

Study on the History of "Views on Leninism"

【作者】 张士海

【导师】 周向军;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 科社与国际共运, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 “列宁主义观”,是指人们关于列宁主义认识的基本观点或看法。列宁主义观有广义和狭义之分。广义上的列宁主义观,就是对列宁主义所有理论问题的观点或看法;狭义上的列宁主义观,主要是把列宁主义当作一个整体、从整体上对列宁主义的观点或看法。在这里,笔者要谈的列宁主义观,主要是指狭义上的列宁主义观。在实际生活中,列宁主义观的表现形态是复杂多样的,可以将其分为“感性”、“知性”、“悟性”三个层次。无论“感性”、“知性”还是“悟性”层次上的列宁主义观,其基本内容大体上主要包括两个方面:一是关于“什么是列宁主义”的内容;二是关于“怎样对待列宁主义”的内容。在推动马克思主义大众化、构建社会主义和谐社会历史进程中,开展列宁主义观研究具有重要意义。具体来看,第一,澄清对列宁主义错误认识的需要;第二,推进中国社会主义现代化建设事业进程的需要。另外,开展列宁主义观研究,也是深化马克思主义观研究的必然要求。考察国内外学术界关于列宁主义观研究的现状,虽然很少使用“列宁主义观”这一概念,但对“什么是列宁主义、怎样对待列宁主义”的研究,却在自觉或不自觉地进行着,并取得相当丰富的成果。但我们还要看到:世界上各种列宁主义观杂陈,从学术研究角度进行历史纬度的、系统梳理的研究成果比较缺乏;从全球视角探讨社会主义革命和建设实践中形成的各种各样列宁主义观的经验教训的学术成果比较缺乏;目前关于列宁主义观的研究,是零散的、不系统的,没能从整体性角度进行深入研究;另外,关于列宁主义观研究的科学性、学术性有待于进一步加强,还需要对当前西方学者的列宁主义观进行深入的分析、清理和批判。这就为我们从整体性视角,对列宁主义观的历史流变进行系统梳理、进而总结各种列宁主义观的经验教训,提供了学术空间。本文将紧紧抓住“列宁主义观”这一核心概念,从“什么是列宁主义、怎样对待列宁主义”这一整体性视角出发,系统梳理苏俄人、中国共产党人和西方学者的列宁主义观的历史流变。在此基础上,努力做到:廓清人类历史上各种列宁主义观的本来面目;探讨重点人物列宁主义观与社会发展的关系;分析重点人物列宁主义观的历史经验教训;提出树立科学列宁主义观的基本要素和路径选择。对于列宁主义观的学术研究,在坚持辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义这一马克思主义最根本方法的同时,还必须遵循文献阅读法、个案分析法、系统分析法。另外,在列宁主义观研究中,还要坚持历史与逻辑相统一的方法,在对列宁主义观进行逻辑分析的同时,考量各种列宁主义观的来源、命运及其经验教训,从对各种列宁主义观的分析和研究中提炼出树立科学列宁主义观的基本要素。列宁主义诞生以来,就形成了各种各样的列宁主义观。作为列宁主义诞生的故乡,苏俄人的列宁主义观在国际性的马克思主义思潮中占有重要的地位,并在国际范围内产生了深远的影响。纵观苏俄人列宁主义观的历史流变,从总体上来看,大致可以分为四个阶段。第一个阶段:早期苏俄人的列宁主义观阶段(从标志着列宁主义正式诞生的十月社会主义革命的胜利到1924年列宁逝世)。十月革命后,在苏俄地区出现了众多对列宁主义的挑战,列宁为首的联共(布)领导人对反对列宁主义的错误思潮和言论进行了批判。列宁逝世初期,联共(布)主要领导人内部对列宁主义的看法存在差异,托洛茨基、季诺维也夫、布哈林等人阐述了各自的列宁主义观。第二个阶段:斯大林的列宁主义观阶段(从1924年列宁去世到20世纪80年代中期)。斯大林战胜对手后,成为苏联主要领导者,成为列宁主义的“唯一”解释者。斯大林的列宁主义观,其形成有其特定的国际国内环境;其发展经历了由不成熟到成熟的过程。在革命和建设实践中,斯大林对列宁主义的定义、体系、功能、地位等问题作了十分深入的阐发,为坚持和捍卫列宁主义作出了杰出的贡献;同时,斯大林阐述了一国建成社会主义的国际和国内条件、提出了社会主义在一国建成的理论,为发展列宁主义作出了重要贡献,这可以说是斯大林列宁主义观中最具特色的内容。当然,斯大林的列宁主义观,既有对列宁主义基本内容、基本原则的忠实坚持,也存在着对列宁主义的教条式的理解和搬用;既有在某些方面创造性地运用和发展了列宁主义的基本原理,也存在着在某些方面严重地曲解了列宁主义的基本原则和立场。它们共同构成了斯大林列宁主义观的最基本特征。作为特定历史时代的产物,斯大林的列宁主义观对苏俄社会乃至整个人类社会发展产生了深远的影响,在一定程度上推动了人类社会文明的进步;但斯大林列宁主义观的消极影响也是显而易见的,从最终意义上看,它延缓了苏俄地区社会发展的历程进程,是导致苏联解体、东欧剧变的一个深层诱因。第三个阶段:戈尔巴乔夫的列宁主义观阶段(从20世纪80年代中期到苏联解体、东欧剧变)。斯大林逝世后,赫鲁晓夫、勃列日涅夫,以及安德罗波夫、契尔年科都未能摆脱斯大林列宁主义观的影响和斯大林体制的束缚。作为1985—1991年原苏联共产党的总书记,戈尔巴乔夫是以改革者的身份登上历史舞台的。戈尔巴乔夫对列宁主义的认识,经历了一个从“求教于列宁主义”到“重新认识列宁主义”再到“完全抛弃列宁主义”的转变过程。戈尔巴乔夫列宁主义观的转变,既有其客观原因,也有其主观原因。从客观上看,主要在于西方国家“和平演变”和国内“重评斯大林”运动影响及斯大林体制的负面效应。从主观上看,主要在于戈尔巴乔夫没能真正把握列宁主义的思想主旨。在戈尔巴乔夫列宁主义观指导下进行的改革,不但没有把原苏联从斯大林体制下“挽救”出来,反而导致苏联亡党亡国。其教训是深刻的。苏联解体、东欧剧变,极大地削弱了列宁主义的影响。诅咒列宁和列宁主义,成为时髦、形成浪潮。但是,进步的力量仍在进行斗争,进步的学者仍然在发出肯定列宁和列宁主义的声音。20世纪90年代以来,人们在反思对列宁主义认识和态度的进程中,开始进入多元化列宁主义观时期。在国际性的思潮中,西方学者的列宁主义观也占有重要的地位,并在国际范围内产生了深远的影响。纵观西方学者列宁主义观的历史流变,从总体上来看,大致可以分为三个阶段。第一个阶段:早期西方学者的列宁主义观阶段(从标志着列宁主义正式诞生的十月社会主义革命的胜利到二战结束之前)。列宁领导的十月社会主义革命,虽然遭到了机会主义者的攻击,但也受到了德国社会民主党人的声援。卢卡奇、柯尔施、葛兰西等“西方马克思主义”创始人也阐述了他们各自的列宁主义观。作为“西方马克思主义”创始人的主要代表,同时又是“欧洲共产主义”的主要奠基者,葛兰西的列宁主义观是一个典型代表。葛兰西立足西方国家发展实际,从文化领导权的视角,提出了他的列宁主义观。