

On the Early Ming Dynasty’s Study of the Confucian Classics

【作者】 甄洪永

【导师】 郑杰文;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文以明初经学为研究对象,以朱元璋征召刘基、章溢、叶琛的1358年为上限,以发生靖难之役的1402年为下限。第一章主要介绍明代经学研究现状,总结了明代经学研究的发展脉络及利弊得失。日本学者本田成之、中国学者皮锡瑞、周予同、刘师培、范文澜、马宗霍、钱基博、何耿镛、蒋伯潜、刘晓东、许道勋和徐洪兴、章权才等多从汉学立场评价明代经学,因而明代经学往往成为诸位先生批评的对象。文章举例比较了《续修四库全书总目提要》(经部)与《四库全书总目》对明代经学的评价的不同之处,并且指出经过150年的时间,随着经学观念的变化,前后两部《提要》对明代经学成就的评价也发生了改变。总体而言,诸学者大都批评了《五经大全》,同时将赞誉送给了几部可与清学相提并论的著作。从这个意义上讲,明代经学研究尚处于比较粗糙的阶段,对它的研究也亟待加强。因为明代经学著作繁多,经学现象复杂,所以对明代经学的重估也需要从基础做起。明初经学作为明代经学发展的重要组成部分,是值得重新给予思考的。第二章论述洪武政治与经学的关系。洪武时期实行一系列措施促进了经学的复兴和发展,朱元璋也亲自参与到了经学讨论中,帝王对经学的崇尚使经学获得了较大的发展空间。洪武政权对经学的根本要求是适用,基本原则是因时制宜,因此洪武政权加强了对知识分子的控制和对经学的改造。在因时制宜思想的指导下,朱元璋组织学者对经书内容进行了改造,使其更符合政权要求。同时,朱元璋加强了对经学传播的干预,他组织学者翻译经书,精简经书,使经学思想在较低文化水平的社会中得到更广泛的传播。在适用思想的指导下,洪武政权并不计较所谓的汉宋之别、真伪之别。洪武政治要求下的经学发展出现了汉学倾向,这与整体宋学潮流是有所区别的。第三章主要分析浙江籍学者的经学思想及主张。浙江籍学者以金华府的宋濂、刘基、王祎为主要代表,三人经学思想核心是经世致用。宋濂经学的成就是多方面的,他提出了大儒学观,扩大了儒学的外延。宋濂主张调和朱陆、融汇儒佛;倡导经史互助、为文宗经;其思想核心是不为空言,经世致用。宋濂的经学主张和特色显示了明初经学具有复杂性的一面。宋濂之辨伪学成就较高,其辨伪精神上承宋学,下启清代,具有重要意义。刘基不囿于成说,汉唐注疏与宋儒言论并重,其《春秋明经》意义丰富,华夷之辨是其书的重要思想内容,但并不是全部,《春秋明经》还包含着其它重要内涵。王祎主张博学多识、博览群书、学贵有得。王祎倡导《六经》与《四书》相互为用,对于汉学、宋学所依赖之经典文本都予以重视。另外,金华府尚有多位学者于经学有所发明,但影响不如上述三人。其中胡翰之复古思想、苏伯衡之不废小学、以文学视角研究经学的主张以及戴良的不迷信宋儒、融汇经史的主张是其中富有启发意义的经学主张。金华府籍学者之外,台州籍学者朱右最出名,他倡导以文衡经,体现出了经学文学化倾向。浙江籍学者中,尚有衢州府籍学者何初和徐兰,严州府籍学者徐尊生、张复、俞深,杭州府籍学者瞿右,嘉兴府籍学者鲍恂,宁波府籍学者景星、傅淳,这些学者的著作多已经亡佚,说明其经学成就不如金华府籍与台州府籍学者。第四章主要分析江西籍学者的经学成就和主张。抚州府籍学者危素主张调和朱陆、融汇经史、博学多识、随时适用、独立思考,这对于明初经学发展多有裨益。南昌府籍学者朱善不全迷信朱熹,开始从文学角度理解《诗经》,在《诗经》学史上具有重大意义。吉安府籍学者萧岐、陈谟、周是修主张随时致用,不囿于一家之学。陈雅言则于科举经义多有发明,科举制度与经学之关系研究一直是经学史上的重要问题,顾炎武等学者给予科举制度以批评。但是,科举制度也有促进经学思想和书籍传播的作用。在明初,科举尚不废除古注疏,这在客观上对汉唐注疏的流传有一定的促进作用。但是,当科举专用《五经大全》以后,经学发展就受到了阻碍。临江府籍学者梁寅致力于经学的传播,在朱子经学遇到接受的障碍之时梁寅努力完成经学的通俗化。梁寅之《周易》学多诠释参合程朱之意,但并不拘泥于程朱之学,梁氏尚多引他人之言以佐证己说,对经旨探讨亦有所发明。梁寅的《诗经》学成就最出色之处在于能够突破《诗经》的经学面目,在某些篇目的理解上能够从文学角度予以研究。第五章主要分析徽州籍学者的经学成就和主张。朱升主张为学须有为,倡导独立思考,打破慵懒学术思维,提倡博学多识。汪克宽不事科举,致力于有益之学。汪氏研读经书崇尚疑问,主张经学研究要明白易晓,其《春秋》学著作于胡传多所发明。赵汸之《春秋》学主张回归三传,具有复古色彩。他反对片面理解经书的性质,主张多视角多角度研究经学。赵氏还提出读经须求实理的主张,并践行此主张,所以他不拘泥于朱陆门户之见,指出两家始异而终同的著名观点。第六章主要分析游离于学术中心的福建、江苏籍学者的经学成就。福建张以宁的经学成就最高,张氏以史证经,《春秋王正月考》是其代表作,并取得了较高成就,对长期以来一直存在的对“春王正月”的疑问多有解答。江苏与广东籍学者的成就则不及福建。第七章主要分析明初经学的发展特征。首先,明初经学尚有笃实之风,诸多学者多以经世致用为经学研究终极目的。在政权的干预下,明初经学经过重构呈现了通俗化特征。其次,明初经学的发展是不平衡的。从地域上说,南方经学占据学术主流,尤其以浙江、江苏、徽州的经学成就最高,而北方经学则呈现荒芜状态。靖难之役的发生使南方经学发展遭受挫折,北方成为政治中心以后促进了北方经学的复兴。从研究对象上分析,汉学所依赖的《五经》系统的经书得到了重视,《春秋》学研究的成就最高。

【Abstract】 This dissertation aims to the early Ming Dynasty’s study of the Classic. The dissertation choose 1358 as the upper limit, because Zhu yuan zhang had put forward a whole series of measures aimed at promoting study of the Classic. This dissertation choose 1402 as the lower limit.ChapterⅠdeals with the present state of the research on the Ming Dynasty’s Study of the Confucian Classics and evaluate the gains and losses. The dissertation study several scholars’ research findings, includingBentian, Pixirui, Zhouyutong, Liushipei,Fanwenlan,Mazonghuo,Qianjibo,Hegengyong,Jiangboqian,Liuxiaodong,Xud aoxun and Xuhongxing, Zhangquancai. They based their academic points of view on the Annotated Catalog of The Emperor’ s Four Treasuries. The