

Criticized the Genre Practice of Modern Fiction Viewand Construction the Typology

【作者】 张永禄

【导师】 葛红兵;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 “类型”作为一种研究方法和思维观念,有着深刻的哲学理据,自古以来中西方被包括文艺在内的很多领域广泛应用。虽说浪漫主义时期类型研究一度冷落,但“由于批评正开始从结构主义和分解主义的热病中康复,文学类型理论可能会占据新的显著地位”。(福勒语)现代类型学目前是显学,在语言学、法学、影视学和建筑学等领域取得了卓尔不群的业绩,但在文学领域尚未引起足够注意。论文在总结近百年来中国现代小说研究的类型经验的基础上,结合了结构——文化类型学方法,试图建立现代汉语小说类型学理论。该方法从语言学乞灵,借用了结构主义的结构分析法和现代逻辑学程式,寻找叙事的表层语法、深层语义结构矩阵和行动元模型等形式化轨迹,试图把类型模式用符号公式表现出来,让小说类型获得研究上的基本的“简单形式”(乔乐斯语)。在借用结构主义思想的同时,充分借鉴我国现代小说类型研究的文化实践,避免了其过分的形式主义弊端。这样一来,现代小说类型研究打通了通常意义上的形式(形式模型)与内容(文化价值)、内部(文本)与外部(社会),历史(类型发展的历史过程)与共时(成熟的类型形式),使之成为现代小说研究的可能的研究范式,促成其协同叙事学、文体学和修辞学等推动现代小说的研究水准和层次。本论文分两大部分(上、下编)展开,上编是对中国现代小说类型研究做基本的系统的学术史梳理。它和以往的类型研究有很大的不同在于:一是用现代类型学的视野来重新观照,力图走出经验主义的有感而发,理论、系统地展示中国现代小说的类型研究历程;二是通过典型案例法重点展示各个阶段的类型研究特色与成就,以及它们是如何影响了现代小说研究的整体进程;三是本着“略古详今”的原则,大胆对当代以来的小说类型研究的中国经验做较为详细的归纳和梳理。上编的基本内容分为:一、类型学视野下的中国古典小说研究,既鸟瞰了古代学者对古典小说研究的类型观念,又检视了现代学者用类型的观念重新研究古典小说的成就;二、晚清新小说类型的引进和现代小说类型的兴起,分析晚清引进的新小说类型对传统小说类型的冲击和在中国的命运,特别是通过管达如和吕思勉两位代表性研究者在西学影响下的小说研究中显示出来的现代类型思维分析,剖视了现代小说类型和现代小说类型思想对中国小说界的创作和出版的初步影响;三是重新研究鲁迅的中国小说史研究的艺术和思想资源,认为古代刘勰、刘知几等人的类型思想、盐谷温的中国小说史框架和晚清的类型命名热共同烛照了鲁迅的天才之思,对鲁迅范式和走出“鲁迅时代”的焦虑做了必要回应;四是对建国以来的类型研究做基本概括,重点归纳和剖析四种“中国经验”,通过得失评判,使之成为建构现代汉语小说类型学理论比较坚实的本土理论资源。下编旨在初步建立现代小说类型学理论,分三个组成部分:现代小说类型学的方法论、价值论和本体论。方法论具体分为三步:1、建立小说类型分类的原则和方法;2、找出小说类型深层语法结构,研究其意义语法;3、对小说的深层结构进行价值观照,把结构、审美和文化联系起来,实现形式结构和价值诉求呈现的同一。本体论部分主要用范畴论的形式阐释了小说类型学的重要概念和命题,为了保证类型研究自身的科学性与纯粹性,也为树立现代小说类型批评的学术规范性,我们集中讨论了类型演进、跨类、类型等级、类型与反类型、类型正体与变体、小说类型与类型小说等概念。价值论分为两个层面:一是类型小说的价值,它包含了类型稳定与价值生成,类型语法与价值表达式,类型多样化与价值多元化等命题;二是小说类型研究的价值与意义,这包括了为中国小说史的阐释提供新的方法论;为鉴别新的小说类型提供科学尺度;为具体小说文本解读提供基本参照系;为读者、作家和出版界提供相应理论标准;为比较文学研究提供重要方法等至少五个方面。

