

The Six Dynasties Literature Affected by Buddhism

【作者】 李大伟

【导师】 徐传武;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 佛教,作为一种宗教信仰,它改变了信徒的人生观、世界观;作为一种文化,则是全人类的共同财富,在数千年的传播过程中,它不靠暴力征伐,而是用无上的智慧发展壮大。佛学三藏,既是宗教、是哲学,又是有血有肉的文学和艺术。佛教东传之后,与同样具有高度智慧的中国古老文明发生了碰撞融合,经历了中国化的过程,既保持了自己的基本教义,又灵活变通,融入到中华文明当中,成为中国文化不可或缺的一部分。研究中国的古代文学,尤其是六朝文学,佛学的影响是不可忽视的。佛学与中国文学的关系,简言之,就是佛教传入后促进了文学的发展,之后佛教因素浓重的文学形式的广泛传播又促进了佛学的全面普及,小说等俗文学重在民间,诗歌等雅文学渗透文士,文学成为佛学传播的重要载体。历千年而不衰,佛教文化已经成为中国文化的一部分,涉及方方面面。本文通过对大量第一手文献资料的收集和阅读,并借鉴历代前贤的宝贵研究成果,以历史唯物主义的眼光和辩证主义的方法论对佛教与六朝文学的关系进行了宏观上的整体性分析。结合具体文体、作品进行分析时,则采取点面结合的方法,列举每一部分最精华的部分,进行横向、纵向的多角度比较,力免以偏概全。在时间段的界定上,本文采取宽泛的六朝概念,包括魏晋和南朝,又因有些南朝文人兼跨南北,如庾信、颜之推等,故有时又将它与魏晋南北朝通用。这样的界定,是文学史一个比较传统的阶段,与佛教的中国化阶段也基本同步,比较便于对比两者的呼应联系。另有部分名士僧人可能牵涉到论文好几部分,只好将其生平情况放在其成就最为突出之处,比如谢灵运既是奉佛的士族文人又是山水诗的开山鼻祖,本文将其在“佛学与山水诗”部分重点展开叙述。其他人物处理亦秉持此原则。全文分为五个部分,前两章解决佛学为什么能或者说靠什么来影响文学的问题;后三章则结合具体文体,分析佛学是如何影响六朝文学以及影响的程度。第一部分:佛学与六朝社会思潮。文学,是一种将语言文字用于表达社会生活和心理活动的学科,属于社会意识形态之艺术的范畴。要研究六朝文学,就必须关注其所反映的社会状况及社会思潮。佛教的传入,改变了中国传统社会生活,进而影响到当时的社会意识形态。而社会意识形态的变化,必然在文学上有所反映。因此,首先要对佛学有所认识,了解佛教产生的历史概况以及佛法大义。进而探讨佛教传入中国以后的本土化过程,对上层贵族以及下层百姓分别产生了什么样的影响。第二部分:佛学的文学性思辨。关于佛学的文学性,佛教的说与做是有一定的矛盾的。一方面为了强调“一切皆空”,是排斥文学的,声称“言语道断”,无言是悟道的“不二法门”;实际上又无比重视语言文学的作用,自创教之初,佛祖释迦牟尼就深刻认识到语言文学在传教中的巨大力量,准许用各地方言进行传教,大量援引古印度民间故事,主动应用譬喻说法等作为传法手段。佛学三藏的每一部分,经、律、论都有着深深的文学烙印。佛学的文学性在流传中对流播地的文学、艺术、民俗、语言都产生了深远的影响。其中经藏的文学性最为浓重,以往的研究比较充分,本文则对律藏和论藏的文学性进行了重点分析,弥补前人研究在这一方面的不足。第三部分:佛学与六朝诗歌。唐代的诗歌达到巅峰,但其并不是无源之水,六朝诗歌的积累发展,为唐诗的繁荣进行了必要的准备。诗歌音韵学的创立,是诗歌新变的重要前提。四声理论的提出和永明体的创立得到了佛学的启发。六朝时期的三种主要诗歌形式——玄言诗、山水诗、宫体诗,都不同程度与佛教有着千丝万缕的联系。本部分结合具体的诗人,就其生平、交游情况以及文学思想、诗歌创作进行了分析,验证佛学对他们的影响。这一部分中佛学对山水诗的影响是着力最多的,也是比较有创新意义的地方。首先从佛教修行与山水的关系入手,探讨“天下名山僧占多”的状况对山水诗兴起的感召;接着从理论层面分析佛教“虚静说”对山水审美意趣的影响;然后以谢氏家族的山水佛缘为线索,分析山水诗的兴起、发展过程;最后则分析了其他主要奉佛诗人的山水诗创作。从而全面展示出佛学在山水诗歌发展过程中的重要作用。第四部分:佛学与六朝小说。正如六朝诗人的成就加上“四声八病”的音韵学的探索,在几百年后出人意料地催生了中国文学中最为夺目的唐诗,唐传奇的繁荣也离不开六朝小说的创作积累。六朝时期的两种主要小说形式——志怪小说和志人小说,都与佛教的传播有非常密切的关系,特别是志怪,无论是结构还是内容都深受佛学的启发。本部分以具体作品为线索,一一进行深入分析。首先对作者的生平以及交游情况进行考据,探求其佛学因缘,然后逐条分析作品中所隐藏的佛学因素。最后就小说的几个具体观念——复仇意识、地狱观、观音菩萨信仰为例进行了深入分析。以往的学界研究,对志怪小说受到佛学的影响已经有了比较多的关注。但是志人小说由于本身数量就不是太多,且所受佛学影响相对不够明显,所以研究成果不多,本部分对几部主要作品进行了补充分析,这样可以更全面地了解佛学对六朝小说的影响。由此得出结论,没有六朝志怪及志人小说创作的积累,就不会有唐代及以后传奇小说的繁荣,正是印度佛教因素的广泛植入,为后来中国小说的发展提供了契机。第五部分:佛学与六朝文学审美。这一部分,首先探讨了佛学与美学的辩证关系,进而结合具体的美学范畴——灵感、意境、圆美、心性,探讨佛学之于文学审美的影响;最后结合刘勰的生平及佛教信仰,分析了《文心雕龙》这一文论巨著受到古因明学、成实学、中道观影响的一些情况。相比诗歌和小说部分,由于本人对文艺美学的研究尚不够深入,所以这一部分欠缺颇多,创新较少,今后时间充裕后再图进一步补充完善。总之,本文力图在宏观角度,对六朝的佛学与文学进行平行比较,从而寻找佛学对文学发生影响的痕迹,探讨佛学在中国文学转型中的作用。