study of Confucian Classics of Ming Dynasty has become the target of criticism. The scholars changed their minds until the Sequel to the Annotated Catalog of The Emperor’ s Four Treasuries was been published after one hundred fifty years . Altogether, most of the scholars clung to the negative ideas about the Ming Dynasty’s study of Confucian Classics. They all consider the complete collection of Five Classic as the outcome of plagiarizing. But ,the Ming Dynasty’s study of Confucian Classics is more complex ,the scholars lived Ming Dynasty wrote many books, the Ming Dynasty’s study of Confucian Classic showed complex phenomenon. Modern scholars of the study was crude. There is a need to re-examine academic. The dissertation is part of research to re-evaluation of the Ming Dynasty’s academic.ChapterⅡstudies the relationship between Hongwu political and Study of the Confucian Classics. Hongwu Emperor implemented a series of measures to promote the development of Study of the Confucian Classics. He brought academic advocates of academic development, and was personally involved in the academic discussion. Hongwu regime was to apply the fundamental principles of timely, so Hongwu regime strengthened the control of intellectual and academic transformation. Under the guidance ,some books were modified to make it more in line with government requirements. At the same time, the emperor strengthened the dissemination of the intervention by the school, he organized the book by scholars of translation, to streamline the book, so that at a relatively low level of education thought to be the dissemination of the social. Under the guidance, Hongwu regime did not care about the difference between the Han Studies and Song Studies, and did not care about the distinction between true and false.ChapterⅢanalysis the scholars thinking and ideas .Zhejiang-native scholars was the mainstream , Song lian Liuji and wangyi were the most famous scholars in particular. The three scholars had common point of view that the academic must be useful to society. Song Lian gained high achievement, he reconcile Zhu and Lu, integrated the Buddhism and Study of the Confucian Classics. He advocated the history and Study of the Confucian Classics can not be divided .And the literature must be based on the Study of the Confucian Classics .Song Lian had also gained achievement in forgery detection science. Liu Ji was not limited to the old conclusions, he attached importance to both Han-Tang and Song Dynasty scholars. His Chunqiumingjing had rich contents, and the theme was not limited to ethnic contradiction. Wang Yi insisted the scholar should learned knowledge as much as he can. He initiated the scholar must learned <<Six Classic >>and <<Four Book>>. There were many scholars in JinHua prefecture, but they did not gain achievement as the three scholars. But JinHua -native scholars had their feature. For example, HuHan had retrospective thinking. SuBoheng did not abandon the linguistics, he began to study the Classic as literature. Dailiang did not make a perfect fetish of scholars in Song Dynasty. Taizhou -native