

A Study on the Yan’an Literature Communication Form

【作者】 朱秀清

【导师】 郑春;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 延安文学独立于国统区、沦陷区之外,在自成一体的传播系统中遵循着独特的规律不断发展,并取得了重大历史成就。它是一种具有强烈意识形态色彩的文学,政治意识形态通过对文学情感性、审美性的利用和渗透,最终使文学成为革命战争中与枪杆子同样重要的政治宣传和革命动员的工具。意识形态全面控制着延安文学传播系统、传播模式,这使得延安文学的传播形态具有了历史独特性,表现出不同于现代文学其他阶段、其他区域的新质。强烈的政治意识形态属性,使延安文学研究经常陷入政治问题的纠缠,这就需要我们走出纯文学研究的封闭视野,代之以综合多元的文化观察方式。而现代传播学理论向来注重对信息传播系统各构成要素之间的互动、对话与合作的整体研究,其开放、客观的理论视角可以有效避免从纯文学角度观照探索延安文学可能导致的局限和偏颇。因此,本文从传播的角度切入延安文学,观察延安文学的历史存在形态,以相关的传播学理论对这一独特的传播系统加以分析和阐释,并关注各传播要素之间的相互制约与影响,就更具有针对性。只有重回延安文学生产与传播的历史场域去触摸与领悟,才能避免从先在的观念出发,对延安文学做简单地肯定或否定。近几年来,文学的传播研究一直是现代文学研究的热点。陈平原认为,从大众传播角度入手,可以更加迅速地把握、感知现代文学的某些基本特征和精神。目前来看,站在“文学的周边”,比如从大众传媒与现代文学的关系、受众接受与现代文学的关系来研究现代文学,业已硕果累累。但总的来说,这些研究成果大多只着眼于现代文学传播的某一环节或某一要素,把现代文学的存在与发展看作一个完整的传播体系,对现代文学的生产、传播、接受及反馈的整个传播过程进行宏观考察,这种提法和研究还不多见,只有王本朝从现代文学制度层面有所介入。作为现代文学发展史上一个特殊的阶段,延安文学的传播环境、传播主体,传播媒介、接受主体等要素都发生了根本变化,样本意义颇为独特,值得我们从传播角度进行梳理、探索。利用相关传播学理论对延安文学做传播方面的探讨,目前所见只有《延安文学的传播学意义初探》、《容纳与建构:1935-1948延安报刊与文学传播》、《读者的分化与延安文学的转型——延安<解放日报>副刊的文学生产与传播》等零星文章。这些文章在延安文学生产、传播机制和传播媒介等方面有所分析和讨论,但从其理论延展的模式来看,并没有自觉地把传播学作为文学研究的一种可靠方法对待和使用,没有看到文学的传播作为文化现象的实质,对延安文学传播各要素的把握还不足,对各要素间的意义关联尚缺乏应有的重视。这就为本课题留下了研究空间。本文以延安文学传播形态作为研究对象,研究延安文学传播系统中各传播要素的存在形态及其相互关系,进而总结延安文学各传播要素相互制约、相互影响所构成的特定传播模式。论文对延安文学传播系统中的传者和受众从不同层面进行类型分析,比较符合延安文学的传播实践。其中,把延安中共领导群体作为特殊的传者和受众,准确阐释其对延安文学传播所发挥的控制作用,较有新意。论文对延安文学期刊、报纸文艺副刊和图书出版等大众传播媒介详细、准确的分析,有助于人们从媒介因素理解延安文学。论文还首次按照传播学经典传播模式观察分析延安文学的传播形态,提出了延安文学传播意识形态统摄下的“四级控制模式”——政治意识形态、领袖人物议题策划对传者的把关控制;对传播媒介的控制;对受众接受趣味的塑造和控制;对具体传播内容的控制。论文除绪论和结论之外,共包括五章。第一章主要分析了延安文学的传播环境。延安文学生成、传播于以延安为中心的特定环境之中,其政治的、经济的、文化的、科学技术的条件与延安文学传播各要素之间相互影响、相互作用,共同构成延安文学的传播语境。特定的传播场域和语境,造就了特定的文学传播图景和模式。本文着重分析了地理、文化、经济、教育等因素的封闭性,延安文学控制与传播主体构成的多元与流动所带来的文学资源的封闭与开放,以及基于战争背景和农民文化的人文改造、延安领导层在文化上的创新追求等各种社会因素对于延安文学的制约与影响。第二章着重讨论了延安文学传播主体构成,并试图与不同区域、不同时期的现代文学传播主体进行比较,以考察延安文学传播主体的心态特点与变化。研究特定文学,首先要追问的就是谁在控制、传播文学。具体到延安文学,其传播主体非常复杂,包括具有“五四”启蒙背景的外来知识分子作家、苏区作家、本土知识分子作家和工农兵作家等等,可以从不同层面去认知。不同的传播主体,意味着不同的文学传播目的、动机与诉求。在不同传播观的碰撞与冲突中,知识分子作家在个体自由与组织规范之间挣扎彷徨,艰难地完成了由知识分子文化精英到党的文艺战士的身份认同。他们接受了革命家推崇的重在革命教育与政治宣传的文学传播观,并积极走向工农兵大众,进行革命意识形态的另类启蒙:发现、改造民间艺人,培养、扶植工农兵大众进行革命文学的创作和传播,努力实现延安文学传播主体的最大化。传播主体不同的角色身份意识和社会地位、社会影响力制约下的文学传播意图,必然映射到文学的内容选择与传播方式上,对延安文学产生着不同的影响。第三章为延安文学的受众研究。文学作品的价值和意义,在于向读者传播。只有读者接受、认可,文学传播过程才不会中断,文学传播主体的一切努力才不会付之流水。文中特别强调了延安文学政策的创设者、阐释者——党政军领导与主流理论家、批评家和工农兵大众这两个接受群体的接受期待、接受水平,对于延安文学的规约与塑造。第四章集中讨论延安文学的传播渠道和媒介。现代媒介理论提醒我们,传播媒介或传播方式往往比所传播的内容更具认识意义。从传播方式来说,延安文学传播应该说是大众传播、组织传播、群体传播、人际传播等各种方式的综合利用。各种基于不同媒介的传播方式,在延安文学的传播系统中有着不同的表现和空间。其中,文学期刊和副刊等大众传播媒介是延安文学传播的主流媒介。与和平时期不同的是,在战争的制约下,延安文学传播媒介呈现出数量众多、依赖党的组织而生命力短暂的特点。以《解放日报》“文艺”副刊、《文艺月报》等为代表的文学媒介,不仅培养了延安文学传播的新生力量,还促进了工农兵文学观念的传播,使文学创作与传播更加符合受众的需求。文学传播媒介控制者对其所传播的文学作品的主题、形象、形式以及文学批评、文学潮流等所进行的适应时代语境要求的制约和把关,彻底改造了延安文学的内在品质与外在构成。同时,为了更好地阐释延安文学传播系统突出的政治意识形态属性和功利性的由来与必然,论文第五章讨论了延安文学传播的主要控制策略与方式,分析了延安文学传播系统中各要素是如何被精心组织与控制起来的,最终形成了操作性非常强的传播模式,使延安文学成为取得民族战争与解放战争胜利的另一支军队。延安文学传播内容的控制,主要是通过一对主体的控制和传媒的控制实现的,因而没有单列章节。延安文学传播实践为现代文学的传播提供了一种新的经验与模式,作为当下文学生产与传播的理论和实践资源,这种传播模式也具有重要的启发意义。但对其历史局限与弊端,我们却更应该予以警醒。

【Abstract】 Yan’an literature, independent from the areas ruled by Guomindang and Japanese, had been being developed constantly with the unique regularity, and made a great history achievement. As the literature with strong ideological color, Yan’an literature has showed the conversion to political ideology, which had changed itself into the tools of political propaganda and revolutionary through the utilization and permeability to the aesthetic sensibility and emotion of literature. That Ideology had comprehensively controlled the communication system, and the mode of Yan’an literary had given it uniqueness historically and showed the different quality from other stages and other areas.You cannot avoid the "Yan’an thought" when you study Yan’an literature, whatever way you look at it. So we must think beyond the pure literature research field and replace it by multi-culture observation method. Modern