【Abstract】 Buddhism as a religion, changes the followers’ outlook on life and world. Also, as a culture, it is the common wealth of mankind. In the thousands of years of dissemination, it exclusively grew and developed on the intelligence instead of violence. Sanzo Buddhism is a religion, a philosophy, and the literary and art in flesh and blood. After entering the East, Buddhism underwent the process of localization, colliding and integrating with the Chinese ancient civilization which has the same high degree of intelligence. Thus it not only managed to maintain the basic teachings of its own, but also integrated into the Chinese civilization flexibly, and became an indispensable part of the Chinese culture. We can not neglect study of ancient Chinese literature, especially in the Six Dynasties literature. The impact of Buddhism can not be ignored.In short, the relationship between Buddhism and literature is that after its introduction, Buddhism has promoted the development of Chinese literature, and then its popularity was facilitated by the wide dissemination of literature with a strong factor of Buddhism. Popular literature such as novels, focuses on civil people, while poetry and other literary penetrates noble and elegant people, so literature has become an important carrier of the spread of Buddhism. After one thousand years without failure, Buddhist culture has become part of Chinese culture, involving all aspects. Based on the substantial first-hand documentation, and drawing on past researchers’ valuable accomplishment, this article analyzes the relationship between Buddhism and the Six Dynasties literature on a macro-level, applying historical and dialectical methodology. When analyzing the specific style and article, the author focuses on the macro and micro level, lists the best part, and compares horizontally and vertically to avoid being biased.About the defining of the time, the thesis takes a broad concept of the Six, including the Wei, Jin and Southern Dynasties. Due to the fact that some writers crossed two periods, such as Yu Xin, Yan Tuizhi, and so on, sometimes it will include Northern and Southern Dynasties. This kind of definition is a more traditional literary history of the stage, and coincides with the basic stage of its localization, thus facilitates comparison between the two. Some other famous monks are involved in several parts of thesis, their life situation is placed on their prominent achievements. For example, Xie Lingyun is both the originator of Landscape Poems and a follower; this article describes him intensively in Buddhism and Landscape Poetry section. This principle also applies to other figures.The text is divided into five sections, the first two chapters concerning why Buddhism can solve questions of literature; the last three chapters deal with specific style analysis and analyze how Buddhism influences the Six Dynasties literature and the extent of impact.The first part is the relationship between Buddhism and the Six Dynasties’ social thought trend. Literature uses the language for the expression of social life and mental activity of subjects, and belongs to the social ideology of the scope of Art. To study literature of Six Dynasties period, it is necessary to concern about the society situation and social trend they reflect. The introduction of Buddhism has changed the traditional Chinese social life, thereby affecting the prevailing social ideology. And ideological changes in society will inevitably be reflected in the literature. Therefore, first of all you have to have a better understanding of Buddhism, its historical overview and Buddhist cause, and then you can discuss the impact of localization process on the upper nobility and the lower people separately.The second part deals with the literary thought of Buddhism. Concerning literature about Buddhism, there is a certain degree of contradiction between what it says and what it does. On the one hand, in order to emphasize "all turn out to be fruitless," it excludes literature, claiming that "verbal Road off", word enlightenment are the "only way"; in fact it attaches great importance to the role of language and literature. Since the very beginning, the Buddha Sakyamuni Muni had a profound understanding of the importance of language and literature, at the Missionaries of the great forces, permited carrying out in the dialect, alluded to a large number of ancient Indian folk tales , took the initiative to claim the application of analogy as a means of missionary work. Each part of Buddhism, rule, law, theory, and so on, has a deep imprint of Buddhism. The literary of Buddhism has had a profound impact on literature, art, folklore, languages of circulation districts. The rules have