

A Study on Sun Yirang’s Concrete Entity Noun Interpreting in ZhouLiZhengYi

【作者】 钱慧真

【导师】 徐超;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 名物训诂是训诂学的一个重要内容。我国最晚从周代开始就有了名物辨识工作,自《尔雅》起逐步形成了名物研究的传统模式,并在清代达到高峰。此后,随着自然科学的发展和大量地下实物的发现,中国学者在继承传统学术方法的同时,把一些新的材料应用到名物训诂中去,结合考古实物、方言异俗和文献记载的考证,突破了传统上文献与文献之间循环操作的模式,将名物研究推进到现代名物学研究的阶段。孙诒让《周礼正义》正是产生于这学术研究新旧交替之际,在中国名物训诂史上有重要的地位,它达到了传统名物训诂的高峰并对现代的名物学有一定的启发。但遗憾的是,迄今为止,学术界对这样一部重要的名物训诂著作还没有做系统的研究,这不利于我们在总结前人学术经验教训的基础上展开现代名物学的研究。本文以《周礼正义》为例,在前人已有成果的基础上,在新时代名物研究的背景下,对孙诒让名物训诂的方法和内容进行归纳和总结,进而对孙氏名物训诂的意义和不足予以分析和纠正。本文的研究意义:第一,有助于弥补当今学术界对于名物训诂和孙诒让学术研究的不足。第二,有助于总结清人训诂特别是名物训诂的价值和不足。第三,为考古学研究提供一些有价值的材料。本文的创新之处:第一,本文把现代考古学的成果应用到训诂学领域,试图在这种新的视野下审视孙氏的名物研究。这既是对孙诒让研究的重要补充,也是新条件下名物研究的一个重要探索。从选题到方法都具有一定开创意义和挑战性。。第二,本文通过孙诒让与郑玄、程瑶田历时共时的比较研究,总结了孙氏在名物训诂方法上的继承和创新情况,并在此基础上探讨了传统礼学名物训诂的总体特征及其未来走向。这种研究也具有一定的开创意义。第三,本文在总结孙氏名物训诂研究的基础上,进一步挖掘其在词汇学、辞书学、考古学等各个学科的应用价值,扩展了往昔训诂学的研究领域。下面按章节顺序分别概述本文所做的主要工作和得出的基本结论。第一部分即绪论,包括三方面的内容:一,梳理从两汉时期到清代“三礼”名物研究的历史脉络,总结名物研究在各个时代的特征。二,探讨孙诒让的生平和学术渊源,说明《周礼正义》的成书情况。三,介绍与本文有关的研究现状、选题原因和意义、研究方法等。第二部分即第一章,主要界定“名物”的含义,并对《周礼正义》中的物类系统做了统计说明。包括两方面:一,从文献材料出发,结合前人的注解,从所指和词性的角度对“名物”进行了界定:名物是属于某一物类的具体特定之物,它们都具有自己独特的区别性特征;从语言的角度而言,它是音义关系在约定俗成中形成、为全民所普遍接受认可的名词或短语。二,通过这一“名物”的界定标准,我们对《周礼正义》的物类系统进行了划分,划定《周礼正义》一书中包括14类名物。这些名物的物类系统又有三个方面的特点:层级性、系统性、普遍性。本文对名物的分类主要依据刘兴均所划定《周礼》的物类系统,但又有所不同。第三部分即第二章,归纳和总结孙氏对名物名实关系研究的成就。主要包括三个部分:一,对名物名称的研究。孙氏研究了名物的异名别称,不仅仅指出了异名的类别,还着重说明了异名别称为通名所没有的那部分内容,包括提供来源、揭示含义、介绍某些使用的条件和方法等,这些为现代专科性辞书的编纂提供了参考。孙氏分别从名物的形制、方位、色彩、功用等方面揭示了名称的来源,还从历史的角度说明了称名的演变等。二,对名物所体现的文化含义的阐释。主要是阐释了名物所体现的典章制度、思想文化、风俗文化等,把名物放在广泛的文化层面来辩物释名。三,对于名实关系的总体观照。主要包括四个方面:欲得名先明物;一名多义,义义转换;欲求物名时代性,必求物实时代性;二重证据法完成了名与实的契合。孙诒让在名物训诂中严格遵守这四个原则,对名物的“名”与“实”作总体的观照,从而把名物训诂与一般词语训诂区分开来。他既将名物词视为“物”,在文化层面上辩物、识物、揭物,又将名物词视为“词”,以各种方法探究与词义有关的问题。在方法操作上达到了解物与释名的统一。第四部分即第三章,孙诒让名物训诂对传统训诂方法的运用。主要包括五部分:一,以形索义方法的运用。孙诒让通过考察名物词的字形来解释名物。他指出并分析了名物词的诸种字形关系,对于名物研究具有重要的意义。二,因声求义方法的运用。本节主要探讨了因声求义方法在明假借和系同族、探名原等方面的运用。三,类比方法的运用。孙氏运用类比方法来诠释名物的形制、性质、功用、得名之由及其同族现象。运用类比手法,可以将复杂的语言现象用简明扼要的说解阐释清楚,收到言简意赅、鲜明生动的表达效果。四,“散文”、“对文”的运用。本节主要对孙氏在名物训诂实践中所运用的“散文”、“对文”情况进行了统计,总结其所涉及名物词的词义关系类型,并指出孙氏运用“散文”、“对文”与“通言”、“析言”的异同,进而彰显了“散文”、“对文”对名物训诂的意义。五,历史文献考证方法的运用。孙氏在训诂实践中广泛地征引文献资料来训解名物,从功能方面来说,他主要用文献材料来说明功用、描述形制、推说名原、沟通异称、辨析同义、归属类别、辨别字形、述说流变等,这样就对名物做了全方位立体性的诠释。孙氏征引文献亦遵循着对等性和贯通性的原则,使得这些文献材料多而不乱、杂而有序。第五部分即第四章,对孙诒让名物训诂的方法进行了共时历时的比较研究。主要包括三部分:一,孙诒让与郑玄的历时比较研究。孙氏对于文字的辨析、声训的运用、名物沿革的考察、文献的征引等,都继承了郑玄名物研究的方法。他在继承这些方法的同时,又对其在训释内容、应用范围、使用方法等方面有了很好的扩展和总结。孙诒让与郑玄亦有不同之处:郑注重主要特征,孙疏重总体把握;郑注就此释此,孙疏推此及彼;郑注单一训解,孙疏系统勾联。二,孙诒让与程瑶田的共时比较研究。程瑶田最突出的特色表现在古实物的征引、方俗语的运用、语源学方法的使用等方面,这些突破了传统训诂的模式,确定了新的训诂范式,所以,程氏名物训诂创获颇多。孙氏相对于程瑶田,除了在征引文献上占优势之外,以上这些方法他都很少使用,所以,总体上显得保守,其名物训诂创获不多。三,传统礼学的系统性演变及其分析。通过以上孙诒让和郑玄、程瑶田历时共时的比较研究,可以看出汉代到清代,名物训诂发生了系统性演变,我们对这种演变从三个方面进行阐释:分析产生这种变化的原因;总结从比较中所体现的传统名物训诂的总体特征;说明名物训诂的未来走向。第六部分即第五章,揭示了孙氏名物训诂的价值。包括三部分:一,词义学价值。主要表现在三个方面,首先对词义系统的研究。孙氏对词义的本义引申义系统、本义比喻义系统、类义系统等都有研究。其次,对词义发展规律的阐释。孙氏详细地阐释了词义在发展过程中扩大、缩小、转移、易位等诸种变化规律。最后,对义位的概括和总结。孙氏对词义义位的概括和总结对总结训义所提供的义位和分析义位变体,提供了参考和借鉴。二,辞书学价值。孙氏精辟的个案分析,对于辞书的编纂和修订有重要的价值,可以用来纠正辞书释义之误,鉴别书证用例及确定更早的词义出处。三,考古学价值。孙氏的名物训诂为文物的定名、年代和性质的确定提供了文献参考,也为考古学提供了方法支持和理论指导。第七部分即第六章,揭示了孙氏名物训诂的不足。包括三方面:一,方法运用保守。在本节中,我们运用出土实物来验证孙氏对于“钲”、“象尊、鸡尊”、“觚、觯”、“绛衣”等名物的训解,发现孙氏沿用古人说法为非,指出了由于其方法上的保守而造成的结论上的偏误。二,对音义关系认识不准确。孙氏在训诂实践中引用《释名》217次之多,对于《释名》中滥用声训的现象缺乏辨析。再者,对于同一名物的训解,如果和王念孙比较,亦可见其因为音韵学基础的薄弱,对于音义关系认识得不准确,而在训释上略显粗疏。三,理论体系匮乏。他对训诂术语缺乏统一的审视,使用了许多异名同实的术语,对于某些术语涵义的理解也不够准确。再者,对传统训诂方法缺乏理论的总结,如果将其与段玉裁、章太炎进行比较,亦可见其在理论总结上的薄弱与匮乏。这方面的不足也是中国传统学术常见的局限之一。结语:对全文的研究思路、研究重点、研究难点进行了总结,并说明了本研究存在的不足之处及其今后努力的方向。

