

【作者】 林松柏

【导师】 张全新;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 科社与国际共运, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 中国共产党成为执政党,是党领导中国人民进行革命斗争取得胜利的必然结果,是历史的选择、人民的选择。中国共产党作为中国社会主义建设事业的领导核心不仅需要宪法的确认,更需要得到广大人民群众的真心拥护、真正认同。只有这样,中国共产党才能赢得人民的信任和自觉自愿的服从,才能将自己所执掌的权力转化为权威,党的领导地位和执政地位才能持久巩固。因此,加强对党的执政过程中执政权威形成与演变规律的研究,有利于加强和完善党的领导,有利于党的领导地位和执政地位的巩固。本文以马克思主义基本原理为指导,从马克思主义的权威观出发,运用历史分析、利益分析、比较分析等研究方法,围绕党的执政权威的基本理论、党的执政权威类型的历史演变、建立和维护党的执政权威的基本经验以及加强党的执政权威建设的路径选择等问题,进行了较为系统的梳理和研究。本文认为,在政党政治时代,执政党将所执掌的权力转化为执政权威,是巩固其执政地位、实现长期执政的基本规律。政党是现代政治的支柱之一,政党执政已经成为世界绝大多数国家的共同选择。在中国,国家政权也是由政党——中国共产党来执掌的,党所执掌的国家政权要想长期得到稳固,也必须将所执掌的权力转化为执政权威。虽然中国的政党制度不同于其他国家的政党制度,但西方发达国家执政建立和维护党的执政权威的一般规律作为人类政治发展的共同文明成果,是值得中国共产党学习和借鉴的。产生于西方的合法性理论是研究现代政治的基本分析工具,也是研究现代政治条件下权力如何转化为权威的理论工具。合法性是得到社会成员认可的政治统治的正当性,有了这种认可,社会成员更容易对统治者产生忠诚和支持,更容易对统治者的权力产生服从,政治统治权力也就更容易转化为权威。因此,合法性是权威的来源,具有合法性的权力是转化为权威的基础。从历史上看,中国共产党执政权威的建立和维护在不同时期体现出了不同的特点。建国初期,党自身的先进性和执政的有效性是党维护执政权威的主要来源,但党执政的制度化问题并未引起足够的重视。“文革”期间,党的执政权威主要是建立在党的领袖的个人魅力基础之上,加上意识形态的片面维护,事实上造成了党的领袖的个人权威取代了党的集体的执政权威。十一届三中全会后,党的执政权威主要是靠党执政的经济有效性来维护和提高的,同时党也力图通过加强党的先进性、增强执政的合法性来不断提高党的执政权威。总结党执政以来建立和维护执政权威的基本经验,本文得出了以下结论:第一,保持党的先进性是建立和维护党的执政权威的政治基础。其次,改进和完善党的执政方式是建立和维护党的执政权威的制度基础。第三,提高党的执政绩效是建立和维护党的执政权威的现实基础。在新的历史时期,党的执政权威建设面临着新的考验和挑战。在总结和借鉴建立和维护党的执政权威的基本经验的基础上,需要对新形势下维护和提高党的执政权威进行新的探索。本文认为,在我国宪法已经确定了党的领导地位的前提下,影响党的执政权威的核心问题是如何增强和提高党的执政合法性。因此,在新的历史时期,增强和提高党的执政合法性是加强党的执政权威建设的基本路径。增强和提高党的执政合法性,要不断创新党的执政理念,优化党的执政队伍,改进和完善党的执政方式,切实提高党的执政绩效。其中,党的执政理念是灵魂、是根本,是增强和提高党的执政合法性的价值层面的来源;党的执政队伍是载体、是关键,是增强和提高党的执政合法性的魅力和情感层面的来源;党的执政方式是长远、是保证,是增强和提高党的执政合法性的规范层面的来源;党的执政绩效是现实、是基础,是增强和提高党的执政合法性的有效性层面的来源。党的执政合法性得到增强与提高,党的执政就会得到人民群众的认可和服从,党的执政权威就会得到提高。

【Abstract】 The paper, under the guidance of Basic Principles of Marxism, adopting the methods of historical analysis, benefit analysis and comparative analysis, puts forwards some new points of view on the concept of governing authority, historical evolution, basic experience and ways of strengthening governing authority of The Communist Party of China (CPC).In the age of party government, it is the basic rule for the governing party to convert its power into governing authority in order to consolidate its governing position and realize the purpose of long-term ruling. Parties are one of the mainstays of modern politics, and that political party is in power is the common choice for most of the countries in the world. In China, public regime has also been wielded by the political party, CPC. The power it possesses has to be converted into governing authority in order to secure its public regime. Although Chinese partyism is different from other countries’, we still can learn some from other countries as the general rule of constructing and maintaining governing authority in western countries is the achievements of civilizations of human political development. Legitimacy Theory stemmed from western countries is the basic analysis tool of studying modern politics and how to concert power into authority under current political position. Legitimacy which is recognized and accepted by all members of the society and is favorable for ruling is equivalent to justice, with which members of society are opt to be loyal to and supportive of ruling class, and obedient to the power ruling class possesses. Therefore, Legitimacy Theory is the base for power to be converted to authority, and power with legitimacy is much easier to be converted to authority.Historically, the construction and maintaining of governing authority of CPC embodied different characteristics in different stages. In the initial stage of PRC, its progress and legitimacy of governing was the main resource of maintaining its authority, but the question of institutionalization of governing was not fully emphasized. During the Great Cultural Revolution, the governing authority of CPC was based on the charm of the leader of CPC, and with unilateral defense of ideology, personal authority of the leader replaced the collective authority of CPC. After the Third Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party, the governing authority was protected and improved through national economic legitimacy under its ruling, and at the same time, CPC tried to improve its authority through strengthening its progress and increasing its governing legitimacy.Summarizing the experience of constructing and maintaining the governing authority of the CPC, the paper draws following conclusion: firstly, to hold the progress of CPC is the premise of constructing and maintaining the governing authority of CPC; secondly, to improve and prefect the governing pattern is the system basis of constructing and maintaining the governing authority of CPC; thirdly, the governing performance is the direct resource of constructing and maintaining the governing authority of CPC.In new historical stage, the governing authority faces new tests and challenges. On the basis of concluding and drawing lessons from constructing and maintaining governing authority, there is great need to have new research on maintaining and improving governing authority under new situation. In the paper, under the circumstance that the leadership has been established by Chinese constitution, the core problem affecting governing authority is to how to improve and increase governing legitimacy of CPC. Therefore, in this new era, the basic way of strengthening governing authority of CPC is to improve and increase governing legitimacy, the solution of which includes three aspects: to originate governing logos, to optimize governing team, to standardize governing pattern, to make greater achievements of governing. These four aspects are interactive with each other, which can increase and strengthen governing legitimacy of CPC, consequently improve governing authority of CPC.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期