

Study on Relationship-based IT Corporate Governance

【作者】 孙丕恕

【导师】 赵景华;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 以“下一代网络”(Next Generation Network)的诞生为标志的融合网络,为众多IT企业提供了广阔的市场,特别是从事网络通信技术制造的IT企业更是面临前所未有的新机遇和新挑战。“下一代网络”即以Internet为主体的基础上实现的计算机互联网、传统电话网和广电有线电视网三大有线网和无线网络结合在一起形成了一个融合网络。根据国家发展规划,网络通信行业的下一步目标就要是建立全国范围的宽带互联网和3G无线网,形成一个庞大的融合网络。IT企业处在各种利益相关者关系交织在一起的网络之中,仅从财务指标来考察IT企业的治理,无论是社会各阶层的知识面还是整个社会的评判标准,原有的方法和角度已显不足。企业如何合理地利用各种价值网络关系、社会网络关系、顾客网络关系、知识网络关系树立更好的社会形象,获取更多社会资源,降低企业交易费用,提高治理效率,就成为了社会各方共同关注的现实问题。本文试图从利益相关者理论出发,通过公司价值网络关系、社会网络关系、顾客网络关系和知识网络关系,分析处于网络关系中的公司如何通过网络构建、关系维持、资源动员来获取资源的思路,进而建立一个基于网络关系的IT企业治理研究分析框架。本文共分六章:第一章是导论,主要探讨了论文的研究背景与选题意义,并对相关概念进行界定,梳理了论文的研究思路和研究方法,并提出主要创新之处。第二章是文献综述,主要讨论了IT企业治理理论由产权关系治理向超产权关系治理演进。IT企业治理理论发展到今天,主要按照两条路径发展的,一是“股东至上”的委托—代理理论,它是基于产权关系的IT企业治理理论;一是“共同治理”的利益相关者理论,它是基于超产权关系的IT企业治理理论。基于网络关系的IT企业治理是基于超产权关系的IT企业治理,其本质是以利益相关者治理理论为基础的公司利益相关者的利益协调。第三章是理论分析,也是全文的理论基础与核心,主要讨论了IT企业以价值网络关系、顾客网络关系、社会网络关系、知识网络关系为基础的利益相关者利益的协调。每种网络关系的协调基点都有所不同:价值网络关系的治理主要围绕着公司如何协调、处理好企业创造价值、维持价值创造力而建立的各方面关系,建立和维护价值网络,通过网络关系不断攫取各种价值形成资源,为企业的生存和发展构建财富基础;社会网络关系的治理主要围绕着企业构建社会关系网络,利用利益相关者理论、充分发挥社会网络中的强、弱关系以及结构洞作用,攫取更多的社会资源,建立自己的“常青基业”;顾客网络关系的治理主要是以顾客为中心,利用粘连效应,构建顾客网络,培植企业忠诚的消费者群,通过消费者的稳定购买,使企业拥有持续的现金流,提升公司的非财务指标的吸引力;知识网络关系的治理,降低企业的交易费用,提升企业的核心竞争力。通过网络关系的IT企业治理,实现企业和社会的效益的最大化。第四章是实证分析。构建基于价值网络关系、社会网络关系、顾客网络关系和知识网络关系影响IT企业治理绩效的整体概念模型,并且实证检验了四个网络关系对于IT企业治理绩效的正向影响关系。结果表明,除了顾客网络关系中的外部顾客联系与治理绩效的正相关关系没有得到支持以外,其他三个网络关系的作用都得到了证实,从而为本研究概念模型的正确性得到证实,为IT企业利用相关的网络关系提高治理绩效提供了有益的启示。第五章是浪潮集团有限公司的案例分析及其对策。根据笔者对浪潮集团有限公司的实例分析,提供了相关公司基于网络关系IT企业治理的参考建议。第六章为研究结论与启示,以及后续研究建议。本文的创新之处在于:首先,在研究内容方面。本论文将网络关系与IT企业治理相结合治理作为突破口,把网络关系作为治理工具对IT企业进行治理,旨在将管理学、经济学、社会学的最新研究内容运用于IT企业治理中,为IT企业治理的研究提供一个新的分析视角。其次,在IT企业治理理论的演进方面。目前IT企业治理研究主要有两条路线,一是传统的IT企业治理的理论,主要是以IT企业治理结构为主要研究内容的“股东至上”的IT企业治理理论;另一研究路径是研究利益相关者关系的共同治理的IT企业治理理论。在组织关系不断网络化的条件下,IT企业治理主要注重公司外部关系的治理和协调,本论文指出IT企业治理的本质是公司利益相关者关系的协调,提出基于网络关系的IT企业治理是超越产权关系的企业治理理论,补充了IT企业治理的研究内容。第三,在研究方法方面。根据已有的相关研究成果,将网络关系划分为四种:价值网络关系、顾客网络关系、社会网络关系、知识网络关系。目前的研究数据采集困难很大,比较切实的方法是采用主观判断的形式,可能更有可能触及研究的本质。根据专家的建议和已有的研究文献,笔者设计了网络关系与IT企业绩效关系相关性测度量表,并进行了实证验证。虽然本文的研究作了一些工作,但是仍有很多不足。首先,本文将网络关系和IT企业治理二者相结合进行研究刚刚起步,研究方法仅仅是尝试,有待进一步完善。其次,网络关系IT企业治理的实证效率分析,由于关系效率难以计量,本文采用了国外的一些研究方法,主要是建立在IT企业治理与公司绩效之间的相互关系上进行统计,并提出计量模型加以验证。虽然这些绩效关系的判断有内在必然性,但也有很大的主观性,许多信息数据的采集受实践和时间的限制,并非能在短时间内做的很完善,随着研究的不断拓展,相关的实证研究尚需不断深化。

