

On the Terms of Respect and Modesty in Ming and Qing

【作者】 刘宏丽

【导师】 唐子恒;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 明清时期,汉语敬谦语进入鼎盛时期,数量庞大,使用频繁。但对明清敬谦语进行系统研究的成果尚未见到。本研究借鉴国内外的诸多研究成果,在断代的基础上对明清敬谦语进行以语言为主的多维研究:宏观和微观、共时和历时、静态和动态、语言和言语、有声和无声、语义和语用、定量和定性、归纳和演绎。本研究的主要目的是在勾勒出明清敬谦语全貌的同时,对明清敬谦语进行多角度、多方位的研究,即:在对敬谦语进行基本理论研究的基础上,建立明清敬谦语的分类描写系统,探索明清敬谦语的语义系统,将明清敬谦语作为共时存在与中古敬谦语、现代敬谦语进行广域历时比较研究,并阐释明清敬谦语的文化源头、思维走势和文化特点。本研究的主要学术价值,是将填补汉语礼貌语言敬谦语分支研究的明清时期研究空白,同时,将为汉语敬谦语发展史的研究进行明清分期研究的基础工作。本研究还将为汉语礼貌语言的系统演变研究、乃至汉语词汇史的研究,提供分期研究的初步思考和详实资料。此外,在文化学、社会学、心理学、民俗学等学科的宏观视野下对明清敬谦语所作的思考,还将为文化语言学、社会语言学、互动语言学、语用学、会话分析、交际学等学科的研究和发展提供新的生发点。本研究还将产出一个副产品:为高级对外汉语教学领域提供敬谦语教学方面的理论指导和实证资料。全文共分七部分,第一部分是绪论,中间五部分是正文,最后一部分是结语。绪论部分阐述了研究的意义、研究现状、研究的思路和方法、研究的理论依据。正文部分共分五章。第一章是概述部分。第一节说明将研究对象命名为“敬谦语”的原因。第二节在国内外敬谦语界说的基础上对本文的敬谦语进行了界说:广义语言和言语视野下的表达敬人谦己、扬人抑己态度的语言形式(包括有声语言和无声语言)以及语用手段的总和,从外延方面来看,它既包括含有敬谦基义或陪义的基本固定的有声语汇(语素、词、短语、小句),也包括语用中的有声敬谦形式和手段(或俗约性的,或临时性的),还包括无声语言中的体态敬谦语和书面形式敬谦语。本文的研究域不是明清新出现的敬谦语,而是明清时期所运用的广义范畴下的一切敬谦语(包括有声敬谦语和无声敬谦语)。第三节拟出了有效识别有声敬谦语的四准则:语素准则、义素准则、俗约准则、语境准则;前三条准则倾向于静态的语汇层面的鉴别,其中俗成性准则是语素准则、义素准则的有效补充,而语境准则是动态的语用鉴别准则。第四节归纳、分析出敬谦语的七特点:民族性,时代性,情、态性,语用方向性、语境依赖性、“达意”可替换性和不平衡性。第五节初步划分出汉语敬谦语的四个历史分期:萌芽期、兴盛期、沉隐期、复出期;本文所研究的明清敬谦语,处于历史分期的兴盛期。第二章是明清敬谦语的分类描写系统。根据有声敬谦语在言语中的功能,把“明清有声敬谦语系统”分为两大子系统:“明清称谓性敬谦语系统”和“明清非称谓性敬谦语系统”。称谓性敬谦语就是敬谦称谓,是人们为表达敬谦态度、情感(不一定是真实的情感)所用的称谓,既包括人们由于亲属、师生、朋友、主仆和其他方面的相互关系以及由于身份、职业、地位、年龄等的不同而使用的具备语汇性质的敬谦称,也包括因表达敬或谦的态度、情感需要所使用的各式言语敬谦称谓手段。本文从“明清语汇性质的敬谦称”和“明清语用敬谦称谓手段”两个方面对“明清称谓性敬谦语系统”进行了描写:“明清语汇性质的敬谦称”包括亲属敬谦称、拟亲属敬谦称、通用社交敬谦称、统称敬谦称、职官敬谦称、涉老敬谦称、曲指敬谦称、“不”类敬谦称、代词性敬谦称等十类敬谦称;“明清语用敬谦称谓手段”包括“他讳”手段、“自名”手段、“称字号”手段、“从儿称谓”手段和“泛亲属称谓”手段五类手段。“明清非称谓性敬谦语系统”范围要广得多,它囊括了称谓性敬谦语之外的所有表达敬谦态度的语汇和表达敬谦态度的语用手段:语汇包括非称谓性敬谦语素、非称谓性敬谦词、非称谓性敬谦短语,由于敬谦语素是构成敬谦词语的基础,是很多词语之所以成为敬谦词语的决定性因素和重要标志,加之从敬谦语素的常用搭配可以自然延伸到敬谦词、敬谦短语,故文中重点对非称谓性敬谦语素进行分类描写;非称谓性语用敬谦手段包括修辞手段、“少化”意义手段等。“明清无声敬谦语系统”包括“明清体态敬谦语系统”和“明清书写形式敬谦语系统”两个子系统:前者指交际过程中表达恭敬或谦逊的态度或情感的体态语,最具有代表性的便是跪拜类体态语;后者主要包括空上、抬行、空格、小写、侧行、缺笔等。第三章探讨明清敬谦语的语义系统。语义单位之间最主要关系的聚合关系和组合关系,使得敬谦语成为一个有序整体,具有了系统性,所以,本章从语义聚合和语义组合两个角度去探讨。明清敬谦语的聚合系统主要有分类聚合、同素义族聚合、同义聚合、反义聚合、多义聚合和类义聚合。明清敬谦语的组合关系主要体现在同素规则、互补规则、顺序规则、态度同一规则、语体同一规则。第四章是明清敬谦语的历时比较。第一节中与中古敬谦语进行比较:对明清敬谦语(代表着近代敬谦语)与中古敬谦语进行比较,我们可以得出“传承大于创新”的结论;对来自宋元甚至战国及以前的敬谦语,明清一方面传承(既有沿代传承,也有隔代传承)和沉积着,一方面继续向前发展、延伸着。第二节中与现代汉语敬谦语进行比较:先从传承概况和传承内容两个方面阐述现代汉语敬谦语对明清敬谦语的传承;接着从现代已衰弱或消亡的明清敬谦语、现代变化了的明清敬谦语、现代新生的敬谦语三个方面阐述了现代汉语敬谦语对明清敬谦语的发展。现代已衰弱或消亡的明清敬谦语包括“反映消失了的事物、现象或制度的”、“过分贬降的”、“覆盖或等义替换的”三种情况,其中“反映消失了的事物、现象或制度的”又包括:a.皇室敬谦称萎缩;b.明清职官性敬谦称;c.不平等的尊卑观念上的敬谦语;d.称字号表敬手段和“讳名”表敬手段;e.亲属敬谦称简化;f.泛亲属称谓手段的使用降低。现代变化了的明清敬谦语是从词汇语义、语法、语用三个方面进行探索的。最后从“不同领域的新尊称”、“通用新尊称”两个方面对新生现代汉语敬谦语进行阐述,其中“不同领域的新尊称”又包括新出现的政界尊称、军界尊称、文化界尊称、商界尊称、职业尊称和高职称尊称。第五章是对明清敬谦语的文化阐释。倘若把文化看作一个包罗万象的人类社会活动的总体概念来看,语言不仅从属于文化,更服务于文化、映射着文化、传承着文化。第一节从敬谦语对礼文化的服务、映射、传承的角度,探析到封建社会后期时敬谦语发展进程中所经历过的与礼文化的关系轨迹:服务于礼文化而发展;映射着礼文化而兴盛;传承着礼文化做惯性滑行。第二节挖掘明清敬谦语中蕴含的文化思维走势:内和外、大和小、长和幼、优和劣。第三节分析、归纳明清敬谦语的文化特点:非个体文化的特点、“水落石出”的特点、“敬一情二”的特点、“天人合一”的特点。本文的创新:1、敬谦语的鉴定准则和敬谦语特点的归纳。2、敬谦语历史分期(萌芽期、兴盛期、沉隐期、复出期)的粗线条划分。3、把体态敬谦语和书写格式敬谦语两类无声敬谦语纳入敬谦语体系,并对它们进行探究。4、无论称谓性敬谦语还是非称谓性敬谦语,都分出了语汇层面和语用手段层面两个层面。对语汇层面的“拟亲属敬谦称”与语用手段层面的“泛亲属称谓手段”做了区分。5、“非称谓性敬谦语汇”和“非称谓性语用手段”的内容。6、明清敬谦语与现代汉语敬谦语的历时比较。7、明清敬谦语的文化溯源、文化思维走势、文化特点等文化视角下对敬谦语所做的阐释。

