

On the Prepositions in <Nan Qi Shu>

【作者】 邱峰

【导师】 吉发涵;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 中古汉语在汉语史上处于一个承上启下的重要地位,其对古代汉语各个方面的研究具有不可替代的重要价值。古汉语介词研究中,人们比较熟悉的是先秦两汉时期的介词,有些研究者已经对部分先秦汉语典籍中的介词作了梳理,但更系统的专书介词研究还有待于全面展开,而中古介词研究相比较而言,要薄弱许多。中古汉语无论是在语音、词汇或是语法方面,较之先秦两汉,都有较为显著的变化。在语法方面,此时期的总体特征是新旧语法形式的交替,在旧有语法形式继续沿用的同时,出现了一些新的形式。这些新的语法形式可分为两类:一是萌芽于先秦两汉,到此时才成熟,并与其在先秦两汉时有很大不同;二是此时才萌芽的新形式,这种又可分为两类,或者应用范围并不广泛,使用时期短暂,在中古或其后不久就消失了,或者就此沿用下去,并持续至后代。本论文的目的就是以《南齐书》为切入点,同时辅助以《世说新语》和《颜氏家训》两部文献,细致梳理其所涉及的各类介词在其中的存在形态,并将之与先秦《左传》、《韩非子》、《荀子》、《论语》和《孟子》5部文献中的介词系统作详细比较,构建中古介词系统的一个侧面,弥补目前古汉语介词史研究的某些缺陷。我们要解决的不仅是《南齐书》中有什么介词,更重要的是这些介词以什么状态存在,它们在这些典籍中构成什么样的系统,这个系统与《左传》、《韩非子》、《荀子》等5部文献所代表的先秦汉语中的介词系统相比有何不同,其不同有无系统性的差异;同时我们也注重单个介词的微观变化分析,于正文中将《南齐书》中所涉及的近二百个介词相对于先秦5部文献所具有的种种细微变化条分缕析。这样,我们本文的工作主要有三个方面:首先,在将介词分为五大类即处所、对象、时间、方式和范围的基础上,对这8部文献所涉及到的介词作详细分类描写。不仅要尽可能对它们的使用情况作定量、定性描写,同时还要给它们以必要的、充分的分析性描写,如使用频率、语法位置、关涉成分如主语、谓语、介宾的性质等等。因为,从历时的角度看,总有大量的兼类词存在,这些词仅从单个用例上是无法分析出其词性的。这时我们要做的就是将专书中某个词项所涉及的同类用例收集起来,用归纳的方法,从各个角度将其所在某部专书中所蕴含的语法特征描写出来,归纳出其在这两个不同时期专书中的存在状态。这一步主要是共时层面上的工作,相对于给所涉及到的词项定性而言,这一步才是我们所做的较为有价值的工作。其次,在前一步工作的基础上,对这两个不同时期的介词系统作详细比较。总体来说,我们主要从以下几个方面来比较,即介词的功能、使用频率、介宾的性质、介词短语相对于谓语动词的位置、谓语动词的性质及主语的性质等。当然,具体到每类介词其侧重点是不一样的,甚至同一类中不同介词其关注点也不尽相同,这要根据实际情况来决定所要描写的重点。最后,在比较的基础上,从各种微观角度描写出《南齐书》中介词系统相对于先秦5部文献所具有的特点,所发生的变化,并对其演变规律作些初步总结。同时对相关的问题进行探讨,并得出我们的结论。通过研究,我们发现《南齐书》在所涉及的介词种类、用例数量及句法格式上要远多于先秦5部文献及另外两部六朝文献。先秦5部文献中的常用介词,多数在《南齐书》中都有用例,非常用介词多数也会在《南齐书》中涉及到。从《南齐书》中基本上可以看到这些介词从先秦5部文献到《南齐书》中在使用频率、句法位置及其它语法特征方面的变化,部分不足之处可以由另外两部六朝文献来补足。而《世说新语》和《颜氏家训》主要涉及到了部分常用介词及新生介词,但在使用频率及相关句法格式的展现上远不如《南齐书》,非常用介词的使用频率更不如《南齐书》,这两部文献中的常用和非常用介词用例数量差要比《南齐书》中大得多,它们反映的往往是部分常用介词比较稳定的语法特征,有时因为其语料篇幅的限制,其对这些语法特征的反映甚至是片面的,而《南齐书》却往往能比较全面地反映这些介词的相关语法特征。《南齐书》中介词系统相对于先秦5部文献所具有的特点和变化主要体现在如下几个方面:1.就《南齐书》与先秦5部文献中介词系统的继承关系(指每个词项的具体表义功能之间的继承性)来看,《南齐书》中介词系统对先秦5部文献中介词系统的继承性是很强的,整体上有61%的介词在先秦5部文献中就已有用例或正处于向介词转化过程中。这些介词在《南齐书》中分化为两类:一是从多个语法角度看,已完全转化为介词,但在其它相关方面如上面提到的句法成分、使用频率、句法位置等方面发生了或明显或细微的变化;二是仍然处于向介词转化阶段,但从各种语法角度分析,其介词性已较为明显。这61%的部分在《南齐书》中表义功能不同的5大类介词中,其比例是不同的,简单来说继承性较强的是处所、方向类,然后依次是方式、原因类、对象类、范围类,继承性较弱的是时间类。另外,《南齐书》中仍有39%的介词在先秦5部文献中未见用例,这部分介词或者来源于两汉时期或者产生于六朝时期。这一部分显示了《南齐书》中的介词系统相对于先秦5部文献在成员更替上的剧烈程度,同时也显示了《南齐书》中介词系统所具有的时代特色,其具体语法特征正文也作了详细分析。2.就《南齐书》中介词系统的双音节形式及框式结构的变化上看,均相对于先秦5部文献发生了比较显著的变化。《南齐书》中复音介词共有16个(包括未见于《南齐书》而见于另外两部六朝文献中的“逮于”),相对于先秦5部文献多出14个来。其中,绝大多数集中在表时间类里,特别是表终到点类里。复音介词的大量滋生是《南齐书》中介词系统相对于先秦5部文献所具有的一大特点。不过,同先秦5部文献一样,这些复音介词所涉及的用例数量相对于其它单音介词要少得多。框式介词情况同复音介词情况有所不同,框式介词均是在旧有比较常用的介词如“自、及、当”及一些常用的“以下、以降”成分上组合而成的结构,在先秦5部文献及《南齐书》中均比较常用,但以《南齐书》为主的六朝3部文献在框式介词使用方面相对于先秦5部文献,用例较多,形式比较多样,且用法也较为灵活,一种形式可以用于多个语义类别中,反映了这种形式在此时介词系统中新的发展态势。3.就具体语法特征上的变化来看,不同类别甚至不同词项多数都发生了程度不同的变化。从每类介词内部成员的竞争替换程度来看,不同类别的介词其替换程度是不一样的,有的较为稳定,有的调整要剧烈一些,而有的只是缓慢调整。整体上这5大类的介词成员呈增加趋势,所以多数小类仍然是以增加新成员为其趋势。调整相对较为剧烈的有时间类、对象类及处所、方向类,而方式、原因类和范围类相对小一些,但从绝对数量上看,每个类别均有大量成员在参与替换竞争。从这5大类内部每个小类别来看,其成员的竞争替换程度也是不均衡的。如对象类里,成员替换比较明显的有交与对象、求索对象、涉及对象,方式、原因类里有凭借、利用,范围类里有对象范围、视角,时间类里有终到点、时点。每个小类的具体变化,我们正文中都作了详细分析。从介词句法位置的变化看,同先秦5部文献相比,《南齐书》中介词短语相对于谓语动词发生位移的情况可分为四类:一是先秦5部文献中某一介词绝大多数用例均用于某一位置,而到《南齐书》中则换到另一个位置;二是某一介词在先秦5部文献中绝大多数用于某一位置,到了《南齐书》中则发展为用于两种位置的用例接近均衡;三是先秦5部文献中某一介词可用于谓语动词前或后,差别不是很大,到了《南齐书》中,这种差别稍微扩大;第四种情况是,有些介词的位置比较稳定,从先秦5部文献到六朝3部文献用于同一位置,均用于谓语动词的前或后,或者两个位置均可,没有比较明显的变化。另外,除了单个介词的位置变化外,还有某类介词整体上的位置变化。如表经由处和始发处两类均在发展过程中发生了较为整齐的向前或向后的位移,当然这种结论可能会因为语料的限制而不准确,但在我们接触的语料中的确是这样。从主语或宾语及句法格式的变化上看,有些介词如表面对某个方向类,从先秦5部文献到《南齐书》由动词向介词的转化过程中,其句中主语的变化起着比较重要的决定作用;而表凭借、利用类和依据类在向介词转化过程中,其宾语的变化及连带的句法格式变化对其转化过程起着加速和推动作用。从谓语动词及句法格式的变化看,一些类别的介词如处所方向类,其部分词项在先秦5部文献中仅具备向介词过渡的句法格式条件,但到了《南齐书》中因谓语结构中另外一个动词的变化,便加快了其向介词转化过程,句中谓语动词的变化对其起着重要的引导、加速作用。