scholar Zhuyou insisted to measure Study of the Confucian Classics in terms of literature. Except all above scholars, Hechu and Xulan in Quzhou,Xuzun Zhangfu and Yushen in Yanzhou,Quyou in Hangzhou,Baoxun inJiaxing,Jingxing and Fuchun in Ningbo were also famous scholars. Unfortunately, their works have been in extinction.ChapterⅣanalyse the Fuzhou -native scholars Weisu, insisted reconcile Zhu and Lu, integrate the history and Study of the Confucian Classics, learn knowledge as much as he can , apply timely, think independently. Weisu’s proposal was useful to academia the Early Ming Dynasty.Zhushan were not in complete superstition of Zhuxi. He began to apprehend The Book of Songs in the view of literature. Xiaoqi Chenmo and Zhoushixiu claimed to use Study of the Confucian Classics timely, and to be not limited statements of one School. Chenyayan was committed to teaching materials for the official test. Linjiang -native scholar was committed to the dissemination of ideas about Study of the Confucian Classics in the difficulty of spreading zhuxi’s thinking. Liangyin’s research on Zhouyi integrated Chengzi and zhuxi, but he did not limitted the thinkings of the two scholars. He also quoted other scholars’ points of view. Liangyin’s most outstanding contribution to Study of the Confucian Classics was breaking through the traditional view about The Book of Songs.ChapterⅤanalyzes the Huizhou -native scholars ’thinkings. Zhusheng insisted the scholars must be useful to the society, break the traditional thinkings, learn knowledge as much as he can .Wangkekuan did not like official test. He affirm that the scholars must be read books in doubt. And he insist the book should be exoteric. His study on Chunqiu develope Huanguo’s points of view. Zhaofang insisted return to the traditional in the study of Chunqi. He was against simplifying the Chunqiu. He put forward new ideas to achieve truth. He insisted to practice the knowledge, so he was not limited the difference between Zhu and Lu. He insisted that the two scholars were same in the final conclusion.ChapterⅥanalyzes the scholars whose native was Fujian and Jiangsu. Zhangyining gained high achievements, whose native place was Fujian .He use history to investigate the Study of the Confucian Classics. The two provinces’ achievements was not as good as others.ChapterⅦanalyzes the character of the Study of the Confucian Classics and development trend.Under the influence of the Hongwu regime,Study of the Confucian Classics in the early Ming Dynasty had been on on the path of unity and universal. The scholars in Early Dynasty studied the Study of the Confucian Classics with the spirit of skepticism. The Study of the Confucian Classics was in uneven development. From the region that the South academic developed to a high level, and the north region was inferior.From the view of the books, the Study of the Confucian Classics in Early Ming Dynasty has based their points on the <<Five Classic>>,which Han Studies was depended on. The ?Si Shu? which the Song Studies depended on become less important.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期