the most dense literary, previous studies are full. To make up for deficiencies in this regard this article puts the emphasis on the law and rules literary. The third Part is about Buddhism and the Six Dynasties poetry. Peak of poetry in the Tang Dynasty does not come without reason, the accumulation of the development of the Six Dynasties Poetry, prepares for the prosperity of Tang Dynasty. The establishment of phonological study of poetry is an important prerequisite for poetry change. Four-tone theory and the creation of Yong Ming body are inspired by the Buddhism. Six Dynasties poetry with its three main forms - Metaphysical poetry, landscape poetry, Gongti poetry, is linked with Buddhism in varying degrees. This section combines specific poets, focusing on their lives, friends, as well as literary thought, poetry writing, validates the influence of Buddhism on them. In this part most focus is put on of the impact of Buddhism on the landscape poems. It is also a more innovative point. First, it starts from the relationship of Buddhist spirits with the landscape, explores the inspiration of the condition of "world famous monks accounts for many landscapes" on the landscape poetry rise. Then from the theoretical perspective, it analyzes the impact of the Buddhist "Xujing Ideology" on aesthetic charm of the landscape. Then following the clue of the Xie family’s Buddha fate of the landscape, analyzes the rise and development of landscape poetry. Finally comes the analysis of other major poets who believe in Buddhism on their landscape poems. Thereby it demonstrates a full view of the important role that Buddhism plays in the development of landscape poetry.The fourth part is about Buddhism and the Six Dynasty novels. The achievements of the Six Dynasties poets plus the phonological exploration of "four tones eight disease" in a after hundreds of years surprisingly gave birth to the most eye-catching the Tang Dynasty poetry in Chinese Literature, while, the prosperity of Tang Legend can not be separated from the accumulation of the Six Dynasties Fictions. With its two main forms of fiction - Zhiguai novel and Zhiren novel in the Six Dynasties period, there are both close relationship with the spreading of Buddhism, especially Zhiguai novel, whose structure and content are inspired by Buddhism. This section follows the clue of specific works, and analyzes in great depth one by one. First studying the life and friends of the author, exploring the Buddhist karma, then it one by one analyzes the Buddhist hidden factors hidden in the works separately. Finally some concrete concepts in the novel - Revenge, hell, belief in Goddess of Mercy are taken as examples and the macro-level analysis is conducted. Previous academic research on impact of Buddhism on the Zhiguai novel has received more concern, however 1 because the Zhiren novel is few and the impact of Buddhism is not evident, the research accomplishment is relatively not enough. The part provides additional analysis. So this could be a more comprehensive understanding of the impact of Buddhism on the Six Dynasties novels. We can conclude that there would be no prosperity of legend of the Tang Dynasty and the subsequent period without the accumulation of Zhiguai and Zhiren novel in Six Dynasties. The implant of Indian Buddhist factors provides an opportunity for the subsequent development of Chinese fictions.The fifth part concerns Buddhism and the Six Dynasties Literature aesthetic. First of all this part discuss the dialectical relationship of Buddhism and aesthetic, and then combined with a specific aesthetic category - inspiration, mood, round and beauty, mind, explores Buddhism’s impact on the literary aesthetic. Finally combined with Liuxie’s life and Buddhist beliefs, analyzes the influence of ancient Hetuvidya, Satyasiddhia, and Zhongdao view on the masterpiece "Wen Xin Diao Long". Compared to the poetry and fiction part, because of my study of literature, art and aesthetics is still not enough, so this part lacks innovation. In the future, when time is plentiful, I shall develop it further.In short, this article focuses on macro-level, conducts a parallel comparison between Buddhism and literature of the Six Dynasties, seeking for traces of the impact of Buddhism on literature and exploring the role of Buddhism in literature transition. However, because of the involvement in many areas, and the limits of my knowledge, although I am very strong-minded, I cannot cover all, thus earnestly expect the tutors’ criticism.

【关键词】 佛学思潮小说诗歌美学
【Key words】 BuddhismThought trendNovelPoetryAesthetics
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期
  • 【分类号】I209;B948
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1082
  • 攻读期成果