这些句法特征方面的分析,能够让我们比较清晰地掌握《南齐书》中所涉及到的词项相对于先秦5部文献所具有的种种细微变化。4.通过将《南齐书》同先秦5部文献介词系统的比较研究,我们发现部分相关问题的结论同目前的一些定论不相符合,同时还发现了部分目前研究者们未曾注意到的问题,这些问题多数在正文中已作了说明。这样,在参照《世说新语》和《颜氏家训》这两部文献的基础上,通过同先秦5部文献相比较,我们对《南齐书》中所涉及到的介词在这两个不同时期文献中的存在状态有了比较系统的把握,对它们在前后两个时期文献中的相似性、差异性,不再仅限于撷取例句式的笼统的理论上的认识,而是有了细致、微观上的把握,并对其变化趋势有了相对准确的了解,同时还可对当前研究者们的介词研究提供具有启发性和补足性的研究素材。介词是相对稳定而又不断变化的,正因为其比较稳定,所以研究者们多关注那些比较有特点的介词(如被动介词)及一些常用介词的比较有特点的表义功能(如“向、到、去、从”等表处所、方向类的功能),而却常常忽略对其它用例相对较少、个性并不鲜明的介词或常用介词某个并不常用的表义功能的研究。实际上很多介词的研究都是经历了从忽略到逐渐被重视的过程,而学术研究的深入正是这样被逐步推进的。正如被动介词的研究一样,王力先生在《汉语史稿》中对被动句的源流作了初步考证,并对一些常用被动介词的相关语法特点给出了初步论断。但后世学者并不满足于这种成果,在唐钰明、袁宾等先生的推动下,被动介词的研究最终取得了在介词研究方面具有典范作用的成果。我们本文便是以这些先生的研究为模范,以《南齐书》及其它7部语料中所涉及的各类介词为研究对象,以细致、谨慎的作风进行微观化的研究,以期能对目前古汉语介词研究提供些补充式素材。

【Abstract】 Ancient Chinese takes and important connecting position in the history of Chinese,it provides irreplaceable ideas for the research of ancient Chinese in many facets. For ancient prepositions ,what we are familiar with now are the ones during the period of Pre-Qin Period and Han dynasty, and some scholars have made a coarse review of prepositions in some part of classic Chinese literature,however,there are no special and systemic books for the research of ancient prepositons in that period.The mediaeval time preposition research is even more weaker in comparision with the period of Pre-Qin Period and Han dynasty. In comparision with Pre-Qin Period and Han dynasty Chinese,mediaeval Chinese have experienced significant changes in pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar.During this period,new grammar rules appeared although old ones were still widly used.The new grammars can be divided into two kinds: one is the new grammars which buded in the period of Pre-Qin Period and Han dynasty and matured in mediaeval times,however,they have changed a lot;the other one is the new budding grammars and it can also be divided into two kinds:first is the ones which last for a short time and were only used in a limited area ,and others which were continually used untill now. My thesis will make a detailed review of the forms of the related prepositions in mediaeval time and make a comparision with the prepositions in five Pre-Qin Period literatures.The thesis will majorly focuse on < Nan Qi Shu>, assisted by <Shi Shuo Xin Yu> and <Yan Shi Jia Xun>.The problems my thesis will resolve are not only what propositions are concluded in < Nan Qi Shu>,but more importantly,to answer the following questions: what forms are these prepositions presented? What system do they formulated in the mediaeval time classics? Are there any differencess between <Xun Zi> and other five classics which represent the preposition system of early Qin? Will the differencess take a sysmetic form?Then,the thesis will focus on the following three facets: First,the thesis will make a detail review of the prepositions .I will divied the prepositions referred in these eight classics into five kinds according to norms of position,object,time,form,range. Not only I will make a quantitative description about their usage frequence,but also I will provide a qualitive description according to their grammar position and the nature of the factors referred.The reason why I make that kind of analysis is, from diachronic view, there are always a large quantity of Jian words whose qualities can not be analysyed by single case,for these words, if we want to describe their general natures,the only approriate way will be induction,to collect