communication theory commits to the interaction, dialogue and cooperation among the various elements, and its opening and objective theoretical viewpoint has avoided the incorrectness studied from the angle of pure literature. Therefore, this text appears more appropriate from the perspective of Yan’an literature, which analyzed and interpreted this communication system from restricting and influence of related elements. Only when we understand the historical field of Yan’an literature and touch the literature itself, could we avoid a prior conception and to simply judge Yan’an literature.The communication study of literature has been a hotpot in recent years. Chen Pingyuan has indicated, we can grasp some of the basic features and spirits of modern literature from mass communication perspective in a short time. Although several study results of literature have been made from mass, however, most of them just paid attention to the one of the links or elements. Wang Benchao is one of very few people from the point of view a complete communication system, who gave a study about the whole process of the production ,the dissemination ,acceptance and the feedback of modern literature. As a special stage in modern literature history, the main factors such as the communicative environment, the subjective, the media, the accepting objective, etc. of Yan’an literature communication Had had a great change, it is worth to explore from the communication method. In this stage, there are some papers such as a primary study of the Significance of Communication Science of Yan’an literature; Accommodation and construction: Yan’an newspapers and periodicals and LiterarySpreadingl935-1948; Reader’s differentiation and Yan’an literature reforming------the literature production and dissemination of Yan’an Liberation Daily supplement, which have made some analysis and discussion to the production, communication mechanism and communication media of Yan’an literature, Unfortunately, they could not consider communication science as a effective method to study literature ,to grasp the elements, the relation and the meanings of literature communication. There is the great space for further study.This paper, has chosen the communication forms of yan’an literature as the study object, has studied the forms of different factors and mutual relation in the communication system of Yan’an literature, and summarized the specific communication mode being constructed and restricted by the mutual influence of the communication elements. This Paper gives a type analysis of the disseminators and audiences in the communication system of Yan’an literature. In this study, we make the Yan’an’s communist party leaders as the special disseminators and audiences and analysis their control action to the communication system of Yan’an literature through a precise way. This Paper displays an accurate study of the mass media such as literature periodical, newspaper supplement and publications in Yan’an to help people understand Yan’an literature better. It has also studied the communication forms of Yan’an literature according to the classical communication mode, proposed the "four_ hierarchical control model", that is, political ideology, the strictly control of the planning issues by the leaders, the control to the media, the control to the interest of the audience and to the specific communication content. The paper has five chapters, and includes introduction and conclusion.The first chapter has analyzed the communication environment of Yan’an literature. The specific environment, the political, economical, cultural, scientific and technical conditions and the interaction of elements of Yan’an literature communication constituted the communication context of Yan’an literature. This paper has analyzed the closeness and openness of geography, culture, education and economic factors which formed