

Chen Guangfu and the China’s Modern Tourism Industry

【作者】 王专

【导师】 池子华;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 陈光甫(1882—1976),民国时期著名银行家与工商业领袖。1923年,陈光甫在旗下上海商业储蓄银行(简称上海银行)设立旅行部,经营旅行业务,由此,标志着中国近代旅游业的开端。1927年,该旅行部独立为中国旅行社。在整个民国时期,中国旅行社不仅是全国唯一成规模的旅行社,而且跃居国际最大旅行机构行列,是中国近代旅游业的典型代表。本文以陈光甫与中国近代旅游业关系为研究对象,以陈光甫创办并经营中国旅行社为切入点,着重考察陈光甫在中国近代旅游业历史进程中的思想与实践,以期动态地观察中国近代旅游业从开端到发展的全过程,同时对陈光甫旅游企业经营思想进行阐释,对陈光甫在中国近代旅游业中的地位进行探析,并在此基础上探讨中国近代旅游业的特点。本文的研究,力图为中国近代旅游史研究提供一项实证成果,也力图为考察中国近代企业家提供一个新的视角。本文主体研究部分厘为六章。第一章阐述中国近代旅游业产生的国际、国内背景。第二章分析陈光甫在民国工商界的崛起及其开创中国近代旅游业的动因与采取的具体行动。第三章考察陈光甫将中国旅行社在短期内经营为国际最大旅行机构之一,提升中国近代旅游业国内国际影响与地位的活动。第四章论述陈光甫在抗战及战后艰难环境中经营中国旅行社,维持并发展中国近代旅游业的种种努力。第五章分析总结陈光甫旅游经营管理思想。第六章探析陈光甫在中国近代旅游业中的地位。最后余论部分通过对陈光甫的无奈,即中国近代旅游业发展的桎梏进行分析,探讨中国近代旅游业的特点。本文认为:陈光甫是一位深具爱国思想的优秀企业家,在当时的条件下,其创办旅行社的主要动机并非盈利,而是为了在更大的范围内宣传上海银行,促进上海银行发展,同时便利行旅,提倡旅游,挽回利权。因而,陈光甫审时度势,凭借上海银行雄厚的物资资本及人员、网络、品牌优势,依靠强大的社会资本,对外以服务社会树中国旅行社品牌,对内强化制度化管理,以稳健创新的经营风格,通过网络化、多元化扩张谋取规模化效应,尽可能快地在最大范围内促进中国旅行社发展。陈光甫通过具体有效的经营活动广泛而深刻地影响中国近代旅游业,是名副其实的“中旅之父”:中国旅行社的灵魂;中国近代旅游业的发轫者与全面推动者。同时,我们也看到,中国近代旅游业发展的条件极其薄弱,缺乏稳定统一的政治环境、良好的经济基础与普遍的社会重视。因而,中国旅行社在其产生与发展过程中具有较强的依赖性,陈光甫只能以公益的精神经营中国旅行社,数十年不求盈利的回报。中国近代旅游业呈现出非盈利性、局部性、不平衡性、规模较小等特点。

【Abstract】 Chen Guangfu (1882-1976) was a prominent banker and business leader during the period of the Republic. In 1923, Chen Guangfu established the Department of Tourism under his own Shanghai Commercial and Savings Bank (the Bank of Shanghai in brief) to manage travel business, which marked the beginning of China’s modern tourism industry. In 1927, the department turned into an independent Chinese Travel Agency. Throughout the period of Republic of China, the Chinese Travel Agency was not only a unique travel agency with scale in the country, but also rose up to the rank of the biggest travel agencies in the world, which was the typical representative of modern tourism in China. This paper takes Chen Guangfu and China’s modern tourism industry as the research object,begins with his establishment and operation of the Chinese Travel Agency as cut-in point, focuses on his thoughts and activities in the process of China’s modern tourism industry history, summarizes his tourism management idea, analyses his status in China’s modern tourism industry,and explores the nature and the characteristics of modern tourism industry in China.The main part of this paper is divided into six chapters. Chapter One expatiates the international and domestic background of the beginning of China’s modern tourism industry. Chapter Two analyses the reasons and the activities of Chen Guangfu’s distinguishment in the bussiness circle in the period of the Republic and his establishment of China’s modern tourism industry. Chapter Three reviews Chen Guangfu’s activities in his management of the Chinese Travel Agency into one of the biggest travel institutions in the world within a short period of time, which elevated the influence and status of China’modern tourism industry both at home and abroad. Chapter Four discusses Chen Guangfu’s various efforts to manage the Chinese Travel Agency and to maintain and develop China’s modern tourism industry during and after the difficult period of World War II. Chapter five summarizes Chen Guangfu’s tourism management thoughts. Chapter Six probes Chen Guangfu’s status in China’s modern tourism industry. The last Chapter explores the nature and the characteristics of China’d modern tourism industry through the analysis of Chen Guanfu’s dissapointment, i.e. the predicament and shackle on the development of China’s modern tourism industry.The present study regards Chen Guangfu as an outstanding entrepreneur with patriotic idea. Under the conditions at that time, the main motivation of the establishment of Travel Agency was not for profit, but for the wider publicity of the Bank of Shanghai, for the advance and development of the Bank of Shanghai, and at the same time, to facilitate travel, to advocate tourism and to restore profits and rights. Thus, Chen Guangfu sized up the situation to promote the development of the Chinese Travel Agency by virtue of abundant supplies of capital, personnel, network and brand advantage of Bank of Shanghai, relying on strong social capital, setting up abroad the service brand of the Chinese Travel Agency, strengthening the institutionalization of internal management at home, with steady and innovative business style, through the network, diversification and expansion of scale effect, to promote the development of Chinese Travel Agency at the largest possible range as soon as possible. Chen Guangfu, with extensive and profound impact on China’s modern tourism through concrete and effective operation, is worthy of the name "Father of China’s Tourism", the soul of Chinese Travel Agency, the advocator and promoter of China’s modern tourism industry. At the same time, we also see that the condition of the development of China’s modern tourism industry is extremely weak, i.e. the lack of a stable and unified political environment, sound economic foundation and the general recognition of the community. Thus, the Chinese Travel Agency had a strong tendency of dependence at its emergence and during the process of development. Chen Guangfu had to manage the Chinese Travel Agency with the spirit of public interests but without profits in return for decades. China’s modern tourism industry showed the non-profit, partial and unbalanced characteristics with smaller scale and so on.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 06期