the words which have the same nature in specific books. The work in this step is majorly on diachronic facet,and it is very valuable for the analysis of the quality of the referred words concerned.Second,based on the work done in the first step,I will make a comparision of the two preprosition systems between Pre-Qin、Han period and mediaeval times. The comparision will be done in the following facets: function,using frequency,the nature of the object of preposition, the relative position of preposition phrases in relate to predicate verbs,the nature of predicate verbs. Of course,the thesis will put emphasis on different kinds of prepositions according to certarin situation.In the end, in micro angle, the thesis will point out the characters,changes and the variation rules of the preposition system of <Nan Qi Shu> in comparision with other five classics in Pre-Qin Period period.From the research we found that the kinds and cases of referred prepositions are too much more than the ones appearred in the five Pre-Qin Period classics and other two Six Dynasties classics.Most of the staple prepositions appearred in the five Pre-Qin Period classics can also be seen in <Nan Qi Shu>, and many unstaple prepositions are also reffered. The changes of usage frequency,position and other grammar natures of the prepositions in the five Pre-Qin Period classics are clearly reflected in <Nan Qi Shu>. As far as <Shi Shu> and <Jia Xun> are concerned, there are only part of staple prepositions can be seen in those two classics,however,the cases appearred are much less than <Nan Qi Shu> and the use of unstaple prepositions are even more less. These two classics always reflect the stable nature of the prepositions referred and as a result can not give us a general view of the nature of those prepositions, however,the <Nan Qi Shu> can provide us the grammar natures of those prepositions in a full-scale view.We also find from the comparision of <Nan Qi Shu> and other five Pre-Qin Period classics that, not only can we get a clear understanding of the micro change of every single preposition, but also can make some primary conclusions of the disciplins of the change of the prepositions.Then based on <Shi Shuo> and <Jia Xun> and from the comparision with the five Pre-Qin Period classics,we can get a systematic view of the nature of the prepositions referred in the classics of the two different periods. We can get a clear and microcosmic understanding of the smilarities and differencess of the prepositions in those two times, but not only limited in single case or in the angle of theory, at the same time, we can the get a relatively right view of change tendency of the preposition reffered.The following is about the differences of preposition system between <Nan Qi Shu> and five classics in Pre-qin.Firstly, the prepositons of <Nan Qi Shu> show the signifaicant relationship of inheritance. 61% of the prepositions in <Nan Qi Shu> which appear in the five Pre-Qin classics can be divided into two kinds: one kind is represented as the typical prepositions from the pespective of grammar and the other kind shows some characteristics of preposition. The proportion of the five kinds prepositions which are interpreted into 5 systems in semantic is different. The prepositions of location shows the most significant succession, then prepositions of cause, of object, of range, and of time in turn.Also, 39% of prepositions in <Nan Qi Shu> which can not be found in the five Pre-Qin classics indicate the