【Abstract】 The concrete entity noun interpreting was of great value in Hermeneutics. There was entity noun identification at least early in ZhouDynasty. The system of entity noun interpreting had came into being since Erya. It had great achievements in QingDynasty. With the development of natural sciences and archaeology, Chinese academics went on with the study in traditional ways and with the new method as well. The new materials which they applied to entity noun interpreting are consisted of the institutions dialects documents. So they had made an important breakthrough in conventional pattern which is characterized with the circular manipulation between historical documents and improved the entity noun interpreting to modern stage. Sun Yirang’s ZhouliZhengyi was produced in renewal era. It has played an important role in the history of entity noun interpreting. It was of great achievements and attached new idea to modern entity noun interpreting. Meanwhile, there was not a systematic study on this book so far. It was not conducive to pursue the researches on the basis of summing up of the academic experiences and lessons. We summed up in content and form of Sunyiran’s ZhouliZhengyi on the basis of former studying and in the background of modern entity noun interpreting and pointed out the significance and imperfectness of Sunyiran’s entity noun interpreting.The research’s significance:Firstly, replenished the deficiency of entity interpreting and Sun Yirang at present.Secondly, summarized the value and deficiency of entity interpreting in QingDynasty.Thirdly, provided useful materials for the archaeology.The research’s innovation:Firstly ,the synchronic studies and diachronic studies .We summarized the inheritance innovation overall characteristics and gave overall evaluation to Sun Yirang’s entity interpreting.Secondly, the use of materials.We used the archaeological finds to validating the Sun Yirang’s entity interpreting. we reached Sun Yirang’s from news angle.Thirdly, the ontological study and application research. We probed into the importance of Sun Yirang’s entity interpreting in Lexical semantics compilation of dictionary and archaeology. This replenished the deficiency of application research.The dissertation was divided into seven parts corresponding to the contents:Chapter I was introduction. It included three parts: Firstly, We teased out the history of entity noun interpreting from this mass of detail and summed up the features of the dynasties in history. Secondly, We probed into the Sun Yirang’s life and historical origins of his learning. Thirdly, We introduced the current situation of the research, the significance , the research methodology and so on.Chapter II defined the meaning of entity noun and counted things of categories in ZhouliZhengyi. It included two parts. Firstly, We gave the definition of entity noun from the perspective of relationship between referent and parts of speech on the basis of document materials and elders’ studying: Entity noun was the concrete and particularized thing and belonged to a certain category. It possessed individual distinguished features; In terms of language, the relationship between its pronunciation and semantic was acceptable for the public. Secondly, ZhouliZhengyi consisted of fourteen kinds of entity noun systems. The entity noun systems had three characters: gadability , systematicness, universality. We defined the entity noun systems mostly in accordance with LiuXingjun’s ZhouliMingwuciYanjiu. Whereas, this dissertation differ from his book.Chapter III summed up SunYirang’s achievements in relationship between name and content of entity noun. It included three parts. Firstly, it was about the research of name of entity noun. SunYirang worked over the entity noun’s synonym. He not only pointed out the sorts of synonym but also illuminated the content which