处境,探讨阿特伍德通过自己的作品思考加拿大如何实现抗拒霸权控制、脱离困境的可能性。本章首先考察阿特伍德对于如何通过追寻加拿大的文化之根和提倡民族文化传统来反抗外来文化侵蚀的思考,其次分析了阿特伍德如何立足加拿大的语言现状抨击殖民统治,阿特伍德认为,加拿大拥有两种语言,但它们都不是真正意义上的加拿大语言,阿特伍德提倡在拒绝帝国话语的同时,努力“寻找第三种语言”,即利用殖民者的语言书写加拿大在语言上受殖民的经历,揭示殖民压迫的种种后果。第三章集中分析阿特伍德对于生活在社会底层的民众——那些遭受极权统治和殖民压迫的下层群体——的关注。本章通过聚焦阿特伍德作品中底层民众生活状况,探讨她理解中的底层民众苦难的根源,以及人们如何在这个“失落的世界”努力谋求生存的方式,阿特伍德通过为底层民众写作,表达了她对霸权势力的抗争,与此同时,她的作品大量地表现了底层民众如何通过各种有形的或无形的方式来抵抗强权压迫。第四章探讨了阿特伍德笔下所表现的人对自然的压迫以及自然的反抗。本章首先陈述了阿特伍德作品中描写的生态灾难,阿特伍德认为,自然界的有机和无机环境遭到了毁灭性破坏,而在摧残自然的同时,人类也一步步滑向异化的深渊。本章着重探讨了阿特伍德作品对环境问题的深层次思考,她认为,环境问题是人的问题的一面镜子:滥用科技对自然界造成了破坏性后果,人类中心主义是生态危机的精神根源,人类的贪欲带来了文明和自然的双重危机。“结论”部分通过对第四章的进一步阐发,指出阿特伍德作品中的女性问题、种族问题、阶级问题与生态问题都可以理解为作者对逻各斯中心的批判。阿特伍德认为,人类若想走出人类中心主义,需要摈弃狭隘的主宰自然的意识,人类若想在根本上缓解环境危机,便需要弥补人类文明自身的缺陷,彻底消除欧洲中心主义、殖民主义、种族主义、男权主义等一系列不公平统治的根源。

【Abstract】 Margaret Atwood is one of the most influential writers in contemporary world literature. A versatile and prolific writer, Atwood has produced novels, criticism, poetry, essays and children’s books. Most of these works focus on contemporary social and political issues. In an interview after the publication of The Handmaid’s Tale, Atwood defines what she means by“politics”:“What we mean is how people relate to a power structure and vice versa.”This definition of“politics”explains Atwood’s concern about social realities: her scrutiny of relations between men and women, her engagement with questions of Canada’s national identity, her concern with the basic human rights of people living at the bottom of different societies, and her anxiety about environmental damage. Based on a comprehensive study of Atwood’s works, this present dissertation investigates the theme of“resistance and survival”throughout her writings. This dissertation consists of six parts.The“Introduction”introduces“resistance”as the core of postcolonial theory and gives a definition of Atwood’s view of“resistance and survival”. Through a general review of the Atwood criticism in recent years, I contend that, in recent studies, there has been a lack of overall evaluation of Atwood’s works. I then argue that Atwood’s theme of“resistance and survival”corresponds to much of the concerns of feminism, postcolonial theory and ecocriticism which are interrelated in the way that they all follow the strategy of deconstructing logocentrism.Chapter One discusses how women in Atwood’s works, in order to survive, resist oppression from the patriarchal society. On one hand, they dismantle male hegemony through subverting traditional female characters in literary classics; on the other hand, they employ quilt-making as a way to reconstruct their own identities and strengthen solidarity among themselves. Chapter Two presents a picture of what Atwood sees as Canada’s awkward situation in the postcolonial world, demonstrating how to her it can survive both the trappings of British colonialism and America’s cultural and economic imperialism. I argue that, in Atwood’s eyes, the Canadians should track down the cultural root by turning to their national culture and resist colonial domination by seeking“a third language”, that is, while rejecting the metropolitan power over the means of communication, the Canadians should remold the language of the center to express Canada’s unique experience.Chapter Three focuses on Atwood’s treatment of those who suffer in totalitarian regimes and under colonial oppression. Through a study of this submerged population in Atwood’s writing, I explain what Atwood sees as the root of their sufferings and the way for them to survive in this lost world. Atwood expresses her opposition to hegemonic power, and she exhibits the ways for the subaltern to overcome all kinds of oppression.Chapter Four looks into Atwood’s reflection on man’s plundering of nature and nature’s revenge. Pointing to the ecological disaster delineated in Atwood’s works: the disastrous destruction of both the organic and inorganic life in the natural world and man’s alienation in the process of destroying the nature, I contend that environmental problems are a reflection of the problems of human beings: natural disasters caused by the abuse of technology, anthropocentrism as the source of ecological crisis and the crisis of civilization and nature brought about by human greed.In my“Conclusion”, I point out that Atwood’s investigation into the problems surrounding women, race, class and ecology can perhaps be summed up as a general critique of logocentrism. The way to cast away anthropocentrism for humans is, according to Atwood, to get rid of their inflated egos in the face of nature, and to solve environmental problems, man should make up for his own limitations and eliminate the sources of Eurocentrism, orientalism, racialism and patriarchalism.

【关键词】 玛格丽特·阿特伍德反抗生存主题研究
【Key words】 Margaret Atwoodresistancesurvivalthematic study
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 06期