

The Key Technique Research of On-Line Solar Cell Test System

【作者】 王志明

【导师】 龚振邦; 魏光普;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 机械电子工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 太阳能可以说是取之不尽、用之不竭而且又没有污染的清洁能源。在人口不断增加,煤与石油等矿物能源逐渐枯竭,环境污染日益严重的今天,太阳能的应用显得愈来愈重要,成为全世界的研究热点。半导体太阳电池利用光生伏特效应可直接将光能转变为电能,应用起来十分方便,因而受到特别的重视。最近几年全世界太阳电池的产量增加很快,被称为朝阳工业。迄今为止,在太阳电池生产过程中,在线检测是国内外亟需攻克的关键技术之一。本文研究的在线太阳电池测试系统是上海市重点科技攻关课题(03DZ12033)资助的子项目,研究的目的是解决太阳电池在线检测过程中的关键技术,使太阳电池的在线质量得以很好地控制。在导师龚振邦教授与魏光普教授的悉心指导下,作者查阅了大量的国内外文献资料,系统地综述了太阳电池测试过程中所涉及的关键技术的国内外发展状况,基于理论研究与技术实现两方面综合考虑,深入分析了在线太阳电池测试中各关键技术的理论及在实际运用中存在的问题,研制了基于光学积分器与双光反馈控制的太阳光模拟器,有效地控制了辐照强度、辐照不均匀度与辐照不稳定度。作者设计了一套能精确测量短路电流与开路电压等太阳电池特性参数的测试系统,并能在较大范围内实现测试过程的自适应,赋予测试系统一定的智能。在分析太阳电池I-V曲线拟合方法的基础上,提出了基于IRAGA(Improved Real Coded based Accelerating Genetic Algorithm)与ACA(Ant Colony Algorithm)融合的I-V曲线拟合算法,该算法不但大大地提高了计算效率,而且能精确地获取太阳电池的重要特性参数。利用计算机仿真技术,分析了这些参数对太阳电池转换效率的影响,找出了能提高太阳电池转换效率的途径。通过有限元分析、控制理论的研究及相关试验,研发了能防碎裂,防粘连的双臂太阳电池机器人移载系统。太阳电池测试中太阳光模拟器的辐照强度、辐照不稳定度、辐照不均匀度及辐照利用率是模拟器的关键。太阳光模拟器的设计包含光学系统与控制系统两方面内容。在光学系统设计中,提出了基于光积分器的新颖的光学结构,即采用同轴光学系统,将两个凸透镜阵列组成光学积分器,有效地实现了光的二次匀化,同时通过光路结构的改进,将氙灯光源放在椭球面的第一焦点处,而准直镜的交点与椭球面的第一焦点重合,椭球面的第二焦点与凸透镜阵列的焦点重合,这样使得两光路重合于凸透镜阵列的焦点,有效地提高了辐照的利用率。在太阳光模拟器的控制中,作者提出了双光反馈控制这一新思路,即通过一个辐照度传感器的反馈来控制触发脉冲的幅值和幅宽,从而控制光强与模拟器的工作时间,同时也控制数据采集的时间。通过另外一个辐照度传感器的反馈,来调节流过氙灯灯管的电流,从而实现辐照的稳定性。经实验测试,模拟器的各项指标达到A级模拟器水平。在优质的太阳光模拟器的基础上,要获取精确的测量数据,测试系统是关键。在分析传统测试电路的基础上,作者设计了由带有驱动参考电压的精密运算放大器组成的线路。在短路电流测量中,设定0V跟随电压,经电压跟随器的作用,使太阳电池两端的电压也跟随到0V,从而实现太阳电池短路电流的精确测量。在电压采集回路与电流采集回路中,分别采用了电子多路开关与精密电阻的组合及多路继电器与精密电阻组合,实现电压、电流测试量程的自适应及参数的精确测量,且测试数值的最大相对误差控制在0.3-0.8%之间,很好地解决测试系统的精度与适应性问题。参数测试的目的是要获取太阳电池的特性参数,而要获取太阳电池的特性参数,太阳电池I-V曲线的拟合尤为重要。在对传统算法分析与比较的基础上,作者提出了基于IRAGA与ACA融合的太阳电池I-V曲线拟合算法的思想。通过对编码方法、交叉概率、变异概率与交叉算子的改进,大大提高了算法获取全局最优解的能力与效率,通过设定控制函数的条件,确定IRAGA与ACA算法的衔接点,利用ACA算法高效的寻优能力,使得融合算法在计算工作量与测试精度等方面取得了较大的进步,计算的工作量比伪蒙特卡罗算法提高17.8%,比遗传算法节少47%,同时较精确地获取5个太阳电池重要的待定特性参数。通过对这些特性参数的分析,找出了能提高太阳电池转换效率的途径。晶体硅太阳电池生产过程中需要硅片移载,所以快速而准确地移载是在线太阳电池生产与测试的过程中的一个关键。通过对太阳电池生产线测试系统的结构与节拍的分析,提出了双臂太阳电池移载机器人系统的构想,该系统包括机器人本体、机器人吸盘及伺服控制系统。机器人本体采用双臂两关节结构,旋转关节采用伺服电机驱动,直线关节采用气动伺服控制。在机器人旋转关节控制中,通过建立控制模型,得出传递函数,进而确定速度增益与位置增益来进行控制。在机器人的直线移动关节中,通过对气动伺服系统建模,导出其传递函数,采用模糊PID控制策略,设计模糊PID控制器,从而有效地实现位置的精确控制。结合专利吸盘,较好地解决了太阳电池移载过程中的碎片问题。实验验证表明,本文涉及的太阳光模拟技术、高精度自适应太阳电池特性参数测试系统、I-V曲线拟合技术、太阳电池硅片防碎移载技术的研究均取得了较大的进展,相关技术获得3项国家发明专利,该项研究为以后实际工程应用及更深层次的探索打下扎实的基础,该项目已于2007年10月通过专家的验收。

【Abstract】 Solar energy is inexhaustible clean energy without any pollution. With the sustained increasement of population, the fossil energy such as mine, oil and so on is gradually drained. And environmental pollution is more and more serious now. The application of solar energy is becoming more and more important. And it turns to be the whole world’s research focus.Accordding to photovoltaic effect; Semiconductor solar cells can directly translate light energy into electrical energy. And it’s convenient to be applied. And therefore, it receives special attentions. Recent years, as the whole world’s output of solar cells increase quickly, it’s endowed with rising industry. So far, on-line test is one of the key technologies that are desiderated to be solved in the progress of solar cell’s production. In the paper, the on-line testing system is a sub-study funded by the significant scientific and technological issues in shanghai (03DZ12033).The study aims to solve the key technologies in the progress of