

A Study on the Scholars’ Societies of Jiangnan Region in Ming-Qing Dynasty

【作者】 王文荣

【导师】 罗时进;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 明清两代,江南地区的文人结社非常盛行,这对于社团史、地域文化史、文学史都有着重要的认识意义,但是目前对于明清时期文人结社的研究,仍显不足,尤其是江南地区的结社研究,亟需进一步加强。目前学界集中讨论的明清江南地区的文人社团尚不足四十个,本人经过查找资料,又考查出近三百家,并在此基础上,分别研究了江南地区的八股文社、家族结社、遗民结社、耆老结社,同时还对文人结社与文学的关系、关于复社的几个问题进行了研究。绪论部分简要介绍了研究的意义、现状、可据资料以及研究设想,并且对文章所涉及的“江南”及相关概念作了界定。全文大致可分为三个部分:第一部分为第一章,总体论述了明清江南文人结社的情况,分别对结社的渊源、发展状况、社团的地域分布及结社的一般活动形式进行了研究。第二章至第五章为第二部分,分别论述了几种典型的文人结社,旨在从不同的角度来深入认识江南文人结社的内涵。第二章研究的是八股文社:在梳理了明清江南文社发展脉络的基础上,论述了影响文社的科举等诸因素以及文社的影响、意义。第三章以家族为视野,考察了明清江南家族与文人结社的关系:首先概述了江南家族的基本情况,然后分析了家族对结社的促进因素,再次论述了家族结社的类别、特点及意义。第四章研究了明清江南的怡老诗社:首先解释怡老诗社的概念,然后介绍江南怡老诗社概况,再分别论述怡老诗社的兴盛原因、活动特征,并进而对怡老诗社的诗歌创作进行评价。第五章研究的是清初遗民结社:在考证了明遗民结社概况的基础上,论述了遗民结社的特点、活动内容,并以莲社《顽潭诗话》为代表,分析了遗民结社的文学创作。第六章为第三部分,研究文人结社与文学群体的关系,在不考虑社团活动差异性的前提下,综合考察了文人结社与文学之间的互动关系。首先,分别以诗歌、古文、词作为社团文学倾向的划分依据,概述了江南地区基于文人结社而发展起来的几个较有代表性的文学群体;其次,论述了文人结社与文学流派的关系;再次,以基于云门诗社而发展起来的梁溪诗派为个案研究,旨在从微观的角度探讨文人结社与文学流派之间的联系。鉴于复社的特殊性及研究现状,将复社作为特殊的个案进行研究,是为附论部分。该部分主要分析了与复社有关的三个问题:其一是复社的形成过程;其二是对复社兴起因素的再探讨,客观分析了张溥及其他数人对复社兴起的作用;其三论述了复社的构成及其与各分社的关系。在综合研究和个案分析的基础上,文章论述了明清江南文人结社在结社史上的地位,揭示了其对地域史、文学史、文化史的意义以及对民国初年文人结社的影响。综而言之,明清江南文人结社是江南士人诗化的生活方式,是一种逝去的风雅。

【Abstract】 Scholars’Societies were very popular in the South of Yangtze River Region (Jiangnan) in Ming-Qing Dynasty. These Societies had made great contributions to the history of literature, reginal culture and scholar-society development. However, the existing academic research of such Societies is still somewhat inelegant and limited. With a focus on the specific geographical region, the thesis represents further research findings and analysis on the subject.The existing research statements showed that there were no more than 40 Scholars’Societies in the Region in Ming-Qing Dynasty. However, through acquiring vast stores of dry information, the author investigated that there were nearly 300 such Societies existed in the Region during the time period. Based on this investigation, the author classifies those Societies into groups, such as the Eight-Part Essay Society, The Family-Based Society, Adherents’Society and Seniors Scholars’Society, and analyzed their characteristics respectively. Moreover, the author also explored the relationships between such Societies and literature, and worked over some issues regarding the Fu Society.Preface is a brief introduction about the significance, status quo, related data and tentative plan of the research. The term of“South of Yangtze River Region (Jiangnan)”and related concepts and terminologies, which concern the research considerably, are also defined in this session.The body of this thesis can be broadly divided into three sessions:The first session is the first chapter. It is a general discussion of the Ming-Qing Jiangnan scholars’Societies. The content discourses upon the Societies’geographic locations, development and dissemination, and their style of literacy activities.The second session includes Chapter II through Chapter V. In this session, the author aimed at in-depth understanding of several typical scholars Societies, analyze and discourse their characteristics from various angles. Chapter II focuses on the Eight-part Essay Society. Base on carding at the historical developing clew of such Society during Ming-Qing period, this chapter discusses how societal factors, such as the traditional examination-system of china, had impacted and influenced the Society’s development significantly. Taking family kinship as a leading clue, Chapter III studies the relationship between families and scholars’Societies. First provides an overview of the fundamental status and structures of Jiangnan families, and then analyze the family factors on the Societies’development and promotion. Moreover, the type of the society, characteristics and significance of family-bound are also discussed. Chapter IV studies the Ming-Qing Jiangnan old Poetry Society. First, the chapter explains the definition and concepts of the old poetry, following by an introduction of such Society. Secondly, the chapter discusses the prosperity reasons, activity characteristics of the Society, and thus appraises the works of the Society members. Chapter V focuses on the Society of Adherents in the early Qing Dynasty. Base on the general profile research of this type of Society, the chapter discourses the creation process, characteristics and activity styles of the specific Society. Taking the Lotus Society Wantanshihua as an example, the author also analyzes the literature works of the Society of Adherents of Ming Dynasty.Chapter VI makes the third session. This chapter focuses on the relationship between Scholars’Societies and other literary groups. Without counting on the differences in activity styles of these Societies, the author gives an overall inspection of the interactions between the Societies and literature. First of all, the author further separates the Societies into several groups by their creative writing tendencies, according to the traditional literature genres such as poetry, essay and Ci. Based on this classification, the author summarizes the characteristic of several representative groups, in term of how their creative works contributed to the Societies of Jiangnan in Ming-Qing Dynasty; Secondly, the author also analyzes the relationship between the Societies and literature genres. Taking the Liangxi Poetry genres developed from the Cloud Gate Society as a typical case, the research discovered the contact between the literary genre and the Societies and their members from the micro perspective.Given the particularity of the Fu Society in the history of literature, as well as the existing research status quo of this Society, the thesis takes the Society as a special case to study. As a result, the research finding of this part has been arranged as an affiliated session. As a whole, this session analyzes and discourses three issues concerned with the Fu society. These three issues include the processes of the formation; societal factors of such formation and the contributions of Zhang-pu and several other people; and the Society’s construction and relationships in between the branches.Base on the comprehensive study and case analysis, the thesis discourses the historical status of Jiangnan Scholars’Societies in literature societies formation during Ming-Qing Dynasty, and reveals its significance in the history of geographical developing, literature evolution, and regional cultural transitions. Moreover, the thesis also investigated the sustaining impact of these Scholars’Societies to the later Early Republican Scholars’Societies. In conclusion, Jiangnan Scholars’Societies of Ming-Qing were a way of poetic life in that time, and the way of life was a gone literary elegance.

【关键词】 明清江南文人结社风雅
【Key words】 Ming-Qing DynastyJiangnanthe society of scholarsliterary elegance
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 06期