

A Study of Korean Party Politics in the Context of the Republic of Korea’s Political Transition

【作者】 宋国华

【导师】 杨鲁慧; 朴斗福;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 国际政治, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 现代政治区别于传统政治的一个重要标志,即在于政党的出现和政党政治的发展。作为间接民主的重要表现形式,政党政治与议会政治、选举政治共同支撑起了现代民主政治的基本框架。而政党政治的民主性质及其特殊功能,又决定了其在现代国家政治发展过程中所处的重要地位。相对于早期现代化国家而言,后发现代化国家政党政治的基础更为薄弱,而任务却更加繁重,突出表现为,后发现代化国家的政党通常不仅承担着推进政治领域民主化的职能,即建立民主政权和民主制度,而且还承担着为民主政治发展提供基础性支持,即直接领导和推动社会现代化的职能。政党政治的成熟与否是后发国家政治现代化的决定性因素之一。正是因为政党政治对后发国家政治现代化的作用更加重要,所以在考察后发现代化国家的政治转型时,研究这些国家政治发展过程中政党政治与政治转型的互动关系无疑具有很强的现实必要性和理论紧迫性。作为典型的后发外生型现代化国家,韩国凭借其经济发展和政治转型的巨大成功,显然具有鲜明的理论总结价值和学术研究价值。而其处于东方文化核心地带的特殊规定性,又使得关于韩国政治现代化的任何研究必然具有某种程度上的文化意义。这对于同为后发外生型国家和同处东方文化核心地带的中国来说,应该能够为其下一步的政治体制改革和中国特色社会主义民主政治的进一步完善提供有益的借鉴和参考。毫无疑问,韩国政治转型的成功和民主政治的发展是多重因素共同作用下所产生的历史合力推动的结果,其中最为直接和关键的推动力量当属韩国的政党。但是,就当前的研究状况来说,人们并没有十分注意这个因素,或者虽有注意但却并没有对此进行系统地研究,因此,本论文尝试从政党政治的角度来全面分析和研究韩国的政治转型便具有了一定程度的研究价值和学术意义。当前,学术界关于政治转型研究的主要理论分析范式,大体可概括为结构分析理论、市民社会理论、策略互动理论和制度变迁理论等四种理论范式。本论文在简要论述了此四种理论分析范式的内容和特点的基础上,通过对其贡献和局限的具体分析,认为尽管当前政治转型研究的主要理论分析范式分别从不同的视角、运用不同的方法对政治转型这一重大历史现象和问题进行了认真地考察和分析,并得出了许多不乏真知灼见的研究结论,但是由于各个理论分析范式在研究思路和研究手段上的固有缺陷和不足,因此,它们对政治转型问题的研究和分析都还仍然存在着一些缺憾和弊端。正是基于以上认识,本论文试图从政党政治这一单元层次着手来研究韩国的政治转型问题,以期尽可能地避免各种理论分析范式的弊端而各取其优,从而构建出一种更加合理、全面和完善的分析框架。为有效支撑这一理论分析框架,本论文在辩证唯物主义与历史唯物主义这一根本方法的指导下,主要采用了传统的政治学研究方法,即历史研究方法、规范分析与实证研究相结合的方法以及必要的比较研究方法来具体展开对韩国政治转型中政党政治的历史变迁、功能作用以及特点与问题的研究和分析。讨论和分析韩国政治转型过程中的政党政治问题,一个不可缺少的前提条件就是,必须要对光复后韩国政党政治在韩国政治发展的不同时期所经历的跌宕起伏的发展历程作一系统而又简明扼要地考察和论述。这种努力其实并不仅仅是简单的为后面具体阐述和分析韩国政党政治与政治转型的互动关系提供史实支撑和背景材料,其更为重要的意义则在于,通过这种长时段的历史考察,我们可以更加清楚地从整体和宏观的角度来认知和感受战后韩国政治发展与政党政治之间的千丝万缕的联系,而这对于接下来关于韩国政党政治与政治转型问题的解析和研究无疑具有铺垫和前导的双重作用。