distinguished change of preposition system and the characteristics of times. The grammartical characters are explained as well.Secondly, the change of disyllabic prepositions and circumpositions can be found in <Nan Qi Shu>. There are 14 disyllabic prepositions in <Nan Qi Shu> more than in the five Pre-Qin classics and most of which are prepositions of time. The usage of the disyllabic prepositions are not so universal as monosyllabic prepositions.The usage of circumpositions which are composed of "zi, ji, dang" and "yixia, yijiang"is different from disyllabic prepositions. Thera are more forms and usages of the circumpositions in the three literatures of Liuchao than in in the five Pre-Qin classics. The new tendency of one form for different semantic categories is very attractive.Thirdly, the change of specific grammatical attributes.The differences of changes in specific member can be interpreted from the perspective of semantic categories. Based on the distribution of prepositions categories, the non-uniformity of change is also discussed in this dissertation. The specific change is taliked about in detail.There are four types of preposition positions in <Nan Qi Shu> from the perspective of syntactic positions: The position of one preposition in <Nan Qi Shu> is different from in the five Pre-Qin classics, one preposition used in one syntactic position can be used in two syntactic positions, the differences of preposition used before or after a verb in the five Pre-Qin classics is more obvious, and the last type is about the preposition which is not arrtactive in the change of position. The change of position from the perspective of one category is also discussed in this dissertation.The change of the preposition of direction which is from the verb is influnced mostly by the subject and the change of preposition of resort is influnced by the object and the sentence structure.The change of the preposition of location which does not appear although the verb and sentence structure is sufficient in the five Pre-Qin classics become more clearly because of the verb’s changing in <Nan Qi Shu>.The vivid differences of lexicon between in <Nan Qi Shu> and in the five Pre-Qin classics is conceived by the analysis on the syntactic characteristics.Fourthly, the study on the comparison of preposition system in in <Nan Qi Shu> and in the five Pre-Qin classics gives different conclusions from those propoesd by others and put forward new topics about the research.This dissertation focuses on the similarity and differencess of preposition system in two periods of time on the basis of references of <Shi Shuo Xin Yu> and <Yan Shi Jia Xun>. This research which is not limited by the recognition in theory provides helpful examples for today’s researchers.Preposition is both relatively stable and changeable, for its relatively stable nature the researchers are more concerned the representative ones,for example the passive preposition, but at the same time some rarely used prepositions or the ones without representative characters are always neglected, however, actually many prepositions have experienced a course from neglection to academic concern. The purpose the my thesis is, with the prepositions referred in <Nan Qi Shu> and seven other corpuses as the analysis object,to contribute a microcosmic angle research and aim to provide some suplementary material for the researchers who are focusing on ancient preposition history.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期