葛兰西的列宁主义观,不仅影响了意大利,还对其他国家社会发展产生了深远的影响;不仅有着重大的历史价值,而且对当今人类社会发展有着重要的思想启迪。甚至有的学者认为,以对十月革命合理性解释和文化领导权为核心内容的葛兰西的列宁主义观,“给马克思主义的西欧式发展开辟了道路的现代化马克思主义者的最高峰”。在列宁主义观历史流变的长河中,葛兰西的列宁主义观占有重要地位,是一个不容忽视的研究视点。第二个阶段:“西方列宁学”的列宁主义观阶段(二战结束至20世纪80年代末期的全面对峙时期)。二战结束后,尤其是20世纪50、60年代以来,在西方学术界形成了所谓“西方列宁学”。“西方列宁学”不是地域性的概念,而是意识形态的概念。这是一个打着研究列宁主义旗号而歪曲、否定列宁主义的学术思潮。这在西方学术界有着广泛的影响。“西方列宁学”大致可以分为主导派(对列宁主义基本否定)和非主导派(对列宁主义部分否定)两部分。作为20世纪50、60年代“西方列宁学”主导派的主要代表,迈耶尔是以学者身份活跃于西方学术界红极一时的人物。迈耶尔于1957年出版了一部全面批判列宁主义的著作——《列宁主义》。该书出版后,在国外学术界引起极大轰动,被喻为是“西方列宁学”的“经典之作”。正是由于这部著作,而使迈耶尔在“西方列宁学”界被誉为所谓的“第一流的关于苏联共产主义理论及其发展的观察家”。探讨迈耶尔的列宁主义观,是我们深入把握“西方列宁学”列宁主义观的真实面目的一个重要路径。这就需要我们运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的方法,对迈耶尔的列宁主义观进行深入的分析、清理和批判,以揭露“西方列宁学”列宁主义观的实质。第三个阶段:“重评派”的列宁主义观阶段(20世纪80年代末以来至今)。苏联解体、东欧剧变,在西方学术界掀起新一轮反对列宁主义的狂潮。但动荡之后,一些学者也开始强调深入细致地对列宁主义进行学术研究。从20世纪80年代以来形成的“重评派”,在反对列宁主义浪潮的重重包围中,开始发出自己的声音,并在西方学术界逐渐引起较大影响。英国著名列宁主义研究专家尼尔·哈丁是当前“重评派”的重要代表人物。哈丁在指出“西方列宁学”主导派关于列宁主义认识各种错误的同时,强调对列宁主义研究中的诸多问题进行重新评价。1996年,哈丁出版的《列宁主义》一书,成为当前“重评派”的重要代表著作。[美]Lars T.lih在其对哈丁的《列宁主义》书评中指出,“许多年轻的,尤其是北美的历史学者,把研究布尔什维克意识形态当作冷战遗留下来的不重要的事情。许多年老的历史学者坚持认为这种意识形态的重要性,但认为我们知道了我们需要知道的一切。哈丁是认为苏联建立者的观点(指列宁主义——笔者注)需要重新研究的少数学者之一”。作为西方学术界研究列宁主义的权威人物,哈丁对列宁和列宁主义进行的“重新研究”、“重新评价”,在国外学术界产生了较大影响。这就需要我们运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的方法,对哈丁的列宁主义观进行深入分析和研究。在肯定“重评派”对“西方列宁学”主导派的错误观点批驳的同时,也要对其本身的错误观点进行分析、清理和批判。中国共产党是通过列宁主义而开始真正接受马克思主义的。正是在马克思列宁主义指导下,中国共产党领导广大人民群众取得了中国革命、建设和改革的巨大成功。在当前国际性的马克思主义思潮中,中国共产党人的列宁主义观占有重要的地位,并在国际范围内产生了深远的影响。纵观中国共产党人列宁主义观的历史流变,从总体上来看,大致可以分为三个阶段。第一个阶段:早期中国共产党人的列宁主义观阶段(从十月革命胜利列宁主义传入中国到1927年第一次国内革命战争失败)。十月革命开辟了人类历史的新纪元,它给饱受帝国主义欺辱的中国人民以巨大的鼓舞。中国先进知识分子经历了一个从支持和赞扬十月革命,到了解和探讨列宁主义,再到接受和宣传马克思列宁主义的发展过程。作为中国共产党早期的一个重要代表人物,瞿秋白初步阐述了对列宁主义的认识和态度。瞿秋白从“什么是列宁主义、怎样对待列宁主义”视角阐述的列宁主义观,实际上提出了从马克思主义发展史的角度认识和评价列宁主义的问题。瞿秋白列宁主义观最鲜明的特色体现在中国新民主主义革命理论的萌芽上。瞿秋白的列宁主义观是中国共产党人列宁主义观发展的重要阶段,为毛泽东和邓小平列宁主义观的形成,提供了有益的启示,做出了重要的贡献。正如孙淑在其著作《瞿秋白与他的同时代人》中指出的,“列宁是世界无产阶级革命导师,瞿秋白是列宁主义在中国的杰出传播者……脑海中自然地形成了一条鲜艳的彩带:列宁——瞿秋白——中国”。第二个阶段:毛泽东的列宁主义观阶段(从1927年秋收起义到1978年十一届三中全会以前)。作为创造性运用和发展列宁主义的典范,毛泽东既没有把列宁主义当作“圣经”,也没有把十月革命道路当作“样板”,而是运用马克思列宁主义的基本原理、立场、观点、方法,对中国面临的国际国内环境进行了科学分析,提出了中国新民主主义革命理论、社会主义改造理论,并对马克思列宁主义与中国建设实际“第二次结合”问题进行了初步探索,极大地丰富和发展了马克思列宁主义。在中国革命和建设具体实践中形成的毛泽东的列宁主义观,有力地推进了中国革命和建设的进程。毛泽东的列宁主义观不仅具有重大的历史价值,还具有重要的当代价值。毛泽东的列宁主义观渗透于当代中国政治文化,成为中国政治文化不可分割的一部分。需要指出的是,在认识和对待列宁主义问题上,毛泽东晚年也出现了偏差,在学习和坚持列宁主义中出现了教条化、片面化的倾向。第三个阶段:以邓小平为主要代表的新时期中国共产党人的列宁主义观阶段(从1978年十一届三中全会至今)。十一届三中全会以来,以邓小平为主要代表的中国共产党人,对列宁主义的认识达到了更为自觉的科学水平。在领导中国社会主义建设伟大实践中,邓小平坚持了毛泽东的列宁主义观,并在新的时期又把它向前推进了一步,赋予它新的时代内涵,形成了邓小平的列宁主义观。邓小平列宁主义观最主要的贡献体现在:对列宁晚年经济、政治、文化三位一体“政治遗嘱”的创造性运用和发展上,即提出了中国特色社会主义建设理论。邓小平的列宁主义观,是中国共产党人科学的马克思主义观的重要组成部分。确立并坚持这一科学的列宁主义观,是邓小平为马克思主义中国化做出贡献的重要条件之一。邓小平的列宁主义观,深刻影响了当代中国社会的发展,无论在理论还是实践上,都具有极为重要意义。1997年十五大以来,以江泽民、胡锦涛为代表的中国共产党人,正是强调坚持邓小平列宁主义观基础上,坚持解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进,不断开拓马克思列宁主义在中国发展的新局面。以江泽民、胡锦涛为代表的中国共产党人提出的“坚持以人为本”与“促进经济社会和人的全面发展”,是“人的全面而自由的发展”这一马克思列宁主义思想主旨的当下诠释,是当前中国共产党人列宁主义观最鲜明的特色。标志着中国共产党人对于列宁主义的认识达到了更为自觉的科学水平。