本论文在写作过程中,根据韩国政党政治发展演变的特点,并结合韩国政治变迁的历史特征,将光复以来的韩国政党政治划分为了“民主实验”时期的政党政治、权威政治时期的政党政治和民主主义时期的政党政治三个发展阶段。通过分阶段具体考察韩国政党政治的发展轨迹和演变特点,我们可以看出,韩国政党政治的发展变化是与韩国政治本身的变迁过程息息相关的,权威政治体制和军人掌握政权等客观历史因素不仅导致韩国的政治发展一波三折、挫折重重,而且也使得韩国的政党政治同样经历了一个纷繁复杂的发展过程。然而,韩国的政党政治也正是在这种纷繁复杂的发展过程当中,不断吸取经验和积聚力量并最终走向了正常化。身处韩国政治转型和民主发展核心位置的韩国政党,勿庸置疑,必然要对韩国的政治转型以及转型后民主政治的巩固和发展产生重大的影响。这种影响尽管有时看来不是那么的荡气回肠,甚至有时还会因其所受环境和自身的局限而稍显轻浮和不够踏实,但是,我们却并不能因韩国政党政治在韩国民主化过程中的不成熟和不完善而抹杀其在韩国政治转型和民主发展过程中的重要作用。本论文通过重点考察和具体分析韩国政党政治在权威政治时期、政治转轨时期以及民主主义时期的实际运作过程,认为韩国的政党政治无论在哪一个时期都为韩国的政治进步和民主发展作出了其应有的贡献。权威政治时期,韩国政党政治的作用主要体现在反对党的体制性存在及其为尽早结束权威主义统治所进行的艰难曲折的民主化斗争上面,尽管此时留给反对党的活动空间并不多,反对党事实上也无力对国家政策的形成施加强有力的影响,不过只要有反对党存在,只要政治稍为放松,反对党就会有一定的作用。在政治转轨时期,韩国政党政治则直接承担起了转型任务操作者的角色,韩国反对党先是在结束权威统治的过程中冲锋在前,而后又通过朝野协商合作建立了新的民主体制,从而使韩国政治顺利稳妥地实现了转型。而民主主义时期,不同类别政党的顺利轮替所带来的军政关系的彻底重塑、权威主义遗毒的逐步消除以及民主政治的进一步巩固,则使韩国的民主体制成功度过了转型初期的不稳定状态,这也标志着韩国的民主政治已经向前迈出了异常坚实有力的步伐。就韩国政党政治与政治转型的关系来说,从权威政治时期,反对党作为体制内最重要的政治力量积极投身于反独裁民主斗争,到政治转轨时期,朝野政党先是联合一致结束了权威统治,后又通过合作协商建立了新的民主体制,再到民主主义时期,不断变换的执政政党所宣示的以及所带来的民主政治的逐步巩固和持续深化,可以清晰地看出韩国政党政治的发展演变与政治转型的历史进程之间存在着一种相当密切的关系。但是,仅仅注意到韩国政党政治与政治转型之间存在着密切联系,还不足以让我们全面把握韩国政治转型过程中政党政治的确切作用和功能,因此,还必须要对韩国政党政治与政治转型之间关系的状况及其所面临的挑战进行更加深入的研究和分析。正因如此,本论文在前面论述的基础上,又通过宪政体制和利益代表两个新的维度重新反思了韩国政治转型过程中政党政治的具体作用和功能效果,并对韩国政治转轨完成后,随着政治生态环境的改变韩国政党政治所面临的严峻挑战进行了条分缕析地剖析和阐述,接下来又进一步具体分析了造成当前韩国政党政治的发展水平大大滞后于民主政治的发展程度的可能原因,以及在新的民主巩固阶段韩国政党政治所应作出的适应性变革。最后,在对韩国政党政治与政治转型的关系问题有了比较全面的认识和理解之后,本论文还尝试着对韩国政党政治与政治转型关系模式的韩国特色进行了适当地提炼和概括,并据此进一步归纳总结出了一些或许能够为我所用的经验启示。当然,鉴于本论文的研究性质,这些经验启示只能是近似原则性的方针描述而不可能是具体而微的政策和策略建议。在论文的结尾,为了指出和表明本项研究所可能具有的地区借鉴意义,本论文还尝试着从政党政治的角度对东亚政治转型问题进行了初步的探索和研究。