general name didn’t contain. He offered the origin, research methods and condition of usage. This investigation supplied reference with compilation of dictionary. He revealed the origin of name in terms of the entity noun’s appearance including the direction, the color and the function. He also explained the evolvement of the entity noun’s name in terms of the history. Secondly, He illustrated the cultural meaning of the entity noun . The cultural meaning included the social and the culture custom etc. SunYirang put the entity noun on the extensive culture background. Thirdly, SunYirang gave comprehensive research to relationship between name and of the entity noun. It included four parts: One must be familiar with entity if he wants to know the name; A name had many interconvertible meanings ; One must be familiar with the relevance of entity if he wants to know the relevance of name; Dual law of evidence has shown the agreement of name and entity. Sun Yirang complied with the principles of these four rules in his entity noun interpreting. He did the comprehensive research on relationship between name and content of entity noun, and it is helpful to distinguish entity noun interpreting from general words interpreting. Entity noun also was regarded as object by Sun Yirang. He discerned matters at the culture level and studied the pertinent question of semantic. He achieved the unification of interpreting between name and content.Chapter IV focuses on the traditional means of hermeneutics in the entity noun interpreting Sun Yirang used. It included five parts. Firstly, the method of striving for the semantic meaning by means of the structure of Chinese characters. Sun Yirang interpreted entity noun by means of the structure of Chinese characters. He pointed out the relationship with the structure of the Chinese characters. This had important implications for the research of entity noun. Secondly, He strived for the semantic meaning by means of the pronunciation of the Chinese characters. This part discussed the application of borrowing of words and connection of family words and revealing of the origin of name. Thirdly, Analogy and its application. He interpreted the entity noun’s appearance and the properties and the function and origin of name and family words. He explained the paralinguistic phenomena briefly and vividly. Fourthly, The application of Sanwen and Duiwen. This part consisted of the situation of the Sanwen and Duiwen and the types of semantic change. We pointed out the significance of the Sanwen and Duiwen. we pointed out the similarities and differences between the Sanwen Duiwen and the TongyanXiyan. Fifthly, The attest of the historical documents. SunYirang used the historical documents to describing the appearance, looking for the origin of name, the synonym classifying discerning the grapheme in terms of function and so forth. He interpreted the entity noun in all dimensions. SunYirang cited the historical documents in principle of equivalence and connectivity which made the historical documents in good order.In Chapter V we made the synchronic and diachronic studies to SunYirang’s hermeneutics means. Firstly, the diachronicus comparisons with Sun Yirang and Zhengxuan.It included threeparts. SunYirang inherited Zhengxuan in the matter of discerning the grapheme, application of shengxun, citing historical documents, investigating the evolution of the entity noun. He not only inherited the means but also extended the content and scope. There were many differences between Sun Yirang and Zhengxun: Zhengxun attached importance to principal character; Sun Yirang attached importance to global feature. Zhengxun explained