梳理列宁主义观的历史流变,考察斯大林、戈尔巴乔夫、葛兰西、瞿秋白、毛泽东、邓小平等代表人物,以及“西方列宁学”、“重评派”等重要思潮的列宁主义观,为我们提供了许多重要启示。启示之一:要清醒地认识列宁主义的地位。必须充分认识到列宁主义在马克思主义社会发展理论中的地位,这是我们正确认识和对待列宁主义的第一个关键点。启示之二:要全面地把握列宁主义的内涵。必须充分认识到落后国家社会革命和社会建设这一列宁主义的主要内涵,这是我们正确认识和对待列宁主义的第二个关键点。启示之三:要真正地理解列宁主义的灵魂。必须充分认识到“讲求实际”这一列宁主义的灵魂,这是我们正确认识和对待列宁主义的第三个关键点。启示之四:要深刻地领悟列宁主义的主旨。必须充分认识到落后国家“人的全面而自由的发展”这一列宁主义的思想主旨,这是我们正确认识和对待列宁主义的第四个关键点。准确而全面地把握这些启示,对于清除对列宁主义种种误解、正确理解并科学对待列宁主义、运用发展着的马克思列宁主义指导社会主义建设实践,有着十分重要而深远的意义。我们说,研究列宁主义观的主要目的在于确立并坚持科学的列宁主义观。那么,怎样才能确立并坚持科学的列宁主义观呢?这就要求我们在正确理解和把握列宁主义地位、内涵、灵魂和主旨的基础上,科学回答“什么是列宁主义、怎样对待列宁主义”。这就需要我们从以下两个方面做起。第一,学习与理解相结合:真正掌握列宁主义的地位、内涵、灵魂和主旨。第二,坚持与发展相结合:用不断发展着的马克思列宁主义指导新的实践。加强对列宁主义的学习与理解,真正掌握列宁主义的地位、内涵、灵魂和主旨,这是树立科学列宁主义观的前提条件。通过学习与理解,把握和接受了列宁主义,还要在实践中坚持和发展列宁主义,这是树立科学列宁主义观的必然要求和目的。

【Abstract】 "View on Leninism", means the basic views or attitude on Leninism by people. "View on Leninism" can be divided into two kinds: broad point and narrow point. Broad point means the basic views or attitude on all issues of Leninism; Narrow point means the basic views or attitude on Leninism which is regarded a whole. In this thesis, I will talk about the narrow point. In real life, performance pattern of "view on Leninism" are complex and diverse, could be classified as three levels: "emotional"、"intellectual" and "savvy". All levels of "view on Leninism" include two major aspects: "What is Leninism" and "How to treat Leninism". The cause of studying "view on Leninism" is: in order to clarify erroneous understanding on Leninism and promote China’s socialist modernization construction process. In addition, studying "view on Leninism" is an inevitabled demand of deep studying view on Marxism. The study of "What is Leninism" and "How to treat Leninism" continues, although rarely used the concept of "View on Leninism" in the domestic and international academic. The concept of "View on Leninism" is used in Dr Zhang Chuanpin’s "Study and Criticism on Neil Harding’s view on Leninism" which is published on "Nanjin Social Sciences" (vol4, 2006). This is the earlier academic achievement which raising and using the concept "View on Leninism". Although many achievements on studying "view on Leninism", There are some problems: lacking of systematic achievements especially from historical and academic angle; lacking of achievements which Leninism regarded as a whole; lacking of achievements which "western Lenin school" being analysed、cleaned up and criticized. So there are many academic spaces to study "View on Leninism" especially from the whole angle. Studying "view on Leninism", in addition to method of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, we should use some methods of reading the literature、analyzing case、analyzing system,etc. In order to find Leninism’s new growth point, we should uphold the method of unity of history and logic, analyzing logically "view on Leninism" while inspecting the sources and historical destiny of views on Leninism.There