【Abstract】 Terms of respect and modesty flourished in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The terms are used frequently and in great number during that period. However, so far there has been no comprehensive systematic study of the terms of respect and modesty of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. This paper attempts to study the terms from several angles: on the basis of dynastic history; macroscopic and microscopic; surviving, static and developing; linguistic and oral; verbal and nonverbal; semantic and practical; quantitative and qualitative; inductive and deductive.The major objective of the studying is initially to sketch the outline of the terms of respect and modesty of Ming and Qing, while at the same time, offering complete and multi-angle illustration of the terms of respect and modesty language in Ming and Qing. It seeks to create a descriptive classification system of the terms of respect and modesty of Ming and Qing Dynasties on the basis of the studying the fundamental theories of the terms; to investigate the semantic system of the terms of respect and modesty of Ming and Qing; to study the concept more widely and draw comparisons with terms used in the Middle Ages and with modern terms. Then we can expound on the cultural origin of the terms, sources of such thinking and on cultural characteristics. Furthermore, the research provides the first step for the diachronical study of Chinese respect and modest terms, seeking also to furnish detailed materials for developing the systematic study of Chinese polite language, as part of the study of Chinese vocabulary history. At the same time, the macroscopic examination of the terms of respect and modesty of Ming and Qing Dynasties from the viewpoints such as cultural science, sociology, psychology, and folklore will provide new points to the developing and study of fields such as linguistics, sociolinguistics, interactive linguistics, pragmatics, dialogue analysis, social intercourse.The thesis is divided into seven parts. Part I is introduction. The next five parts are the main content. The last part is concluding remarks. The introduction sets forth the significance of the study, current situation of research, the rationale and methods, and the theoretical basis.The main contents consist of five chapters in total. The first chapter is a summary. The first section defines the reasons for naming the object of study the "terms of respect and modesty". The second section we defines the terms of respect and modesty on the basis of the definitions used in domestic and foreign literature on the subject: definition on the main body of a book respecting: the language aspects of expressing respect towards others but being modest oneself in the environment of the wider linguistic and expressive fields (including verbal and nonverbal language. The study not only includes the language forms of fixed verbal vocabularies with fundamental meaning or extensive meaning (at the level of morpheme, word, phrase, and clause) but also deals with the nonverbal vocabularies of the posture terms and the written form. At the same time, the forms and aspects of verbal terms are also considered from the aspect of the common run of mankind or provision. It is to be noted that this is not simply a catalogue of the new respect and modest terms created during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, but thorough research into the terms of respect and modesty used in that period (including verbal and nonverbal terms). The third section postulates four principles for discriminating effectively between the verbal terms: morpheme principle, sememe principle, context principle and custom principle. The first three principles are inherent in the definition of static state context, while the custom principle is the supplement of the other three principles; the context principle