one item according to itself. SunYirang explained one item according to other evidence. Zhengxun explained solitarily. Sun Yirang explained systematically.Secondly,The diachronicus comparisons with SunYirang and ChengYaotian.Themost prominent peculiarity in ChengYaotian’s explaining practice were citing of unearthed cultural relics and applying of slang language and means of etymology. This was a breakthrough in traditional entity noun interpreting and gave a new pattern for modern entity noun interpreting. Besides having an advantage in citing historical documents, Sun Yirang seldom used the means. So, he was very conservative and had slight achievement in entity noun interpreting. Thirdly, Systematic evolvement of traditional entity noun interpreting and analysis about entity noun interpreting. Entity noun interpreting had been systematical evolvement from ZhouDynasty to QingDynasty. We analyzed the systematical evolvement from three perspectives: looking for the reason, summarizing global feature which in the comparison and pointing out the prospective trend of entity noun interpreting.Chapter VI revealed the value of the entity noun interpreting. It included three parts. Firstly, The value of lexical semantics .Mostly, It mainly about the points as follows: the research of semantic system which included the original and derived meaning, the original and metaphorical meaning, and synonymic meaning. Secondly, the interpretation of the law of development of the semantic. SunYirang explained in detail the semantic to the changes of expanding, narrowing, transferring, translocation in the meaning development process. Finally, summarized the sememe. He provided a reference to summarizing the sememe and sememe variants. Secondly, the value to dictionaries. The incisive analysis of the case had the important value for the codification and revision of dictionaries, This can be used to correct the error dictionaries, testify the identification documents and determine the source of earlier semantic. Thirdly, the archaeological value.The entity noun interpreting not only provided a literature reference to determine the historical relic’s age and nature, but also provided a method of archaeological support and theoretical guidance.Chapter VII revealed imperfectness of the entity noun interpreting, including three aspects: Firstly, the methods were conservative. We used the archaeological relic to validating the Sun Yirang’s explanation of Zheng Xiangzun Jizun Gu Dan Jiangyi and so on .We found the error which to resulted from the ancients and pointed out the conservative methods which caused to the bias on the conclusions. Secondly, Sun Yirang’s understanding of the relationship between pronunciation and semantic was inaccurate. Sun Yirang cited the Shiming 217 times, and he didn’t analyze the phenomenon of abusing the shengxun. Furthermore, If we compared with Wang Niansun, we will find that the a weak basis of phonology caused the imperfect explanation. Thirdly, the lack of theoretical system. There’s a great shortage of investigation to hermeneutics term in Sun Yirang ’s interpreting practice. He used many synonym hermeneutics terms and understood the implication of synonym hermeneutics terms inaccurately. Furthermore, The deficiency of the theory’s system. If we compared with DuanYucai and ZhangTaiyan, We will find the lack in the theory’s summary. This deficiency was also the common limitations in traditional academic.

【关键词】 孙诒让《周礼正义》名物名物训诂
【Key words】 Sun YirangZhouliZhengyientity nounthe interpretation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期
  • 【分类号】H131.7
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】712