solar cell’s on-line test. And it can primly control the on-line quality of solar cells.With the earnest guidance of professor Gong zhenbang and Professor Wei guangpu, the author refers to a large number of domestic and foreign literatures. The paper summarizes the key technologies’development at home and abroad in the progress of solar cells test. Based on both theoretical research and technology relization, the article takes in-depth analysis on both key technologies’theory of on-line solar cells test and the problems in the actual application. And it brings forward a new solar simulator based on optical integrator and double channels optical feedback. And it controls the radiation intensity, irradiation no uniformity degree and its instability effectively. The author has designed a test system that can accurately test solar cell’s characteristic parameters such as short-circuit and open-voltage. Besides, it can realize self-adapt in a large bound. It endues some capacity to the test system. On the basis of analyzing solar cell I-V curve fitting, the thought of combination of IRAGA and ACA is proposed. The algorithm improves the computing efficiency largely, what’s more, by using this algorithm, five technical parameters for solar cell can be acquired more accurately. With the computer simulating technology, it analyzes the main techniques parameters which affect the solar cells’converting efficiency. And it finds out the approaches to improve the converting efficiency. The article delivers solar cell robot shifting system with two arms by finite element analysis, control theory and related tests. This system is able to prevent fragmentation and adhesion. Solar simulator’s irradiation uniformity, radiation instability, and irradiation utilization are the keys in the solar cell’s test. In this paper, the design of solar simulator includes both optical system and control system. In the optical system design, a novel optical structure is put forward based on optical integrator. It adopts the coaxial optical sytem, composed of two convex lens arrays. It realizes the light’s secondary uniformity.Meanwhiles, by improving the structure of light, xenon light source is put on the first focus of the ellipsoid, and the point of collimator lens is coincident with the first focal point of ellipsoid. And the second focal point is coincident with the focal point of convex lens array. So the two light routes are coincident with the first focal point of convex lens array, which improves the utilization of irradiation. In the control of solar simulator, the author proposes a dual-optical feedback control of the new ideas. It can control the trigger pulse’s width and amplitude by the feedback of radiation sensor.Thereby, it controls the light intensity and the simulator’s working time. At the same time, it controls data acquisition time.Besides; it adjusts the circuit of xenon by another radiation sensor’s feedback. Therefore, it realizes the stability of irradiation.By experimental tests; all of simulator’indexs achieves the A-level.In order to obtain accurate measurement data, the key is the test system based on the solar simulator of high quality. On the basis of analyzing the traditional test circuit, the circuit composed of precision operational Amplifier with the reference voltage was designed. In the process of short-circuit current measurement; the followed