are many views on Leninism since the formation of Leninsim. The former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe’s "View on Leninsim" is very important in the international ideological trends of Marxism. Throughout the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe’s history of evolution on "View on Leninism", in general, can be divided into four stages. The first stage: early views on Leninism (from 1917 to 1924). There are many challenges to Leninism after the October Revolution. As the main leader of the Soviet Union, Lenin critize the erroneous ideas and remarks on Leninism. At the early death of Lenin, there are differences of views on Leninsim within the main leaders of the former Soviet Union. Trotsky and Bukharin expound on their respective Leninism concept. The second stage: Stalin’s view on Leninism (from 1924 to 1985). Stalin is the sole interpreter on Leninism after defeating his opponents. There are some specific international and domestic environments to the formation of the Stalin’s "view on Leninsim". Stalin’s "view on Leninsim" has a development experience from immature to mature. Stalin raises mainly his views and attitude on Leninsim form "What is Leninism" and "How to treat Leninism". The basic features of Stalin’s "view on Leninism" are: in addition to faithfully uphold Leninism’s basic content and principles, Stalin dogmatically understand and copy Leninism; in addition to creatively apply and develop Leninism, Stalin seriously misinterpret Leninsim’s basic principles and positions. As the result of specific historical era, Stalin’s "view on Leninsim" has had a profound impact to the form Soviet Union and human society as a whole. In addition to promote the social civilization and progress of mankind, there are many obviously negative impacts. From the final sense, it delays the form Soviet Union and Eastern Euripe in the course of the process of social development, leading to drastic changes in the form Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. The third stage: Gorbachev’s view on Leninism (from 1985 to 1991). As a general secretary of the Communist Party of the form Soviet Union from 1985 to 1991, Gorbachev’s view on Leninism has experienced transformation process: from "learn from Lenin" to "re-evaluate Lenin". There are subjective and objective reasons to the transformation of Gorbachev’s view on Leninism. From the subjective angle, Gorbachev did not realize the arduous nature of the reform. From the objective angle, the main reasons are negative impacts of Stalin’s stsytem and the "re-evaluate Stalin"campaign. The reform which under the guidance of Gorbachev’s "view on Leninism" not only save the form Soviet Union from Stalin’s system, but also lead to drastic changes. Its lesson is profound. Drastic changes in the form Soviet Union and Eastern Europe has greatly weakened the impact of Leninism. There has a trend and fashion to curse