the specific mode, and also analyzed the restrict and effect of various social factors including the humanistic reconstruction to the peasant culture on the war background and the creative pursue about the culture.The second chapter has emphasized to discuss the constitution of communication subject of Yan’an literature , and has compared them with the others from different areas and stages, so as to inspect the changes and characteristics of the feelings of communication subject including the external intellectual writers who had the "May 4th" enlightenment background and the Soviet Area writers, the native intellectual writers and local worker-peasant-soldier writers who should be thought from different aspects. The different subjects had different literary purpose, motivation and pursue so that they had struggled between the intellectual elite culture and the party’s soldier’s identity. They accepted the point of the revolution and political propaganda, tried to realize the communication subject of Yan’an literature maximization diligently.Chapter three is the study of the audiences of Yan’an literature. Literary work s ’value and the significance rely on its dissemination and the influences to the readers. Only accepted and enjoyed by the readers, the literary spreading process would not be interrupted. This paper has emphasized specially on the provisions and establishment to Yan’an literature by the interpreters’ acceptance and expectation from the leaders and mainstream theorists, critics and workers - peasants- soldiers mass.The fourth chapter focuses on the channel and media of Yan’an literature communication. Modern media theory reminds us that media or propagation mode is often more important than content. Viewed from the mode of communication, Yan’an literature communication should be comprehensive utilization of various forms which are mass communication, organization communication, collective communication and interpersonal communication, and have different performance and space based on the propagation of different media. Among them, the mass media such as literature periodical magazines and supplements, for example, the literature supplement of "liberation daily", "literary magazine monthly", are the mainstream medias of Yan’an literature communication . Under war’s restriction, the Yanan literature media presents many new characteristics such as numerous in quantity and short in life, relying on organization , and they have reconstructed inner quality and outer constitution of Yan’an literature.At the same time, in order to explain the origin and inevitability of political ideology attribute and utilitarian better of Yan’an literary communication system, the fifth chapter of this paper has discussed the main control strategies and method of Yan’an literary communication, and analyzed how the elements of Yan’an literary communication system had been organized and controlled carefully, and how the operational mode has been formed and Yan’an literature become another army in the war. The content control of Yan’an literary communication is by control disseminators and audiences and media in the communication system, so there is no single chapter about it.The practice of Yan’an literary communication is not only to provide a valuable experience and the mode for modern literature’s dissemination, but also contribute the theory resources for the production and communication of contemporary literary. With the commercialization of the current literature_pursuing_the economic benefits excessively, and the globalization of the politics, economics and culture, to avoid the absence of literature in the national rejuvenation and development, we should reference a few of useful methods, ideas, organization from Yan’an literary communication to promise certain social responsibility of literature’s.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期