voltage 0V was set. By the role of voltage follower, so that the solar cells at both ends can be followed the voltage to 0V, in order to achieve the accurate measurement of short-circuits current. Acquisition loops in the voltage and current, respectively, were used an electronic multi-way switch with a combination of precision resistance and multi-channel relay and precision resistor combination to achieve adaptive testing of voltage and current range and the accurate measurement of parameters. The voltage of the system could be 0.5 V ~ 50V; the current measurement range could be 3mA ~ 5.6A. The maximum relative error of test data was 0.3-0.8%. The system was achieved good results.The purpose of the parameters test was obtaining the characteristic parameters of solar cells. To obtain the characteristic parameters of solar cells, solar cell I-V curve fitting was particularly important. On the basis of analyzing and comparing the traditional algorithm, the author proposed ideas based on the combination of IRAGA and ACA I-V curve fitting of solar cells. With the improvement of method of coding, crossover probability ;mutation probability ;the improvement of cross-operator of IRAGA; the transfer probability ;information element of ACA etc., the combination algorithm was achieved great progress at the aspect of the calculation of the workload and the accuracy of test. The calculation of the workload was less than the calculation of pseudo-Monte Carlo algorithm for 17.8%, and less than GA algorithm for 47%. At the same time, five parameters of characteristics were obtained with accuracy. By analyzing the parameters, a method was found to increase solar cell conversion efficiency.Because the silicon was needed to shift at the process of the production of crystalline silicon solar cells, shifting quickly and accurately was a key with the solar cell production and test on line. By analyzing the structure and rhythm of the test system of the solar production line, the concept of the robot with arms transfer solar system was put forward. The system was including the robot body, the robot sucker and the servo control system. The robot body was using two arms with two joints body structure; the rotation joints was using a servo motor to drive; the straight line joints was using pneumatic servo control. At the control of the robot rotation joint, through the establishment of the control model, transfer function was derived, which determine the rate of gain and position to control. At the straight-line movement of the robot joints, through modeling of the pneumatic servo system, its transfer function is derived using fuzzy PID control strategy and fuzzy PID controller was designed, so as to effectively achieve the precise control of position.Experiments show that the simulation of solar technology, solar cell characteristic parameters of high-precision auto-adaptive test system, I-V curve fitting technology and accurate test technology of characteristic parameters of solar cell and shatter-resistant and transfer technology of silicon solar cell are all made great progress and related technologies have been received three national invention patents. The study has laid a solid foundation for future practical engineering applications and next explore. The project was of the acceptance by experts in October 2007.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期