Lenin and Leninism. However, the progress is going on struggle, the progressive scholars still uphold Leninism. The form Soviet Union and Eastern Europe begins to enter a wide range of "view on Leninism" since the 1990s.Western scholars’s "View on Leninsim" is very important in the international ideological trends of Marxism, too. Throughout the western scholars’s history of evolution on "View on Leninism", in general, can be divided into three stages. The first stage: early views on Leninism (from 1917 to 1945). Opportunists aatack seriously the October Revolution; German Social Democrats support the October Revolution. "Western Marxism" founder, such as Lukacs、Korsch、Gramsci expound their respective "view on Leninism". As a main representative of "Western Marxism" founder and the main founder of "European Communism", Grasmsci’s "view on Leninism" is a typical representative. There are some specific international and domestic environments to the formation of the Grasmsci’s "view on Leninsim". Grasmsci’s "view on Leninsim" mainly embody in the understanding of the October Revolution and the unholding of Leninism’s leadership. Grasmsci’s "view on Leninsim" is very important. It affects not only Italy, but also to other countries. It not only has great historical value, but also has an important ideological inspiration to the contemporary development of human society. The second stage: "Western Lenin School’"s ’View on Leninism" (from 1945 to 1991). "Western Lenin Scholl" gradually formed in Western academic after the end of World War II, particularly since the 1960s. "Western Lenin School" is not a regional concept, but the concept of ideology. This is academic ideas which distorted Leninism under the banner of Leninism. It has a broad impact in Western academic. "Western Lenin School" can generally be divided into dominant faction (basic denial of Leninism) and non-dominant faction (partly denial of Leninism). As the main representative of dominant faction in 1960s, Meyer an important figure in the name of scholar. Meyer published a book named "Leninism"in 1957. This book aroused great sensation in Western academic. It is hailed as a "classic" as "Western Lenin School". Meyer raised his views and attitude on "What is Leninism" and "How to treat Leninism" in this book. In order to expose the real essence of "Western Lenin School", we should analyze、clean up and criticize deeply on Meyer’s "view on Leninism" under the method of dialectical materialism and historical materialism. The third stage: "Re-evaluation Camp’"s "view on Leninsim"(from 1991 to present). Drastic changes leading to a trend of opposition-Leninism in Western academic. Some scholars begin to study Leninism deeply and meticulously after the turmoil. "Re-evaluation Camp" begins to voice and grow a greater impact surrounded by opposition-Leninism tide from 1980s, particularly 1990s. From "Re-evaluation Camp" personnel, some scholars