【Abstract】 As a concept of research methods and way of thinking, "Genre", there is a profound philosophical justification ,and wide application in many fields, including literature and art, in the West and china since ancient time. Although in the Romantic period, the research on genre was left out in the cold, but "because criticism is beginning to restoration from sickness of the Structuralism and the Deconstruction, the theory on genre of literature may reoccupy a significant position." modern typology study are significant and has made excellent performance in some fields such as linguistics, law, architecture, cinema and television, but in literature has not yet attracted enough attention.At the conclusion of the last century thesis of modern Chinese novel research on the genre of experience, combined with the structure - the cultural typology approach, we try to set up the theoretical typology of modern Chinese fiction. Borrowing the structure of the structural analysis and study of modern logic programs, The thesis want to look for the surface narrative grammar, the deep semantic structure of the matrix element model and action such as formal track, trying to put the type of pattern shown by the formula using symbols, so that novel type of access to basic research on the "easy form". To avoid the drawbacks of its excessive formalism, we have to made use of Structuralist idea and the methods of cultural practices in the genre of study of modern Chinese fiction, As a result, the typology of modern fiction is usually open up the meaning of research on the form (the form of the model) and content (cultural values), internal (text) and external (social), history (the history of the development process of the type of) the community (for the type of sophisticated form), making possible the study of modern fiction research paradigm, to promote their collaborative study narrative, style and rhetoric, such as to promote the study of modern fiction and the level of standards.This thesis is divided into two Parts(upper and lower series).the upper is show clearly and systematic the process of the study on genre history of the Chinese Modern Fiction .and is made up of China’s modern novels are the type of study of the system to do the basic sort of academic history. Compared with the genre of research the past, there is a big difference: the One is the vision of modern typology care to re-attempt to get out spontaneous feelings of empiricism, theory, systematic display of China’s modern history of the novel type of study; the second is focus on case law, through a typical display of the various stages of the type of study characteristics and achievements, as well as how they affect the study of modern fiction as a whole process; the third is in "a little detail of this ancient" principle, bold contemporary novel type of research since the Chinese experience to do a more detailed summary and grooming. thus, the upper parts includes : 1, Typological Perspective Study of Chinese classical novels, not only a brief view of the ancient scholars of classical studies of the genre of novel concepts, but also give an examination by the genre of modern scholars to re-examine the concept of the achievements of classical novels;2 , gives a brief description about introducing new types of fiction in the late Qing Dynasty and rising of modern fiction genre, analysis of the late Qing Dynasty novel introduced a new type of traditional and novel types of shock at the fate of Chinese modern fiction, particularly through views of Guan Ruda and Lv Simian. 3 is to re-examine the Lu Xun’s thought about Chinese novel study on Chinese fiction ,which resources come from the ancient scholars ,such as Liu Xie and Liu Zhiji , and Yan Guwen’s framework on the history of Chinese novels ,and fashion named after the genre of the late Qing Dynasty. What’s more ,We give some views on how to go out of Lu Xun’s novel research paradigm and out of "Lu Xun’s time," 4 is to describe some basic experiences on the methods since the founding of the RPC ,especial this four key into the "China experience", through the evaluation and disadvantages, making construction of the theoretical typology of modern Chinese fiction Comparison of theoretical solid local resources.The lower part is to Set up modern fiction typology theory, which is divided into three components: the modern novel typology of methodology, the value of theory and the ontology. Specific methodology is divided into three steps: 1, set up the novel type of principles and methods; 2, to identify novel types of deep structure of grammar, study the significance of grammar; 3, the deep structure of the novel to the value of care, to include structural, aesthetic and cultural linked form of the structure and realize the value of the order to show the same.Ontology with the scope of some of the major form of typology to explain the importance of the novel concepts and propositions, in order to guarantee their own type of research and pure science, but also to establish the type of criticism of modern fiction academic norms, we focused on the type of evolution, cross-category, type, grade, type and anti-type, the type of Goldge with the variant type and the type of the novel concept of the novel.On the part of the value is divided into two levels: First, the value of the type of fiction, which contains the type of stability and value of production, the value of the type of grammar and expression, the type of diversity and pluralism, such as Value Proposition; the second step is to conclude the value and significance, including providing a new methodology to explain the history of Chinese fiction ; to identify a new type of science fiction scale; to give specific interpretation of the novel version of the provision of basic frame of reference; to provide the corresponding theory for readers, writers and publishing industry standards;and to give important methodology for comparison research literature ,and so on.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期