

【作者】 李国军

【导师】 王重鸣;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 企业管理, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 创业精神是人力资本的关键形式,是经济社会发展的内生动力。本研究采用创业研究的建构主义思想和过程观点理解创业,定义创业为创业者与环境交互作用以创新结果追求持续发展的行为过程。通过回顾创业精神的个性特质、行为特征、能力资源和个体差异4个方面的研究文献,表明创业精神存在多方面的研究证据,但是缺乏整合的结论,匹配于创业活动的创业精神结构及其效应机制是创业领域基础而紧要的研究问题之一。本研究以人与创业匹配的观点作为理论焦点,来克服创业研究中以创业者为中心的特质范式和以创业过程为中心的行为范式之间的分离,通过以中国企业家为样本的4个研究,从创业者与创业活动的匹配关系中捕捉创业精神的内容结构并考察其在创业过程中的效应机制。创业精神的内容结构研究采用扎根理论经典模式的综合设计策略,通过:(1)创业者个案访谈和企业家创业案例的理论编码;(2)企业家对编码的审计和反馈;(3)领域专家对编码的讨论;(4)扩展样本数据的编码验证;(5)与相关研究证据系统的理论比较:(6)扎根中国文化传承和时代背景的讨论以及中西研究证据的对比考察,得到创业精神内容结构的定性理解:创业精神是个体主动追求持续成功的行为状态,它包括进取导向、成长导向、责任导向和创新导向4个维度,其中责任导向和成长导向表征了中国文化传承和时代背景的优异基因。创业精神与创业过程的关系研究整合过程理论和变量理论的分析策略考察创业者与创业活动的个案,提出了由创业精神、组织创业、创业绩效、智力资本和创业环境5个核心变量来理解创业精神在创业过程中的效应机制的理论模型:创业活动中体现的创业精神发动着组织创业,以实现御业绩效;创业环境塑造组织创业的行动策略,创业行动也塑造着创业环境:创业环境和组织创业影响组织的智力资本,智力资本也在创业过程中得到开发,并发挥着核心资源的作用。创业精神的结构效度和差异特征研究证实了创业精神的成份观4维度结构。创业精神进取导向、成长导向、责任导向和创新导向的4维度模型得到好的拟合,维度之间具有中等程度的相关。维度的平均抽取方差与维度间相关系数的比较表明了创业精神测量较好的聚合效度和辨别效度。创业精神与创业胜任力在维度水平的相关分析支持创业精神的诺莫效度。创业精神对个体的生涯成功具有预测效度,维度水平的创新导向、进取导向和成长导向显著地影响生涯成功。比较不同个体和组织背景的受测者的创业精神表明其差异主要体现在企业管理背景和成长特性方面。创业精神的效应机制研究表明:(1)创业精神对组织创业和创业绩效具有显著的效应。创业精神的4个维度都显著地影响组织创业,创新导向和责任导向显著地影响创业绩效。组织创业完全中介创业精神对创业绩效的效应。(2)创业环境及其社会支持和政策调控维度显著地影响创业绩效。组织创业充分中介创业环境对创业绩效的效应。组织创业及其创新领先、事业拓展、组织革新维度显著地影响创业环境。(3)创业环境对组织的智力资本具有显著的影响,社会支持、政策调控和资源配置3个维度都显著地影响智力资本。智力资本完全中介创业环境对创业绩效的效应。(4)智力资本对组织创业与创业绩效之间的关系具有完全中介的效应。(5)分别基于环境决定主义和战略选择观点的创业精神效应机制的理论模型都得到好的拟合,但是战略选择观点的模型拟合相对更优。研究证实了理解创业精神效应机制的理论模型,表明:创业者的创业精神激发组织创业,来塑造创业环境和提升智力资本,并通过智力资本实现创业绩效;创业环境显著地影响组织创业和智力资本,智力资本完全中介组织创业和创业环境对创业绩效的效应。总体上,本研究紧扣创业领域的理论发展,围绕关键任务取得了2个主要进展:(1)匹配于创业活动的创业精神的成份结构模型:创业精神的进取导向、成长导向、创新导向、责任导向4维度的成份结构在个体层面对生涯成功、在组织层面对组织创业和创业绩效具有预测效度。(2)人与创业匹配的创业过程模型:创业精神激发创业活动,创业活动塑造创业环境和提升智力资本,并通过智力资本实现创业绩效;创业环境影响组织的创业活动和智力资本,并受到智力资本的完全中介而影响创业绩效。整合本研究的主要进展得到以人为本的创业发展模型。模型凸现创业精神为发展的根本动力,以智力资本为发展的核心资源;强调创业环境对创业活动的显著影响,突出创业活动对创业环境的塑造作用。模型对于深化创业和管理研究具有一定的理论意义,对于建设企业家队伍和促进创业发展、建设创新型国家具有一定的实践意义。