from the non-dominant of "Western Lenin School" have great influence in acacemic. Harding is a major representative. Harding thinks many problems of Leninism should be re-evaluated while pointing out wrong understanding on Leninism by dominant faction of "Western Lenin School". Harding published a book named "Leninism" in 1996. It has been regarded as an important book of "Re-evaluation Camp". Harding raises his views and attitude on "What is Leninism" and "How to treat Leninism" in this book. We should analyze and study Harding’s "view on Leninism" under the method of dialectical materialism and historical materialism. We should analyzeN clean up and criticize "Re-evaluation Camp’"wrong viewps while affirming its criticisim on domiant faction of "Western Lenin School".The Chinese Communist Party begins to accept Marxism through Leninism. The Chinese Communist Party leads the Chinese people receiving great success in socialist revolution、construction and reform uner the guidance of Marxism-Leninism. The Chinese Communist Party’s "View on Leninsim" is very important in the international ideological trends of Marxism, too. Throughout the Chinese Communist Party’s history of evolution on "View on Leninism", in general, can be divided into three stages. The first stage: early views on Leninism (from 1917 to 1927). October Revolution opens a new era of human history. It gives great encouragement to Chinese people. Chinese advanced intellectuals have experienced process: support and praise October Revolution, learn and explore Leninism, and then accept and publicize Marxism-Leninism. As a main representative of early Chinese Communist Party, Qu Qiubai raises his views and attitude on "What is Leninism" and "How to treat Leninism". This is an important development stage of the Chinese Communist Party’s "view on Leninism". The second stage: Mao Zedong’s "view on Leninism" (from 1927 to 1978). There are some specific subjective and objective reasons to the formation of the Mao Zedong’s "view on Leninsim". Mao Zedong’s "view on Leninsim" has a development experience from immature to mature. Mao Zedong raises mainly his views and attitude on Leninsim form "What is Leninism" and "How to treat Leninism". Mao Zedong’s "view on Leninism" has promoted Chines revolution and construction process. It has not only great historical value, but also important contemporary value. It has been infiltrated in the contemporary political culture, being an important integral part. It must be pointed out that, there is something wrong in learning and understanding Leninism in Mao Zedong’s later years. The third stage: Deng Xiaoping’s "view on Leninism" (from 1978 to present). As a main representative of the Chinese Communist Party, Deng Xiaoping understands Leninism more consciously and scientifically from 1978. Deng Xiaoping adheres to and develops Mao Zedong’s "view on Leninism" in the great practice of building