is a distinguishing principle of development in language use. The fourth section summarizes seven characteristics of the terms of respect and modesty: national, epochal character, spiritual, context directional, context dependent, substitute and unbalanced. The fifth section gives a brief classification of the four historical periods: period of germination, heyday period, period of decline and period of reappearance. The respect and modest terms studied here are drawn from the heyday period.The second chapter classifies and illustrates the system. The system of terms of respect and modesty of Ming Qing is then divided into two sub-systems according to the function of verbal terms of respect and modesty in the language: the appellation terms of respect and modesty in Ming Qing and the non-appellation terms of respect and modest in Ming Qing. The appellation terms of respect and modesty are actually respectful and modest forms of address. They are the forms of address which are used to express the attitude and emotion of respect and modesty, which consists not only the terms occurred in the interrelations such as those between relatives, teacher and student, friends, or master and servant, and the characteristic vocabulary terms of respect and modesty which appropriate for different personalities, professionals, positions, and ages, but also covers the different address methods which are used to express the attitudes of respect and modesty, the essential emotions. The system of terms of respect and modesty in Ming Qing is described according to the two aspects: the characteristic address vocabulary of respect and modesty and the address methods employed to show respect and modesty: the former consists of relatives address of respect and modesty, the close kinsfolk address of respect and modesty, the general communicative address of respect and modesty, the general address of respect and modest, the professional official address of respect and modesty, the address of respect and modesty related to the old, the distorted address of respect and modest, the "noun" address of respect and modesty and pronoun address of respect and modesty; the latter consists of "other’s taboo fits" method, "self-address" method, "address title" method, "follow the ’son’" method and the general-relative means. The range of the latter is wider than the former, which consists of all the vocabularies that express the attitude of address characteristic terms of respect and modesty and the methods of expressing the terms of respect and modesty.The third chapter discusses the semantic system of the terms of respect and modesty of Ming and Qing Dynasties. The main relations between semantic units are collocational relations and combination relations, which make the terms of respect and modest into a orderly and systemic unity. Therefore, we discussed the terms from the two angles: semantic collocation and semantic combination. The collocation system consists of classification collocation, the identical morpheme group collocation, synonym collocation, antonym collocation, ambiguity collocation, similar morpheme collocation. The combinational relations are mainly embodied in identical morpheme regulation, complementation regulation, order regulation, the same attitude regulation, and the same style regulation.The fourth chapter is a historical comparison of the system of terms of respect and modesty of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. From the first section, the comparison with the Middle