

Research on Seasonal Changes of Trace Elements of the Przewalski’s Gazelle and the Habitat in Qinhai Hudong Area

【作者】 周立业

【导师】 龙瑞军;

【作者基本信息】 甘肃农业大学 , 草业科学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 普氏原羚是我国特有的珍稀濒危动物,历史上曾分布于我国的内蒙、甘肃、宁夏和青海,现仅分布在青海湖周边地区,青海湖东地区是普氏原羚的主要栖息地。近年来,由于全球变暖等自然因素以及人类放牧活动的干扰、家畜和天敌对普氏原羚食物资源的竞争、非法狩猎严重,使得普氏原羚生境不断恶化,种群数量不断减少。而青海湖东地区是普氏原羚的最大栖息地,本文从微量元素营养的角度,对湖东地区普氏原羚及生境地进行研究,通过微波消解,用ICP—AES法和原子荧光光谱法(对Se的测定)对冬季普氏原羚毛、血及生境地夏(六月中旬)、秋(九月中旬)、冬(十二月中旬)三季中水、土壤、牧草的中铜、锰、铁、锌、钼和硒6种微量元素进行了分析,并用费歇尔法对不同草地类型进行判别,来了解、评介湖东地区普氏原羚微量元素的盈亏,对开展湿地生态环境建设和普氏原羚种群保护提供科学依据。试验主要结果如下:1.普氏原羚生境地水中六种微量元素Cu、Fe、Mn、Zn、Mo、Se存在明显的季节差异,其变化趋势有所不同,其中Fe含量最高,夏季为0.039±0.007 mg/L,秋季最高达0.08mg/L,冬季仍为0.054±0.009 mg/L,总体上看,水中6种微量元素含量很低。2.普氏原羚生境地土壤处于低Cu、低Mo、低Se的状态。三季节中Cu含量夏季最高,冬季最低,在8.86~17.24mg/kg之间变动;Mo含量在0.054~0.181mg/kg之间变化,其中0~10cm、20~30cm土层中沉积Mo较10~20cm中多,三季土壤中的Mo含量均低于我国土壤Mo的平均水平1.7mg/kg;Se的含量在0.02~0.178mg/kg,夏季严重缺乏,冬季属于Se临界缺乏,秋季土壤Se含量正常。3.普氏原羚活动地混合牧草夏季地下部分各微量元素含量均高于地上部分,混合牧草各个季节Cu、Mo、Se缺乏,Fe、Mn、Zn含量正常。不同季节,混合牧草地上部分微量元素季节变化不一致,除了Mo随着季节变化含量变化不大外,Cu、Fe、Mn、Zn夏季高于秋季,秋季高于冬季,而Se随着季节变化含量逐渐增加。4.普氏原羚选择丰富度高、隐蔽条件好和人类干扰少的芨芨草草原作为采食生境地,芨芨草草地混合牧草Cu、Se严重缺乏,Mo临界缺乏,Zn冬季缺乏,Fe、Mn三季含量正常,Zn夏秋季含量正常。5.普氏原羚采食的主要牧草属于低Cu、低Mo、低Se的状态,喜食牧草青海黄芪属于高Se植物。6.从血样和毛样分析推测,冬季部分普氏原羚可能因Cu缺乏产生贫血,部分普氏原羚可能因Cu、Zn缺乏导致繁殖性能下降,普氏原羚处于低Se的状态。但临床症状有待进一步研究。7.通过费歇尔法对不同季节不同草地类型的判别,了解到Mo是决定草地类型的主要因素,为进一步研究湖东地区不同草地类型微量元素提供科学依据。在退化草地补播芨芨草以达到增加普氏原羚基本食物和隐蔽场所,在植物群落中增加青海黄芪的比例以增加普氏原羚喜食牧草及牧草中Se的含量。夏季牧草生长季节施钼肥,在对土壤施Mo的时候注意Cu、Mo之间的比例保持在6~10:1。

【Abstract】 As a rare, endangered and endemic species in China, Przewalski’s gazelle (Procapra przewalskii)once distributed in Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Ningxia and Qinghai. The gazelles are now only living around the Qinghai Lake. Qinhai Hudong is the main habitat of the Przewalski’s gazelle. In recent year, due to the various natural factors such as globle climate warming and human sufferings such as unreasonably grazing, setting fence and illegally hunting and competition from sheep and yaks and infringement natural enemies, Przewalski’s gazelle’s habitat is continuously worsening, Przewalski’s gazelle population is continuously reduced. In fact, Qinghai Hudong is the most area for Przewalski’s gazelle. This paper studied the trace elements of Przewalski’s gazelle and the habitat in Qinhai Hudong in different seasons. After microwave digesting, all samples including Przewalski’s gazelle’s blood and hair (mid-December) and water, soil and forage from summer(mid-June), autumn(mid-September)and winter (mid-December) were determined and analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry, ICP-AES and atomic fluorescence spectrometry(used to determined Se) to obtain copper, manganese, iron, zinc, molybdenum and selenium. Different pasture types were analyzed by Fisher discriminant function. All these methods were measured in order to investigate and evaluate Przewalski’s gazelle’s microelement nutrition. This paper provided feasible scientific measures for wetland eco-environmental construction and Przewalski’s gazelle populations’ protection. The results are as follows.1. There was an obvious seasonal difference between the six trace elements Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Mo of water in the habitat of the Przewalski’s gazelle, and the change trends was different, including the highest Fe content in summer 0.039±0.007 mg / L, the highest content in autumn was 0.08mg / L, and it was still 0.054±0.009 mg / L in winter, generally, the content of six kinds of trace elements in water was very low.2. The soil of the habitat of the Przewalski’s gazelle was at a low Cu, low-Mo, low-Se state. The Cu content was in the highest in summer and lowest in winter,which changed between 8.86~17.24mg/kg; Mo content varied between 0.054~0.181mg/kg, of which 0~10cm, 20~30cm soil layer in the deposition of Mo was higher than in 10~20cm,and the Mo content of the soil in three seasons are lower than the China’s average level of Mo in soil 1.7mg/kg; Se content was 0.02~0.178mg/kg, a serious shortage in summer, winter is the critical lack of Se, and Se content of the soil was in normal in autumn.3. The mixed forage trace elements content in underground sections was higher than it in the ground part in summer in Przewalski ’s gazelle habitat. The trace elements Cu, Mo, Se was lacking in each season, and Fe, Mn, Zn content was normal. In different seasons, the seasonal variation of trace elements which in the ground parts of mixed forage was in different, Mo content had little change in different seasons, the content of Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn was higer in summer than it in autumn and was lowest in winter, while the Se content increased with the season gradually.4. Przewalski’s gazelle choosed the Achnatherum splendens grassland as its foraging habitat which had a high abundant degree, good concealment condition and little diturbing from mankind.5. The main forge of Przewalski’s gazelle was low Cu, low Mo, and low Se, and its favorite forage Astragalus membranaceus was high Se plant.6. According to the blood and hair sample, some of Przewaiski’s gazelles may be affected by an ailment characterized anemia for Cu deficiency or may be caused low reproductive rate for Cu and Zn deficiency. Przewalski’s gazelle was low Se nutrition.7. The Fisher linear discriminant model of different seasons and different grassland types had high accuracy and credibility, which established the science basic to study the trace element changemet of different grassland types in Hudong area.For increasing Przewaiski’s gazelle’s habitant and more food, Achnatherum splendens should be reseeded in degradation grassland and Astragalus membranaceus should be increased to achieve proper Se nutrition. In summer molybdenum fertilizer should be added in soil to make sure Cu:Mo equal 6~10:1.