【Abstract】 The Converged network, marked by the emergence of "Next-Generation Network", provides a broad market for many IT companies. In particular, those IT companies that are engaged in network communication technology manufacture are facing unprecedented new opportunities and challenges. The "Next-Generation Network" is a converged network, which, based on Internet, combines three cable networks (including the computer Internet, traditional phone network and cable network) and wireless network together. In accordance with the national development plan, the next target of the network communication industry is to establish nationwide broadband Internet and 3G wireless network, and then to form a huge converged network. IT companies are in a network composed of all kinds of stakeholders; therefore, no matter what the criteria are from the aspect of each society class or the whole society, it has been increasingly inadequate, in terms of methodology and angles, to study IT corporate governance just from financial criteria. For IT enterprises, it has become a common concern that how to use all kinds of social networks relationship, value networks relationship, customer networks relationship, and knowledge networks relationship rationally to establish a better social image, access more social resources, reduce business transaction costs, and improve governance efficiency. Based on stakeholder theory, this paper attempts to analyze, through a company’s social networks relationship, value networks relationship, customer networks relationship, and knowledge networks relationship, that how IT companies could access resources through network construction, relationship management, and resource mobilization, and finally the paper sets up a research analysis framework of IT corporate governance based on relationship.This paper has six chapters.ChapterⅠmainly introduces the research background and study significance of this paper and defines related concepts. The research thinking and research method also are described in this paper, while pointing out the part of the innovation.ChapterⅡis literature review, which mainly discusses the theory of IT corporate governance evolving from the Property Right governance to the super-Property Right governance. There are mainly two development paths for IT corporate governance theory: one is Shareholder Primacy Principal - Agent Theory, which is based on the governance theory of IT companies; the other is Common Governance Stakeholder Theory, which is based on the Super-Property Right Governance. Relationship-based IT corporate governance is based on the Super-Property Right Governance, whose essence is based on the coordinated interests with its base on Stakeholder Governance Theory.ChapterⅢis theoretical analysis, which is also the theory base and kernel of this paper. This chapter mainly discusses about the coordination of the stakeholders’ interests which are based on value networks relationship, customer networks relationship, social networks relationship and knowledge networks relationship. Every Coordination point of each networks relationship is different. Governance of the value networks relationship centers on how to coordinate the company to create value and maintain the value of creativity so as to establish all kinds of relationships, through networks relationships getting more resources to build wealth for the survival and development of the companies; governance of social networks relationship mainly focuses on building social networks relationship, theory of using stakeholders, leverage the social network of strong and weak relationship, getting more social resources to build own "Evergreen Foundation"; customer networks relationship governance is based on customer-centric theory, uses viscous effect to build a customer network, cultivate loyal corporate customer base, enhance the company’s non-financial indicators through the stability of the consumers buying and enterprises having a continuous cash flow; Knowledge networks relationship governance will reduce business transaction costs to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, to maximize the benefits of society. The benefits for both enterprises and society can be maximized through IT corporate governance made by networks relationships.ChapterⅣis the empirical analysis. The conceptual model of IT corporate governance performance is constructed, which is based on the influence of value networks relationship, social networks relationship, customer networks relationship as well as knowledge networks relationship. This conceptual model has applied the empirical test to verify the positive relations of the above four networks relationships to the performance of IT corporate governance. The results show that, apart from the external customer relationship of the customer networks, the positive correlation of other three networks relationships to IT corporate governance has been proved. Therefore, the correctness of this conceptual model has been confirmed in this paper, which reveals new insights on how to use related networks relationship to improve the performance of IT corporate governance.ChapterⅤis the case study of Inspur Group and its countermeasures. According to the analysis of the Inspur case, recommendations and countermeasures about the relationship-based IT corporate governance have been put forward.ChapterⅥsummarizes research conclusions and enlightenment, with proposition for the future research.This paper has made the following theoretical innovations.Firstly, in the research content aspect, this paper has made the co-governance of networks relationships and IT corporate governance as the breakthrough point, using networks relationships as tool for IT corporate governance, with its purpose to apply the latest research result of governance science, economics and sociology to IT corporate governance so as to provide a new analysis perspective.Secondly, on the evolution of IT corporate governance, there are mainly two research routes for IT corporate governance at present. One is the traditional IT corporate governance research, which is mostly the "shareholder primacy" theory with IT corporate governance structure as its main content. The other research route is making research on relations of stakeholders in the co-governance of IT corporate. Under the circumstance of the continuing networked organization, IT corporate governance mainly focuses on the governance and coordination of corporation external relations. With its essence on the coordination of corporation stakeholders, IT corporate governance is the governance that surpasses the property right relation.Thirdly, in methodological aspect, according to related research result, the relationship could be divided into 4 categories: value networks relationship; customer networks relationship; social networks relationship and knowledge networks relationship. It’s very hard to gather the research data and it should adopt a practical and subjective method which is more possible to touch the nature of research. According to the professor’s suggestion and research papers, the author designed relativity measurement of relationship and IT corporation performance and then did an empirical validation. Although this article does some research, it still has some shortcomings. First, it’s just a beginning to match the relationship with IT corporate governance. Pilot attempt has been made, which remains to perfect further. Second, because the relationship efficiency is hard to calculate, empirical efficiency analysis of relationship and IT corporation adopts some foreign methods which are based on the statistics for IT corporate governance and company performance to propose calculating model and validate. Although this judgment has the inherent inevitability, it’s considerably subjective and limit to the practice and time which can’t be improved in a short time. As the research develops, empirical studies still need to deepen continuously.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期