

The Research on Jiang Su Red Cross Movement (1950-1965)

【作者】 徐国普

【导师】 池子华;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本论文以历史唯物主义为指导,力图从国家与社会的双向互动出发,通过文献分析和实证研究相结合,宏观研究与微观研究相结合,并引入社会学、政治学、管理学等学科的理论方法元素对建国初期江苏红十字运动进行“跨”学科分层研究。除绪论和结语之外,主要内容共六章。第一章江苏红十字运动的历史渊源和社会环境,通过对近代江苏红十字运动和建国初期江苏社会的考察,探讨出新中国江苏红十字运动的历史基础和社会环境。第二章江苏红会的组织发展及其嬗变,考察新中国初期江苏红会在党和政府的领导下经历的三次组织整顿及其组织结构、管理体制的变革,揭示红十字会与政府间微妙而独特的关系。第三章江苏红会推展业务之举,从治理医疗机构以及内凝思想和社会动员、评选先进与激励工作等方面,分析江苏红十字运动辉煌十五年的成功之道。第四章政治运动与江苏红会应对,新中国初期政治运动频发,通过对江苏红会在抗美援朝运动中的国际救援的考察及其在“大跃进”、“四清”运动中的基层工作的案例分析,展示红十字会在政治运动中是如何应对与运作的。第五章医疗卫生事业与江苏红会参与,全面考察江苏红会开展的医务训练、防疾治病、职工劳保医疗、巡回医防服务以及参与爱国卫生运动等,揭示出红十字会对于医疗卫生事业的发展,发挥出独特而不可估量的积极作用。第六章江苏红十字青少年运动的考察,探讨其作用及学校德育功能。结语是对江苏红十字运动进行的理性审视。

【Abstract】 Guided by the historical materialism, based on the interaction between the nation and the society, through a combination of document analysis and evidence study from both the macro and micro perspective, borrowing theories and research methods from the disciplines of sociology, politics and management, this paper carries out an interdisciplinary multi-level study of the movement of Red Cross Society of Jiangsu in the early years of the People’s Republic of China.Besides the preface and conclusion, the main body of this paper can be divided into six chapters. Chapter one is the historical origin and social environment of the movement of Red Cross Society of Jiangsu.Chapter two is about the organizational development and evolution of Red Cross Society of Jiangsu. After investigating the organizational overhaul and reform of its management system that the Red Cross Society of Jiangsu had undertook following the guidance of Communist Party of China and its government in the early years of the P.R.China, it reveals the delicate and distinctive relationship between Red Cross Society and government.Chapter three elaborates the reasons behind the brilliant success achieved by the Red Cross Society of Jiangsu in the past 15 years through analyzing the actions taken by it, from rectifying the medical service institutions, binding people together, social mobilization and stimulating people by giving honors.Chapter four is about political movement and the countermeasures taken by the Red Cross Society of Jiangsu. Political movements were frequent in the early years of the P.R.China. After investigating the actions taken by RCSJ in The War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea,“Great Leap Forward”and“Four Clean-ups”, it demonstrates how the Red Cross Society of Jiangsu reacts and function in political movements.Chapter five is about the part that the Red Cross Society of Jiangsu plays in health care. After investigating a host of activities carried out by the Red Cross Society of Jiangsu, from medical service training, disease prevention & treatment and patriotic health campaign, etc., it reveals that RCSJ plays a distinctive, active and significant role in the development of health care service.Chapter six is about the adolescent campaign organized by the Red Cross Society of Jiangsu. It explores the part that RCSJ plays in promoting moral values.The conclusion is about a rational examination of the movement of the Red Cross Society of Jiangsu.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期