

Research on Integrated/Intelligent Numerical Control Based on Grey Relevancy

【作者】 刘锬

【导师】 俞涛;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 机械制造及自动化, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 论文探讨和研究了一种新型的以制造为目的和导向的数字控制软件平台——集成/智能数字控制(Integrated/Intelligent numerical control,INC)。INC提出了一种崭新的集成化的理念,它修改传统CIMS大而全的策略方法,基于对制造过程各个子过程和与企业生产的灰色关联度分析并对其进行精简化和快捷化,提炼出与制造密切相关的子过程作为INC的工作模块,搭建出小而精的、在中小企业切实需要和可行的工作流程架构,产生出一种以提高制造效率、质量为目的,适和现代制造业市场需要,可能并且可以切实被贯彻和实施的先进制造的平台;同时它不仅仅是一种集成的数字制造平台,也是一种崭新思想和方法。它在讨论一种新型数控技术的同时,还探求出一种比传统的CIMS在中小企业的更便捷可行的解决方案。CIMS的理念是一种先进的思想方法,但却不能在中、小型的企业得到很好的推行,即使其中的一个ERP部分在中国成功推行的案例也很少。实际上,很多的中、小企业普遍存在着CAD、CAPP、CNC的自动化孤岛问题。当今随着芯片技术的发展,嵌入式微处理器正成为后PC时代的市场主流,并向高速、智能化的方向发展,其在功能、结构、接口、通信等方面都具有优越性,这些优越性都很好的满足了现代数控的发展需求。而在软件方面,先进图象处理技术以及先进数据处理方法的不断涌现也大大改善了计算机辅助技术的效率和方法。这些条件都使CIMS的核心模块能够在中、小企业顺利和有效的实施。本文基于以制造为导向的生成过程子部件灰色关联度的分析,提出了了集成/智能数字控制的基本理论,把中、小企业急需的CAD、CAPP、DFM、CAM、CNC等CIMS的重要功能模块集成到INC中,并依2.5D经济型数字控制的需求规划和提取出INC的6个子部件,系统的阐述了INC狭义和广义的概念、体系架构和有关关键技术探讨和分析。论文聚焦于探讨和研究INC的几个关键技术,围绕如何精简和快捷化制造过程子模块展开。其一是面向CNC的CAD技术(CAD technology oriented to CNC,CADoCNC)。面向CNC的CAD技术是以制造为导向的设计技术,它切合工程图纸电算化和工程设计数字化的需求,提供对工程图纸信息的数字一体化处理,对设计信息的后续优化,以及多设计方案和决策的多准则规划集成等等功能。论文集中对可以有效改进2.5D经济型数控制造的设计前处理和设计后优化方法做了探讨和分析,具体包括了基于现代图像处理技术的的前处理技术和基于现代数学方法的设计后处理算法。基于图像处理的前处理技术可以实现产品数字图像和设计矢量化图形的无缝链接,而基于拓展PROMETHEE的群体多准则集成方法可以用于提高设计方案准则规划的效率。其二是面向数控的CAPP技术(CAPP technology oriented to CNC,CAPPoCNC)。其特点是面向制造特征的信息提取与应用以及与PDM的集成,具体主要包含了基于特征的制造信息的过程表达与应用,以及加工过程中常涉及到的非线性工艺涉及过程的研究,这里针对工业应用中较常遇到的非线性工艺过程我们提出了采用基于精英选择遗传的工序优化方法来获得最优/较优的工序序列,并把PDM集成到INC的应用中。其三也是INC的CNC内核部分是基于CAD/CAPP的CNC技术(CNC technology based on CNC,CNCbCAD/CAPP),论文重点讨论了基于遗传算法的多工艺流程生产排产决策方法,以及基于STEP-NC扩展的智能CNC,包括INC对STEP-NC的扩展介绍、AP238的应用分析以及基于INC标准的改进型INC构架,对INC的解释器模型的建立以及功能模块的划分,论文同时论述了INC对2.5D经济型数控机床运动特征的STEP扩展描述方法,并给出了一种可用的INC标准的应用集成解决方法。它们是INC用于大规模生产和实现INC管控一体化的重要支撑。最后论文研究了INC实施的有关关键问题,其核心内容包括:硬件实施部分包含了嵌入式系统和微控制器技术,实时策略和方法,CNC设备级通信技术等等。我们建立了基于CAN总线模块,采用分布式的嵌入式控制结构代替PC机的开放式数控体系,并基于RTAI的实时解决方案来达到工业设备级的实时要求的硬件架构方案来作为INC实施的硬件平台。然后论文以2.5D经济型数字控制的INC实施为目标做了系统软件实施的案例分析,分别论述了狭义INC在Windows模式下和Linux与嵌入式Linux模式下的实现方法与实现过程,并给出了一个直观的INC的工作的执行过程。整篇论文从系统学、方法论、哲学、制造工程、控制工程等等角度系统的论证和研究了新的数字控制体系INC——集成/智能数字控制体系。它用一种崭新的理念和角度来研究和解决传统的设计、工艺、制造的自动化孤岛问题,并针对2.5D的经济型数字控制给出了有效的INC解决方案,使论文提出的各项理论和关键技术应用于实际,解决了现实工程中所遇到的难题,提高了生产和制造效率。

