

Variedness in "Red" China

【作者】 周聚群

【导师】 曹惠民;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 以大陆的“文革”题材小说为背景和参照对象,运用心理分析、文本细读、后殖民文化理论和新历史主义等研究方法,对海外华文/华人不同世代作家三十余年——从陈若曦到哈金——的“文革”小说的主题变迁进行系统的梳理、归纳和整体的分析,并对相关作品和研究成果给予新的解读、阐释和辨正。导论部分主要是概述大陆“文革”小说的基本潮流、一般特征和不足之处,指出是社会需求、言说语境、文化背景等历史和现实原因导致了大陆和海外两大作家群在写作动机、书写策略、价值诉求和精神向度上的差别;论述了海外作家不同“代群”之间创作主题的传承和衍变;界定了本论文研究的题材、体裁、地域、时间范围和涉及的作家作品;描述了国内外对相关作家研究的大致情况;把论文主体划分为四章,以此论述海外作家对“红色”中国的书写展现出来的纷纭复杂的多样图景。第一章主要分析了海外“文革”小说中回归和去国知识分子系列形象。首先以陈若曦为例论述小说中的人物形象“回归神话”产生的基本心态;其次围绕中国化民粹主义的两个主要特征展开回归者“神话破灭”的文化社会学剖析,揭示出他们的“救赎渴望”和“报国志向”失败的真正根源;最后考察以知青为主体的移民“为什么去国”的四种心态,勾勒其演变的轨迹。第二章详细勾勒了海外中国人(包括作家和作品人物)国族情感的心灵变化轨迹:从“感时忧国/中国执念”过渡到“中国性执念”。一、论证台湾“无根一代”刻画的出身大陆和台湾的知识分子是“精神上的全民族性者”,他们对“原乡”的追寻出于“烈士/志士精神”、忧国情怀和寻求归属感;二、论述了“四五一代”移民作家对“感时忧国”精神在承接中的创造性转换:1980年代苏炜、查建英塑造的“远行人”强烈的“中国情结”后面有着寻觅个体意识的萌芽,并在90年代初周励的作品中初步实现了向“中国性执念”的艰难蜕变,故国想象和移民意识之间的剧烈冲突被落地生根的渴望所取代,90年代中期及以后严歌苓等人的“文革”书写完成了对乱世中“自我”的寻找,确立了自己“半民族性者”的身份认同。第三章首先梳理海外华人“文革”小说的发展脉络,对非母语写作中所谓迎合西方思维习惯和审美需求的“东方主义”写作策略进行辨析;接着论述哈金小说对真实人性的刻画、描摹、体察和把握的独到之处:乱世中琐碎平淡的日常生活、悲剧性的事件和爱情故事、底层民众潜藏着的劣根性等等,分析他在“文革”文学写作上的价值和意义。第四章借鉴许子东关于大陆“文革”小说存在不同类型的“拯救”这一结论,提出海外“文革”小说的反“拯救”主题:一是爱情拯救(包括自我拯救)的无望和无效,分男对女、女对男、男女之间和同性恋四种情感援救模式;二是政治拯救(组织与上级等外力因素的现实拯救)的缺席和无效。结语:概括了海外“文革”小说在回归/去国知识分子、海外作家的身份寻求、非母语写作和反“拯救”主题等四个方面的综合性结论,分析它们在新时期“文革”文学中的独特地位和重要影响。

【Abstract】 In relation to the Chinese novels on Cultural Revolution and taking ChenruoXi and Hajin as examples, this dissertation mainly focuses on the systematic analysis on the theme shift of novels on Cultural Revolution by generations of overseas Chinese and interprets their works and researches in the perspectives of psychoanalysis, close reading, postcolonial cultural theory and New Historicism.The introduction summarizes the basic trends, general characteristics and limitations of the novels on Cultural Revolution in China Mainland, pointing out that social needs, context, and cultural backgrounds are the main reasons that distinguish the two schools of writers historically in motivation, strategies, values and spiritual dimension. In addition, the author analyzes the fact in this part that themes were transferred and developed among different generations of overseas writers. Furthermore, he defines the themes, styles, regions, time range and related works and summarizes the domestic and overseas analysis on these writers.The body has four chapters in which variedness in "red" China novels is presented by the overseas writers.The first chapter witnesses the overseas intellects who returned to China and left their motherland eventually. ChenruoXi’s novels are taken as examples to illustrate the psychological reasons why those intellects were willing to return to their motherland firstly; and then to illustrate the cultural and social researches on the broken“Returners’Myth”on the basis of two characteristics of Chinese Populism, revealing the basic reasons why those intellects failed to realize their dreams to save China; and last to illustrate four kinds of psychologies and their development that the migrants, mainly the educated youth possess.The nationalism of overseas Chinese and its development are portrayed in details in second chapter. They have undergone the development from“Obsession with China”to“Chinese obsession”. To begin with, the author demonstrates that the intellects portrayed in Taiwan writers’(so called a rootless generation) works are nationalists in psychology. The reason why they’d like to go back to their motherland lies in their patriotism and pursuit of sense of belonging. Secondly, he states the creative transfer in the feelings of being concerned with their motherland among the migrants writers. In 1980, the traveler portrayed in Suwei’s and ZhajianYing’s works is a representative who starts to seek for individualism. In the early 1990s, the characters in Zhouli’s novels are transformed into“Chinese obsession”, in which the violent clashes between nationalism and migration were replaced by the strong desire to return to their motherland. In the mid-1990 and later period, the characters in the novels written by YangeLing finally fulfilled their goals, that is, to pursue the individualism in turbulent days and identify themselves as“half-nationalists”. In the third chapter, the author shows us how overseas novels on Cultural Revolution develop and analyzes the strategy of“orientalism”that is employed to cater to the occidental customs and aesthetics. Then he illustrates Hajin’s originality in the portrait of human nature, ordinary lives in turbulent days, tragedies and romances as well as scoundrelism in common people, thus revealing the value and significance in his works.In the fourth chapter, the author uses XuziDong’s viewpoints on novels on Cultural Revolution for reference and puts up with his opinion that the theme of all the overseas novels on Cultural Revolution is anti-salvation that includes hopelessness and invalidity in rescuing both themselves and their loves and the lack of rescue in politics as well.Conclusion: This part is a comprehensive conclusion in which the author sums up his dissertation in four aspects, that is, the intellects who returned and left their motherland, identity that the overseas writers sought, non-mother-tongue writing, and anti-salvation. The significance of these factors and the roles they play in the works on Cultural Revolution are also analyzed.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 06期