【Abstract】 One of the significant signs that distinguish modern politics from traditional politics is the emergence of political parties and the development of party politics. As an important part of indirect democracy, party politics, together with parliamentary politics and electoral politics makes up of the basic framework of modern democratic politics. It is party politics’ democratic nature and its special functions that make it play an important role in the development of modern country’s political process. Compared to early modern countries’ party politics, the base of later modern countries’ party politics is much weaker, and its task is more arduous. Besides the commitment to promote democratic politics, namely the establishments of democratic regimes and systems, later modern countries’ party also has another task on their shoulders, that is, to provide foundational support for the democracy development, namely the direct leadership and promotion of social modernization. Whether their party politics is mature or not becomes one of the crucial factors to realize their political modernization. Therefore, in order to study later modern countries’ political transition, it is very necessary to investigate and analyze the interactive relationship between these countries’ party politics and the phenomenon of political transition.As a typical later modern country, Korea, with its great success in economic development and political transformation, obviously has its unique value in summarizing and researching the experience and lessons. In addition, Korea is a typical oriental country. Therefore, the research on Korean political modernization has a certain degree of cultural significance. Taking into account that both Korea and China are later modern and oriental countries, China should be able to learn a lot from Korea’s experience. Undoubtedly, the successful political transition and the establishment of democratic politics of Korea are accelerated by the combined effect of multiple factors. Among these factors, the direct and crucial factor is the promotion of Korean political parties. However, according to the current research in this issue, researchers did not pay great attention to this factor. Therefore, we can say that, to some extent, this paper is a pioneering study of Korean political transition which attempts to comprehensively analyze Korean political transition from the perspective of party politics.At present, there are four major theoretical paradigms to analyze political transition that are structure analysis theory, civil society theory, strategy choice theory and institution change theory. After briefly discussing the contents, characteristics, strengths and weaknesses of these paradigms, I think that these four paradigms still have some deficiencies and defects. Based on this viewpoint, I proceed to study Korean political transition from the unit level, namely the party politics level, in order to absorb their advantages and avoid their shortcomings and then build a new and more perfect analytical framework. And in order to effectively support this analytical framework, under the guidance of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, I have mainly adopted traditional research methods, including historical research methods, normative analysis methods and comparative analysis methods, as well as some empirical research methods.When we discuss Korean party politics in the context of Korea’s political transition, one indispensable precondition is that we must investigate and study systematically and succinctly the development of Korean party politics which has undergone dramatic changes at different times during postwar period. In fact, the reason why these works are made is to provide historical facts and background materials for later specific description and analysis of the interactive relationship between Korean party politics and political transformation. In addition, through this long period historical research, we can understand and feel the inextricably relations between Korean party politics and political transformation more clearly from an overall and macro perspective. In this paper, the postwar Korean party politics has been divided into three kinds, which are the party politics during "democratic experiment" period, the party politics during authoritative rule period and the party politics during democratic period. Through the study of Korean party politics’ development trajectory, we can find that Korean party politics’ development is closely related to Korean political evolution.Korean political parties, the core of Korean political transition and democratic development, must have a significant impact on Korean political transition as well as the consolidation and development of democratic politics. In this paper, I particularly review the different operation processes of Korean political parties in different Korean development eras, which are the authoritarian period, political transformation period and democratic period, and conclude that Korean party politics has made important contributions to Korea’s political progress and democratic development throughout the political period. During the authoritarian period, the democratization function of Korean party politics is embodied on the institutional existence of opposition and the arduous struggles they have done for democratization. During the political transformation period, Korean political parties become the direct operator of Korean political transition. Korean oppositions play an important role in the process of overthrowing Korea’s authoritarian rule. Subsequently, the ruling and opposition parties set up a new democratic institution after consultation and cooperation. And during the democratic period, the smooth rotation of different types of political parties not only eliminate the harmful influences of authoritarianism, consolidate democracy, but also make Korea’s democratic system successfully get through the initial instability of transformation.Without doubt, there is a very close relationship between the development of Korean party politics and the historical process of political transition. Therefore, we should study and analyze in depth the status of the relationship and the challenges they have faced. First of all, I reconsider the specific role that Korean party politics have played in the course of political transition through two new dimensions, constitutional dimension and representative dimension. Secondly, I minutely analyze the challenges Korean party politics have faced in the new political era. Subsequently, I further analyze the adaptive changes Korean party politics should be taken in the democracy consolidation stage. Finally, I generalize and extract some characteristics of the relationship between Korean party politics and political transition. And then, I also summarize some enlightenment that may be useful for us. At the end of this paper, in order to point out this study’s regional significance, I try to conduct a preliminary analysis and exploration of East Asia’s political transition from the perspective of party politics.

【关键词】 韩国政治转型政党政治
【Key words】 the Republic of KoreaPolitical TransitionParty Politics
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期
  • 【分类号】D731.26
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1046