【Abstract】 This paper has a discussion and research on a new type of numerical control software platform INC, which is the abbreviation of integrated/intelligent numerical control. It is oriented to manufacturing. It has adopted an integrated philosophy, which abandoned the traditional big and complete objective but refined a small and selected feasible way to enhance the manufacturing efficiency and the quality of product. As well as discussing about a new type of numerical control, the paper also seeks for a more feasible solution of traditional CIMS in the small and medium size business. The main content and contributes of this paper main includes:Basing on the background, significance, the existing condition and the development trend of the research or modern numerical control technology, paper proposes the main content, and introduces the relative technological base of the topic. It does a research on the basic theory of the integrated/intelligent numerical control. Having analyzed the content of CIMS and it essential content, it plans and extracts the six part modules INC according to the 2.5D economical CNC. And it defines the content of narrow-sense INC and broad-sense INC, architecture and the relative key techniques.Paper also has a deep study of the three key technologies of INC. The first is CAD technology oriented to the CNC (CADoCNC). It includes the relative techniques and the realization method. After presenting the concept of CAD technology oriented to the CNC according to the requirement of engineering area, It does a further study of the main three techniques of CADoCNC. They are image preprocessing technique, image VQ technique, DFM technique and CAD/CAPP integrated technique. CADoCNC meets for the requirement of the numeralization of design in engineering area. Paper also gives an algorithm after design which is named group mutli-regualtion integration method base on extended PROMETHEE. It can enhance the efficiency of decision of selection of many plans of design.The second is CAPP Technology oriented to CNC (CAPPoCNC). It includes the concept, characteristics, the basic theory and the key technology. The main technology includes nonlinear process decision technology, manufacturing information and expression based on features, PDM integrated within CAPPoCNC and CAD/CAPP integrated based on PE. Based on this, we build a CAPP part module including CAPP, PDM, design/process/manufacturing parallel processing fuctions.The third is CAD/CAPP technology based on CNC (CNCbCAD/CAPP). The kernel technology includes the intelligent CNC technology based on STEP-NC, embedded system and microcontroller technology, realtime technology and the new CNC device level communication technology. It also introduces their fuctions and does a comparison and detailed discussion on different solutions. Finally we give a solution of open architecture, which uses CAN bus, distributed embed control system instead of PC and RTAI real-time solution to meet the time requirements of industrial device level. It has solved the key problem of INC. Paper also does a research and discussion on the inheritance algorithm of mutli-process decision for production arrangement and the intelligent CNC based on the STEP-NC extension, which main includes the introduction of STEP-NC, analysis of AP238 and some relative techniques. And we also suggest a modified INC architecture. Based on this, we build the interpreter model and do the division of function modules and do a detailed analysis of the working principle of it. Finally, it gives an integrated solution of getting a INC file based on the INC standard.Additionally, paper also a discussion and research on the collaborative method of INC. It proposed a collaborative manufacturing architecture of autonomous distributed units, and extends it to the level of embedded system. And in this chapter, it gives two examples, which are based on Windows platform and Linux platform. It describes the realization and implements process and gives a visualized course of the whole circuit of narrow sense INC.Paper does a discussion and research on INC with the methods of systematics, methodology, philosophy, manufacturing engineering, control engineering and some other aspects. It uses a new research philosophy and angle to deal with“separated island problem”of the traditional design, process, and manufacturing process. Toward the 2.5D economical CNC, it gives a effective solution of INC, which makes the theory and the principle of INC can be used and verified in practical applications. It have solved the difficulty in actual manufacturing process, and enhanced the efficiency of manufacturing.

【关键词】 CIMS集成智能CNCINC
【Key words】 CIMSIntegratedIntelligentCNCINC
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期