Ages, we can obtains the conclusion that "delivery is more important than innovation". When we compare the terms of respect and modesty of Ming and Qing Dynasties (which represents the terms of modern times) with the terms of respect and modesty of Song Yuan Dynasties, or even the earlier Warring States periods, the Ming Qing terms are found to be continuing and innovating (having an urge to replace, and also being separated by generational delivery), depositing and developing, while extending forward. The second section, is a comparison with current terms of respect and modesty. First from the two aspects of the general situation of the delivery and the delivery content, we set forth the delivery of the modern Chinese treatment of the terms from Ming and Qing Dynasties; then we discuss the terms of respect and modesty in modern Chinese as continuing the development of the terms of Ming Qing \from the aspects of obsolescent terms of respect and modesty of Ming Qing, transformed terms of Ming Qing current today, and newly developed terms.The fifth chapter gives a cultural exposition of the terms of respect and modesty. If looking upon culture as a concept of a flexible population of all-embracing human society, the language not only belongs to the culture, it is also serving, reflecting, and transmitting the culture. In the first section, we ascertain that the relation trajectory between the terms of respect and modesty and the etiquette culture during the last period of feudalist society from the angles of serving the culture, reflecting the culture, and transmitting the culture: developing because of serving the etiquette culture, flourishing because of reflecting the etiquette culture, decaying because of conveying the etiquette culture. In the second section: we discuss the power links of cultural thought within the terms of the respect and modesty: the inner and the external, big are small, old and young, excellent and bad. In the third section, we analyze and sum up the cultural characteristics of the terms of respect and modesty of Ming and Qing Dynasties: the non-individual cultural characteristics, the "shui luo shi chu " dyadic characteristics, the "jing yi qing er" dyadic characteristics, the "tian ren he yi, wu wo hun rong" characteristics.The innovation of the essay:1. The appraisal regulations of the terms of respect and modesty and the summing up of the characteristics spiritual terms and substitute terms.2. The brief classification of historical divisions of the terms of respect and modest.3. The classification of the terms of respect and modesty: the behavioral terms of respect and modesty and the written form terms of respect and modesty are accepted in the system of terms of respect and modesty. The behavioral terms of respect and modest and written form terms of respect and modesty.4. The classification of the terms of the respect and modesty: we have given the classification of vocabulary range and means range on both addressing and non-addressing terms of respect and modesty. The difference between the terms of the close relatives in vocabulary range and the terms of the general relatives in language use.5. The contents of the non-verbal terms of respect and modesty vocabulary and non-verbal terms of respect and modesty methods of language use.6. The comparison with the terms of respect and modesty of modern Chinese.7. The cultural exposition of the terms of respect and modesty of the Ming Qing Dynasties.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期