socialism. Deng Xiaoping gives Mao Zedong’s "view on Leninism" a new connotation of the times. He raises mainly his views and attitude on Leninsim form "What is Leninism" and "How to treat Leninism". Deng Xiaoping’s "view on Leninism" is an important part of the Chinses Communist Party’s "view on Marxism-Leninism". Deng Xiaoping’s "view on Leninism" has affected deeply China’s contemporary social development. It has great significance in theory and practice. The Chinese Communist Party leaders of the new era open up new situation of Marxism-Leninism in China’s development under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping’s "view on Leninism".We can receive much important enlightenment through studying the historical changes of "view on Leninism". Inspiration one: clearly know theoretical significance of Leninism. Being fully aware of Leninism’s status on Marxist social development theory is an important premise to understand and treat correctly Leninism. Inspiration two: grasp main content of Leninism. Looking at Lenin’s theory and practice of life course, we can find that: the basic theory of Leninism’s system or the starting point of Leninism is the backward country’s development theory. Grasping the core content of Leninism is a key to understand and treat correctly Leninism. Inspiration three: really know spiritual essence of Leninism. It is our final destination of knowing the spiritual essence of Leninism from the whole angle. Inspiration four: deeply understand ideological thrust of Leninism. Being fully aware of Leninism’s ideological thrust is an important premise to understand and treat correctly Leninism. It is very important for us to accurately and comprehensively grasp these enlightenments. It can help us remove all kinds of misunderstanding on Leninism、unerstand correctly and treat scientifically Leninism、guid the practice of building socialism applying the developing Marxism-Leninism.The main aim of studying "view on Leninim" is to really establish and adhere to scientific "view on Leninism". The fundamental requirements of establishing and adhering to scientific "view on Leninism" are: understand and grasp Leninism’essential character and spiritual essence; enrich and develop Leninism in the new practice in accordance with the principles of combination theory with practice. How can we establish and adhere to scientific "view on Leninism"? We should do it following two aspects. Fisrt, combination study with understanding: grasp really Leninism’s spiritual essence. Second, combination adhering with development: guid new practice with the developing Marxism-Leninism. It is a precondition of establishing scientific "view on Leninism" to grasp really Leninism’s spiritual essence. After grasping Leninism through studying it, we should adhere to and develop Leninism in practice. It is an inevitable requirement and objective.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期