【Abstract】 Entrepreneurship is the key form of human capital and an endogenous motivity of economic growth and societal development. This paper combined a structuration view and a process perspective to define entrepreneurship as a process through which entrepreneurs interact dynamically with ecology to seek for sustained development by innovative activities. By reviewing the entrepreneurship literature from 4 aspects of entrepreneurial traits, individual and organizational entrepreneurial behavior, entrepreneurial competency and resources, and personal differences of entrepreneurs, it was found that what is entrepreneurship maintained unanswered with a number of research evidences but without even one agreed conclusion, and that the entrepreneurship fited with entrepreneurial activities is a basic theme longing for investigation.With the Person-Entrepreneurship Fit perspective as a theoretical lens to settle the focus disconnection between trait approaches to entrepreneurs and behavioral approaches to the creation of new enterprises and corporate entrepreneurship, this paper intended to conduct 4 studies with Chinese entrepreneurs as subjects to make breakthroughs a Chinese culture grounded construct of entrepreneurship and a theretical model for entrepreneurial process by investigating the fit process of entrepreneurs and their entrepreneurial activities.In study 1, a comprehensive procedure based on the classical version of grounded theory was conducted to come up with the construct of entrepreneurship. The comprehensive procedure includes: (1) conceptually coding the interviewing and archival records of entrepreneurs; (2) auditing and feedback to the codes by entrepreneurs; (3) discussing the codes among subject matter experts; (4) verify check by coding of 100 business elites; (5) theoretically comparing the codes with evidences from indigenous researches related and from different overseas aspects of entrepreneurial traits, entrepreneurship management, entrepreneurship leadership as well as entrepreneurial orientation, and entrepreneurial competency and resources; (6) grounding the codes to Chinese cultural norms. Eventually a culture-grounded and theory-embedded construct of entrepreneurship was developed. Entrepreneurship refers to an endogenous state which entrepreneurs perform in pursuit of sustained success. It is composed of 4 dimensions: ambition, creativity, self-enabling, and burdening (ACEB). Burdening and self-enabling represent the virtuous features of Chinese cultural gene. In study 2, Process theory and variance theory were integrated into case study of "entrepreneur Niu Gensheng and entrepreneurial MengNiu". Eventually a person-entrepreneurship fit model comprised of 5 variables of entrepreneurship, organizational entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial performance, entrepreneurial ecology, and intelligence capitals was developed to represent the entrepreneurial process. Entrepreneurship motives organizational entrepreneurship aiming high sustained growth. Ecology makes entrepreneurial behaviors, and is made by the entrepreneurial activities of organizations. Intelligence capitals play a role of core resources in the entrepreneurial process, and are simutaniously developed during the entrepreneurial process and influenced by entrepreneurial ecology.In study 3, the 4-dimension construct of entrepreneurship was validated in terms of the composite view of multidimensional constructs. EFA and CFA revealed that entrepreneurship had 4 dimensions with moderate correlations among dimensions. A 4-dimension model was more stable than any other substitutional model. The average variances extracted by the dimensions’ measures and their contrast to correlations among dimensions revealed the 4-dimension construct had good convergent validity and discriminant validity. Correlation analysis at dimension level between entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial competency revealed entrepreneurship had good nomological validity. Entrepreneurship showed predictive validity to criterion of career success both at variable level and at dimension level. At dimension level, creativity, ambition, and self-enabling showed significant effects on evaluation of career success.In study 4: (1) the relationships among entrepreneurship, organizational entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurial performance were investigated with backward regression analysis. The results indicated that entrepreneurship significantly explained the variances of organizational entrepreneurship and of entrepreneurial performance. At dimension level, creativity, self-enabling, burdening and ambition all showed significant effects on organizational entrepreneurship, and creativity and burdening showed significant effects on entrepreneurial performance. Organizational entrepreneurship showed a sound mediating effect on the relationship between entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial performance. (2) Entrepreneurial ecology significantly explained the variances of organizational entrepreneurial performance and of organizational intelligence capitals. At dimension level, societal support and policy regulation showed significant effects on entrepreneurial performance. Both organizational entrepreneurship and organizational intelligence capitals showed a sound mediating effect on the relationship between entrepreneurial ecology and entrepreneurial performance. (3) Intelligence capitals showed a sound mediating effect on the relationship between organizational entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial performance. The validated entrepreneurial process model showed the effects of entrepreneurship on entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship motives organizational entrepreneurship, which is made by and "makes" entrepreneurial ecology, to enhance intelligence capitals by which entrepreneurial performance is releaized.As a whole, this paper made 2 breakthroughs. The first is the entrepreneurship fited with entrepreneurial activities. By indigenously developed and systematically validated an entrepreneurship construct of 4 dimensions: ambition, creativity, self-enabling, and burdening (ACEB), with Chinese entrepreneurs as sample, the predictive validity of entrepreneurship construct was indicated both individually with career success as criterion and organizationally with organizational entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial performance as criterion. The second is a person-entrepreneurship fit model of entrepreneurial process. Entrepreneurship motives organizational entrepreneurship, which is made by and "makes" entrepreneurial ecology, to enhance intelligence capitals by which entrepreneurial performance is releaized. Entrepreneurial ecology influences organizational entrepreneurship and intelligence capitals by which is mediated to influenced entrepreneurial performance. By integrating thoses two breakthgoughs, a people-based model of entrepreneurship-focused development was presented, which has considerable implications towards both theoretically extending entrepreneurship and management research and practically strengthening Chinese entrepreneurs and building an innovative country.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 03期