

Poetics Study of the SIX-FAMOUS of Qing Dynasty

【作者】 陈宇舟

【导师】 马卫中;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 “国朝六家”指的是清初的六位诗人:宋琬、施闰章、朱彝尊、王士禛、查慎行、赵执信。六人主要活跃于顺治、康熙诗坛,是当时卓有声望、极具影响的诗歌名家。乾隆间人刘执玉选六人之诗为《国朝六家诗钞》,充分肯定了他们在清初诗坛的代表性意义。“国朝六家”也是后人研究清初诗歌无可忽视的重要对象。“国朝六家”不是一个诗歌流派,他们的创作风格各异,有着各自的诗学主张,其年龄跨度也很大。但是,作为一个诗人群体,他们是清初诗歌最高成就的一个象征。同时,他们都是由清廷选拔的官吏,“国朝六家”地位的确立,是诗坛主导权由“在野”转变为“在朝”的一个标志。六家所处的时代,是历史上一个特殊的时代。他们中的大部分人都经历了明清易代的巨变,与前朝有着不可割裂的情感与联系。他们服务于清廷,但对新朝又刻意保持了心理距离,士之价值观与道德感的矛盾与冲突,以及他们在新朝中的彷徨失措,是六家乃至清初很多仕清汉族文士共同面临的现实境遇。六家是清初诗坛新势力的中坚人物,引导和影响着清初诗学的发展嬗变,与此同时,他们的诗学思想也与明末的文学思潮有着千丝万缕的联系。本文着重考察了六家成长的家族和文化背景,考索出他们与东林、复社间一脉相承的内在关系,显现出他们对于明代诗学的“承上”意义;另一方面,则从他们对前代诗歌的总结与批判,在清初宋诗风中各自的态度与看法,以王士禛“神韵说”为代表的新诗风产生,以及赵执信对诗歌“在朝”势力的叛离等方面,凸显出他们对于清代诗学的“启下”作用。

【Abstract】 The SIX-FAMOUS of Qing Dynasty means the six most famous poet of early Qing Dynasty who flourished at times of Emperor SHUNZHI and KANGXI: Song Wan, Shi Run-zhang, Zhu Yi-zun, Wang Shi-zhen, Zha Shen-xin, Zhao Zhi-xin. They were extremely prestigious and having influence in poetics. Peotry Anthology written by Liu Zhi-yu defined the importance and representational significance in that period.The SIX-FAMOUS was not a poetics genre. They had different composition style and poetical opinion. As a group, they symbolized the greatest achievement of coetaneous poet. And all of them had their official position in the government, it indicated the change from OUT-OF-OFFICE into IN.The time which The SIX-FAMOUS lived was very special, because of the dynastic transformation. They served for Qing Dynasty, but could not be dissevered from the former dynasty of Ming. The mental distance and the conflict of value and morality made them feel lost, and it was the common situation for most of the poet of Han nationality.The SIX-FAMOUS was elite of poet in Qing Dynasty. They lead the poetical development of the time. This thesis emphasizes their family and cultural background, the relationship between Dong-Lin and Fu Group. And the most important of all: a connecting link between the preceding and the following.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 06期